FLAC Player for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Dec 12, 2011 at 9:13 AM Post #166 of 320
Wow, I think I've really found my go to music player with my iPhone 4 and FLACplayer! The new beta sounds sweet, I'm happy to see playlist integration and the category fields. The last step I could ask for is a merge with the Equalizer app. I'd truly love to have full FLAC functionality with an adjustable EQ! I'd have one set for all my different headphones!
I haven't bought Equalizer yet, and I highly doubt this is how it works, but can I set an EQ in there and then play using FLACplayer and have the result be an EQ'ed FLAC file? I know that doesn't make sense to work that way, and as a user I know those two things don't line up, but I've got to hope on the off chance that it works!
I know there's just been a MASSIVE overhaul with v1.2, but is there any chance that FLACplayer will have an EQ function in the future? Or be configured(by the programmer) to work in concert with Equalizer?
Also, for Shipsupt, now that iOS5 is out, have you tried any measurements from your iPad to see if the support for HiRes files has been changed? Do you still require the Camera Kit to output 24/96? And would you have an iPhone on hand with iOS5 to test on that side of the game too?
And lastly, does anyone know if the iPhone 4S, with it's better processor which is the same as the iPad2, can output full 24/96 files? Could you pop on a Camera Kit to the iPhone 4S and see if that works?
I love questions.
Dec 14, 2011 at 7:30 AM Post #168 of 320
Dec 14, 2011 at 11:14 AM Post #169 of 320

Hopefully, a Japanese spoken member will translate the following article:
~Dockからデジタル出力で検証。FLACアプリもテスト ~"

First line reads "Is it possible to get 24bit/96kHz out of the iPad or iPhone?"
Second line "Using a dock and taking the digital out (LOD). Let's test with FLAC application."
That's my rough translation, but I may have gotten some of the character wrong as i read it?
As for the other article, it looks like things didn't go so well. The person tried using the FLAC Player and an iTransport with the iPad2, iPhone 4S, and the iTouch 4gen, but could only return 16bit/44.1kHz from them. They then used them all with the Camera Connection Kit and were able to output 24bit/48kHz with the iPhone 4S and iTouch 4gen. Of course the iPad2 was able to output full 24bit/96kHz, but we already know that. So the CCK isn't swappable with the other two, it'll return better than usual, but not up to 96kHz. The writer went on to say that it seems to be a hardware/firmware limitation as the iPod does hold those files in full resolution, by adding them at 24bit/96kHz and then removing them and checking them, the files were still full res. But when it outputs them it does so in a downgraded manor. ****ty deal.
I was asking that question myself, so thanks for providing the link, I've got my answer. I guess the only route is iPad2 + CCK = 24bit/96kHz. 
Dec 15, 2011 at 5:37 PM Post #170 of 320
So in fact the Fostex HP-P1 only gets downsampled to 48kHz 24bit FLAC with an iTouch or iPhone? Same for CLAS I assume. Cr'Apple, Grr!
Dec 16, 2011 at 1:49 AM Post #171 of 320
Both get downsampled to 16/48. Only iPad with cck and a usb dac can go higher
Dec 16, 2011 at 10:18 AM Post #173 of 320
I don't know which usb dacs work with iPad and cck.

Technically I suppose flac player would work with that many files but would 10.000 flac files fit in 64GB ?

Also flac player relies on iTunes file transfer so managing many files is a lot of work.

Also files transferred in this way counts as programs so when iTunes makes a backup it will try to back up up to 64 GB
Dec 16, 2011 at 10:51 AM Post #174 of 320

Both get downsampled to 16/48. Only iPad with cck and a usb dac can go higher

According to the test results, the person in that link was able to get higher results than what you just mentioned. From what was shown in his pictures and what i could translate, it is possible to get 24bit/48kHz.
I haven't performed any testing myself, so I can't say on a firsthand basis what would happen :frowning2:  Have you, testing the CCK + iPhone 4S and iTouch 4gen?
Dec 16, 2011 at 11:17 AM Post #175 of 320
Cck only works with iPad as far as I know which I don't have. I also only have an iPhone 4G but Touch 4G. I have not tried solo but have tried HP-P1 with both iPhone and Touch with flac player but I have no way of telling what actually came out.
Dec 22, 2011 at 3:34 PM Post #176 of 320
I see, well either way with the iPhone or iTouch 4gen, neither can output what the iPad can with the CCK. Even if they can output 24bit/48kHz, I can't see there being much of a difference compared to the regular 16bit/44.1kHz + CLAS/Fostex HP-P1. So in the end the iPad is the only way to go if you REALLY want the 24bit/96kHz quality on the go :frowning2:  Too bad, but it's probably what I'll end up doing ;-p
So, has anyone else been paying attention to this anymore or found anything new or got anything new to report?
Dec 22, 2011 at 5:19 PM Post #177 of 320
How come you just don't convert the .flac to lossless via some software? That's what I do.
Dec 22, 2011 at 10:25 PM Post #178 of 320
Yeah, I like FLAC Player but I mainly use dBpoweramp to convert my FLAC to ALAC because FLAC Player still doesn't have some features I would like.  FLAC Player doesn't have any way to add a song that is "Playing Now" to a playlist (although neither does the stock iPod player).  However, because the stock player has the star rating system, I can mark files for deletion or group them into playlists based on the number of stars the next time I'm in iTunes.
Also, if you load untagged files into FLAC Player, it groups them all into a folder named after the date in which the files were imported.  This makes finding those files very difficult, and deleting individual files from those groups is impossible because you have to delete the entire folder.
Overall, it's still a nice program and I hope the hi-res functionality will one day become useful if an Apple iOS actually allows iPods to playback at 24bits.
Dec 23, 2011 at 6:36 AM Post #180 of 320

Good app - works well with iPhone 4. Sound quality is superb even with built-in iPhone 3.5mm output jack on top of the phone.

I don't understand how FLAC sounds better than the same files in ALAC from the headphone output?! Or were you playing MP3's beforehand?

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