Focal Clear Mg Review & Measurements
Mar 22, 2021 at 7:05 PM Post #121 of 2,156
Focal est une entreprise française, et c'est ainsi que Focal se prononce en français.
Beg pardon? I realize Focal is a French company, but focal is also an English word. As I said, I don't care if it might be the correct pronunciation, it just sounds weird to me. If I ever get back to France I'll be sure to pronounce it weirdly like that, though. :wink:
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Mar 22, 2021 at 11:07 PM Post #123 of 2,156
Interesting. It would be informative to see a comparison of worn vs fresh pads. It obviously has effects on the highs. Does warn Focals bring out more highs? With Sennheiser, worn pads causes warmer tilt. Question is, is it the pads being worn causing it?
Indeed, there is something strange about it. But, on Crinacle graph showing both with Mg pads, they measure practically the same, except for the 8kHz peak on the og Clear, and a few dB higher sub bass on the Mg Clear.


Knowing Crinacle prefers a more present treble, that would indeed make the complaint about the Mg, being "noticeably mushier and 'slower' ", very biased.

And sure enough we see the same in Jude's measurements, with the og Clear shown in the video, having pristine pads. Except for the higher sub bass on the Mg in Crinacle measurements.


Worn pads raising the treble and lowering the sub bass? Funny stuff.
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Mar 22, 2021 at 11:22 PM Post #124 of 2,156
I've been thinking Focal driver consistancy isn't great
I wondering if inconsistencies can be due to differences in the break-in period.
Do the measurements change drastically after the break-in period? Especially on Focal drivers since they are designed like loudspeakers ones and Focal, probably for that reason, recommends a long break-in period of 100+ hours to get them at their full potential?

As Jude stated, his measurements are made out of the box as much as possible. (Which I guess is not ideal if the FR changes during the break-in period because not only this doesn't do them justice but this introduces inconsistencies if further measurements are made later)
Quid for the break-in period of @Resolve and @crinacle measured units?

I don't care if it might be the correct pronunciation, it just sounds weird to me
Like we don't care if it sounds weird to you. Oops sorry... that escaped me :yum:

Knowing Crinacle prefers a more present treble, that would indeed make the complaint about the Mg, being "noticeably mushier and 'slower' ", very biased.
Phew, here I am reassured cause this review scared me a lot :confounded:
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Mar 23, 2021 at 1:46 PM Post #125 of 2,156
Been listening for a few days and compared to the OG Clears for me the new MG Clears are indeed an overall improvement. I have hundreds of hours on the OC Grey Clears. One of the best dynamic headphones for overall accuracy in tonality. I bought them sight unheard based on Tyll Hertsens short video review...when he said for once these are headphones worth spending $1K or more of his own money for....had to try them. They are now sold, but there is nothing missing for me with the newer MG versions.

I got the Pro version only for cosmetics and the extra earpads. I have tons of cables etc...and I do prefer the black red aesthetics more than the brownish ones.

Amps that pair very well are my PassLabs Whammy, superlative with the AD 746. The Schiit Jot2 and Lyr 3...

Bass is very controlled and tight...biggest improvement IMO here....Piano and tones are to die for nice, Keiko Matsui's piano in Dreamwalk CD is superb.

Thanks to Todd the Vinyl Junkie Guy for his superlative service!

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Mar 23, 2021 at 2:54 PM Post #126 of 2,156
I sure wish we could get some Celestee / Clear MG comparisons.

I know the Celestees have more clamp and a tighter, smaller soundstage. But subjectively - how does the 'listen to music' experience vary between the two?
Mar 23, 2021 at 3:15 PM Post #127 of 2,156
I sure wish we could get some Celestee / Clear MG comparisons.

I know the Celestees have more clamp and a tighter, smaller soundstage. But subjectively - how does the 'listen to music' experience vary between the two?
I've been looking for the same thing. I bought the Celestee about 3 weeks ago and really love them so far and they have great isolation. I'm wondering if adding the Clear MGs for the open back option makes sense or if I'd be duplicating too much between the two? I haven't found any direct comparisons out there.
Mar 23, 2021 at 3:18 PM Post #128 of 2,156
I've been looking for the same thing. I bought the Celestee about 3 weeks ago and really love them so far and they have great isolation. I'm wondering if adding the Clear MGs for the open back option makes sense or if I'd be duplicating too much between the two? I haven't found any direct comparisons out there.

Do you find the soundstage on the Celestee's large enough for you? I'm interested in the 'tight and focused image' but if it's really tiny I'm thinking maybe I should just do the new Clears. I am kinda a soundstage guy.
Mar 23, 2021 at 3:23 PM Post #129 of 2,156
Do you find the soundstage on the Celestee's large enough for you? I'm interested in the 'tight and focused image' but if it's really tiny I'm thinking maybe I should just do the new Clears. I am kinda a soundstage guy.
I find the sound stage to be quite nice. It's not big by any stretch but considering the isolation with the closed-back design, the sound stage is nice. I wouldn't call it tiny...I think your description of "tight and focused" is a pretty good description of the Celestees.
Mar 23, 2021 at 5:26 PM Post #135 of 2,156
compared to the OG Clears for me the new MG Clears are indeed an overall improvement
Bass is very controlled and tight...biggest improvement IMO here....Piano and tones are to die for nice, Keiko Matsui's piano in Dreamwalk CD is superb.
Thanks for your sharing. Any feedback about the upper region of the FR and technicalities/details retrieval?

The only issue with the MG Clears is good stuff sounds really good and mediocre stuff well sounds "mediocre" and poor stuff sounds like "crap"!!
@reallyoldcob said that it was more forgiving than OG on Headphones forum. Do you have any thoughts on this?

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