Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?
Mar 23, 2019 at 4:47 AM Post #5,701 of 65,259
There must have been something wrong with the setup or the 65Ts because mine have very little latency and I don't remember people complaining about it here, like say for the WF1000x.

I was using an iPhone X tho. I’ve read that the latency issue was not an issue on the android phones. Now I’m tempted to get the nuarl nt01ax to try it out.
Mar 23, 2019 at 8:38 AM Post #5,702 of 65,259
Are SoundPeats TrueFree same as QCY T1/Q1? For sure they look same. Just asking because RTings have review of them. Sorry if it's all old news.
I believe so. I bought SoundPeats on Amazon at around $25 when they were on sale, with free express shipping. I like their signature so much, I am planning to buy a white version of QCY when they go on sale on AliExpress in 5 days just for backup purposes.
Mar 23, 2019 at 8:56 AM Post #5,703 of 65,259
I tried the Astrotec S60 today. They have one of the smallest cases ever, use a Knowles BA, (apparently) support AAC and SBC, and have USB-C and wireless charging compatibility.

I was attracted by the BA design and also the fact that the small case is made of metal and looks like it can be stepped on...not that I intend to step on it.
It was pretty nice. The case is the size of 3 lip balm sticks taped together in a triangle. It has a nice weight to it and definitely feels indestructible. The case uses a magnet to close, and the magnet is quite strong. It is a little hard to open the case. The buds are also held down by magnets. The case feels indestructible.

The buds themselves are made of plastic and are quite light. They look like they were made to nestle in your ear conch comfortably and block off sound that way, but the buds themselves are a little too small to fill in the whole conch, and the fit is a little shallow. The eartips on the demo were also small, so it doesn't feel super stable, but I have a feeling better eartips might fix that. They have a single super-large button, and you can press it up above your earhole, so it's not bad.

I was using my M0 to test it out, but it wouldn't connect to AAC...this happens a lot, for some reason they say AAC compatible, but it only works with an Iphone, which is frustrating. It connected fine in SBC though. That being said, I am not sure if it is because it is not a dynamic driver, but the separation was good, and I couldn't hear any typical SBC graininess. The soundstage also sounded very nice.

The sound was pretty good. It has a pretty deep far-reaching bass. Very nice slam on Killshot and a good rumble. The mids were a little recessed, but they had a huge BA sound. I am a big fan of vocals rendered by a balanced armature, so I was happy to hear that. The vocals were very clear (unlike the Earmin M2), and reminded me a little of the Etymotic HF5. I tested the highs with a few songs of Adele, and couldn't hear any graininess or sound lacking. I really regret not trying out the Foo Fighter's Everlong for cymbals, but the sound reminded me so much of the HF5 that I strongly suspect that they might be rolled off.

Overall, it was a very nice sound profile. The only thing that irks me is the AAC not working with my gear, but I've had this issue with 2 or 3 other sets of TWE and was told that some only support AAC for Iphones. I really loved those detailed vocal crystal clear mids, and they really tuned it to maximize that bass response from their Balanced Armature. I feel the recessed mids does a nice job adding to the soundstage, and there was a nice amount of air between the instruments. I might have to listen again to hear those cymbals, as muted cymbals are sometimes irritating.

The case was super nice, but maybe a little too tall. I think even though bigger, the Mavin case is more pocketable because it is thinner. I do like how indestructible the case felt though, having two young children asking me to hold them, it is not uncommon for them to accidentally kick my pockets. I'd get worried with a flimsy plastic case,
Mar 23, 2019 at 3:37 PM Post #5,704 of 65,259
Are SoundPeats TrueFree same as QCY T1/Q1? For sure they look same. Just asking because RTings have review of them. Sorry if it's all old news.
It does read as if the tuning is different. I don't find the QCY to sound harsh or sibilant at all!
Mar 23, 2019 at 3:40 PM Post #5,705 of 65,259
This is weird, I’ve tested the rha and the Jabra in store and found that the latency of the Jabra was much worse than the rha. If not for the better latency of the rha, I would have gotten the Jabra as it was much cheaper.
Latency is so source dependent, thus so hard to test. :frowning2:
Mar 24, 2019 at 12:31 AM Post #5,706 of 65,259
Had a listen to the MTW. compared to the Nuarl nt10ax, bass guitars sounds better layered on the MTW. Where the nt10ax wins is the highs and mid highs, cymbals sounds very natural and defined without being too in-your-face.
Mar 24, 2019 at 2:13 AM Post #5,707 of 65,259
I tried the Astrotec S60 today. They have one of the smallest cases ever, use a Knowles BA, (apparently) support AAC and SBC, and have USB-C and wireless charging compatibility.

I was attracted by the BA design and also the fact that the small case is made of metal and looks like it can be stepped on...not that I intend to step on it.
It was pretty nice. The case is the size of 3 lip balm sticks taped together in a triangle. It has a nice weight to it and definitely feels indestructible. The case uses a magnet to close, and the magnet is quite strong. It is a little hard to open the case. The buds are also held down by magnets. The case feels indestructible.

The buds themselves are made of plastic and are quite light. They look like they were made to nestle in your ear conch comfortably and block off sound that way, but the buds themselves are a little too small to fill in the whole conch, and the fit is a little shallow. The eartips on the demo were also small, so it doesn't feel super stable, but I have a feeling better eartips might fix that. They have a single super-large button, and you can press it up above your earhole, so it's not bad.

I was using my M0 to test it out, but it wouldn't connect to AAC...this happens a lot, for some reason they say AAC compatible, but it only works with an Iphone, which is frustrating. It connected fine in SBC though. That being said, I am not sure if it is because it is not a dynamic driver, but the separation was good, and I couldn't hear any typical SBC graininess. The soundstage also sounded very nice.

The sound was pretty good. It has a pretty deep far-reaching bass. Very nice slam on Killshot and a good rumble. The mids were a little recessed, but they had a huge BA sound. I am a big fan of vocals rendered by a balanced armature, so I was happy to hear that. The vocals were very clear (unlike the Earmin M2), and reminded me a little of the Etymotic HF5. I tested the highs with a few songs of Adele, and couldn't hear any graininess or sound lacking. I really regret not trying out the Foo Fighter's Everlong for cymbals, but the sound reminded me so much of the HF5 that I strongly suspect that they might be rolled off.

Overall, it was a very nice sound profile. The only thing that irks me is the AAC not working with my gear, but I've had this issue with 2 or 3 other sets of TWE and was told that some only support AAC for Iphones. I really loved those detailed vocal crystal clear mids, and they really tuned it to maximize that bass response from their Balanced Armature. I feel the recessed mids does a nice job adding to the soundstage, and there was a nice amount of air between the instruments. I might have to listen again to hear those cymbals, as muted cymbals are sometimes irritating.

The case was super nice, but maybe a little too tall. I think even though bigger, the Mavin case is more pocketable because it is thinner. I do like how indestructible the case felt though, having two young children asking me to hold them, it is not uncommon for them to accidentally kick my pockets. I'd get worried with a flimsy plastic case,

how long the battery last per charge?
Mar 24, 2019 at 2:41 AM Post #5,708 of 65,259
Not too surprised. It's clear Samsung is targeting the "masses" and not someone looking at, say Sennheiser. Most people I've talked to that are not into audio, have no idea who Sennehiser, B&W, M&D are, but they all know Skullcandy, Beats, and those darn AirPods.

Their target is the Apple Airpods and you know it isn't hard to beat airpods SQ lol. But, I have galaxy buds and I say it sounds pretty good. It has enough detail and clarity, bass that is tight and not muddy unless you put on "bass boost" setting. For portable usage, I think the galaxy buds does a wonderful job and I am not going to do critical listening on a subway or bus.
Mar 24, 2019 at 3:31 AM Post #5,709 of 65,259
Gotten the Creative Outlier Air yesterday. My wife seems to be enjoying them quite a bit.

Compared to the NT01AX, these fit way easier and isolation is top notch. I dare say CIEM level of comfort to my ears.
I'm quite surprised because they only included 2 pair of proprietary tips, and they are of the same size. So if they don't work with your ears out of the box, you're most likely out of luck.

Signature wise the NT01AX is still clearer and more natural sounding. Bass quality is also better. Not to say that the Outlier Airs are lacklustre, but they're more tuned for the general sound, with more emphasis on lows. I can see how this is more appealing if you're using them when out and about or while working out. These also have a higher IPX rating, and that excellent fit makes them ideal for those with an active lifestyle.

At about S$119 or US$88 before discount, the Outlier Airs are an easy recommend.
Mar 24, 2019 at 5:06 AM Post #5,710 of 65,259
Got the Sabbat X12 Pro's in earlier today. I'm pretty happy with them so far. They fit well.

The slip on covers with wings that come with them do not fit in the charging case. Not an issue for me, as I don't use/need them.

I find the sound decent. High's are a bit rolled off and sub-bass is a hair lacking but I find this is normal for earbuds. The case is smaller than I was expecting, and the charging port/battery capacity LED's are on the 'back' of the case vs the 'front' where it opens.

I threw a quarter in the photo's for size reference (24mm or 15/16" approximate diameter).



Tip: Comfort and bass response are improved by slipping some earbud foams over them.

Mar 24, 2019 at 7:21 AM Post #5,711 of 65,259
how long the battery last per charge?

Not that long...4 hours use, and 2 extra charges in the tiny case for a total of 12 hours. I guess it makes the wireless charging qi option interesting, get home and drop it on the charging pad.

I just got the Sabbat X12 pro today from Amazon. They were having a sale, it was the USB-C model for around 50$, which is 35$ less than the regular Amazon price.

So far it connects easily, has no hiss, and is very comfortable. The AAC off my Shanling M0 doesn't work with it, I guess it's SBC or die...

I am used to earbuds and sound leaking, but I feel like they leak a lot more than the typical earbuds! Gonna wake the kids!

So far, I am not too thrilled by the SQ. Lighter bass than I was expecting, mids are emphasized, and OK highs, but not great. Nice earbud soundstage, good separation, but not overly detailed. At least there is no lag. I think I will keep them connected to my phone for movies, videos, and audiobooks, but I don't think I will be "enjoying" any music on them. I will give them time to burn in, see if it improves the sound. I tried foams, but found they didn't add much bass, just muted the sound more and worsened the fit.

Not bad, and very usable, but for the moment I don't see them replacing my current set up for music (ES100 with MK2 / ER4XR)

Overall, a pretty good value that I hope will make me stop wanting to buy stuff until the better sets come out this summer.
Last edited:
Mar 24, 2019 at 8:13 AM Post #5,712 of 65,259
Got the Sabbat X12 Pro's in earlier today. I'm pretty happy with them so far. They fit well.

The slip on covers with wings that come with them do not fit in the charging case. Not an issue for me, as I don't use/need them.

I find the sound decent. High's are a bit rolled off and sub-bass is a hair lacking but I find this is normal for earbuds. The case is smaller than I was expecting, and the charging port/battery capacity LED's are on the 'back' of the case vs the 'front' where it opens.

I threw a quarter in the photo's for size reference (24mm or 15/16" approximate diameter).

Tip: Comfort and bass response are improved by slipping some earbud foams over them.

Haha, I got the exact same one today!

I was a little disappointing with the sound at first, but I think it is burning in nicely. I swear the bass is getting punchier. Maybe it is because I took off the max volume from the bud that it defaults in too? Who knows with these wireless earbuds...

What foams are you using? I tried thick foams because the lack of slam was bothering me at first but the fit wasn't great and it had a hard time fitting in the case, and worst, it didn't really improve the bass.
Mar 24, 2019 at 9:33 AM Post #5,713 of 65,259
Not that long...4 hours use, and 2 extra charges in the tiny case for a total of 12 hours. I guess it makes the wireless charging qi option interesting, get home and drop it on the charging pad.

I just got the Sabbat X12 pro today from Amazon. They were having a sale, it was the USB-C model for around 50$, which is 35$ less than the regular Amazon price.

So far it connects easily, has no hiss, and is very comfortable. The AAC off my Shanling M0 doesn't work with it, I guess it's SBC or die...

I am used to earbuds and sound leaking, but I feel like they leak a lot more than the typical earbuds! Gonna wake the kids!

So far, I am not too thrilled by the SQ. Lighter bass than I was expecting, mids are emphasized, and OK highs, but not great. Nice earbud soundstage, good separation, but not overly detailed. At least there is no lag. I think I will keep them connected to my phone for movies, videos, and audiobooks, but I don't think I will be "enjoying" any music on them. I will give them time to burn in, see if it improves the sound. I tried foams, but found they didn't add much bass, just muted the sound more and worsened the fit.

Not bad, and very usable, but for the moment I don't see them replacing my current set up for music (ES100 with MK2 / ER4XR)

Overall, a pretty good value that I hope will make me stop wanting to buy stuff until the better sets come out this summer.

Sabbat X12 Pro connects to my Note 8 using the AAC codec, not SBC.
Mar 24, 2019 at 12:10 PM Post #5,715 of 65,259
Gotten the Creative Outlier Air yesterday. My wife seems to be enjoying them quite a bit.

Compared to the NT01AX, these fit way easier and isolation is top notch. I dare say CIEM level of comfort to my ears.
I'm quite surprised because they only included 2 pair of proprietary tips, and they are of the same size. So if they don't work with your ears out of the box, you're most likely out of luck.

Signature wise the NT01AX is still clearer and more natural sounding. Bass quality is also better. Not to say that the Outlier Airs are lacklustre, but they're more tuned for the general sound, with more emphasis on lows. I can see how this is more appealing if you're using them when out and about or while working out. These also have a higher IPX rating, and that excellent fit makes them ideal for those with an active lifestyle.

At about S$119 or US$88 before discount, the Outlier Airs are an easy recommend.
So the unusual mini tip works well? These are intriguing. How did you get them already, the site says they are pre order for April 26? Unfortunately they dont ship to Canada, so I will have to wait for them to become available here.

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