Exceptional in Every Detail: Say Hello to the IE 600
Mar 6, 2024 at 5:30 AM Post #2,146 of 2,300
I was not in the IEM’s for a long time, but listened to Grado RS1 for the last 15 years or so. As for let’s say IEM’s, if I can call it that way, I own Senn True Wireless 3, but I find them to spund bloated and sluggish if that describes some relation to my impression with IE600.
Ok, that explains a lot to be honest, coming from a true wireless bud and RS1 then yes, I can understand why you described the IE600 as you have done, this may sound like a stupid question but are you wearing them correctly, have you worn IEMs that hook over ears previously? I know some people initially struggle with this fit compared to the old school fitting, you should be able to shake your head, go for a walk etc and they stay firmly in yoyr ears?
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Mar 6, 2024 at 6:04 AM Post #2,148 of 2,300
I am sure that during second listen they sit properly in my ears and that was the best fit of all original tips I tried from foam to silicone, but it was impossible to walk with them and in the same time that they don’t start to slowly slipping from my ear.

I put much patience and time into that.
For standing still position it was the best what can be possible for my ears and given tips.

Bass is just one segment, but of all of them it was the least important to me.

The biggest off for me is that edge to the sound and lack of depth which makes kind of flat sound, but to my ears monochromatic sound where all instruments have the same color, so I would say that they timbre is not good.
I’ve been audio reviewer in nintees and been listen to many gear then. It was time when many of us aimed to have neutral sound, but there is a point of other side of neutral where music sound bleached.
This is how I would describe IE600 sound.

My IE600 description is nothing more different than the ones in many reviews. Regarding their sharp and hot character, some respectable members wrote in their reviews here.

Anyway. Heard IE900 today and they are different story and very good listen, but also can’t get them to stand still in my ears with any tips when I walk. I found them to have different presentation than IE600 and I like that, altough some instruments can sound quiter in relation to other part of the music than I used to hear elsewhere, but I can live with that. Need to decide to get them or not and buy some non Senn tips until I found a good fit for me.
Mar 6, 2024 at 6:07 AM Post #2,149 of 2,300
Good point. I deliberately bought a pair of fake IE600s from AliExpress last year thinking they'd be useful for backups and while they were pretty good copies, they clearly weren't as good in any respect.

(It was obvious they were fake from the price and I was confident I could return them as I was comparing them with genuine ones and could point out

You were able to return fakes?.. Ha that sounds like a really customer friendly scam service! Oxymoron of the day!
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Mar 6, 2024 at 6:37 AM Post #2,151 of 2,300
You were able to return fakes?.. Ha that sounds like a really customer friendly scam service! Oxymoron of the day!
They did offer 30 day returns but even so, I supplied them with photos proving that they were fake so they could hardly argue. :)
Mar 6, 2024 at 7:10 AM Post #2,153 of 2,300
Tenho certeza que durante a segunda escuta elas assentaram bem nos meus ouvidos e esse foi o melhor ajuste de todas as pontas originais que experimentei desde espuma até silicone, mas foi impossível andar com elas e ao mesmo tempo que não começam a escorregando lentamente da minha orelha.

Coloquei muita paciência e tempo nisso.
Para ficar parado foi o melhor que pode ser possível para os meus ouvidos e deu dicas.

O baixo é apenas um segmento, mas de todos eles foi o menos importante para mim.

O maior problema para mim é aquela borda no som e falta de profundidade que faz um som meio plano, mas para os meus ouvidos um som monocromático onde todos os instrumentos têm a mesma cor, então eu diria que o timbre deles não é bom.
Fui revisor de áudio nos anos 90 e ouvi muitos equipamentos naquela época. Já era uma época em que muitos de nós pretendíamos ter um som neutro, mas há um ponto do outro lado do neutro onde o som da música é descolorido.
É assim que eu descreveria o som do IE600.

Minha descrição do IE600 não é nada mais diferente daquelas de muitos comentários. Sobre seu caráter afiado e quente, alguns membros respeitáveis escreveram aqui em suas resenhas.

De qualquer forma. Ouvi IE900 hoje e eles têm uma história diferente e são muito bons de ouvir, mas também não consigo fazê-los parar nos meus ouvidos com nenhuma dica quando ando. Achei que eles tinham uma apresentação diferente do IE600 e gosto disso, embora alguns instrumentos possam soar melhor em relação a outras partes da música do que eu costumava ouvir em outros lugares, mas posso conviver com isso. Preciso decidir comprá-los ou não e comprar algumas dicas que não sejam da Senn até encontrar uma boa opção para mim.
Buy some eartips , azla long , tri clarion, radius deep mount clear , spinfit cp145
Mar 6, 2024 at 8:27 AM Post #2,155 of 2,300


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Mar 6, 2024 at 8:57 AM Post #2,156 of 2,300
Ok I'm a but ignorant about sellers etc. So the website , like Ali Ex, have to refund, or they make the seller refund?.. and the seller didn't know about them being fake?
I don't know, Ali Ex handled it. I'm sure the seller knows they are fake as they're 20% of the normal price.
Mar 6, 2024 at 10:08 AM Post #2,157 of 2,300
I am sure that during second listen they sit properly in my ears and that was the best fit of all original tips I tried from foam to silicone, but it was impossible to walk with them and in the same time that they don’t start to slowly slipping from my ear.

I put much patience and time into that.
For standing still position it was the best what can be possible for my ears and given tips.

Bass is just one segment, but of all of them it was the least important to me.

The biggest off for me is that edge to the sound and lack of depth which makes kind of flat sound, but to my ears monochromatic sound where all instruments have the same color, so I would say that they timbre is not good.
I’ve been audio reviewer in nintees and been listen to many gear then. It was time when many of us aimed to have neutral sound, but there is a point of other side of neutral where music sound bleached.
This is how I would describe IE600 sound.

My IE600 description is nothing more different than the ones in many reviews. Regarding their sharp and hot character, some respectable members wrote in their reviews here.

Anyway. Heard IE900 today and they are different story and very good listen, but also can’t get them to stand still in my ears with any tips when I walk. I found them to have different presentation than IE600 and I like that, altough some instruments can sound quiter in relation to other part of the music than I used to hear elsewhere, but I can live with that. Need to decide to get them or not and buy some non Senn tips until I found a good fit for me.

Final thing I would say, and I think others would agree, if you can't walk and keep your IEMs in then they are not fitting correctly, I would not own an IEM if this was the case for me, with an IEM you should be able to do a headshake test and they stay firmly in, if they do not and you can't find a tip that allows this then I would say that the fit of the IEM is not for you, the fit of an IEM is as equally important as the sound because it directly affects the sound.
Mar 6, 2024 at 10:38 AM Post #2,158 of 2,300
I ordered 'final - Clear Silicone Type E Ear tips Kit' from Amazon which contains 5 different sizes of tips and sounded better than the supplied tips to me. Maybe worth a try before giving up? The largest one should fit you.

If you're in the UK, drop me a PM with your address and I'll send you the largest pair, they're no use to me.
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Mar 6, 2024 at 1:57 PM Post #2,159 of 2,300
Final thing I would say, and I think others would agree, if you can't walk and keep your IEMs in then they are not fitting correctly, I would not own an IEM if this was the case for me, with an IEM you should be able to do a headshake test and they stay firmly in, if they do not and you can't find a tip that allows this then I would say that the fit of the IEM is not for you, the fit of an IEM is as equally important as the sound because it directly affects the sound.

Absolutely 100% correct.

Thin and like some kind of telephone simply is not how they sound if they seal in your ears.

Foam tips you can’t walk with are almost certainly not giving a seal.
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Mar 6, 2024 at 2:04 PM Post #2,160 of 2,300
Final thing I would say, and I think others would agree, if you can't walk and keep your IEMs in then they are not fitting correctly, I would not own an IEM if this was the case for me, with an IEM you should be able to do a headshake test and they stay firmly in, if they do not and you can't find a tip that allows this then I would say that the fit of the IEM is not for you, the fit of an IEM is as equally important as the sound because it directly affects the sound.
I agree with everything you said. I pressed them in just slightly with fingers and I am pretty sure that I heard mostly everything what they can offer, but yes and definitely, I wasn’t able to walk with them and my hands down.

They reminds me with their sound character like Naim CDX2, NDX and Supernait 1. I don’t like that abbrasive edge in the upper midrange and I hear it no matter if they sit well in my ears, but bass wise I understand and appreciate comments here that you want to help and convince me that they are not bass shy and I wouldn’t give up from them so easilly if that edge to the sound is not existed.

I own several Senn phones and I am familiar with their sound in general, but few models just wasn’t up to my taste.

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