Has burn-in changed your IE8?
Dec 14, 2009 at 10:14 PM Post #91 of 132

Originally Posted by Photofan1986 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are you certain you hav'nt got a fake one? My grilfriend has the CX300 Senn and it really sounds like...well, like its price! That is like crap compared to any other mid-range or high-end IEM.
Really strange that you find the sound of the CX300 better. That makes me think that you got a fake one :s

Both cx300 and ie8 are 100% originals. I have seen the website where they have shown the pictures of original and fakes so thats not something which i dont know. may be i will have to spend some more time determining the correct position of the tuning nob or the correct setting on my cells equilizer. but as i said all quality is back but i still feel highs are a bit damp but i will check if reducing the nob slightly does the trick or no...

Dec 14, 2009 at 10:44 PM Post #92 of 132
Dec 15, 2009 at 6:59 AM Post #93 of 132
Authorized means from an official virgin store not from sennheiser itself... more over if u say n97 has the lowest quality then im not sure which phone actually has that quality. i cant carry a hifi system with my ie8's plugged in them
sounds silly am i right??? my main issue is the mid bass which wants to flow but is somehow being blocked. i mean the power is there in overall bass but at certain points the bass does not figure out where its suppose to end up. resulting in muddy feel. i personally dont feel that burning them will do any good but still hope is there. the bottom line is that ie8 wants to strech its wings but there are no feather to make it look beautiful. regarding the cx300 thing what my poinion is that they are the best 30-40 dollar earphones till date that actually sound a lot like 150$ headphones and thats true all over if u agree to it or not. in compaison to the cx300II the ie8's should have been like mind blowing but thats not the case so far (After 30 hrs of usage). This is just a personal veiw that i experienced.
Dec 15, 2009 at 7:35 AM Post #94 of 132

Originally Posted by vaqar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Authorized means from an official virgin store not from sennheiser itself... more over if u say n97 has the lowest quality then im not sure which phone actually has that quality. i cant carry a hifi system with my ie8's plugged in them
sounds silly am i right??? my main issue is the mid bass which wants to flow but is somehow being blocked. i mean the power is there in overall bass but at certain points the bass does not figure out where its suppose to end up. resulting in muddy feel. i personally dont feel that burning them will do any good but still hope is there. the bottom line is that ie8 wants to strech its wings but there are no feather to make it look beautiful. regarding the cx300 thing what my poinion is that they are the best 30-40 dollar earphones till date that actually sound a lot like 150$ headphones and thats true all over if u agree to it or not. in compaison to the cx300II the ie8's should have been like mind blowing but thats not the case so far (After 30 hrs of usage). This is just a personal veiw that i experienced.

I hate to say it but its called iPhone. Better than the N97 in every way possible when Jailbroken. On audio especially it can hang with DAPs, the N97 is not even in the same league sound quality wise when you consider the internal amp. Your experience mirrors others.
Dec 15, 2009 at 7:45 AM Post #95 of 132
Dec 15, 2009 at 7:52 AM Post #96 of 132

Originally Posted by vaqar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Then that means the ie8's are really not for mp3 palyer or cell phone experiences after all? you just use it with some already neat soundin hifi audio companent system ans thats it... surf a bit more u will finf people hating the iphone for its sound over the n97.
N97 Audio Quality vs iPod Touch | Nokia N97 Fanatics

I am very familiar with the Nokia fanboys. I used to use exclusively Nokia also. I owned every flagship N-series starting from the N90. They seem to be proud that their N97 almost matches an iPod touch in FQ resp.

However, what those stupid graphs do not show is how well the internal amp can drive an actual headphone load. At all. People cite those graphs day in and day out and don't know really what it means. I suggest if you want to find out for yourself go to the store and plug the IE8 into an iPod touch or iPhone and compare for yourself.

To come to the conclusion the the IE8 is not capable of being driven by a portable music player based on what you heard from the N97 without even comparing at all would be a bad thing. Your ears don't lie. Do not extrapolate based on some pointless graph.
Dec 15, 2009 at 11:29 AM Post #99 of 132

Originally Posted by Gbjerke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And to the comment about "training your ears", that's all BS IMO. I wouldn't think that all of the uberfiers here spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on rigs just because they can hear a difference. And if the case is that you need trained ears, what's really the point, why don't we advice the newbies to buy some PX100s for all of them, no mater the budget, advice them to stay away from better audio til forever, so that they might not waste their money? Are you saying that i need trained ears to find differences in audio? I guess that could be partially right, but still if i can only find a difference between a certain quality, does that mean that I can't appreciate the quality that a high end headphone delivers? Or is it just the same? as its the ultimate for me? I think people going from earbuds to closed portables can still find a difference between their portables and somewhere between their former earbuds and portables(no im not hating on earbuds, talking about stok earbuds, as i have to watch out as one of these tiny little things can piss someone completely off, which is what i don't like about head-fi. It's a bit too formal. Sometimes i wish i could just tell someone to ****.

I was in a bad mood yesterday, sorry about that.

Also, I am not snobbing anyone here, either. I just wanted to say that it is pretty much useless to spend tons of money if you are not a real audio maniac. (I was replying to vaquar). I know many many people that appreciate a PX100 more than a HD600, probably due to the strong bass.
And I can simply illustrate my point with vaquar's experience: he likes cx300's sound better than ie8's. Do you think any senior Head-fier (which I am not) would share his impressions?
I simply think (and that's my personnal case) that one needs lot of time and listening to many devices in order to get a proper idea of what high quality really is, independently from personnal preference. I mean, even if I like analytic sound, like ety er4, I would never say that Ibuds have better sound than ie8, simply because there is less bass.
Dec 15, 2009 at 1:25 PM Post #100 of 132
I too was very dissapointed with the IE8's. I posted a pretty damning condemnation of them. I cannot believe how much burn in has improved them. I am listening to them now and they are lovely. I had the CX300's and was very impressed with them. Swapping between them now, I can still hear what I liked about the CX300's but the IE8's sound more sophisticated in every way.
Definitely don't give the IE8's up until you have played music through them for at least 200 hrs. Then try them with a decent source.
Feb 26, 2010 at 5:32 PM Post #101 of 132
I have a 500+ burned-in hour IE8 (friend's) and a 20-24ish one infront of me (Mine came back from warranty) and the difference between them is HUGE.....I'm a doubter myself at first..but after A/Bing them extensively i can guarantee you its not a fallacy..
Mar 4, 2010 at 10:56 AM Post #102 of 132
I have my Sennheiser IE8 burned in roughly half the recommended 200hrs, and I just found out the bass of the left earpiece is more deeper than the right listening to it via "Vengeance -immediate music". Did everyone else experience the same problem or do I have to send them back for repairs?
Mar 22, 2010 at 9:58 AM Post #103 of 132
Well I believe that it is a myth. It the bur in requirement was true, I think that sennheiser would do the burn in in the fabrication process. Who would be silly enough to selle a product with "oh btw, you need a 500H bur in to use it properly!".

the IE 8 Burn in issue is a psychological issue : they are not neutral, dynamic, with a strong coloration. No doubt ears need to adapt to a "new sound", and this take time.

Everytime I change my IEM it tooks me around 100/200 hours of listening to fully adapt.

I' not using IE8 anymore, but my wife do. Each time I try my wife's IE8, it sounds exactly the same. If I use them over a full week, my perception of the sound emitted by the IE8 starts to change.

They are very good IEM, but the 500 hours burn is unbelievable. And if it was, no doubt sennheiser would have done something about it.

the same as saying that after 50H, it comes close to PFE...It is a complete non sense...
Mar 22, 2010 at 8:04 PM Post #104 of 132

Originally Posted by Zeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well I believe that it is a myth. It the bur in requirement was true, I think that sennheiser would do the burn in in the fabrication process. Who would be silly enough to selle a product with "oh btw, you need a 500H bur in to use it properly!".

the IE 8 Burn in issue is a psychological issue : they are not neutral, dynamic, with a strong coloration. No doubt ears need to adapt to a "new sound", and this take time.

Everytime I change my IEM it tooks me around 100/200 hours of listening to fully adapt.

I' not using IE8 anymore, but my wife do. Each time I try my wife's IE8, it sounds exactly the same. If I use them over a full week, my perception of the sound emitted by the IE8 starts to change.

They are very good IEM, but the 500 hours burn is unbelievable. And if it was, no doubt sennheiser would have done something about it.

the same as saying that after 50H, it comes close to PFE...It is a complete non sense...

Well, when you see two different colors in front of you, you can discern them, right? Ok, so now let's say you have two different sounds in your ears: you should be able to discern the differences as well, right? Well, that's exactly what happened when I compared my fully burned in IE8 and my friend's brand new IE8. I could hear a clear difference, even in blind A-B-ing, and my friend could hear it too.
The difference is there, whether you like it or not, and I've had the opportunity to test it. Did you too?
Mar 22, 2010 at 10:18 PM Post #105 of 132
I've had my ie8s almost 2 months now and I must say that they just get more enjoyable.

They didn't sound great out of the box, needed perhaps 20 hours to settle down. As time has gone on it seems the headstage has got bigger and the bass and treble have improved, yet I realise some of this could be mental burn-in.

Once I got good tips and a proper fit I just enjoy the music.

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