Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?
Oct 28, 2018 at 4:14 PM Post #1,546 of 62,963
Oct 28, 2018 at 7:19 PM Post #1,547 of 62,963
After testing around on my end and borrowing a Pixel, the 65t Active still has the hiss. I just can't handle it. Everything else about them is great, but that hiss makes them unbearable and I'm tired of gambling with them.

On the other hand, I proved myself a liar by having my Sonys run out of battery at the gym recently, so I'm rolling the dice on the Bose Soundsport Free. The fit is weird as hell and they look like Frankenstein bolts coming out of my ears, but they sound pretty damn great and hopefully everything else will line up properly.
The Bose aren’t too bad but I decided they weren’t for me.
The fit is weird
After testing around on my end and borrowing a Pixel, the 65t Active still has the hiss. I just can't handle it. Everything else about them is great, but that hiss makes them unbearable and I'm tired of gambling with them.

On the other hand, I proved myself a liar by having my Sonys run out of battery at the gym recently, so I'm rolling the dice on the Bose Soundsport Free. The fit is weird as hell and they look like Frankenstein bolts coming out of my ears, but they sound pretty damn great and hopefully everything else will line up properly.

You may want to consider the Jabra Elite Sport if you need a pair for the gym since they come with a solid sports app and the heart rate monitor.
The Bose SSF wasn't for me, outside of the odd shape there were too many things l disliked about them.
- They have zero isolation, can't use them in the office, or taking the train and if your gym is rather loud you will find this to be an issue.
- They sound pretty good at home but the mids are kind of hallow and on the artificial side.
- Voice during phone calls was too weak for me, especially outdoors and comes thru one side only.
- Connection wasn't that solid - cutoffs were way too frequent outdoors, not so much of the an issue indoors.
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Oct 28, 2018 at 7:26 PM Post #1,548 of 62,963
I don't trust Jabra anymore and I honestly don't need the HR monitor. The fit on the Bose is... unique but it's not a problem for me thus far, and they get loud enough that I can blast the music as much as I need to. I really wish the Jabra weren't giving me the problems they did because aside from the oddities in the left earpiece they really are awesome. Tomorrow will be the Bose's acid test in the gym. We'll see if they stay as secure as the Sony did.

The only thing I've got my eye on is the Jaybird Run but I can't say I've heart great things about their SQ.
Oct 28, 2018 at 8:20 PM Post #1,549 of 62,963
the 65t sound balance is tilted slightly to the left side...i thought it was because of the fit, but apparently it is a common problem on the 65t. has anyone has a solution for this?
I asked about this imbalance several pages back when I first got the 65Ts. I find that if I turn the volume down slowly from the earbud, then up it seems to mostly iliminate it. or sometimes totally illiminate it. also noticed that after several mins of being on sometimes they'll equal out as well. What's weird is if I ever use the assistant or take a call, the balance is 100%. I find myself using the tw1s mor because I don't have that issue with them at all. Though they from time to time will get out of sync and have this echo to them which is fixed by rewinding or fast forwarding.
Oct 28, 2018 at 10:01 PM Post #1,550 of 62,963
I asked about this imbalance several pages back when I first got the 65Ts. I find that if I turn the volume down slowly from the earbud, then up it seems to mostly iliminate it. or sometimes totally illiminate it. also noticed that after several mins of being on sometimes they'll equal out as well. What's weird is if I ever use the assistant or take a call, the balance is 100%. I find myself using the tw1s mor because I don't have that issue with them at all. Though they from time to time will get out of sync and have this echo to them which is fixed by rewinding or fast forwarding.

yup, I've read your post and also tried turning the volume down on the unit, but the problem persist. though i never had sync problem with it. I'm still gonna keep it though, because i believe jabra could fix it from firmware update, and because it doesn't have that problem with my wife's phone, so she could still use it

by the way, does anyone tried the Pamu Scroll yet? I've ordered one unit. the reviews on YouTube is quite good (even though the reviews might seem questionable). it's got bt 5.0 and ipx6, also the price is cheap enough even if it turns out to be mediocre
Oct 28, 2018 at 10:22 PM Post #1,551 of 62,963
I don't trust Jabra anymore and I honestly don't need the HR monitor. The fit on the Bose is... unique but it's not a problem for me thus far, and they get loud enough that I can blast the music as much as I need to. I really wish the Jabra weren't giving me the problems they did because aside from the oddities in the left earpiece they really are awesome. Tomorrow will be the Bose's acid test in the gym. We'll see if they stay as secure as the Sony did.

The only thing I've got my eye on is the Jaybird Run but I can't say I've heart great things about their SQ.
I have the Jaybird Run and I don't really have any issues and the SQ is good. Download the app and tune it to how you want it and they get loud. I found the best fit with the supplied tips and I went for the bigger wings and surprisingly the wings did help with sound as it keeps them sealed.
Oct 29, 2018 at 5:48 AM Post #1,552 of 62,963
The balance issue is strange. On my Jabra Sports Elite it's very slightly to the right and on my 65t very slightly to the left! That's with my Android, with my laptop it's much more to the left. The Jabra app should let you adjust that.

Using a tip posted above I used some old biflange tips to beef up the fit of my 65t and it helps. They are definitely easier on the ear than the JSE but don't isolate quite as well as I verified on a plane. It's close though.
Oct 29, 2018 at 8:51 AM Post #1,553 of 62,963
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Oct 29, 2018 at 9:06 AM Post #1,554 of 62,963
Both of these look like some generic TWS earbuds you can find by the gallon on Amazon ? I'm under the impression that the telltale sign that separates these from the better ones (Jabra, Sony, Bose, etc...) is the lack of a transparency mode. Something that's rather useful too !

The Pamu Scroll sound a bit too good to be true on Indiegogo at $39 instead of $149...and no transparency either.
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Oct 29, 2018 at 9:13 AM Post #1,555 of 62,963
Both of these look like some generic TWS earbuds you can find by the gallon on Amazon ? I'm under the impression that the telltale sign that separates these from the better ones (Jabra, Sony, Bose, etc...) is the lack of a transparency mode. Something that's rather useful too !
Cheapies usually also don't have onboard volume control.
Oct 29, 2018 at 9:48 AM Post #1,556 of 62,963
i just hope Jabra just make a panning pot on their app so people can adjust /fix the imbalance issue themselves
Oct 29, 2018 at 10:36 AM Post #1,557 of 62,963
I'm sure those of you with the volume imbalance thing have tried this (or don't use complys), but I had that issue with the E8 too - a slight imbalance favoring the left side. I tried everything - tests with sounds switching back and forth, cleaning my ears, on and on. It was slight but once I noticed it it was very distracting. Couldn't fix it.

One day I was cleaning the complys and noticed a slight tear in the "rim" on the top of the comply on the R side. When the complys weren't compressed it was invisible - I only saw it because I stretched the foam out with the little plastic stick I was using to clean them. So I swapped them for a new pair of complys and magically the imbalance went away.

Complys are weird.
Oct 29, 2018 at 11:02 AM Post #1,558 of 62,963
They're weird indeed and in my experience tend to produce "muffled" sound...I haven't found anything better to go with the JSE and J65T than the stock tips !

The dirt cheap Anjrui alternative on AliExpress doesn't produce that muffled sound to my ears.
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Oct 29, 2018 at 11:45 AM Post #1,559 of 62,963
Workout complete. Observations about the Bose (which I admit I've tried before but this was the first hard workout I gave 'em)

  • I have never seen a firmware update take that long. Like 40min from start to finish.
  • Video lag issue is gone thanks to said update. Watching some YouTube right now and sync is perfect.
  • Still prefer the sound of the Sony but the Bose is pretty damn good. Listening to a ton of death metal and they had all the heft and slam I needed. Bass is surprising for Bose.
  • The fit IS weird. I'm used to a deep IEM so at first I kept fiddling with them trying to "secure" them the way others do, and it took a minute to just stop and leave them be.
  • Yeah, they let in ambient noise, but it's not a big amount and they still keep a "full" sound.
  • BOY they're secure. Like, I was doing rope jumps, lifting, pullups, muscle-ups, everything I could today and they didn't budge.
  • However, good gravy they look goofy. Like, I can't get over that.
  • Weirdly enough, the design actually is BENEFICIAL if you wear a skullcap, because the hat can come down over the top half of the ears without even touching the housing since it sticks out. Strange look, convenient fit.
  • The buttons suck. Suck suck suck. They take WAY too much force to push, to the point that they'll get dislodged. Not a huge deal, just irritating.
  • Battery life is crazy impressive. I said before that 3hr is fine for the gym and it is, but there's still something wild about doing a 2hr workout and seeing 80%.
  • Oh my god making phone calls is miserable. Bad sound, one ear, it's all just bad. Fortunately I make very few calls.
So basically the Bose have become a fantastic "general use" that also work like gangbusters in the gym. The Sony is still a better "dedicated gym" set for me personally but I think I'm gonna keep the Bose. No imbalance, no hiss, great sound, battery life is nuts, comfy and secure.
Oct 29, 2018 at 1:21 PM Post #1,560 of 62,963
Workout complete. Observations about the Bose (which I admit I've tried before but this was the first hard workout I gave 'em)

  • I have never seen a firmware update take that long. Like 40min from start to finish.
  • Video lag issue is gone thanks to said update. Watching some YouTube right now and sync is perfect.
  • Still prefer the sound of the Sony but the Bose is pretty damn good. Listening to a ton of death metal and they had all the heft and slam I needed. Bass is surprising for Bose.
  • The fit IS weird. I'm used to a deep IEM so at first I kept fiddling with them trying to "secure" them the way others do, and it took a minute to just stop and leave them be.
  • Yeah, they let in ambient noise, but it's not a big amount and they still keep a "full" sound.
  • BOY they're secure. Like, I was doing rope jumps, lifting, pullups, muscle-ups, everything I could today and they didn't budge.
  • However, good gravy they look goofy. Like, I can't get over that.
  • Weirdly enough, the design actually is BENEFICIAL if you wear a skullcap, because the hat can come down over the top half of the ears without even touching the housing since it sticks out. Strange look, convenient fit.
  • The buttons suck. Suck suck suck. They take WAY too much force to push, to the point that they'll get dislodged. Not a huge deal, just irritating.
  • Battery life is crazy impressive. I said before that 3hr is fine for the gym and it is, but there's still something wild about doing a 2hr workout and seeing 80%.
  • Oh my god making phone calls is miserable. Bad sound, one ear, it's all just bad. Fortunately I make very few calls.
So basically the Bose have become a fantastic "general use" that also work like gangbusters in the gym. The Sony is still a better "dedicated gym" set for me personally but I think I'm gonna keep the Bose. No imbalance, no hiss, great sound, battery life is nuts, comfy and secure.
Wow - they fixed the lag issue. That's good news. That and the general goofyness of the design and implementation are what drove me away.

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