Fender IEM (Aurisonics) Impressions, Reviews & Discussions Thread
Jul 24, 2012 at 12:51 PM Post #1,606 of 6,413
AS-2's are not cold at all. They're lively to say the least. It's hard to find something that sounds bad if the mastering is good and the source file is good-great quality. 192kbps or lower sounds terrible out of the AS-2's I have. Absolutely terrible. It wouldn't even take a trained ear to hear the difference.
That's just kinda how they are, to a point.
If you don't already, just burn them in non stop. 140+ hours on mine and they sound much better than they did the first week.
Honestly, i like my ASG-1s, and after burn in they no longer are frustrating to listen to - but i wouldn't hesitate to try the ASG-2s. The ASG-1s are unique, and have a lot of merit in sound stage, bass extension and resolution; as well as tonality. If the ASG-2s hold all the best qualities of the 1s but with higher fidelity to the highs (not sparkle, but more defined and neutral) then they'd be ideal.
The ASG-1 as it is is relatively close to what i would consider ideal, if there was a tad bit more treble - which would essentially make them more neutral. I don't want sparkle, or a cold analytical sound, simple slightly more definition to the music, a little more space and detail that would be level with the lows and lower mids.

Jul 28, 2012 at 1:29 AM Post #1,607 of 6,413
This thread has been dead lately :p  LOL.  I thought I'd revive it by giving some updates.  I'm either on a string of artists that the ASG-1 works well with, or sweetness is at a level where I can say it's where it needs to be :)  Hopefully it's not just a string.  Treble also coming in very nicely as well.  As always, low end is strong and powerful.  Midrange detailing and clarity never really changed for me, still amazing as ever :)  
EDIT: Spoke a little too soon about the energy :frowning2:  It is improved from memory though.  
Jul 28, 2012 at 1:46 PM Post #1,608 of 6,413
So I was messaging a user today about the ASG-1.2's I got in on Thursday, and they said I should post my feelings (a.k.a. Wall of text incoming) about these so far, particularly if anyone wants a comparison vs the RE262 or M80:
As far as the comparison between the 262's and the ASG1.2's (and a tag I may use for a review on these), I can kind of say the 262's are like a trained lyrical dancer, while the ASG's are like a tribal dancer around the fire. They are both just as fun to me, but I feel the ASG's are stupidly powerful, but even EQ'd, can't reach the clarity of the 262's. I don't feel this is bad, since these were intended as stage monitors, and we all just happened to pick up on them. The 262's have this finesse and clarity in the midrange and soundstage that I'm absolutely in love with, and want an IEM with exactly that but a touch more bass. People have guided me to the SM3v2's, but for right now they're out of my price range.
But one thing I've found the ASG's trump the 262's in is percussion. For  whatever reason, the detail and imaging of anything drum related is phenomenal. Sadly once more than 3 or 4 instruments get going (I'm listening to Thrice, the album "Beggars" for instance), the ASG's kind of become muddled. I don't know whether to blame this on their crazy big driver just not being able to keep up, or just how they are tuned.
I'm probably going to keep them for another week or two just to see if they complement my 262's well enough. Right now where the only things I don't really care for are my 262's is any sort of EDM, I can't really tolerate a  few different genres with the ASG's, but might just have to get my ears used to it.
Come to think of it, these remind me of the M80's with even less treble. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, since the midrange IMO is better and the bass, while quantity seems to be the same, the quality and separation of bass notes seems to be better. I kind of wish these had as much treble as the M80's, but beggars can't be choosers.
Tip wise, I picked up the Auvio tips as well. I found these easily to be the best (haven't tried the Auvio double flange). I also threw on my Hifiman double flanges and found them to be nice. They made these insanely powerful, but shouty at times. Also they stuck out a bit, which was my main bother. If anyone is curious, these are hit and miss with wearing while having glasses on. This has always been a big deal with me, especially since some cables worked fine with glasses (RE262 upside down) while some failed miserably for me (Phonak PFE series). These don't get hung on my glasses very much, and if it weren't for the wire ear guide thingys, I think I'd have even less of an issue. 
Jul 28, 2012 at 1:59 PM Post #1,609 of 6,413
So I was messaging a user today about the ASG-1.2's I got in on Thursday, and they said I should post my feelings (a.k.a. Wall of text incoming) about these so far, particularly if anyone wants a comparison vs the RE262 or M80:
As far as the comparison between the 262's and the ASG1.2's (and a tag I may use for a review on these), I can kind of say the 262's are like a trained lyrical dancer, while the ASG's are like a tribal dancer around the fire. They are both just as fun to me, but I feel the ASG's are stupidly powerful, but even EQ'd, can't reach the clarity of the 262's. I don't feel this is bad, since these were intended as stage monitors, and we all just happened to pick up on them. The 262's have this finesse and clarity in the midrange and soundstage that I'm absolutely in love with, and want an IEM with exactly that but a touch more bass. People have guided me to the SM3v2's, but for right now they're out of my price range.
But one thing I've found the ASG's trump the 262's in is percussion. For  whatever reason, the detail and imaging of anything drum related is phenomenal. Sadly once more than 3 or 4 instruments get going (I'm listening to Thrice, the album "Beggars" for instance), the ASG's kind of become muddled. I don't know whether to blame this on their crazy big driver just not being able to keep up, or just how they are tuned.
I'm probably going to keep them for another week or two just to see if they complement my 262's well enough. Right now where the only things I don't really care for are my 262's is any sort of EDM, I can't really tolerate a  few different genres with the ASG's, but might just have to get my ears used to it.
Come to think of it, these remind me of the M80's with even less treble. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, since the midrange IMO is better and the bass, while quantity seems to be the same, the quality and separation of bass notes seems to be better. I kind of wish these had as much treble as the M80's, but beggars can't be choosers.
Tip wise, I picked up the Auvio tips as well. I found these easily to be the best (haven't tried the Auvio double flange). I also threw on my Hifiman double flanges and found them to be nice. They made these insanely powerful, but shouty at times. Also they stuck out a bit, which was my main bother. If anyone is curious, these are hit and miss with wearing while having glasses on. This has always been a big deal with me, especially since some cables worked fine with glasses (RE262 upside down) while some failed miserably for me (Phonak PFE series). These don't get hung on my glasses very much, and if it weren't for the wire ear guide thingys, I think I'd have even less of an issue. 

Jul 28, 2012 at 2:11 PM Post #1,610 of 6,413

Thanks for your input! 
I know I wrestled back and forth with the 1.2 when I got it. One one hand, here's this amazing IEM from the mids down, but then the treble comes up and I'm disappointed. It was especially rough for me because I was just coming from the GR07, which has the best (read: most natural) treble I've heard to date.
So, I played around with EQ a bit, and unlocked near perfection for my taste. I've posted the link to my foobar eq preset file in my signature. If you don't know what foobar is, it's this great free music player. Please try it out and post here what you think.
Jul 28, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #1,611 of 6,413
Sounds like you are probably gonna like the AS-2's. Super fun, great response in all frequencies and i mean everything. You'll be mesmerized by the depth of the soundstage and the amazing treble while the midrange just sounds beautiful and the bass will kick you in the face, all at the same time. I have definitely put some songs on that without an EQ at all just made me take a step back when the bass first kicked in because of how clean and impactful it is, and also because i was so enjoying the treble region before the bass really came in. 
Originally Posted by mosshorn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The 262's have this finesse and clarity in the midrange and soundstage that I'm absolutely in love with, and want an IEM with exactly that but a touch more bass. People have guided me to the SM3v2's, but for right now they're out of my price range.\

Whats your opinion on the GR07 vs ASG-2 prototype you heard in the treble region? Or are you not taking into account the prototype in your opinion?
I know I wrestled back and forth with the 1.2 when I got it. One one hand, here's this amazing IEM from the mids down, but then the treble comes up and I'm disappointed. It was especially rough for me because I was just coming from the GR07, which has the best (read: most natural) treble I've heard to date.

Jul 28, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #1,612 of 6,413
Whats your opinion on the GR07 vs ASG-2 prototype you heard in the treble region? Or are you not taking into account the prototype in your opinion?

Unfortunately I left on summer vacation before the prototype got to me, so I don't have an opinion of it yet.
Jul 28, 2012 at 2:52 PM Post #1,613 of 6,413
Ironically enough eke, your EQ for Iphone is what I'm using right now ^_^ mind you on my rockboxed Ipod. Sadly my desktop is dead right now, so that EQ will have to wait :/ It is odd how these are so polarizing on music, which is one reason i need to keep them for longer. For instance, two of my favorite artists as of late are Little Dragon and Sleep. Both of these bands sound AMAZING on the ASG's.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl4ngpQJjGw   "Forever"-Little Dragon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccdcCiDKRmo  BONUS! "Forever" LIVE (omg so good)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-FjO3E8K-E   "Dragonaut"-Sleep
I take this mainly due to two things: the speed of their music, and the predominant harmony. Not only do these artist play slower music (electro-jazz or whatever, and stoner metal), but they also let the bass and low midranges of the ASG's shine, while having very little treble to show its weaknesses. These sounded great even before EQing.
Next, we hit some stuff that I thought sounded rough before eke's EQ. I could probably do a little more tweaking to account for my rig and personal sound preferences, but for now, this is fine. Right now, the Black Keys sound great on their "Attack and Release" album. Also (and I hope this doesn't invalidate my opinion for some 
), I find Drake's album "Take Care" to be a good way to check if the low ranges hurt the mids or treble. The EQ makes this sound great.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5FW8Xo8ENo    "I Got Mine"- Black Keys
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HOSuZxYRQE  "We'll Be Fine"- Drake
"I Got Mine" sound great with EQ, retaining the stupid power of these headphones while being able to move around a little better, and keeping things fairly separated, which it wasn't able to do before. As far as "We'll Be Fine", I acutally really like this song on my 262's. It kept Drake voice front and center, and let the actual drum sounds in the beat come thorugh without being boomish. These do just the same, but IMO without as much separation between the vocalist and the music. This is a big perk of the super midcentric 262's, so that's that.
Finally, I hit some stuff I just can't really listen to without wishing I was listening to something else. Sadly, one of them happens to be one of my favorite bands, Thrice. Since their music varies, I'll post up two examples of them. The other is an oddity which I didn't think of until I played it: violin. I'll just use an example from "Goat Rodeo Sessions":
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bupP3PDd_BU    "Stare At The Sun"- Thrice
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8UQM_Y6fmw   "Circles"  - Thrice
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6ykydk-idY        "Quarter Chicken Dark" - Yo Yo Ma, et al. (Goat Rodeo Sessions)
Thrice is hard for me to accept that I don't like on here at all. It may be where Dustin's vocal range is, I don't really know. The two examples I posted are great examples of their music, their old, very fast almost alt-rock sound, and their newer progressive sound. I chose "Circles" over anything on Vhessiu (which as all Thrice fans know is one of the best single albums of all time), because I feel that it combined the very airy dream feel of Vhessiu's tracks with the more organic feel from the Alchemy Index. Even though the soundstage on these is excellent, "Stare at the Sun" is too fast to notice, and "Circles", for whatever reason, is extremely congested sounding to me. The 262's blow them away in Thrice, sadly.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm a violinist, or because it's just easy to spot, but violin is always where I can tell if something is up in the treble area (no pun intended). This sound doesn't sound right to me, even though the cello is powerful and absolutely meaty as hell. I enjoy that, but the violin and mandolin are off, even EQ'd.
EDIT: Trust me, I've had my eye on the AS-2's, which is funny because Heir Audio has had my eventual custom purchase in heart for so long now :X
Jul 28, 2012 at 3:59 PM Post #1,614 of 6,413
interesting as Heir Audio seems to be earning my interest in my next custom. For some reason they seem like an interesting line of CIEM's and their name structure makes sense for the most part.
EDIT: Trust me, I've had my eye on the AS-2's, which is funny because Heir Audio has had my eventual custom purchase in heart for so long now :X

Jul 28, 2012 at 4:05 PM Post #1,615 of 6,413

I wish everyone could describe what they're hearing like you do.
I agree with you completely on the songs you posted.
Goat Rodeo Sessions is actually the only classical album I can listen to in its entirety without getting bored (along with Carmina Burana). Franz and the Eagle and Quarter Chicken Dark are my favorites For me, they're heavenly with the EQ I'm using in foobar. This is my best effort to transcribe it: [ +5 @ 3.5 kHz, +5 @ 5khz, +5 @ 7khz, +8 @ 10khz, +11 @ 14hkz, +10 @ 20 khz].
Try it out on your ipod. If you still find it lacking then, I'm afraid it may just not be for you. I'd recommend the Vsonic GR07 as a stop-gap until you can get the ASG-2. It was my favorite for a year, even over the likes of the FX700, SE535, etc. 
I'd give you the usual mumbo-jumbo about amping and what-not, but the difference isn't that big with more power. What you gain is more control, even better dynamics...the intangibles. Also, I find that there's more treble after a while. Not a massive improvement, but still tangible. For instance, this song sounds amazing without EQ:
(Watch in 720p)

Also, this track may single-handedly make you want to keep your ASG-1, with or without EQ

Jul 28, 2012 at 4:26 PM Post #1,616 of 6,413
I wish everyone could describe what they're hearing like you do.
I agree with you completely on the songs you posted.
Goat Rodeo Sessions is actually the only classical album I can listen to in its entirety without getting bored (along with Carmina Burana). Franz and the Eagle and Quarter Chicken Dark are my favorites For me, they're heavenly with the EQ I'm using in foobar. This is my best effort to transcribe it: [ +5 @ 3.5 kHz, +5 @ 5khz, +5 @ 7khz, +8 @ 10khz, +11 @ 14hkz, +10 @ 20 khz].
Try it out on your ipod. If you still find it lacking then, I'm afraid it may just not be for you. I'd recommend the Vsonic GR07 as a stop-gap until you can get the ASG-2. It was my favorite for a year, even over the likes of the FX700, SE535, etc. 
I'd give you the usual mumbo-jumbo about amping and what-not, but the difference isn't that big with more power. What you gain is more control, even better dynamics...the intangibles. Also, I find that there's more treble after a while. Not a massive improvement, but still tangible. For instance, this song sounds amazing without EQ:

With that high of EQ on rockbox I'm getting some mild clipping on the Ipod, but I'm about to work that out, might just reduce everything by half for the time being. Even with the clipping, it sounds great, definitely a compliment to the 262's ^_^
EDIT: I've found a nice EQ point for these on Rockbox if anyone wants to know, with eke's guidelines and a little bit of tweaking on my end to account for less bands/more options. I still haven't perfected it, but until this rain stops and I go pick up my girlfriend, it's the only thing to do :p (well, maybe read this noir collection I just bought, but I'll worry about that later.)
Low Shelf Filter Cutoff: 3.5k
Q: KEEP IT AT 0.7 
Peak Filter 1: 6k
Q: 1.5
Gain: 4.0dB
Peak Filter 2: 10k
Q: 1.5
Gain: 8.0dB
Peak Filter 3: 14k
Q: 1.5
Gain: 11.0dB
Top Shelf Filter: 20k
Gain: 11.0dB
I hope this helps anyone trying to tame this out on a portable rockbox-able source. I still haven't removed all the distortion, it's still a little grainy to my ears (particularly in the lower region, I think I need to lower the Low Shelf Cutoff more), but I'm enjoying it significantly more now. I forgot how annoying EQing without a clickable or movable EQ is

Gear used (for reference):
Rockbox Ipod 5.5g
DIY LOD using Toxic Cables Copper
JDSLabs C421 (AD8620)
Jul 29, 2012 at 5:51 AM Post #1,617 of 6,413
I modified eke's foobar EQ to leave make everything flat except the 7,10,14 and 20khz bands. It sounds more coherent to me and works better for some of my music. Others should give it a try too and report back.
Jul 30, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #1,619 of 6,413
I modified eke's foobar EQ to leave make everything flat except the 7,10,14 and 20khz bands. It sounds more coherent to me and works better for some of my music. Others should give it a try too and report back.

I just tried that, and I like it better. My EQ makes vocals sound more 'nasal-y' in comparison; leaving 3 and 5 khz alone makes vocals sound even more natural. Cheers.

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