Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements

Aug 8, 2024 at 5:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1,079
Jun 9, 2011
Head-Fi LA
Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements

Many of you have been interested in Eletech's prototype IEM - the “Romeo” - since it first appeared at CanJam NYC 2024 earlier this year. As of this moment, the “Romeo” is no more. It no longer exists. That’s because, technically, it never did.

On this episode of Head-Fi TV, we’re taking an exclusive and in-depth look at the inaugural flagship in-ear monitor, the Macbeth, from a brand-new company, Forte Ears. And as you’ve probably surmised by now, it’s the IEM formerly masquerading as the “Romeo.”

As noted in the video, detailed sonic impressions will be included here in this thread — along with information and impressions on Ambition, a premium cable upgrade exclusive to Macbeth.

Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements is produced by Brian Murphy, Joe Cwik, and Warren Chi of Special thanks to Head-Fiers @AnakChan, @emdeevee, @HiFiHawaii808, @Kiats, @NJoyzAudio, @Rockwell75, and others for lending their thoughts and impressions to this preview.

The measurements in this video were made using:

Aug 8, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #2 of 1,079
Forte Ears Macbeth: Detailed Impressions

Broadly-speaking, the Macbeth features a balanced (though not neutral) signature, with boundless extension at both ends, and a unique mid-range emphasis that audibly manifests itself - not as aggressiveness - but rather a torrent of textural detail. I wouldn’t call the Macbeth n-shaped, but there is a definite richness throughout the entire midrange, such that nobody would say its mids are recessed.

And while it’s by no means a basshead's IEM, the Macbeth acquits itself admirably with a thoroughly satisfying bass response.


For example, with Beck’s Dark Places, there’s a series of descending sub-bass notes at the end of the bridge’s sixth measure, right around 2:11 in, and Macbeth’s deeply-extended sub-bass renders them seismically.

Moving up to the mid-bass...


...Macbeth did a fantastic job with Billie Eilish’s BIRDS OF A FEATHER, smothering us with its intentionally-suffocating bass notes, thus enhancing that tracks’s portrayal of an overbearing and obsessive psyche at work.

But, by far the most noteworthy component of Macbeth’s signature, is its midrange performance.

Stemming from its implementation of both balanced armature and bone conduction drivers, governed by an impeccably tuned crossover... Macbeth presents us with a very even-keeled midrange, devoid of any distracting boosts or cuts, and laden with a textural richness that needs to be heard to be truly understood.


Vocals are particularly evocative in this plaintive cover of a timeless Dylan ballad — where Sarah Jarosz and Vince Gill share sonic billing — since Macbeth doesn’t favor female vocals over male vocals through the use of upper mid gimmicks or antics.

Instrumentally, and with absolutely no offense to Mr. Gheorghe Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute, but for me...


The Lonely Shepherd doesn’t truly take-off until the brass section lands in the second verse. As you’d expect, Macbeth articulates fundamentals cleanly for outstanding separation between the two. At the same time, its bone conduction midrange drivers give The Lonely Shepherd’s pan flute overtones and brass harmonics a sense of richness, blending them into a glorious and bittersweet chorus.


When it comes to highs, the Macbeth is simply sublime. The upper harmonics of cymbals and hats have both tactility and tangibility to them — delicately fading out along an infinitely gradual taper — until they finally dissipate into the ether well beyond what you, or I, or any human being can hear.

I haven’t seen the measurements for Macbeth, but based on what I’ve heard, I have no problem believing their specifications about those estats going all the way out to 45kHz. Compared to the Elysian Annihilator, the two are very close, but I would say that Macbeth is both kinder and gentler in its treble presentation.


I am a Detailhead through-and-through. It’s my foremost preference, my biggest bias, that I prefer greater detail and resolution whenever possible — and Macbeth’s detail is exceptional.

Taking a trip down memory lane with Howard Jones, it’s incredibly easy to pick out the steely high tenor, of an early Eighties Phil Collins, handling background vocals in the 1986 version of No One Is To Blame. That might not sound like an especially difficult thing to render, but trust me when I tell you that not all IEMs, even some TOTL IEMs, can make Phil so audibly obvious.

And for those of you who prize staging and imaging as your principal preferences, you’ll be glad to know that Macbeth stages beautifully. I typically don’t listen to full symphonic recordings through IEMs, much less those with chorales. IEMs simply aren’t optimal if you're looking for a wide and expansive headstage.


That said, the Gloria from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Mass in B Minor — performed by the New York Philharmonic and New York Choral Artists, Alan Gilbert conducting — the stage was sufficiently wide, with respectable depth, and even a sense of height, which totally surprised me.

And that carries through to imaging as well.


When Dan Tyminski and company “bid farewell to ol’ Kentucky” - and the crowd went nuts - I could swear that I heard them behind me. Now, headstage is highly psychoacoustic, and fully expect that your mileage will vary. But that’s what I - very unexpectedly mind you - heard with this track.

Now I still prefer full-sized headphones, or better yet speakers, when I want to focus on staging and imaging. But if you prefer IEMs for all of your listening, I think you could do a lot worse than Macbeth in this regard.

And finally, dynamics. This is one area where Macbeth does exceptionally well.


With many headphones and IEMs, Greta Van Fleet’s Heat Above can often come across as a bit soft, and consequently a bit halfhearted. But through Macbeth, it was nothing less than anthemic and it totally rocked.

Daniel Wagner on drums wielded undeniable power, and even Sam Kiszka’s accompanying organ work sounded like a force to be reckoned with, as the entire band was firing on all cylinders - forming a dynamic foundation for Josh Kiszka’s vocals as he summoned the universe to their side.

Up until now, what I’ve described is fully commensurate with what we’d expect or demand of a TOTL IEM. In this golden age of IEMs, you can’t credibly call yourself a flagship without hitting all of those marks. But there are four areas where Macbeth absolutely excels beyond expectations — and for me, all four of those qualities collided in a single track: Cameron Graves’ Adam & Eve.


Resolution: Studio/Setup Noises @ 00:03

We already know that Macbeth elicits detail well, but what I want to highlight here are its powers of resolution — that is, its ability to actually resolve that low-level detail into fully-recognizable sounds.

Right from the start, there are a series of set-up noises in the studio — everything from the jostling of hats due to their stands skittering on carpet, to footsteps on floorboards moving about the studio, to percussionist Ronald Bruner Jr. making final adjustments to his kit — they’re all there and easily discernible for what they are, much as ambient sounds would be in reality. Yes, I realize that’s not musical content, but I love stuff like that.

Coming out of the prelude and moving into the head, Ronald Bruner Jr. is about to grace us with some truly stunning percussion work.

Impact: Ronald Bruner Jr. (Percussion) @ 02:35

At the 2:35 mark, Bruner Jr. starts laying down an epic groove. It’s simple and sparse at first, subtlety building in complexity throughout the head, but from the first hit we know that he’s here to play. There are no half-hearted strokes or strikes here, as he wielded undeniable power and authority.

Now I can see how some would call this slam, and Macbeth does slam to be sure, but that doesn’t quite cover it because this isn’t just about low-end impact. There’s an amazing sense of speed throughout Macbeth’s entire frequency response. Not only do kick drums come alive, while toms exude attitude — but snares have a whip-like snap, while hats and cymbals have immediate presence and crash, as if they’re in the room with us.

It was like listening to live music, even though Adam & Eve is only a studio recording. It was visceral on a level that I’ve rarely — actually, make that never — heard in an IEM before. In fact, the last time I heard this kind of impact in a headphone or IEM, it was from a DS Tungsten, through a fairly robust Wells Audio amp. Yes, really.

Sounds incredible, right? Well, be sure to have your most dynamic tracks at the ready, and tell me what you hear when you audition Macbeth for yourself.

Now this next part is really going to raise a few eyebrows amongst you, and probably earn me some side-eye as well. Honestly, I don’t blame you, because even as these thoughts are forming in my head, I realize exactly how polarizing they’re going to sound coming out of my mouth.

Better Bass: Hadrien Faraud (Bass) @ 02:51

Despite the fact that Macbeth utilizes BAs for bass output, two of them in fact, Macbeth does NOT have “BA bass.” Nor would I say that it tries to simulate DD bass. Macbeth’s bass is altogether something different, something much better.

This is particularly evident in Macbeth’s mid-bass response, when Hadrien Faraud’s bass joins Bruner Jr.’s kick drums in the head. Together, they build on the already potent groove in progress, right around the 02:51 mark. Attack is instant, with the explosive immediacy on the leading edge of every note that I mentioned previously. But instead of the weak and flabby thuds we typically associate with BA bass, we’re gifted with a rich and robust decay as notes trail off naturally.

It’s not BA bass, nor is it DD bass, but somehow the best of both worlds. It’s incredibly satisfying, and it just keeps sounding better and better as they drive towards Kamasi Washington’s solo.

And I’m not the only one that heard this. NJoyzAudio noted this specifically in his feedback to Forte Ears...


... and Head-Fi Moderator AnakChan felt that Macbeth outperformed the competition in this regard…


Like many of you, I have friends in this hobby that are staunch advocates of DD bass (I’m looking at you there GLer) and I challenge all of them to give this a listen and tell me they don’t love Macbeth’s bass as much as I do.

But how is this kind of bass response possible? Well, I’ve asked Riccardo Yeh at Forte Ears, and he insists that it’s a trade secret… basically, he won’t tell me. That said, I do have a theory in mind, and I’d be happy to discuss that with any of you — but only after you’ve heard it and experienced it for yourselves.

And last but not least, let’s talk about texture.

Texture: Kamasi Washington (Tenor Sax) @ 07:28

If you’ve auditioned Canpur’s CP622B before, then you have some idea of what this aspect of Macbeth sounds like... and you also know just how difficult it can be to describe what you’ve heard.

Imagine, just for a moment, that the sound of your music isn’t coming at you through the propagation of waves — but rather though an infinitely dense synthesis of particles… particles that convey so much textural detail as they crash into you, that you feel as if you can see them, and almost touch them. It’s an incredibly vivid presentation, where notes seem to have tactility and tangibility.

Yes, I know I’m not making too much sense right now. The closest analogue I can come up with is for those who are deeply into 2-ch systems. What I’m trying to describe is not completely dissimilar to what you’d hear from a Scan-Speak driver, something along the lines of their Revelator series. Yes, that’s it! Imagine an array of nano Revelators in each ear, and that would be illustrative of what I'm getting at.

Getting back to Adam & Eve for a moment, this incredible textural density comes into play nicely during Kamasi Washington’s solo work. You can hear it filling in the incredibly smooth transitions between his grace notes, as if they were pitch bends. You can hear it in the leading and trailing edges of his lightning-fast arpeggios, as he manically builds-up to his climax. And of course, you can hear it throughout his entire solo as it helps to voice his overtones.

Honestly, regarding this aspect of Macbeth, you’re just going to have to hear it for yourself to truly understand what it sounds like. I’m not saying it’s impossible to describe, but I’m open enough to admit that such a description is probably beyond my ability to articulate.

Having said all that, there is potentially a considerable drawback to Macbeth’s sonic presentation. As detailed and incisive as the Macbeth is, you can probably imagine that it’s rather unforgiving at times, and you’d be right. The Macbeth is not laidback by any stretch of anybody’s imagination, so depending on what’s in your library, it could be a bit of sonic “overload” with some material. You’ll definitely want to audition Macbeth with your library to arrive at a proper determination for yourself.
Aug 8, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #3 of 1,079
Forte Ears Macbeth: Ambition Cable Upgrade

With Riccardo Yeh being from Eletech, I don’t think it will surprise anybody that there will be a special cable upgrade available for Macbeth, for those who want a premium experience.


It’s called Ambition — and at its core, it’s essentially an 8W version of Eletech’s co-flagship Sonnet of Adam. As such, it features 23 AWG wire consisting of Gold-plated Copper, Gold-plated Silver, and Gold+Silver alloy.

Aptly-named, the Ambition took everything that was great about Macbeth, dialed-up it up to eleven, and then smashes that right into your face. Here are some noteworthy highlights:


Vocals & Texture: Witness Me by Jacob Collier (feat. Shawn Mendes, Stormzy, Kirk Franklin Singers)

With relatively sparse instrumental accompaniment compared to most contemporary tracks, it’s clear that the real stars here are the vocals… and this is where the pairing of Macbeth and Ambition shines.

The fuller, but still balanced, midrange presentation gives equal weighting to both Jacob’s breathy baritone crooning, as well as his whistling falsetto. Improved textural resolution brings out the emotion of Shawn’s skillfully modulated vocal fry. The blacker background complements Stormzy’s somewhat clipped and articulated staccato delivery, stemming from the elision that's inherent to his Croydon/South London accent.

And finally, superior detail and resolution highlights each of the Kirk Franklin Singers, giving them individual voices, and thus their own turns in tiny spotlights. Just brilliant.


Low-End Detail: Bugler's Dream and Olympic Fanfare Medley by John Williams

It’s commonplace to hear detail spikes with brass and woodwind instruments, but that's usually in the midrange and not in the lower registers. With Ambition, exceptional detail retrieval is available throughout Macbeth’s frequency response, and this is particularly evident during the rhythmic ostinatos that anchor the secondary theme of Williams' fanfare.

The rhythmic pulsing of Tuba beats are rich and resonant, lending them a fugal quality, that sounds uncommonly stately and processional. They are then joined by a sustain of deep Oboe and Contra-Bassoon fills, bittersweetly occupying the spaces between the Tubas, filling them with solemnity and gravitas. Even the eerily-reverberant Timpanis are rendered with a lingering decay within a grandiose atmosphere, implying epic heroicism.

I don't mean to suggest that I've never heard low-end details like this before, of course I have — but typically through good speaker rigs, and occasionally with good headphone rigs. It’s just not something I ever thought I'd hear from an IEM.


Dynamics & Transients: Tommy The Cat by Primus

With this masterpiece of musical poetry, Ambition enhances Macbeth's textural prowess, by adding a whole new dimension of sauciness to Tom Waits' portrayal of Tommy The Cat, not to mention Les Claypool’s quirky and screaming prose.

But the pièce de résistance here is how Macbeth's blistering transient performance turns Claypool’s bass slaps and Tim Alexander's percussion hits into a brutal assault on the senses — like being in a mosh pit filled with the sonic equivalents of rubber mallets and sledgehammers respectively. Such great fun!

As one would expect, Ambition is not for the feint of heart or wallet. At $3,999 it doubles Macbeth’s price of adoption. Combine that with a scarce production run of only 50 units worldwide, and it’s truly a luxury addition.
Aug 8, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #4 of 1,079
Reserved for errata, updates, etc..

Additional Reviews & Perspectives
(NOTE: Entries are listed in date-descending order)

Macbeth Owners' Demo Playlist

Blake, James
- "Loading" - sound effects in that song is pretty awesome (@UTVOL06)
Cassidy, Eva - "Ain't No Sunshine" - fantastic (@Tom75)
Charles, Ray - "Fever" - just like being on stage (@Tom75)
Gojira - The Art of Dying - This track has it all (@menacing)
Graves, Cameron - "Adam & Eve" - incredible resolution, impact, bass, and texture (@warrenpchi)
Kobekina, Anastasia - Cello Concerto in A Minor, RV 419: III. Allegro - technical classical piece with the Cello as the star (@UTVOL06)
OVERWERK - "Anthology" - so much going on in the song (@Aetherhole)
Polyphia - "Playing God" - so much more alive and organic (@Echo42987)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - "Hanoi 6" - extremely varied track to test gear (@OnlySoMany)
YELLO - "Oh Yeah" - CRAZY VOCAL TEXTURE!!! (@gLer and @warrenpchi)
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Sep 4, 2024 at 7:58 PM Post #5 of 1,079
Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements

Many of you have been interested in Eletech's prototype IEM - the “Romeo” - since it first appeared at CanJam NYC 2024 earlier this year. As of this moment, the “Romeo” is no more. It no longer exists. That’s because, technically, it never did.

On this episode of Head-Fi TV, we’re taking an exclusive and in-depth look at the inaugural flagship in-ear monitor, the Macbeth, from a brand-new company, Forte Ears. And as you’ve probably surmised by now, it’s the IEM formerly masquerading as the “Romeo.”

As noted in the video, detailed sonic impressions will be included here in this thread — along with information and impressions on Ambition, a premium cable upgrade exclusive to Macbeth.

Forte Ears Macbeth: Preview, Impressions & Measurements is produced by Brian Murphy, Joe Cwik, and Warren Chi of Special thanks to Head-Fiers @AnakChan, @emdeevee, @HiFiHawaii808, @Kiats, @NJoyzAudio, @Rockwell75, and others for lending their thoughts and impressions to this preview.

The measurements in this video were made using:

Great video Warren! I’m super hyped to give Macbeth a listen. Excited to hear community impressions from CanJam if it makes an appearance there.
Sep 4, 2024 at 9:55 PM Post #7 of 1,079
4k functional jewelry 🤔

Look forward to some comparisons! As pretty as they are some good comparisons will solidify the sale!
Sep 4, 2024 at 11:04 PM Post #8 of 1,079
Very nice video @warrenpchi !! Man, I can't be the only one who liked Romeo V2!? Now I've gotta have my ears checked!!

Also am I the only one who may like the pre-prod faceplate?
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Sep 4, 2024 at 11:14 PM Post #9 of 1,079
This is a very exciting release!!! At least for me 😂

I had the great fortune a couple of months ago of having some real time with Macbeth (and that 8w lovely!) having previously heard the Romeo, both versions in Warren's video. I would echo all of his sentiments, the Macbeth will be a trendsetter IEM, and I feel lucky to have been a small part of its evolution!

Thank you Ricardo and @Eric Chong! And thanks @warrenpchi for starting this awesome thread and making that incredible video!

Looking very forward to CanJam Socal soon to finally see and hear the finished Macbeth!


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Sep 5, 2024 at 12:22 AM Post #10 of 1,079
Hello Warren.
For us that are not THAT fluid with the English word.... i have trouble to understand your review.
Is it Good / Bad or just OK?
Is it a MUST have unit or this is an Teaser/invitation to CanJam?

Please explain more your last paragraph in the review -
"Having said all that, there is potentially a considerable drawback to Macbeth’s sonic presentation. As detailed and incisive as the Macbeth is, you can probably imagine that it’s rather unforgiving at times, and you’d be right. The Macbeth is not laidback by any stretch of anybody’s imagination, so depending on what’s in your library, it could be a bit of sonic “overload” with some material. You’ll definitely want to audition Macbeth with your library to arrive at a proper determination for yourself."

What about the "Instruments Realism"?
I have heard here the Binom-ER 2024 and it has unbelievable String/Drums Instruments realism making them sound not like any other HP, and I'm a former Classical guitar player. Should i expect the same from the Macbeth?
Sep 5, 2024 at 12:52 AM Post #11 of 1,079
Hello Warren.
For us that are not THAT fluid with the English word.... i have trouble to understand your review.
Is it Good / Bad or just OK?
Is it a MUST have unit or this is an Teaser/invitation to CanJam?

Please explain more your last paragraph in the review -
"Having said all that, there is potentially a considerable drawback to Macbeth’s sonic presentation. As detailed and incisive as the Macbeth is, you can probably imagine that it’s rather unforgiving at times, and you’d be right. The Macbeth is not laidback by any stretch of anybody’s imagination, so depending on what’s in your library, it could be a bit of sonic “overload” with some material. You’ll definitely want to audition Macbeth with your library to arrive at a proper determination for yourself."

What about the "Instruments Realism"?
I have heard here the Binom-ER 2024 and it has unbelievable String/Drums Instruments realism making them sound not like any other HP, and I'm a former Classical guitar player. Should i expect the same from the Macbeth?
I think he's saying there is a headphone-like experience here which I would agree with.

It's not common for iems to go out of the head, giving you a headphone-like presentation but Macbeth does exactly that.
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Sep 5, 2024 at 1:25 AM Post #12 of 1,079
Ye, i had to translate the "incisive" word to understand the meaning, but still the last phrase "potentially a considerable drawback" - having this in the end and understanding the thoughts/impressions of the writer is difficult (at least for me).
We all sin in "Skip Reading" not diving in the full context of the written word.
Sep 5, 2024 at 2:31 AM Post #14 of 1,079
can you please describe its signature in general and is it an all rounder iem that suits all genres

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Sep 5, 2024 at 3:24 AM Post #15 of 1,079
Great video Warren! I’m super hyped to give Macbeth a listen. Excited to hear community impressions from CanJam if it makes an appearance there.
Great write-up Warren! Won't be able to watch the video until this weekend, but really looking forward to it. Can't wait to discuss further with you at SoCal!

Thanks gents! :pray:

Look forward to some comparisons! As pretty as they are some good comparisons will solidify the sale!

As more people get to audition it in the coming months, I'm hoping for the same! I'm keen to see what the community thinks of it. :slight_smile:

Very nice video @warrenpchi !! Man, I can't be the only one who liked Romeo V2!? Now I've gotta have my ears checked!!

There's only one solution... you need to do a review of the Macbeth as well, perhaps as a counterpoint to mine? 😃 I'd definitely be interested in reading that (or watching that - I KNOW you have good camera gear)!

Also am I the only one who may like the pre-prod faceplate?

No, but we can't always have what we want. :smile: If I had a choice, I would like a tortoiseshell shell, with polished brass or copper faceplates. :sunglasses:

This is a very exciting release!!! At least for me 😂

I had the great fortune a couple of months ago of having some real time with Macbeth (and that 8w lovely!) having previously heard the Romeo, both versions in Warren's video. I would echo all of his sentiments, the Macbeth will be a trendsetter IEM, and I feel lucky to have been a small part of its evolution!

Maybe a bunch of us going to CanJam SoCal can hunt down Riccardo the night before the starts, for a private audition the night before? 😁

Hello Warren.
For us that are not THAT fluid with the English word.... i have trouble to understand your review.
Is it Good / Bad or just OK?
Is it a MUST have unit or this is an Teaser/invitation to CanJam?

For me, it is very good. And for me, it is a must have. And as soon as I can afford it, I'll be getting one. :slight_smile: But we are all different, so my official recommendation is for everybody to audition it at their earliest opportunity -- because $4k is a lot of money, and doubly so with the Ambition upgrade cable factored in.

Please explain more your last paragraph in the review -
"Having said all that, there is potentially a considerable drawback to Macbeth’s sonic presentation. As detailed and incisive as the Macbeth is, you can probably imagine that it’s rather unforgiving at times, and you’d be right. The Macbeth is not laidback by any stretch of anybody’s imagination, so depending on what’s in your library, it could be a bit of sonic “overload” with some material. You’ll definitely want to audition Macbeth with your library to arrive at a proper determination for yourself."

Macbeth is not forgiving or laidback, at all. There is an abundance of detail. So if you have a lot of poorly recorded, poorly mastered, or over produced recordings... trust me, Macbeth will make you very aware of that fact.

Basically, you're going to hear more than you typically do, both good and bad. So if you're listening to Williams playing Bach's Lute Suites, you'll probably be fine. But if you're listening to Lagoya and Presti playing Bach's English Suites, it's not great. I love those pieces, I love those arrangements, but the quality of those recordings is crap.

What about the "Instruments Realism"?
I have heard here the Binom-ER 2024 and it has unbelievable String/Drums Instruments realism making them sound not like any other HP, and I'm a former Classical guitar player. Should i expect the same from the Macbeth?

It is definitely the most visceral and life-like IEM I've yet heard. That's probably its most unique characteristic. Based on what you've told me so far, I'm pretty sure you'd like it.

can you please describe its signature in general and is it an all rounder iem that suits all genres

Broadly-speaking, the Macbeth features a balanced (though not neutral) signature, with boundless extension at both ends, and a unique mid-range emphasis that audibly manifests itself - not as aggressiveness - but rather a torrent of textural detail. I wouldn’t call the Macbeth n-shaped, but there is a definite richness throughout the entire midrange, such that nobody would say its mids are recessed. Though again, I do want to point out that it's not forgiving or laidback. So while it will suit all genres, it won't suit all recordings.

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