Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements

Sep 5, 2024 at 4:32 AM Post #16 of 1,079
Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements

Many of you have been interested in Eletech's prototype IEM - the “Romeo” - since it first appeared at CanJam NYC 2024 earlier this year. As of this moment, the “Romeo” is no more. It no longer exists. That’s because, technically, it never did.

On this episode of Head-Fi TV, we’re taking an exclusive and in-depth look at the inaugural flagship in-ear monitor, the Macbeth, from a brand-new company, Forte Ears. And as you’ve probably surmised by now, it’s the IEM formerly masquerading as the “Romeo.”

As noted in the video, detailed sonic impressions will be included here in this thread — along with information and impressions on Ambition, a premium cable upgrade exclusive to Macbeth.

Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements is produced by Brian Murphy, Joe Cwik, and Warren Chi of Special thanks to Head-Fiers @AnakChan, @emdeevee, @HiFiHawaii808, @Kiats, @NJoyzAudio, @Rockwell75, and others for lending their thoughts and impressions to this preview.

The measurements in this video were made using:

Great Video Warren!
Sorry late to the game, but that pesky thing called "work" got in the way tonight.....

I can't emphasize enough to the Head-Fi readers, even though a few of us fellow Head-Fiers were highlighted with our comments back to both Ricardo and Eric, it was the SUM OF THE HEAD-FI COMMUNITY that helped to shape Macbeth, form it into what it has become, so hats off to Ricardo, Eric and the engineers at both Forte Ears and Eletech for listening to us, the paying masses.
I am VERY lucky to have been given access to the Romeo prototypes and progression to the final Macbeth product, and can't thank enough all those at Eletech and Forte Ears that allowed me the access and made this happen.

As I wrote in the previous forum that Warren has migrated here, Macbeth took what I thought I knew about IEMs, and just threw it out the window.
Eric at Eletech did this with both Ode To Laura and Sonnet of Adam cables. Both took cables I had that I thought were end game for me and just trashed them sonically.
Macbeth did something similar in that it took my thought that Dynamic Drivers (DD) is the driver for proper bass, with the proper decay of notes and sound quality it offers, and Ricardo just trashed that thought with his innovative use of drivers, just as Eric's current line of cables have done. Thank you both for pushing the envelope, and bringing us new ways to enjoy audio!
I've listened to other IEMs that used DD or Bone Conduction for mids, and nope, not for me, just was not the sound I wanted or liked. I have to admit that when the discussion of driver arrangements were had, I was not a fan because of these past experiences, and well made comments to that end.
Walked into the auditions for Romeo V1 with skepticism because of the prior experience with IEMs that had mid centric layout, expecting the same and was pleasantly surprised. To be blunt it was eye opening. I had to as quoted in the other forum, "Eat My Words" and apologized to and thanked those at Forte Ears for the new experience I was going through with Macbeth and NOT having DD drivers for either the bass or mids.
With promise of more to come, eagerly auditioned V2 of Romeo and well, Warren has captured my thoughts about V2 in the video... Enough said. (And yes my words were harsh, but they had to be said.)
V3 of Romeo (which has now become Macbeth) took what we were hearing and liked from V1, took away what we did NOT like in V2 and took the experience to another level.
I know Warren talked about several other IEM's and what they bring as benchmarks that Macbeth now offers.
What Warren didn't say but I will, is that Macbeth did NOT bring over any of the negatives of many of those same IEM's, that many do discuss in the forums.
There are NO holes in the sound spectrum with Macbeth. Sound flows smoothly from highs to lows. While NOT a bass head IEM, only the most hardcore of bass lovers would find it lacking IMO.
The mids are not just present, they are the star (and usually not the sound area I concentrate on for an IEM) and they were smooth, detailed, never to forward or in your face, just nicely balanced but definitely the area of concentration for Ricardo and team. But Macbeth is NOT a mid-centric IEM. It's just hard to explain right now. You will understand if you audition them.
The highs were clear, offered a nice sparkle and sheen, are nicely extended and while close to, never crossed the line into being sibilant.
This was an IEM that was very easy to get caught up in listening and not analyzing, which I found myself doing through the auditions

Warren also touched on the Ambition limited cable.
I cannot "unhear" what I heard with this cable, and as good as the stock cable is, (and it is a good cable, had I not known it was an all copper cable, would have sworn it was a all silver cable) the Ambition cable is one of a kind in what it did to elevate Macbeth just that much more. With only 50 being made, those lucky enough to get one, will have something that will remain at the top of the pile for some time to come. But the Ambition cable was something else. Eric has mentioned to me recently, it has some specific tuning so it is more than the 8 Wires that make up its construction. Yes its an 8 Wire Sonnet of Adam, but it is more than just an 8 wire Sonnet of Adam. There was something satisfying with its sound and made a difference when comparing to the 4 wire Sonnet of Adam, and brought more to the table that just adding 4 more "Adam" wires for 8 total should do. On Macbeth it offered more clarity, more detail, and a grander stage.
How would I describe it? Its the Sonnet of Adam on Steroids with more of everything good and no bad artifacts.
I can see many asking is it worth the same price as the complete Macbeth Set? Only you can be the judge of that, but for me, i'm trying to figure out if I can get one.
Hopefully we will hear more about its make design goals soon from Eric or Ricardo.

But the stock Macbeth cable is good, and dare I say a great cable, and I'd venture to say most will be MORE THAN HAPPY with the stock cable.

I know I've not given any specific comparisons or thoughts. If the stars align before Can Jam So Cal, I might get some extended time with Macbeth/Romeo V3 and will be able to do more back to back listening and cable rolling than what I was able to do at the Romeo V3 audition, where I'd feel much more comfortable giving those direct comments. If I don't get the extended time, will post thoughts once I get my production Macbeth purchase.
Am I putting my money where my mouth is? You Bet, I've had an order in for Macbeth for some time now. For me it's that good

But is it for you? Proof is what YOU hear, and what you want from an IEM, if Macbeth is for you.
I've seen some good comments in the previous and now in this forum about waiting or wanting to hear it first before deciding on a purchase, and hey that is what makes this hobby so great, its "PERSONAL" audio, and as such the only opinion that matters is your own.
But I will say, do yourself a favor and wherever Macbeth is being offered as an audition, go and try it.

If you've made it this far in my write up, THANK YOU!
And of course I always like to say the above is IMO, and YMMV.

Very nice video @warrenpchi !! Man, I can't be the only one who liked Romeo V2!? Now I've gotta have my ears checked!!

Also am I the only one who may like the pre-prod faceplate?

Nope right there with you about the pre-prod face plates!
I think I made comments to Warren at the audition and found its an integral part of the sound and will guess I have to live with it once I get my set ;-)

This is a very exciting release!!! At least for me 😂

I had the great fortune a couple of months ago of having some real time with Macbeth (and that 8w lovely!) having previously heard the Romeo, both versions in Warren's video. I would echo all of his sentiments, the Macbeth will be a trendsetter IEM, and I feel lucky to have been a small part of its evolution!

Thank you Ricardo and @Eric Chong! And thanks @warrenpchi for starting this awesome thread and making that incredible video!

Looking very forward to CanJam Socal soon to finally see and hear the finished Macbeth!
Completely agree Emdeevee. Completely agree!
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Sep 5, 2024 at 4:53 AM Post #17 of 1,079
As of this moment, the “Romeo” is no more. It no longer exists. That’s because, technically, it never did.
The real Romeo were the friends we made along the way?
Sep 6, 2024 at 4:39 AM Post #18 of 1,079
How does it perform on the high range ? In terms of brightness, speed , airiness, detail and microdetail ..... ?

Does it have anything in common with Noble Viking Ragnar ?

Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements

Many of you have been interested in Eletech's prototype IEM - the “Romeo” - since it first appeared at CanJam NYC 2024 earlier this year. As of this moment, the “Romeo” is no more. It no longer exists. That’s because, technically, it never did.

On this episode of Head-Fi TV, we’re taking an exclusive and in-depth look at the inaugural flagship in-ear monitor, the Macbeth, from a brand-new company, Forte Ears. And as you’ve probably surmised by now, it’s the IEM formerly masquerading as the “Romeo.”

As noted in the video, detailed sonic impressions will be included here in this thread — along with information and impressions on Ambition, a premium cable upgrade exclusive to Macbeth.

Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements is produced by Brian Murphy, Joe Cwik, and Warren Chi of Special thanks to Head-Fiers @AnakChan, @emdeevee, @HiFiHawaii808, @Kiats, @NJoyzAudio, @Rockwell75, and others for lending their thoughts and impressions to this preview.

The measurements in this video were made using:


Good review
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Sep 7, 2024 at 2:08 PM Post #19 of 1,079
How does it perform on the high range ? In terms of brightness, speed , airiness, detail and microdetail ..... ?

Does it have anything in common with Noble Viking Ragnar ?
From memory, I would say it is just as good or better than Ragnar in the high range while killing it in the lower range.

Yes, it's a detail monster, too.
Sep 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM Post #20 of 1,079
Well pleasantly surprised when I saw a notification that DHL had a package on its way from Singapore/Forte Ears!
It arrived late yesterday and well that thing called life got in the way of audio enjoyment and had to wait till today to post these unboxing pictures. Apologies up front as I'm not a photographer (Unlike "gLer" or "Deezel177" love your photography gentlemen) but thought I'd get this info posted
The Macbeth is going through burn-in now. I am a believer of burn in, and well out of the box, these Macbeth do sound different than the prototypes, but with only 24 hours of burn in so far (going to go for 100hrs of burn in, due to the mechanical make up of the drivers in Macbeth) it is starting to sound like the prototypes, those of us Warren mentioned in his video got to hear.

While Forte Ears will be separately run from Eletech, and Ricardo definitely has a classical "Opera" theme for the Macbeth IEMs, I can see where being friends/working with Eric has influenced the packaging, the unboxing experience and overall feeling of luxury we all come to expect from a product release from Eletech!
Its great to see Ricardo keeping that tradition alive at Forte Ears. God knows I've purchased some items paying what I thought was to the higher end to only be let down with a "Is that it?" kind of experience. This will NOT be the case for anyone like me purchasing Macbeth. (NOTE: I purchased, Macbeth was not given to me, and NO compensation has been given to me for what I write today, and what I will write in the future. ALL I will write is IMO, and YMMV.)

As I mentioned in an earlier post I had to decide If I would be purchasing an Ambition Cable. I have. It is shipping later as they are being built on demand and not pre-built waiting on a shelf. I'm looking at sometime after CanJam SO CA to receive it, and might hold off on any thoughts or comparisons until it comes in. To me it was that good, and having sold off some other gear that has been sitting, plus some unexpected income and no pending bills, pulled the trigger this past week. For those who already have Sonnet of Adam or similar cables, you will probably be OK as this being the step up from the stock cable. For those wondering about the stock cable, it is MUCH better than the stock cables I've received from other well known IEM makers, even those who have commissioned custom Eletech cables.
I would say you do NOT have to rush out and get an Ambition cable, and as previously stated many will be fine with the stock Macbeth Cable..

I did sneak a quick listen as I set Macbeth up for burn in, and my first thoughts were "the bass is much stronger than what I remember" but I think as with other IEM's I've acquired in the past, with burn in, things will start to settle in and balance, especially since Macbeth is using the 2 Bone Conduction drivers for the mids, IMO burn in is a necessity (and I know my saying that opens up the religious wars on burn in, but it is IMO and will stand by it)
Already with only 24 hours of burn in time, things are starting to settle in, and the bass is becoming what I head during the prototype auditions, present, but not overpowering.
I don't plan on sneaking any more listens until I get to around the 96 hour mark. Given my work schedule (That pesky thing that gets in the way of enjoying audio) I may not be able to post anything until after Can Jam.

With all this said, here are the unboxing photos

Outside shipping cover. The Macbeth letters are in a red metallic print, that my photo does not capture very well


The back cover

With the cover sleeve off your greeted by 3 "doors"

Under the large door, a plexiglass silkscreened "stage" of sorts with acknowledgement of "first session" do not know if this will change on subsequent product runs or not
Also included is build number. I have #48 of this build run.
Some of the silkscreening is done on the front, most on the back giving it a true 3D effect! (again sorry my photos do NOT do a good job of capturing this.


Under this "ticket" are the Waxed leather case and under the case is the card with the Baroque ear tips in S, M. L and XL sizes
Waxed leather case.JPG
Baroque Tips.jpg

Opening the top 2 doors there are some "cards" with a latter to his lady from the Play Macbeth and a Forte Ears logo card respectively

Directly under these doors is a folded Macbeth themed Microfiber cloth. which is covering
Microfiber cloth.JPG

The Macbeth Cable, and the actual Macbeth IEMs

The IEMs are inscribed with a Serial Number in blue for the left, and red for the right IEM, similar to what you see when you order a CIEM
(sorry did not take a shot of this)

The fit and finish of the IEM's is top notch and what you would expect for a company's TOTL product

A quick shot of everything as received

Will post some impressions and thoughts once I complete burn in and can get some time on the stock cable and some other cables I want to initially try before my Ambition 8 wire arrives

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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Sep 15, 2024 at 12:43 AM Post #21 of 1,079
Well pleasantly surprised when I saw a notification that DHL had a package on its way from Singapore/Forte Ears!
It arrived late yesterday and well that thing called life got in the way of audio enjoyment and had to wait till today to post these unboxing pictures. Apologies up front as I'm not a photographer (Unlike "gLer" or "Deezel177" love your photography gentlemen) but thought I'd get this info posted
The Macbeth is going through burn-in now. I am a believer of burn in, and well out of the box, these Macbeth do sound different than the prototypes, but with only 24 hours of burn in so far (going to go for 100hrs of burn in, due to the mechanical make up of the drivers in Macbeth) it is starting to sound like the prototypes, those of us Warren mentioned in his video got to hear.

While Forte Ears will be separately run from Eletech, and Ricardo definitely has a classical "Opera" theme for the Macbeth IEMs, I can see where being friends/working with Eric has influenced the packaging, the unboxing experience and overall feeling of luxury we all come to expect from a product release from Eletech!
Its great to see Ricardo keeping that tradition alive at Forte Ears. God knows I've purchased some items paying what I thought was to the higher end to only be let down with a "Is that it?" kind of experience. This will NOT be the case for anyone like me purchasing Macbeth. (NOTE: I purchased, Macbeth was not given to me, and NO compensation has been given to me for what I write today, and what I will write in the future. ALL I will write is IMO, and YMMV.)

As I mentioned in an earlier post I had to decide If I would be purchasing an Ambition Cable. I have. It is shipping later as they are being built on demand and not pre-built waiting on a shelf. I'm looking at sometime after CanJam SO CA to receive it, and might hold off on any thoughts or comparisons until it comes in. To me it was that good, and having sold off some other gear that has been sitting, plus some unexpected income and no pending bills, pulled the trigger this past week. For those who already have Sonnet of Adam or similar cables, you will probably be OK as this being the step up from the stock cable. For those wondering about the stock cable, it is MUCH better than the stock cables I've received from other well known IEM makers, even those who have commissioned custom Eletech cables.
I would say you do NOT have to rush out and get an Ambition cable, and as previously stated many will be fine with the stock Macbeth Cable..

I did sneak a quick listen as I set Macbeth up for burn in, and my first thoughts were "the bass is much stronger than what I remember" but I think as with other IEM's I've acquired in the past, with burn in, things will start to settle in and balance, especially since Macbeth is using the 2 Bone Conduction drivers for the mids, IMO burn in is a necessity (and I know my saying that opens up the religious wars on burn in, but it is IMO and will stand by it)
Already with only 24 hours of burn in time, things are starting to settle in, and the bass is becoming what I head during the prototype auditions, present, but not overpowering.
I don't plan on sneaking any more listens until I get to around the 96 hour mark. Given my work schedule (That pesky thing that gets in the way of enjoying audio) I may not be able to post anything until after Can Jam.

With all this said, here are the unboxing photos

Outside shipping cover. The Macbeth letters are in a red metallic print, that my photo does not capture very well


The back cover

With the cover sleeve off your greeted by 3 "doors"

Under the large door, a plexiglass silkscreened "stage" of sorts with acknowledgement of "first session" do not know if this will change on subsequent product runs or not
Also included is build number. I have #48 of this build run.
Some of the silkscreening is done on the front, most on the back giving it a true 3D effect! (again sorry my photos do NOT do a good job of capturing this.


Under this "ticket" are the Waxed leather case and under the case is the card with the Baroque ear tips in S, M. L and XL sizes
Waxed leather case.JPG Baroque Tips.jpg

Opening the top 2 doors there are some "cards" with a latter to his lady from the Play Macbeth and a Forte Ears logo card respectively
IMG_9564.jpg IMG_9563.jpg

Directly under these doors is a folded Macbeth themed Microfiber cloth. which is covering
Microfiber cloth.JPG

The Macbeth Cable, and the actual Macbeth IEMs

The IEMs are inscribed with a Serial Number in blue for the left, and red for the right IEM, similar to what you see when you order a CIEM
(sorry did not take a shot of this)

The fit and finish of the IEM's is top notch and what you would expect for a company's TOTL product
IMG_9573.jpg IMG_9572.jpg

A quick shot of everything as received

Will post some impressions and thoughts once I complete burn in and can get some time on the stock cable and some other cables I want to initially try before my Ambition 8 wire arrives

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
Super jealous, brother, enjoy!!!
Sep 15, 2024 at 12:43 AM Post #22 of 1,079
Oh beat me to it @NJoyzAudio

Big thanks to @Eric Chong & @warrenpchi to help organise this dedicated listening session. I got my package from DHL today too bout an hr ago. This will now go through a 1 week burn-in (whether you believe it or not is up to you) before I review. Naturally though throughout the burn in I will be listening to them off 'n on - in fact they're in my ears now as I'm typing this.

I can saw for now that those ports have already piqued my curiosity.

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Sep 15, 2024 at 3:26 AM Post #23 of 1,079
there is a focus on burn in, which is a bit unclear to me why, is any part of the iem sound signature that you feel needs to be addressed

i have many iems and burn in barely made any difference
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Sep 15, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #24 of 1,079
there is a focus on burn in, which is a bit unclear to me why, is any part of the iem sound signature that you feel needs to be addressed

i have many iems and burn barely made any difference

Just to ensure that the main Macbeth topic doesn't get derailed/sided-tracked, I'll address this quickly, and hopefully the thread of burn-in stops after this.

Whether the audience here believes in burn-in or not, it's up to them. The result is merely getting a review 1-2 weeks later (vs now) which I don't believe matters that much (seeing there are other reviewers here too, and this thread started more than a month ago).

In terms of whether burn-in is real or not, I don't think there's a simple answer of yes or no. At least in my experience where I was previously living in a country and more active in Head-Fi where I was lucky to receive multiple units of the same product (may it be cable, headphone, component, etc) and had the ability to burn one unit in and leave another unit alone - all I can say it's a hit 'n miss. Some do have differences between the burnt in unit vs the non, whilst other units, makes no difference at all.

So to me, putting in a brand-new-out-of-the-shrink-wrap review unit through a burn in is merely a safety net. If it changes, great. If it doesn't, that's ok too. During burn-in time I'd give it a listen anyway. It's only a difference of time to review of now vs later which isn't a big deal for me.
Sep 15, 2024 at 12:23 PM Post #25 of 1,079
Super jealous, brother, enjoy!!!
Thank You Emdeevee!
Hope to see you at CanJam!

Just to ensure that the main Macbeth topic doesn't get derailed/sided-tracked, I'll address this quickly, and hopefully the thread of burn-in stops after this.

Whether the audience here believes in burn-in or not, it's up to them. The result is merely getting a review 1-2 weeks later (vs now) which I don't believe matters that much (seeing there are other reviewers here too, and this thread started more than a month ago).

In terms of whether burn-in is real or not, I don't think there's a simple answer of yes or no. At least in my experience where I was previously living in a country and more active in Head-Fi where I was lucky to receive multiple units of the same product (may it be cable, headphone, component, etc) and had the ability to burn one unit in and leave another unit alone - all I can say it's a hit 'n miss. Some do have differences between the burnt in unit vs the non, whilst other units, makes no difference at all.

So to me, putting in a brand-new-out-of-the-shrink-wrap review unit through a burn in is merely a safety net. If it changes, great. If it doesn't, that's ok too. During burn-in time I'd give it a listen anyway. It's only a difference of time to review of now vs later which isn't a big deal for me.
Thank You for your comments and thoughts!
I agree with all you said, and as I stated earlier in the thread, its a personal choice as this is "Personal Audio".
I believe in it, and I know others do not.

Sound Eq
For your question, "... is any part of the iem sound signature that you feel needs to be addressed..."

Short answer is "No". I think Macbeth's Sound Signature is one of the best I've had the pleasure to listen to, and out of the box, they were as expected.

Its a personal preference and for me, that I want to start listening at a point that without burn in people will reach eventually (time on the device...).
Maybe I'm just old school with audio, but even when it comes to cars I am the same way.
I do break in engines on an ever increasing schedule for the first 1000mi, and doing this I've never had a car burn oil or loose compression well past 100,000 miles.
Use to work with a racing division of a major automotive manufacturer and got see race motors that were used with no break in period vs a break in period on a dyno and saw the differences in piston ring wear. Granted this was racing where motors are taken to extremes and drivers and teams were looking for 10ths of a second in performance gains. Most modern cars, their engines are much easier on components and probably don't need the break in period.
But again I'm old school, and why I do what I do.

But to emphasize again there is NOTHING missing in the sound signature, or I would NOT have bought Macbeth.
It's 100% my choice and what I want to do. And as I always like to say YMMV.

Thanks AnakChan as a moderator for the forum, for letting me respond, and let's all consider the matter closed....Enough said on this topic
On to impressions once I can get time to do a proper listen and eval, and perhaps get the optional cable in too.
Sep 18, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #26 of 1,079
This is more of a general question, but why is it that so many brands use stock cables for recessed sockets, while their IEMs have a non recessed socket? I often feel this looks so ugly and kind of destroys the visuals of an IEM. Why don`t they just use recessed sockets or another connector then?

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Sep 18, 2024 at 5:13 AM Post #27 of 1,079
This is more of a general question, but why is it that so many brands use stock cables for recessed sockets, while their IEMs have a non recessed socket? I often feel this looks so ugly and kind of destroys the visuals of an IEM. Why don`t they just use recessed sockets or another connector then?

That is indeed a weird decision.
Sep 18, 2024 at 5:17 AM Post #28 of 1,079
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Sep 18, 2024 at 7:01 AM Post #30 of 1,079
Interestingly enough, so many brands make that decision… 🤔
I really don’t get it…

I can only speculate in this case, but maybe since a premium aftermarket cable is included with this release, they used "universal" 2pin connectors to fit different iems?

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