Exceptional in Every Detail: Say Hello to the IE 600
Feb 29, 2024 at 12:55 AM Post #2,131 of 2,407
I have nothing that would make the IE600 sound thin.

I haven't heard the ones you mention, they must be very full sounding if it is only the comparison that makes the IE600 seem thin to you.

For fear of querying the obvious, are you sure you are getting a good seal ? I really struggled with tips due to the shallow insertion depth and need a bigger dimeter tip then usual.
Yes, I'm sure I got a good seal. I'm just saying the IE600 sounds thin compared to the ones I frequently used before having it :) There's one IEM sounding even thinner than the IE600: JVC HA-FDX1. The JVC has less bass and more upper-mid than the IE600.
Feb 29, 2024 at 3:50 AM Post #2,132 of 2,407
Yes, I'm sure I got a good seal. I'm just saying the IE600 sounds thin compared to the ones I frequently used before having it :) There's one IEM sounding even thinner than the IE600: JVC HA-FDX1. The JVC has less bass and more upper-mid than the IE600.

All good, I hope I didn’t come across as condescending, hard to ask the question without asking the question 😂
Mar 4, 2024 at 2:16 PM Post #2,133 of 2,407
Thank you for your advices regarding a seal. It was really the reason why I heard them to sound very thin when I listened to them first time.

I listened them again today and foam medium tips are the only ones which keeps them in my ear if I don’t move at all.

I don’t know what it is and why I couldn’t get them to sit firmly in my ear even if I walk, especially as Senn TWS 3 sits perfect even if I run, but anyway…

It is been said for thousand times for sure, but yes, I can agree they are a little on a bass shy side, but for me that wouldn’t be an issue if they have more developed sound and more layers(?) in the middle.

They are also kinda little bit harsh with nervous and prominent edge especially to the guitar strings which makes them a little bit tiring to listen to.

I appreciate well known Sennheiser neutrality, but for my ears it is a little bit too much which makes them a bit monochromatic and I would expect more substance and depth as that very prominent edge to the sound draw attention too much.
Mar 4, 2024 at 5:12 PM Post #2,134 of 2,407
Thank you for your advices regarding a seal. It was really the reason why I heard them to sound very thin when I listened to them first time.

I listened them again today and foam medium tips are the only ones which keeps them in my ear if I don’t move at all.

I don’t know what it is and why I couldn’t get them to sit firmly in my ear even if I walk, especially as Senn TWS 3 sits perfect even if I run, but anyway…
You might want to consider getting some ear drops to clean out any wax or get your doctor to syringe them next time you visit? Maybe your ear canal is just too slippery at the moment. Also you could try warming the silicone tips before using them to make them more flexibile and fit better.
It is been said for thousand times for sure, but yes, I can agree they are a little on a bass shy side, but for me that wouldn’t be an issue if they have more developed sound and more layers(?) in the middle.
I would say you definitely have trouble getting a good seal then as the IE600s are quite bass heavy - good quality bass but plenty of it, definitely a V-shaped sound.
They are also kinda little bit harsh with nervous and prominent edge especially to the guitar strings which makes them a little bit tiring to listen to.
I think that will disappear once they burn in (80-100 hours in my opinion). I leave my headphones/IEMs plugged into a radio or DAP for the first few days so that the surfaces in contact with each-other bed in and the rubber/plastic parts get used to flexing, I'm convinced that it makes a difference and having it happen when you're not using them means you're more aware of the sound changing.
Mar 5, 2024 at 3:19 AM Post #2,135 of 2,407
Thank you for your advices regarding a seal. It was really the reason why I heard them to sound very thin when I listened to them first time.

I listened them again today and foam medium tips are the only ones which keeps them in my ear if I don’t move at all.

I don’t know what it is and why I couldn’t get them to sit firmly in my ear even if I walk, especially as Senn TWS 3 sits perfect even if I run, but anyway…

It is been said for thousand times for sure, but yes, I can agree they are a little on a bass shy side, but for me that wouldn’t be an issue if they have more developed sound and more layers(?) in the middle.

They are also kinda little bit harsh with nervous and prominent edge especially to the guitar strings which makes them a little bit tiring to listen to.

I appreciate well known Sennheiser neutrality, but for my ears it is a little bit too much which makes them a bit monochromatic and I would expect more substance and depth as that very prominent edge to the sound draw attention too much.

I am a little lost when you said you listened to them again with medium foams but they were still essentially falling out of your ears. That doesn’t sound like much of a way to judge the sound.

If they were loose with medium would you not go to the large size ? With the loose fit nearly falling out of your ears they are highly likely to sound bass shy and thin because you would likely not have a good seal.

The IE600 are not bass shy, that hasn’t been said a thousand times before at all, except by comparison to something that is very bass accentuated.

For me foam tips, even those that fit well, don’t do the IE600 justice. Silicone work miles better, genuinely like a different IEM.

If you didn’t have a good seal, and it certainly sounds like you didn’t, the thin bass will accentuate the already sharp treble and likely make them sound like you described.

The IE600 are a long way from neutral as is associated with say the HD600 if that is what you mean by Sennheiser neutral. They are nowhere near how the HD600 sound, I have them also. They are an unashamed V tune with emphasis on bass and treble.

You may simply not get on well with the IE600 in terms of fit, seal and therefore good sound. They are a much shallower fit to what I prefer but I blind bought them so I had to figure out how to get a good seal in the outer part of my ear canal where they sit. I ended up with the XL size Penon Liqueur which seal exceptionally well and sound great. Initially it was a real nuisance to try and find a set up that sealed well and frankly if I could have tried before I bought them I may not have ended up with them. I am however happy to have them now that I have the fit sorted out.

They may simply not be a good pick for you despite the praise they generally get.
Mar 5, 2024 at 6:07 AM Post #2,136 of 2,407
Thank you both. Much appreciated.

Maybe I didn’t explained myself well. They sit ok in my ears with medium foams, but my impression is that they are still bass shy a little. Maybe it is because of low hours on them, not sure, but bass didn’t bothers me at all, but that edge they have in the upper mids I would say. It is a little bit to prominent for me, altough I understand that many prople find that character welcome and I know some other hi-fi, even hi-end which have it too.

Maybe IE900 would is what I am looking for, but still not sure as I mainly listen to old rock and blues. Will see.

Thanks again for advices. It really helped me to give them a second chance and try with better seal.
Mar 5, 2024 at 4:25 PM Post #2,137 of 2,407
@Ozzy B I would check to make sure you don't have fakes. My pair were fake and it explained why they didn't sound like how everyone was describing. For example, my fake pair had mid bass but lacked sub bass. One of the best ways to check to see if your nozzle looks exactly like this and has the 3 pinholes.

Mar 5, 2024 at 6:06 PM Post #2,139 of 2,407
These IEM's are obviously not for you, I find myself scratching my head reading your description of them, "sound like a telephone", "thin", "bass shy", I know people have preferences but these descriptions fall so far from the tree they are in a another forest imo, it makes no sense to me.

Out of interest what was your previous IEMs?
Mar 5, 2024 at 7:51 PM Post #2,140 of 2,407
I absolutely love my IE 600, but I also absolutely missed the IE 900, so I had to finally purchase one . The subtle differences make a big difference. Sublime bass still. They don't shock me as much anymore for how 'large' they sound for their size.

Thanks Sennheiser.
Mar 6, 2024 at 12:36 AM Post #2,142 of 2,407
Has anyone actually purchased a known fake ie600 off aliexpress or similar to actually compare and tell the differences?

I think this was done with the ie900 but seems to be a lot of speculation with the ie600. Given the metal 3d printing I would think it would be harder to copy. I also saw a thread somewhere claiming the fake ones are silver painted which would be a dead giveaway obviously.
Mar 6, 2024 at 3:13 AM Post #2,143 of 2,407
@Ozzy B I would check to make sure you don't have fakes. My pair were fake and it explained why they didn't sound like how everyone was describing. For example, my fake pair had mid bass but lacked sub bass. One of the best ways to check to see if your nozzle looks exactly like this and has the 3 pinholes.
Good point. I deliberately bought a pair of fake IE600s from AliExpress last year thinking they'd be useful for backups and while they were pretty good copies, they clearly weren't as good in any respect.

(It was obvious they were fake from the price and I was confident I could return them as I was comparing them with genuine ones and could point out the differences.)
Mar 6, 2024 at 3:37 AM Post #2,144 of 2,407
Has anyone actually purchased a known fake ie600 off aliexpress or similar to actually compare and tell the differences?

I think this was done with the ie900 but seems to be a lot of speculation with the ie600. Given the metal 3d printing I would think it would be harder to copy. I also saw a thread somewhere claiming the fake ones are silver painted which would be a dead giveaway obviously.
And then I saw your post. :) They looked physically similar but where my real ones are a bit rough, they were smooth, maybe painted. The sound wasn't bad but worse in every way compared to real ones, the plug on one of them got stuck and I couldn't remove it without breaking them, the printing on the box was softer and looked like a copy, and of course it was missing the authenticity and serial number stickers. If I can find the photos I took I'll add them.
Mar 6, 2024 at 5:00 AM Post #2,145 of 2,407
These IEM's are obviously not for you, I find myself scratching my head reading your description of them, "sound like a telephone", "thin", "bass shy", I know people have preferences but these descriptions fall so far from the tree they are in a another forest imo, it makes no sense to me.

Out of interest what was your previous IEMs?
I was not in the IEM’s for a long time, but listened to Grado RS1 for the last 15 years or so. As for let’s say IEM’s, if I can call it that way, I own Senn True Wireless 3, but I find them to spund bloated and sluggish if that describes some relation to my impression with IE600.

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