Has burn-in changed your IE8?
Feb 6, 2009 at 7:24 PM Post #76 of 132

Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Consider auto manufacturers (or is this another of the tired arguments about burn-in?). They most often advise with a new car that you not overrev it or do spirited driving in it until you've logged, say, 1000 miles. That is a form of burn-in for a new car to enable it to handle high performance without causing premature wear/damage to the engine. Now true auto enthusiasts know this already. Nevertheless, the auto makers still advise all buyers to drive conservatively during those early miles.

I think it is a stretch to claim headphone makers know burn-in will improve the sound of their phones, but refrain from telling buyers to expect it because the informed ones already know about it and the others won't know the difference. It makes much more sense to me that they would add that kind of comment to their instructions to ensure all users know how to get the best sound out of their product. If I was selling headphones and knew they would only sound best after a 100 hour burn-in, I would worry that Joe Six-Pack would try them, hate them immediately, return them and trash talk them to all his friends. But even Joe Six-Pack is likely to notice a prominent notice pasted on the packaging saying something like: "Please note: headphones will IMPROVE and SOUND BEST after a minimum of 100 hours of burn in. See instructions for more information."

The car burn in could potentially negatively affect performance in the long run, audio equipment burn in improves the sound (well, most of the time). Physically with electronics, the electrical paths change with usage, and driver materials change with usage.

So I am assuming Joe Six-Pack is someone that doesn't know much about audio, or have a trained ear? Everyone I know that is into high end audio is a hobbiest and does at least some research.

There are plenty of low end IEMs that are much better suited for JSP, and if he doesn't know about high end audio (or think there is a difference), why spend over $200 when there are plenty of other IEMs a much lower prices?

Plus, if he did buy IE8s, would they sound awful to him, as he probably doesn't have a high quality baseline. Hence the YMMV comment from before on burn in.
Feb 6, 2009 at 7:41 PM Post #77 of 132

Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Consider auto manufacturers (or is this another of the tired arguments about burn-in?).

No, that's a new one (or a least a new sub-heading to the "why don't manufacturers advertise burn-in" argument). At least, I haven't heard it before. You win a cookie -- or maybe half a cookie.
Feb 6, 2009 at 7:46 PM Post #78 of 132
Phils, you stated that all or 90% of all burn in topics lead to whether burn in is real or not.... we never discussed or questioned the existence of burn in, just to what extent it affects what you hear. Please read our posts and not what you want to read. No one active in this discussion is questioning the existence of the burn in phenomena, you seem to be the only one instigating it so I'd suggest you read your own post and leave us hobbyist alone and let us enjoy our hobby.
Feb 6, 2009 at 8:08 PM Post #80 of 132

Originally Posted by pdupiano /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Phils, you stated that all or 90% of all burn in topics lead to whether burn in is real or not.... we never discussed or questioned the existence of burn in, just to what extent it affects what you hear. Please read our posts and not what you want to read. No one active in this discussion is questioning the existence of the burn in phenomena, you seem to be the only one instigating it so I'd suggest you read your own post and leave us hobbyist alone and let us enjoy our hobby.

Oh, give me a break. That's what I meant. Of course it's about what we hear. That's why I referenced A/B tests in my first post.

I'll assume you're not just playing games with semantics and we just had a misunderstanding, which is my fault due to my not being precise. I'll try to be more careful in the future.

So I'll rephrase: 90% of all threads where someone asks about burn in end up in arguments about whether burn in is audible to the human hear, whether it's ever been proven by a DBT, etc. Happy now? Cool.

Back to the topic -- whatever it is.
Dec 14, 2009 at 2:17 PM Post #81 of 132
I just got the ie8's last week and was really excited to listen music on them. But the amount i paid for them in comparrison to the sound was a different story. They do sound crap. yes my friends that true ie8's do not sound good out of the box. i have burnt them for like 25 hours now and the quality is becoming more and more crap. my cx300IIs even sound better than the ie8's so far. i know you guys will say burn the ie8's for 700 hrs or so which i will do. but what i came to know is that the ie8's are a 100$ earphones which are being sold for like 300 or more $. These are a total waste of your 300$. its better to but the cx300II and enjoy them. Well so far the ie8's have disappointed me and i have lost my faith in expensive IEM's ie8 is my first and last IEM. CX300II are the best IEM's ever made. I know u will be saying that this guy is crazy but believe me thats the truth. IE8 after 25 hrs of burning suck as hell. The bass is too consoled and the mid bass is so annoying that i cant even describe it. Highs are good in some songs but worse in others like wise the mids. total waste of money and excitement. i could have bought a hi fi sound system in this price and what i got is a tereble cheap sounding headphones. OMG... Friends burning does not do any thing to a IE8's. A total loss of money and a very big disappointment from sennheiser. moreover if you see the manuals of the ie8 or its box there is no where written that you have to burn the drivers so i guess this whole burning thing is a myth after all. its just a psyhcological thing not reality. My ie8's are reducing their quality day by day...
Dec 14, 2009 at 2:39 PM Post #82 of 132

Originally Posted by vaqar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just got the ie8's last week and was really excited to listen music on them. But the amount i paid for them in comparrison to the sound was a different story. They do sound crap. yes my friends that true ie8's do not sound good out of the box. i have burnt them for like 25 hours now and the quality is becoming more and more crap. my cx300IIs even sound better than the ie8's so far. i know you guys will say burn the ie8's for 700 hrs or so which i will do. but what i came to know is that the ie8's are a 100$ earphones which are being sold for like 300 or more $. These are a total waste of your 300$. its better to but the cx300II and enjoy them. Well so far the ie8's have disappointed me and i have lost my faith in expensive IEM's ie8 is my first and last IEM. CX300II are the best IEM's ever made. I know u will be saying that this guy is crazy but believe me thats the truth. IE8 after 25 hrs of burning suck as hell. The bass is too consoled and the mid bass is so annoying that i cant even describe it. Highs are good in some songs but worse in others like wise the mids. total waste of money and excitement. i could have bought a hi fi sound system in this price and what i got is a tereble cheap sounding headphones. OMG... Friends burning does not do any thing to a IE8's. A total loss of money and a very big disappointment from sennheiser. moreover if you see the manuals of the ie8 or its box there is no where written that you have to burn the drivers so i guess this whole burning thing is a myth after all. its just a psyhcological thing not reality. My ie8's are reducing their quality day by day...

I think your dissatisfaction is interfering with your ability to listen to music as it is. Don't A/B CX300II against the IE8, simply because it is unfair. I find them to be miles ahead in terms of sonic abilities.
Moreover, the quality of recordings do affect sound perception in a rather important way. What music do you listen to?
For one, I do not put my faith into burn in. Rather, try to get a good seal and "listen" to them. Just "listen" to some well recorded & mastered tracks. The difference will jump to you.
Dec 14, 2009 at 3:14 PM Post #83 of 132
vaqar, are you sure your ie8s aren't fake?
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:27 PM Post #85 of 132
My IE8's are 100% authentic and vere bought from an authorized store for like 325$ or so a week ago. the problem what i think of is that my cx300II's might be a great match with my phone (Nokia N97 which has a great audio output) but when i plug in the ie8 OMG... its tereble. I think the ie8's are not picking up the complete audio frequency response from my phone itself. what i am going to do is to do an experiment by pluging both IEM's into my laptop. maybe i may come up to a conclusion. will update shortly.
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:32 PM Post #86 of 132

Originally Posted by sebhuber /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think your dissatisfaction is interfering with your ability to listen to music as it is. Don't A/B CX300II against the IE8, simply because it is unfair. I find them to be miles ahead in terms of sonic abilities.
Moreover, the quality of recordings do affect sound perception in a rather important way. What music do you listen to?
For one, I do not put my faith into burn in. Rather, try to get a good seal and "listen" to them. Just "listen" to some well recorded & mastered tracks. The difference will jump to you.

My friend what i ment was that cx300II are the best in ear headphones ever made which cost so low and sound as good as a 150$ headphone out there. As far as ie8 are concerned till now it did not impress me like cx300II's impressed me. Now i know its unfair to match the cx300 with ie8 but this is a personal opinion so far but let me compare both on a more neutral device instead of my phone.
Dec 14, 2009 at 6:04 PM Post #87 of 132
Ok guys tested both ie8 and cx300II on my pc. cx300 as usual sounds great well balanced sharp sound and mature bass. ie8 more sound stage but with less clearer highs. mids were ok. bass almost same like the cx300 but little more developed. thats the pc thing only... the main part is that i was keeping the sound tuning screw of the ie8 at the loewst all this time "HOW CLEVER OF ME"... i just turned it to the maximum and again pluged it into my cell. ok fine i admit the sound stage increases and the bass becomes more solid and mature for like 80% of songs but the highs are still an issue. if the tuning nob is at maximum the tereb almost becomes dull not in a bad manner but not sufficient as well. hope more burning will make it better if this so called burning theory is tru which i think isnt. any ways now they are sounding a bit better. rock tracks still suck that might be becoze of the mobiles output coze they suck on cx300II as well.... lets hope more positive changes occur with the passage of time...
Dec 14, 2009 at 9:24 PM Post #88 of 132
I am still wondering why there are people around there that would put so much money into earphones without knowing anything about hi-fi audio. If you enjoy 30$ phones, then ok. Bitting the bullet and buying phones for more than 300$...probably thinking to get a better sound, ok. Being disappointed 'cause your ears are not "trained" enough to appreciate the quality may happen. But coming to this forum, with such a "light" knowledge, and using such an assertive tone to describe one of best IEM as pure crap, NO.
If you have comments, please share them. However, try to remain humble.
Dec 14, 2009 at 9:52 PM Post #89 of 132

Originally Posted by Photofan1986 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am still wondering why there are people around there that would put so much money into earphones without knowing anything about hi-fi audio. If you enjoy 30$ phones, then ok. Bitting the bullet and buying phones for more than 300$...probably thinking to get a better sound, ok. Being disappointed 'cause your ears are not "trained" enough to appreciate the quality may happen. But coming to this forum, with such a "light" knowledge, and using such an assertive tone to describe one of best IEM as pure crap, NO.
If you have comments, please share them. However, try to remain humble.

Dude its a passion for music not a silly comment or anything. may be i want ie8's to sound even better than they are now maybe my ears have heard better than the ie8. does that imply that i need to have a p.h.d in Hi fi??? man that was just my personal opinion coze i genuinely felt the lack of quality and i realized that it was due to the sound tuning nob put to the lowest due to a burning session and was never increased since then. i am a huge fan of sennheiser but i felt that some thing was wrong with my IEM's (Manufacturing fault or something) after a six months of research and seeing the reviews i bought ie8 only because of its 80-90% positive reviews. No one is born with an ie8 in his ear... you start from low to the high or should i say hi-fi...
Dec 14, 2009 at 9:56 PM Post #90 of 132
Are you certain you hav'nt got a fake one? My grilfriend has the CX300 Senn and it really sounds like...well, like its price! That is like crap compared to any other mid-range or high-end IEM.
Really strange that you find the sound of the CX300 better. That makes me think that you got a fake one :s

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