Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Dec 7, 2017 at 5:44 PM Post #4,126 of 11,506
Hi, hypnos1, have been following your exploits with much interest. Every time I think I may one up you, you do some more cutting, so I have decided the only way to make more direct connection than those you have done, will be for me to run silver wire directly from my eardrums, to the output taps on the trans! Hope this works, as I will have to do the surgery to my ears will looking in the mirror, this could present a problem as everything is reversed! Wish me luck!

Hey cf, eardrums?...am already working on direct to the brain (I know, what brain lol?!!) cells themselves...sorry!! :wink::ksc75smile:...Cheers, and g'night! zzzzzzzzz....
Dec 7, 2017 at 5:58 PM Post #4,127 of 11,506
Well, I thought, that connecting to my eardrums, would be difficult, but connecting to my brain, would require MICRO surgery, and I would not be able to see something that small in my mirror!
Dec 9, 2017 at 3:49 PM Post #4,128 of 11,506
Well, even though I could not connect directly to my micro brain, my neighbor offered to do it for free. Part way through, I asked him when I was going to get something for pain, and he said that was extra! Bummer~!
Dec 9, 2017 at 10:15 PM Post #4,129 of 11,506
Well H1, while I applaud your forays deep into uncharted territories of what's possible with a modest tube amp and have no doubt it must be reaching an unprecedented performance level, I for one am in the camp of scaling with bigger amps in order to get that kind of performance - I would prefer to spend more, even much more for a higher calliber amp so I can get that kind of performance with every headphone I connect it to (providing there's synergy). I like to roll headphones often for reasons of comfort, sound signature change, isolation, etc. Though I would be honored to hear your special amp someday.
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Dec 14, 2017 at 5:56 PM Post #4,130 of 11,506
Hi SMF...any sign of your Euforia yet? If so, I hope all is well. As for burn-in time, so much depends on just how much tube rolling one does - is it the tubes, or the amp that brings the most changes, for example lol?!!...especially with NOS tubes, or those like the EL family that really do need plenty of time to give of their best! And then there's the added complication of upgrades/changes in any other part of the system, of course...
However, I'm not alone in believing that Euforia herself does indeed continue to improve WAY past the 100 hrs mark, despite the 'brain burn-in factor'!! :wink:

Good idea to use Elise in that way...I myself was very impressed with her performance as pre-amp to my Vincent SV121 amp and Dynaudios :L3000:

Other guys here are over the moon with the USB Gen 5 upgrade, so you should certainly have plenty to look forward to...if you're not already up there in the clouds lol!! :ksc75smile::ksc75smile:...so please keep us informed as to progress...CHEERS!...CJ
Hello H1
Euforia is installed up and running, have left her a good while to burn in and she is beginning to show signs of brilliance, she sounds fab with either Ken-rad or Tung-sol 6f8g’s and a pair of Chatham tunsol 6080wb’s have a lot more tubes to try in her but at the moment I’m trying to keep tube rolling to a minimum ang get to grips with her refined and transparent sound. Her ability to produce the sound of the female voice is something else, Elise was good with voices, but Euforia really is transparent. She looks good too....
Dec 15, 2017 at 4:36 PM Post #4,131 of 11,506
Well, even though I could not connect directly to my micro brain, my neighbor offered to do it for free. Part way through, I asked him when I was going to get something for pain, and he said that was extra! Bummer~!

Hey cf...NO PAIN, NO GAIN, my dear friend...so keep up the good work lol!! :wink: :ksc75smile:...

Well H1, while I applaud your forays deep into uncharted territories of what's possible with a modest tube amp and have no doubt it must be reaching an unprecedented performance level, I for one am in the camp of scaling with bigger amps in order to get that kind of performance - I would prefer to spend more, even much more for a higher calliber amp so I can get that kind of performance with every headphone I connect it to (providing there's synergy). I like to roll headphones often for reasons of comfort, sound signature change, isolation, etc. Though I would be honored to hear your special amp someday.

Thanks DL...I hear you re. my somewhat drastic measures in the direct-wiring area lol...rather limiting, to be sure, and possibly risky re. the warranty!! But you know I love to push equipment to its full potential...and it's all been worthwhile, even if only to savour the excitement that comes from wholly unexpected (in the main!) surprises - from Euforia herself, the EL tubes and my T1s :darthsmile::L3000:.
I also hear you re. going for a 'summit-fi' amp, BUT...in order to do such an animal full justice, one would still need to match it with at least the kind of ancillary equipment I now possess, including some really top notch (and VERY expensive, if not able to DIY!) cables....and thus the final figure climbs very steeply indeed lol! :triportsad:

So it will therefore be especially interesting to discover just how my system compares to F-A's next flagship amp..complete with all those connectors I've so come to hate!!! (The degree to which even good quality ones throttle final performance continues to astound me - but no longer surprises me, now that I have experienced the superiority of UPOCC silver wire over 'ordinary' pure silver even...gold-plated brass or copper connectors, complete with solder joints, are NO MATCH whatsoever lol!!:wink:...(although compulsory for most folks, unfortunately!).

ps. I do indeed wish folks could easily come and either totally agree...or disagree with my rantings lol!! :L3000:...anyone perfected a teleporter yet?!...CHEERS!...

Hello H1
Euforia is installed up and running, have left her a good while to burn in and she is beginning to show signs of brilliance, she sounds fab with either Ken-rad or Tung-sol 6f8g’s and a pair of Chatham tunsol 6080wb’s have a lot more tubes to try in her but at the moment I’m trying to keep tube rolling to a minimum ang get to grips with her refined and transparent sound. Her ability to produce the sound of the female voice is something else, Elise was good with voices, but Euforia really is transparent. She looks good too....

Congrats on being so patient SMF...few of us have managed that feat methinks!! :wink: But you would certainly have been treated to a wonderful introduction to her charms...of which there are many lol! The ability to reproduce faithfully a wide range of female voices is indeed a very good indicator of an amp's potential, and still surprises me as I revisit some of my favourites of many years past...and never realised just what fabulous voices they had!!...truly enchanting...

Fabulous photos too...keep 'em coming!...(but as cf said - and you're obviously complying lol! - take your time :darthsmile:...and ENJOY!!...).
Dec 25, 2017 at 10:05 AM Post #4,132 of 11,506
Dec 25, 2017 at 10:25 AM Post #4,133 of 11,506
Hi Guys...

As per our colleagues in Elise land....................A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.........CHEERS!....CJ :beerchug:

Despite things going a bit quiet recently, I hope all you lucky Euforia owners are still enjoying her charms to the full...and if not, why not, pray tell?!! :wink:

My own excuse is a rather nasty 'flu-like virus that has not only blighted Christmas this year, alas, but worse, has already meant a whole week without my own Euforia fix...and is making me even grumpier still lol! :triportsad:. Ah well, I gain comfort from the joys to come when I can finally get those cans back over the ears...hopefully very soon lol!! :darthsmile:

And my very best wishes for @pctazhp to also experience the same joy, as hopefully he makes a speedy recovery...hang in there, P! :smile_phones:
Dec 25, 2017 at 10:29 AM Post #4,134 of 11,506
Sorry to hear you still have that flu bug, that can really be debilitating. I came down with a cold 2 or 3 days ago and now we've got 6 in of snow and more on the way all day so not looking forward to getting all that snow shovel out. Hope you get rid of your bug soon I think you're the reason that everybody else in the world has it!
My thoughts also go out to PCT as I'm sure especially in this time of year it makes it even harder to be this under the weather, and that would be an understatement, get well PCT we need you back here. A joyous day for everyone let's hope the new year brings better for all
Dec 25, 2017 at 7:33 PM Post #4,135 of 11,506
Merry xmas to all. Enjoying my Euforia today as it is -29 C. I am bundled up in a blankey on my recliner enjoying xmas with my hp setup.
Dec 31, 2017 at 12:02 AM Post #4,136 of 11,506
Hi hypnos1,

Came across something about an amp that seems to have a similar configuration to the Elise/Euforia in that the tubes are wired in parallel and only one half of the tube is used of the dual triode.
The comment was that it is a good idea to switch the tubes every now and then so that each triode is used evenly.
Is there any merit to this?
Dec 31, 2017 at 4:42 AM Post #4,137 of 11,506
Hi guys,
has anyone tried using a E88CC to 6SN7 adapter with euforia?
I have a bunch of 6N23P around and also 6N6P-I that I could consider trying as driver tubes.
Not sure the latter would work. I would have standard 6080 or 6S7G as power tubes.

Happy new year!
Jan 2, 2018 at 12:31 PM Post #4,140 of 11,506
Hi hypnos1,

Came across something about an amp that seems to have a similar configuration to the Elise/Euforia in that the tubes are wired in parallel and only one half of the tube is used of the dual triode.
The comment was that it is a good idea to switch the tubes every now and then so that each triode is used evenly.
Is there any merit to this?

Hi mordy...a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, and all our fellow Euforia (and Elise!) owners. I hope y'all managed to squeeze at least a little 'magic' listening time inbetween the festivities lol! :L3000:

Unfortunately, my own Yuletide disappeared in the fog of an unbelievable dose of...CHICKEN POX...and not the initially thought 'flu-like cold...What??!!! 67 years evading the nasty bug, and (somehow!) I catch it right on Christmas...too cruel!...not to mention over ten days of no Euforia fix - even more cruel!! :triportsad:. Still, that old adage "absence makes the heart grow fonder" has never been truer - the last couple of days' return to nirvana has been truly wonderful...I'd almost forgotten just how good my system now sounds...(I wasn't imagining it after all lol!! :ksc75smile:).

Re. your question, m, the way our tubes' sockets are wired, both of the grids, cathodes and anodes are linked, and so will therefore be sharing the load...so I personally can't see how only one half of the tube would be used in our own case. And therefore no need to switch tubes IMHO...Hope I'm right lol...:darthsmile:...CHEERS!

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