Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread
Dec 5, 2012 at 10:39 PM Post #736 of 11,686
The Heaven VI has caught my eye as an introduction to FAD. Looking forward to more impressions from MF. How would it compare to a full blast custom like the JH13?

Clearly, the JH customs will have more velocity, depth, layering et cetera. than a lone single driver, but I found the JH13's and JH16's quite flawed actually, the JH11 was my preferred model after three demo sessions of all three.
As a single driver the FAD's have higher purity and finesse, the note within the note.  The JH's take 1 apple and turn it into 4 apples, or 6 apples, it's still an apple.  The Final Audio IEM's don't try to impress you with lots of apples, they serve you a small slice of the other world, the 音の幽霊.
Dec 5, 2012 at 11:46 PM Post #737 of 11,686
Clearly, the JH customs will have more velocity, depth, layering et cetera. than a lone single driver, but I found the JH13's and JH16's quite flawed actually, the JH11 was my preferred model after three demo sessions of all three.
As a single driver the FAD's have higher purity and finesse, the note within the note.  The JH's take 1 apple and turn it into 4 apples, or 6 apples, it's still an apple.  The Final Audio IEM's don't try to impress you with lots of apples, they serve you a small slice of the other world, the 音の幽霊.

This is well said. 
My Westone ES5 outperforms the PF IX in many ways. It is a wonderful IEM and certainly more versatile: every genre sounds excellent.
Nonetheless, the PF IX create an ambience and soundstage that is really special. I might describe it as a tiny full-size headphone. And oh, the mids...
The ES5 is highly isolating and ideal for portable use. The PF IX has zero isolation and, in spite of its diminutive size, is pretty much useless for portable use.
So it is really apples and oranges. I am glad that I own both.
Dec 6, 2012 at 9:52 AM Post #738 of 11,686
I understand those differences and that's what excites me! And I was able to get on a loaner tour, for which I am grateful! So it will be a bit, but I will be able to demo.

In the meantime, I have my eye on the Heaven VI for an isolating throw and go IEM. Will serve as an intro to FAD as well. Looking for more impressions.
Dec 6, 2012 at 12:22 PM Post #739 of 11,686
...  a sealed CIEM which is bad for your ears. One or two hours a day should be the most that you indulge BA IEMs that direct drive your tympanic membranes.

Is there supporting science for this? This is the first I have ever heard of this. It's your middle ear that equalizes pressure. In conversations with my audiologist, it does not matter how sound reaches your inner ear... damage only occurs when it is too loud. I'd like to know if I am causing potential damage by using isolating IEMs for years on end. 
Dec 7, 2012 at 3:48 AM Post #740 of 11,686
Everyone talks about damage to hearing with loud music and it's generally accepted that this is the case. But no one defines how loud "too loud" is. Not easy to put into words I suppose. Yes there are db recommendations, but unless you have the necessary equipment, it's not easy to check this.
I find live concerts generally far too loud for comfortable hearing and always wear db lowering protection. Is the loudness through IEMs comparable to listening to loud sounds without IEMs? Or is the same perceived loudness via an IEM more damaging than the same perceived loudness with live music? Does anyone know?
Dec 7, 2012 at 3:53 AM Post #741 of 11,686
SoundFreaq, I cannot point to any scientific studies. Several audiologist (in person and in my readings) have warned against listening to BA IEMs for more than one or two hours a day.

For sure louder is always worse than quieter with any headphone. Still my experience is that I can listen with my DT880s reasonably loudly for extended periods of time without getting the numbing feeling that I get from extended listening to BA IEMs like the ES5, TF10 etc. Direct driving your tympanic membranes is hard on them in my view - harder than bouncing sound waves off them. (At the opposite extreme, Ultrasound claims that its S-logic system with offset sound waves is even less hard on eardrums than standard dynamic headphones. I hope finally to test that this weekend; I am in HK and plan to hear the Signature Pro and Signature DJ.)
Dec 7, 2012 at 4:45 AM Post #742 of 11,686
I think Cooper has a point that IEM's can fairly quickly cause a numbing feeling or temporary ringing, which should be much more difficult to achieve with full-size speakers, at home at least.
With that said, I think IEM's are much safer than shooting rifles, playing drums, or working at an airport etc. without protection.
I know everyone warms about "don't use max volume", yet at the same time some people are too paranoid and listen at far too low volumes haha.
Dec 7, 2012 at 10:43 AM Post #744 of 11,686
I think overall it's a volume issue rather than the fact that you are direct driving your tympanic membranes. Be conscious of your volume in all cases and you should be ok. 
cooper, very much looking forward to your impressions of the new Ultrasone stuff. As a bit of a basshead, I sent back the Sig DJ as I thought it very much inferior to the Sig Pro, which is an amazing headphone to me. 
Well guys, I ordered the Heaven S after much deliberation, as an intro to FAD. We'll see how that goes. I am really sensitive to sibilance and even found the W4 sibilant without comply. I am afraid the S will be a tad hot for me. 
Dec 7, 2012 at 11:20 AM Post #745 of 11,686
Well guys, I ordered the Heaven S after much deliberation, as an intro to FAD. We'll see how that goes. I am really sensitive to sibilance and even found the W4 sibilant without comply. I am afraid the S will be a tad hot for me. 

The Heaven S is a bit hot up top. The Heaven VI takes that sort of warm, lively FAD-sound and refines it a bit IMHO. I'd really suggest looking into the Heaven VI if you find the S too tizzy.
Dec 7, 2012 at 11:22 AM Post #746 of 11,686
I agree with Muppet Face about the S. As an aside to sound I have to say this after my experience but if you have base metal allergies then steer clear of any of the FAD models that are not SS. Once even tiny scratches appear the coating has gone and you will get reactions in your ears. Stick with the SS models as I do now.
Dec 7, 2012 at 11:50 AM Post #747 of 11,686
Thanks for the insight there, guys. I am allergic to a lot of pollens, not sure about metals. We'll see how the S goes, may trade up for the VI. Stay tuned. 
Dec 7, 2012 at 12:09 PM Post #748 of 11,686
cooper, very much looking forward to your impressions of the new Ultrasone stuff. As a bit of a basshead, I sent back the Sig DJ as I thought it very much inferior to the Sig Pro, which is an amazing headphone to me. 

If I succeed in trying them out, I will post for sure. My real interest is in the Signature Pro. Conceptually nothing about the Signature DJ appeals to me. I'm not a bass head (although I like high-quality bass). Mids; and detail, delicacy and air in the sound stage are key drivers of headphone enjoyment for me. I do however think that the pictures of the Sig DJ look really sharp.
Dec 8, 2012 at 8:53 AM Post #750 of 11,686
Well, after a long hiatus from head-fi, I finally got tempted to buy Heaven VI today. Actually haven't had a chance to listen to the purchase yet apart from a short comparison at the store between Ex1000, CK100Pro and the Heaven VI. What impressed me the most was the soundstage and presentation (imaging). Played a few symphonies and you could easily discern the placement of instruments and gave you the feel of a wide hall. Also the whole sound signature has this smoothness to it that makes it non fatiguing. 
I originally wanted to get the copper finish but the store clerk told me that they were out and I would need to wait until January. I was really reluctant with the gold one as the one displayed was copper, right next to heaven S brass finish. I asked the clerk if I could open a box and take a look before deciding and was happy to see the gold color is less bright and more subtle and understated. I'm pretty happy with the gold and hope the color won't fade with use.
Anyway, will post again once I spend a little time with it but for now here are some pictures......and yeah, I guess I am back at head-fi. :)




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