Lurkerus Supremus
Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements
Many of you have been interested in Eletech's prototype IEM - the “Romeo” - since it first appeared at CanJam NYC 2024 earlier this year. As of this moment, the “Romeo” is no more. It no longer exists. That’s because, technically, it never did.
On this episode of Head-Fi TV, we’re taking an exclusive and in-depth look at the inaugural flagship in-ear monitor, the Macbeth, from a brand-new company, Forte Ears. And as you’ve probably surmised by now, it’s the IEM formerly masquerading as the “Romeo.”
As noted in the video, detailed sonic impressions will be included here in this thread — along with information and impressions on Ambition, a premium cable upgrade exclusive to Macbeth.
Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements is produced by Brian Murphy, Joe Cwik, and Warren Chi of Head-Fi.org. Special thanks to Head-Fiers @AnakChan, @emdeevee, @HiFiHawaii808, @Kiats, @NJoyzAudio, @Rockwell75, and others for lending their thoughts and impressions to this preview.
The measurements in this video were made using:
- Brüel & Kjær High-frequency Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) Type 5128
- Audio Precision APx555 Audio Analyzer
- Audio Precision APx1701 Transducer Test Interface
- HEAD acoustics labCORE modular hardware platform for tests of voice and audio quality
- HEAD acoustics ACQUA measurement and analysis software for testing voice quality and audio quality
- Benchmark HPA4 Headphone Amplifier
- Herzan custom-designed acoustic & vibration isolation enclosure
Great Video Warren!
Sorry late to the game, but that pesky thing called "work" got in the way tonight.....
I can't emphasize enough to the Head-Fi readers, even though a few of us fellow Head-Fiers were highlighted with our comments back to both Ricardo and Eric, it was the SUM OF THE HEAD-FI COMMUNITY that helped to shape Macbeth, form it into what it has become, so hats off to Ricardo, Eric and the engineers at both Forte Ears and Eletech for listening to us, the paying masses.
I am VERY lucky to have been given access to the Romeo prototypes and progression to the final Macbeth product, and can't thank enough all those at Eletech and Forte Ears that allowed me the access and made this happen.
As I wrote in the previous forum that Warren has migrated here, Macbeth took what I thought I knew about IEMs, and just threw it out the window.
Eric at Eletech did this with both Ode To Laura and Sonnet of Adam cables. Both took cables I had that I thought were end game for me and just trashed them sonically.
Macbeth did something similar in that it took my thought that Dynamic Drivers (DD) is the driver for proper bass, with the proper decay of notes and sound quality it offers, and Ricardo just trashed that thought with his innovative use of drivers, just as Eric's current line of cables have done. Thank you both for pushing the envelope, and bringing us new ways to enjoy audio!
I've listened to other IEMs that used DD or Bone Conduction for mids, and nope, not for me, just was not the sound I wanted or liked. I have to admit that when the discussion of driver arrangements were had, I was not a fan because of these past experiences, and well made comments to that end.
Walked into the auditions for Romeo V1 with skepticism because of the prior experience with IEMs that had mid centric layout, expecting the same and was pleasantly surprised. To be blunt it was eye opening. I had to as quoted in the other forum, "Eat My Words" and apologized to and thanked those at Forte Ears for the new experience I was going through with Macbeth and NOT having DD drivers for either the bass or mids.
With promise of more to come, eagerly auditioned V2 of Romeo and well, Warren has captured my thoughts about V2 in the video... Enough said. (And yes my words were harsh, but they had to be said.)
V3 of Romeo (which has now become Macbeth) took what we were hearing and liked from V1, took away what we did NOT like in V2 and took the experience to another level.
I know Warren talked about several other IEM's and what they bring as benchmarks that Macbeth now offers.
What Warren didn't say but I will, is that Macbeth did NOT bring over any of the negatives of many of those same IEM's, that many do discuss in the forums.
There are NO holes in the sound spectrum with Macbeth. Sound flows smoothly from highs to lows. While NOT a bass head IEM, only the most hardcore of bass lovers would find it lacking IMO.
The mids are not just present, they are the star (and usually not the sound area I concentrate on for an IEM) and they were smooth, detailed, never to forward or in your face, just nicely balanced but definitely the area of concentration for Ricardo and team. But Macbeth is NOT a mid-centric IEM. It's just hard to explain right now. You will understand if you audition them.
The highs were clear, offered a nice sparkle and sheen, are nicely extended and while close to, never crossed the line into being sibilant.
This was an IEM that was very easy to get caught up in listening and not analyzing, which I found myself doing through the auditions
Warren also touched on the Ambition limited cable.
I cannot "unhear" what I heard with this cable, and as good as the stock cable is, (and it is a good cable, had I not known it was an all copper cable, would have sworn it was a all silver cable) the Ambition cable is one of a kind in what it did to elevate Macbeth just that much more. With only 50 being made, those lucky enough to get one, will have something that will remain at the top of the pile for some time to come. But the Ambition cable was something else. Eric has mentioned to me recently, it has some specific tuning so it is more than the 8 Wires that make up its construction. Yes its an 8 Wire Sonnet of Adam, but it is more than just an 8 wire Sonnet of Adam. There was something satisfying with its sound and made a difference when comparing to the 4 wire Sonnet of Adam, and brought more to the table that just adding 4 more "Adam" wires for 8 total should do. On Macbeth it offered more clarity, more detail, and a grander stage.
How would I describe it? Its the Sonnet of Adam on Steroids with more of everything good and no bad artifacts.
I can see many asking is it worth the same price as the complete Macbeth Set? Only you can be the judge of that, but for me, i'm trying to figure out if I can get one.
Hopefully we will hear more about its make design goals soon from Eric or Ricardo.
But the stock Macbeth cable is good, and dare I say a great cable, and I'd venture to say most will be MORE THAN HAPPY with the stock cable.
I know I've not given any specific comparisons or thoughts. If the stars align before Can Jam So Cal, I might get some extended time with Macbeth/Romeo V3 and will be able to do more back to back listening and cable rolling than what I was able to do at the Romeo V3 audition, where I'd feel much more comfortable giving those direct comments. If I don't get the extended time, will post thoughts once I get my production Macbeth purchase.
Am I putting my money where my mouth is? You Bet, I've had an order in for Macbeth for some time now. For me it's that good
But is it for you? Proof is what YOU hear, and what you want from an IEM, if Macbeth is for you.
I've seen some good comments in the previous and now in this forum about waiting or wanting to hear it first before deciding on a purchase, and hey that is what makes this hobby so great, its "PERSONAL" audio, and as such the only opinion that matters is your own.
But I will say, do yourself a favor and wherever Macbeth is being offered as an audition, go and try it.
If you've made it this far in my write up, THANK YOU!
And of course I always like to say the above is IMO, and YMMV.
AnakChanVery nice video @warrenpchi !! Man, I can't be the only one who liked Romeo V2!? Now I've gotta have my ears checked!!
Also am I the only one who may like the pre-prod faceplate?
Nope right there with you about the pre-prod face plates!
I think I made comments to Warren at the audition and found its an integral part of the sound and will guess I have to live with it once I get my set
Completely agree Emdeevee. Completely agree!This is a very exciting release!!! At least for me
I had the great fortune a couple of months ago of having some real time with Macbeth (and that 8w lovely!) having previously heard the Romeo, both versions in Warren's video. I would echo all of his sentiments, the Macbeth will be a trendsetter IEM, and I feel lucky to have been a small part of its evolution!
Thank you Ricardo and @Eric Chong! And thanks @warrenpchi for starting this awesome thread and making that incredible video!
Looking very forward to CanJam Socal soon to finally see and hear the finished Macbeth!
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