FitEar TO GO! & Universal Series --- Suyama's custom IEM, made universal!
Jul 18, 2012 at 9:26 AM Post #511 of 4,914
BTW, I've just started a dedicated TO GO! 111 thread, as I felt it was about time there was such a thread. Perhaps this thread should only focus on the TO GO! 334.

Good call. Seems like there's much more patent interest in the 111 at the moment; it wouldn't do the 334 folks a service for them to wade through pages upon pages of 111 stuff.
Jul 18, 2012 at 9:37 AM Post #512 of 4,914
Yes, that's got to be one of the best posts ever indeed -- guess more people know about my 'love' for the SM3s than I ever thought!  :wink:
I've had a pair of SM3 v1 once, and i followed those threads, your "discussions" with Bennyboy were epic, that i remember.
Also the fact that everytime you get the chance you smacked them to the ground

They were not that bad

BTW, I've just started a dedicated TO GO! 111 thread, as I felt it was about time there was such a thread. Perhaps this thread should only focus on the TO GO! 334.
Well done.

Jul 18, 2012 at 9:55 PM Post #514 of 4,914
I see I didn't catch the sarcastic tone of the SM3 comment. My apologies Music1234.
Anyway, I've finally upped my review of the FitEar To Go! 334 in full at TouchMyApps. Fit pictures to come. Sorry, my wife left before I could finish charging my batteries.
Jul 19, 2012 at 12:07 AM Post #515 of 4,914
Just got finished reading your review. Very thorough, and well written. It totally matches up with what I've been observing to this point in the time I've owned them. The way the midrange up through treble is so connected and flowing is the biggest thing for me on these, as well as the placement / spatial pinpoint accuracy within the soundstage. Oh, and the way you just hear so deep into a recording, picking up on new details or spoken lyrics that would previously be impossible to understand because of inferior resolution. No other earphone I've ever heard comes close in these regards. Fitear has really hit on something with these. 
Nice work.
Jul 19, 2012 at 12:37 AM Post #516 of 4,914
I see I didn't catch the sarcastic tone of the SM3 comment. My apologies Music1234.
Anyway, I've finally upped my review of the FitEar To Go! 334 in full at TouchMyApps. Fit pictures to come. Sorry, my wife left before I could finish charging my batteries.

I'm so sorry to hear about your marriage...but nice review!
Jul 19, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #517 of 4,914
Jul 19, 2012 at 3:07 AM Post #519 of 4,914
I see I didn't catch the sarcastic tone of the SM3 comment. My apologies Music1234.
Anyway, I've finally upped my review of the FitEar To Go! 334 in full at TouchMyApps. Fit pictures to come. Sorry, my wife left before I could finish charging my batteries.

Nice review, I shared a bit of your experience with the Fitear TG334 while I was in Tokyo for vacation bout 2 weeks ago, and I was there in the Fujiya Avic event when Fitear introduced the TG111. I gotta say even after owning the UM Miracle, the sound of TG334 instantly bring smile to my face, a truly solid piece of work.
Jul 19, 2012 at 3:11 AM Post #520 of 4,914
Nice review, I shared a bit of your experience with the Fitear TG334 while I was in Tokyo for vacation bout 2 weeks ago, and I was there in the Fujiya Avic event when Fitear introduced the TG111. I gotta say even after owning the UM Miracle, the sound of TG334 instantly bring smile to my face, a truly solid piece of work.

Did you schedule your vacation to Tokyo to coincide with the Fujiya AVIC Summer Portable festival?

If so, impressive planning

Were you able to meet the other Head-Fiers who were there? I had to leave early but also bought my 111s at the festival.
Jul 19, 2012 at 3:23 AM Post #521 of 4,914
Did you schedule your vacation to Tokyo to coincide with the Fujiya AVIC Summer Portable festival?

If so, impressive planning

Were you able to meet the other Head-Fiers who were there? I had to leave early but also bought my 111s at the festival.

Well not really, I wasn't aware of the event till Currawong told me while I was inquiring bout FujiyaAvic store location. Unfortunately I also did not stay very long at the event, just enough to sample most of Fitear offerings till my traveling companions drag me out of there as we're suppose to visit Odaiba that day (had to beg them for a quick stop at the event). Overall Tokyo is definitely an awesome place :)
Jul 19, 2012 at 12:21 PM Post #525 of 4,914
Had the pleasure to use my friend's TG334 today! 
It is just AWESOME! Way better than the K3003 for Jpop and heavy metal IMO
I also used it with my  Rx MK3-b, didn't find much of a difference, in fact, I felt that the right ear was more dominant than the left on the Mk3-b, did anyone have any similar experiences?
PS:Just noticed that this thing kinda looks ugly.

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