Etymotic ER2SE - A Reference Headphone for your Ears and Your Couplers
Mar 17, 2020 at 4:30 AM Post #136 of 283
@csglinux thanks for the write up above!

May I know what's the reason for measuring THD at 80 dB SPL? To be honest I don't know much about standard, I only know about IEC 60268-7 mentioned test level @ 94 dB SPL @ 500 Hz. What is the agreed SPL level for IEM THD measurement?
Btw, i agree with you, the mic plays a big part in THD measurement, so with the generic 711 couplers and mics, it is better not compare the THD measurements.

Btw, going back to coupler mic SPL calibration for IEM measurement, with the generic 711 couplers and mics, for non highly accurate measurement, like mentioned above, is it a good idea to use Etymotic IEM sensitivity specs to calibrate the SPL level of the generic 711 couplers? Or using SPL meter + 711 coupler like what @hakuzen did is more accurate? Or is there other budget friendly way to do it?

I don't understand of the definition of IEM sensitivity specs, is the SPL value is reading at a certain distance from the IEM nozzle, or is it SPL reading on industry standard coupler + calibrated mic? Appreciate anyone who can share their knowledge here.

Btw, so far I calibrated my generic 60318-4 compliant coupler (+ mic) using Etymotic ER2XR:

Sensitivity (@1 kHz) SPL at 0.1v : 96 dB

I use REW:
1. Set playback tone: 1kHz.
2. Split the headphone output to ER2XR and True RMS voltmeter.
3. Set REW playback volume to ER2XR at exactly 100 mV / 0.1V measured at voltmeter.
4. Calibrate the SPL reading on REW SPL Meter to 96 dB SPL.

For audio interface I use RME Babyface Pro + Rode VXLR+. Settings on the RME:
RME Babyface Pro 3.5mm output: 0 dBFS
RME Babyface Pro In 1 XLR + Rode VXLR: Gain 20 dB (PAD Off)

20200317_014314s.jpg 20200317_014022s.jpg

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Mar 17, 2020 at 2:40 PM Post #137 of 283
Could it be caused by the seal of microphone capsule of the SPL meter PCE 322-A, that the mic capsule is not properly sealed to the nozzle of the meter?

I have 2x UMIK-1, when new both mic capsule were not sealed properly and causing bass response to drop when using for IEM measurement with coupler. I have to open the tip of the UMIK-1, applied some glue to properly seal the mic capsule, only after that it can be used for IEM measurement with coupler.
I also spent some time to get a proper seal and location of the mics inside the couplers. At last, found that the best and easiest seal and right location was achieved by using tight silicone sleeves.
Tested it with my SPL calibrators as well: used same sleeve when inserting the SPL meter mic into the 12mm hole of the calibrators.
You can check this pics about adapting non-threaded 6mm mics and the mic of SPL meters into 12mm couplers.
couplers-01.jpg couplers-02.jpg
couplers-09.jpg couplers-10.jpg
spl-meter-02.jpg spl-meter-05.jpg

When you mentioned 439mV measured at the right driver, is that means at this voltage across the right driver, and you plugged the IEM to the coupler, your SPL meter + IEC coupler will measure 106 dB SPL @ 500 Hz?

Did you measure the voltage when it was measured 94dB SPL @ 500 Hz?

Yes. Generated a 0dBFS (100%) 500Hz sine tone in audacity. Played it while measuring voltage across the right driver (+cable), which was attached to the SPL meter.
Adjusted output volume till I got a 106dB reading in the SPL meter. Then, watched the voltage reading. It varied from 423 to 441mV, depending of insertion depth. Resolution of the SPL meter is 0.1dB (but error/tolerance is another matter). I said 439mV, because that was the reading when the insertion depth was approximately the same than used in posterior measurements.
[I use very low resistance leads and adapters with the DMM, around 10mΩ total, despicable when compared to a 15Ω IEM]

Aimed to 106dBSPL, because the sweep level I use when measuring at REW is -12dBFS (and I mark "Full scale sine rms is 0 dBFS" checkbox at Preferences-View, to avoid further misunderstanding). So the SPL when measuring at REW will be 94dB SPL at 500Hz.

You can calculate the voltage to get 94dB SPL @ 500Hz from the voltage measured at 106dB SPL.
V2= V1 * 10 ^ ((dB2 - dB1)/20)
V@94dB = 439mV * 10^((94dB-106dB)/20) = 110.3mV
In fact, it wouldn't be necessary at all, but I use to measure voltage at 90, 94, 96, 100, 102, 106, 108 (and 112 and 114 if the IEM allows it) when calculating sensitivity, to get an average value and to check that everything is ok.

@hakuzen I can't help for your variations. I cry every time I look at Head-fi's measurements of an ER4S and then look at my measurement of my pair on my cheap rig. And I'm confident you will cry too once this IEM reaches Jude. Or maybe if we ruin the IEM with violent shocks and overly loud signals, he'll end up measuring worst THD? See there's hope already. ^_^ from your usual experience, wouldn't this tiny amount of THD variation be found when you measure an IEM a little quieter or louder? Perhaps your suspicion of issue on output calibration could indeed explain both your problems. But that's only one guess, there are just too many things that could affect THD measurements.
LOL, it's a real pleasure to read your posts. Your continuously ascending humor sense reflects your evolution degree. Thanks!! Keep on it, please.
I'm not worried at all by the disto variation, but you know I try to be perfectionist when doing sci stuff and possible.
Yes, after checking source and soundcard preamps distortion levels, I guessed that the THD variation could be caused by different volume level when measuring. That's why I dedicated a big part of my post to discuss about the SPL calibration methods we use. I was going to measure THD at different levels to confirm it when the mic preamp got fried.
This is important when dealing about THD. If we don't have well calibrated SPL meters, but can measure the applied voltage, we could agree on measuring at X mVrms, instead of X dBSPL.
And to calculate first that Vrms value needed to get 94dB @ 500Hz, we can use the official sensitivity and dB response difference between 1kHz and 500Hz. It doesn't matter that this value is very exact. It can be approximated, but we'd use very similar volume level when measuring, avoiding SPL calibration issues.

The other possible reason, based on my ignorance about mics, could be the mic itself and/or mic preamp. I'd have to check THD measurements of our database further to get an idea. It's probable to find notable differences between cheap electret, cheap condenser, and precision condenser mics. Focused csglinux measurements, because they were made using a total reputable precision condenser mic from GRAS, and was intrigued by the difference with my Chinese precision mic.

Awesome work, @hakuzen!

I don't see there's any rush for you to send the package on (unless somebody else out there is absolute dire need to receive it very quickly?). Right now, most of the world is either in lockdown or about to be, so as far as I'm concerned, I'd say spend your quarantine time doing something more interesting and less stressful than reading the news :wink:
I'm sorry to hear about your mic pre-amp. Hope you get up and running with a new one soon.

These results look very good. Most of us are seeing fairly broad agreement with these generic 711 couplers, which is really encouraging. On each individual measurement issue...

Calibration: I know Etymotic used to be famed for their high precision, but I think the idea of the ER2 line was to outsource the manufacturing, make them more cheaply, and one of the costs cut was the (previously, i.e., ER4 series) careful calibration and pairing. We may have been lucky that this particular set was quite well balanced. We both saw ~0.1dB difference in L and R channels 94 dB @ 1 kHz. (Left channel being ever so slightly louder than the right). That's a really, really good tolerance. I recently auditioned a $3000 IEM whose channels were off by more than 2dB under the same conditions. Even my ER4XR's official graph/certificate specifies a 0.4 dB difference between L and R at 1 kHz @ 200 mV. I didn't actually try to measure the ER2SE's SPL at 100 mV, but I've no reason to assume your measurements are off. I'd bet there's some leeway in Etymotic's officially-quoted product specs.

That's a good thought. I guess it's possible. A significant bass roll-off would be easy to see when you're measuring the whole spectrum, but not so obvious if you were only looking at one number. Still, I suspect Etymotic's tolerances aren't all that close. Maybe the next person in the tour can double check this? But regardless, I think within one decibel is actually pretty good and almost certainly enough for our purposes.

Impedance: Looks identical to my measurements :)

Frequency response: Looks very close to those from a GRAS coupler, even around the 1 kHz region. Nice job :) As for the eartip hitting the coupler mesh/grill, I've experienced the same problem. It's probably easy to do this and not even realize it's happened. I went for a slightly shallower insertion (dropping the primary canal-resonance peak to around 10.5 kHz) to avoid this, but I was still able to get a seal. Other brands of coupler might, perhaps, have shorter canal extenders? The main differences in FR appear to be the secondary peaks around 15-16 kHz. In my experience, these are the most sensitive to the eartip type and size. I believe certain eartips (small frost triple flange being one) won't necessarily seal in the coupler canal properly at the first flange, but only at the second (or third?). This might result in a small Helmoltz cavity in the gap(s). It's likely this happens in certain people's ears too. I've seen huge differences in the ER4XR measurements in the 13 kHz+ region just by switching from small to large flange tips. There's an audible difference there also - unfortunately, none of these triple flange tips are much use to me on a long-term basis, because I just find them too uncomfortable. One way or another, I think we have to keep the eartip from touching the coupler grill.

Impulse response: Looks identical to that from a GRAS coupler. Nice :)

Distortion: There may be differences in quoted THD specs for various input/output soundcards or ADCs/DACs, but these are all still likely to be an order of magnitude better than the distortion in most IEMs. I'm almost sure the differences here are in the couplers' microphones. I've recently spent more time and money than any sane person would looking into this. While condenser mics generally seem to have way lower distortion than the cheaper 3.5 mm dynamic/electret mics, there's still a bit of spread. The two mics I've found with the lowest distortion are the GRAS 40AO (plus 26CA pre-amp) and the Earthworks M23. But these are both pricey. Even the M23 is ~$500 and still needs to be carefully fixed to a coupler. (In my experience, although they have very low distortion, Earthworks' mics aren't quite as flat as their specs claim.) The coupler response will also have a small effect, because if certain resonance peaks are more pronounced in one coupler than another, that will also give rise to higher THD at the lower frequencies that would look like the fundamental to some higher-order harmonic. For example, the GRAS hi-res couplers (RA0401 and RA0402) will report artificially low values of THD across the board, because they intentionally miss the ear canal resonances. I recently made some measurements of the Beyerdynamic Xelentos and the Final Audio A8000. Both seem to have the same total distortion characteristics at 80 dB. Is that likely? I doubt it. I suspect I've just hit a floor which is the THD of the coupler mics:

Although it's still fun to look at, does THD really matter? Really? (A lot of folks are going to plug their headphones into a tube amp anyway.) I have a feeling FR is way more important than THD. Like 100% more important :wink:

Stay safe everybody. Social distancing. You have a great excuse right now to stay at home and listen to some music :)
Thank you so much!! =))
I wanted to provide a full study like yours after so long, but couldn't due to the mic preamp issue. The new one will be shipped from China tomorrow, using a fast shipping carrier. If no problems with customs, it should arrive soon.
I'm working only 7 hours daily since this week (compared to 10 hours of last months) plus 3 commuting hours. So I'll have some more time from now on to dedicate to it.
Agree 100% with your observations. They are spot on!
Noticed the differences between old and new GRAS couplers, thanks a bunch for providing measurements from them!
Yes, the response (FR and THD) of resonances have varied a lot between them. And the mic could be a possible reason of the THD overall level discrepancy. Together with SPL used when measuring, as discussed above.
"A lot of folks are going to plug their headphones into a tube amp anyway" LOLOL. Yea, all this is not so important, but we can know the weaknesses of our rigs thanks to this tour, and get help to better calibrate them; so we can be a bit finicky. The work doneby all the participants of this tour is amazing. Thanks to all, very well done. Yuriv study is ultra complete. But personally have to remark your measurements made with GRAS top quality stuff; I couldn't dream of being able to compare to my rig by measuring the same exact IEM. It's a reference and can help to improve my rig calibration.

@csglinux thanks for the write up above!

May I know what's the reason for measuring THD at 80 dB SPL? To be honest I don't know much about standard, I only know about IEC 60268-7 mentioned test level @ 94 dB SPL @ 500 Hz. What is the agreed SPL level for IEM THD measurement?
Btw, i agree with you, the mic plays a big part in THD measurement, so with the generic 711 couplers and mics, it is better not compare the THD measurements.

Btw, going back to coupler mic SPL calibration for IEM measurement, with the generic 711 couplers and mics, for non highly accurate measurement, like mentioned above, is it a good idea to use Etymotic IEM sensitivity specs to calibrate the SPL level of the generic 711 couplers? Or using SPL meter + 711 coupler like what @hakuzen did is more accurate? Or is there other budget friendly way to do it?

I don't understand of the definition of IEM sensitivity specs, is the SPL value is reading at a certain distance from the IEM nozzle, or is it SPL reading on industry standard coupler + calibrated mic? Appreciate anyone who can share their knowledge here.

Btw, so far I calibrated my generic 60318-4 compliant coupler (+ mic) using Etymotic ER2XR:

Sensitivity (@1 kHz) SPL at 0.1v : 96 dB

I use REW:
1. Set playback tone: 1kHz.
2. Split the headphone output to ER2XR and True RMS voltmeter.
3. Set REW playback volume to ER2XR at exactly 100 mV / 0.1V measured at voltmeter.
4. Calibrate the SPL reading on REW SPL Meter to 96 dB SPL.

For audio interface I use RME Babyface Pro + Rode VXLR+. Settings on the RME:
RME Babyface Pro 3.5mm output: 0 dBFS
RME Babyface Pro In 1 XLR + Rode VXLR: Gain 20 dB (PAD Off)

We could use a voltage reference instead of SPL reference, as discussed above. To determine that voltage reference, we could use official sensitivity, or SPL measured by a well calibrated meter (not much difference probably).

I think that the right way to calibrate REW SPL meter without having a calibrated SPL meter could be:

1. Set the voltage needed to achieve 106dBSPL in the IEM (if your sweep level when measuring will be -12dBFS, so you'll measure at 94dBSPL).
2. Adjust input preamps and level to get -18dBFS in REW (Preferences - Soundcard - Check levels), if you are going to use that input level when measuring, as suggested by REW.
3. Run REW SPL meter calibrator. Before introducing the value, check the level (dBFS) of the calibration signal (showed into calibration window). If it is -18dBFS, for example, you'd have to enter 106dBSPL-18dBFS = 88 dBSPL, because 0dBFS is 106dBSPL. If anyone find that this is wrong, please correct me.

You can use that SPL calibration while you don't touch input levels (preamps, etc.). If you change them, you'll have to calibrate REW SPL meter again.
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Mar 17, 2020 at 5:11 PM Post #138 of 283
To those who have confidence in their multimeter and are a tiny bit obsessed with getting very accurate results, I would suggest to find an ER4SR or XR. Each driver comes with a paper showing a few measurements, including the SPL output at 1kHz into 200mV. As you really need them once and then can just use any other IEM after you've figured out the deviation in sensi, borrowing them shortly from a friend, or from your best friend amazon might work?
Now did Ety measure that carefully on each pair? do they calibrate each morning taking into account temperature, humidity and planets alignment? I have no idea. But we can at least expect some stability. So all the ER4 owners can align to that same or pretty stable SPL reference.

Once I get the ER2, my multimeter is crap, but I can at least give the deviation with my ER4SR when fed the same voltage along with Ety's sensitivity. That should give any of you with a good voltmeter, the SPL calibration from Ety. And if other people also have such ER4 with the SPL sensi per driver, we'll be able to check if Ety is consistent enough and worth using as a calibration tool for everybody. There will remain some unknowns because of insertion, but if we find some common ground(perhaps based on resonance instead of distance from some reference plane? to make it easier), we can pretty much bypass the SPL meter. Real amateur trick, I know. But as I have no idea about the impact of using some free field stuff in a sealed configuration to measure SPL, I'd rather go with the evil I think I can trust. Does that make sense?

In anycase, it's good to have some idea of how you measured the ER2 so that once we get some confidence about the specific sensi, you can moonwalk your steps mentally and figure out how to align onto that calibration in the future. Not that it is important for typical FR graphs.
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Mar 18, 2020 at 2:12 AM Post #139 of 283
About waiting, I not in a hurry but what about those still waiting? While we're at it, who's waiting for the tour right now?
I'm sure that a few guys would want in if they only knew about this. @CoiL still not interested? As I've seen you super active in anything concerning IEMs and/or measurements, perhaps you have some ideas for members who have their own rig and might find this interesting?

I`m still interested but atm it`s not good times - borders are locked down in Estonia and nearby countries.
I`ve been messing sround with some drivers and re-tuning them using my cheapo measurement-rig and it has been helpful for me to understand better my own personal signature preference and IEM`s that might hit it. Also what I`ve learned - taming/tuning 3-3.5kHz area of IEMs is freaking hard to get right (in balance with other frequencies). And by that I don`t mean modding only but also hard for manufacturers who produce IEMs. Harman target is easier to hit while maintaining overall balance but to get something like Crins target or some higher end IEMs curve, another story.
Anyway, atm I will pass tour opportunity to others.
Mar 18, 2020 at 4:13 PM Post #140 of 283
@james444 I know Ety is not your favorite brand, but now that you have something to measure all your IEM mods, don't you want to try joining in this tour and get yet another attempt at a random reference target?(I would make a killing as a salesperson^_^).

Lol, no thanks! ER4S is a bitch to measure on my miniDSP EARS. I've done at least 5 attempts and no two results are the same. No other IEM has given me that much headache... and no, I'm not talking about listening to it.
Mar 18, 2020 at 4:47 PM Post #141 of 283
May I know what's the reason for measuring THD at 80 dB SPL?
Pure selfishness :wink: It's just that my normal listening volume is much closer to 80 dB, so I don't care as much what happens at 94 dB. It's also fun to see how low things can go, in terms of distortion.

To be honest I don't know much about standard, I only know about IEC 60268-7 mentioned test level @ 94 dB SPL @ 500 Hz. What is the agreed SPL level for IEM THD measurement?
I also don't know if there is a standard for this. I measure at 80 dB. Jude seems to prefer 90 dB. IEC 60268-7 says 94 dB. I'll probably try and do THD at all three SPLs from now on, just to cover all bases.

Btw, going back to coupler mic SPL calibration for IEM measurement, with the generic 711 couplers and mics, for non highly accurate measurement, like mentioned above, is it a good idea to use Etymotic IEM sensitivity specs to calibrate the SPL level of the generic 711 couplers? Or using SPL meter + 711 coupler like what @hakuzen did is more accurate? Or is there other budget friendly way to do it?
Very good questions. I'm using the same procedure you are, but I do what @castleofargh suggested - I have an ER4XR, which comes with a little certificate that shows FR graphs for both channels and SPLs to 0.1 dB precision (again for both channels) at 200 mV drive into the same coupler I have (GRAS RA0045). The individual ER2 series IEMs probably aren't exactly the sensitivity given in the specs, but they should be close enough for our purposes. Even +/- 1dB shouldn't have a huge effect on distortion unless you're right on the edge of some driver break-up. And +/- several dB, the FR won't change.

What I like about @hakuzen's setup is it looks a lot more convenient than mine. I have an issue with my RME drivers occasionally crashing my Mac if I don't properly close the Totalmix software down before unplugging the USB. I'm dumb, and keep forgetting to do that. When that happens, REW seems to go bonkers on restart, forgets about my Babyface Pro, and insists I have to re-calibrate the SPL meter again. I've had to do this numerous times. It would certainly be handy to have a separate SPL meter you can just plug your IEMs into and get a reading. I've not done that because I don't have a spare mic-less coupler I could use. In general, these couplers come with their mics embedded in them, and you don't want to remove the mic. If you do, you'll change the internal coupler volume (the transfer impedance is a function of the effective volume) and you've just destroyed your coupler. You don't want to do that with a $3000 coupler :wink: To quote from the RA0045 spec sheet:

Note that the G.R.A.S. Type 40AO microphone is an integral part of the RA0045-S1 Ear Simulator and the frequency response of the microphone itself is included in the frequency response of the coupler. The microphone should not be removed from the coupler. If the microphone has been removed from the coupler, the coupler should be re-calibrated after the microphone has been fitted again, to ensure proper operation.

But you could get a spare coupler with the exact same characteristics as the one you use for measuring. (It looks like this is what @hakuzen has done.) I might one day get a spare for this exact purpose. It would definitely be more convenient than all that messing about with multimeters.
Mar 19, 2020 at 2:07 PM Post #142 of 283
I also spent some time to get a proper seal and location of the mics inside the couplers. At last, found that the best and easiest seal and right location was achieved by using tight silicone sleeves.
Tested it with my SPL calibrators as well: used same sleeve when inserting the SPL meter mic into the 12mm hole of the calibrators.
You can check this pics about adapting non-threaded 6mm mics and the mic of SPL meters into 12mm couplers.

I meant the seal inside the SPL meter, between the mic capsule and the SPL meter shaft head. Like this case, my MiniDSP UMIK-1 mic capsule inside the shaft head, need some glue to make proper seal.

Carefully removed the mic head:

Apply some glue to seal the mic capsule:

Btw, I would like to get that 1/2" 711 mic-less coupler to play around with UMIK-1 and other mics. Where did you buy it? I saw one in AE but a bit expensive and not sure if this fits 1/2" mics:

The 'Type 2' on the option seems to be the 711 coupler without the mic, like yours.

Pure selfishness :wink: It's just that my normal listening volume is much closer to 80 dB, so I don't care as much what happens at 94 dB. It's also fun to see how low things can go, in terms of distortion.

I also don't know if there is a standard for this. I measure at 80 dB. Jude seems to prefer 90 dB. IEC 60268-7 says 94 dB. I'll probably try and do THD at all three SPLs from now on, just to cover all bases.

But you could get a spare coupler with the exact same characteristics as the one you use for measuring. (It looks like this is what @hakuzen has done.) I might one day get a spare for this exact purpose. It would definitely be more convenient than all that messing about with multimeters.

Noted :)
Let me know if you got good source for the mic-less coupler for us to play around with other mics.
Mar 19, 2020 at 4:11 PM Post #143 of 283
Let me know if you got good source for the mic-less coupler for us to play around with other mics.
I'd be interested to know that too. I've bought one of these before:

But I'm not sure this particular coupler is the best choice. Shipping is a bit complicated if you're not in China and don't speak Chinese. Also, this coupler exhibits a bit of a late rise around 1 kHz, where it doesn't completely match the GRAS coupler results. (This was discussed in some earlier posts in this thread.) This is awkward since 1 kHz is exactly the point you want to measure to match Etymotic data (which uses an RA0045 coupler):


I'd also like to find a good source for a less-expensive clone coupler that does a better job in the 1 kHz region. I know they exist. I just don't know a reliable source of where to buy one.

P.S. @hakuzen - I forgot to ask one crucial thing! No rush here, but when you're finished measuring, could you please ask @McMadface to give you access to our common Google drive folder so that you can upload your REW files? Thanks :)
Mar 21, 2020 at 5:01 AM Post #144 of 283
Hmm interesting... never seen 1kHz measurement deviation like shown on the red graph.

Here is my ER2XR measurement, with the following setup:

Etymotic ER2XR (Stock tri-flange ear tips) @ 94 dB SPL @ 500Hz:
IEC 60318-4 Compliant Plinth Coupler Type E610A
RME Babyface Pro 3.5mm output: 0 dBFS
RME Babyface Pro In 1 XLR + Rode VXLR: Gain 20 dB (PAD Off)
REW output level setting for ER2XR L SN 001651: -24.00 dBFS
REW output level setting for ER2XR R SN 001652: -24.10 dBFS
RME Babyface Pro 3.5mm output voltage reading for left channel: 93.5 mV

Etymotic ER2XR - Left SN 001651 - Right SN 001652.png

Resonance peak at around 10.7 - 10.8 kHz.

Measured Impedance:
Etymotic ER2XR - Left SN 001651 - Right SN 001652 - Impedance.png

Both drivers measured flat 15 ohms. The light grey line at 32 ohm is a 32 ohm resistor for setup calibration.
Mar 21, 2020 at 7:05 PM Post #145 of 283
I meant the seal inside the SPL meter, between the mic capsule and the SPL meter shaft head. Like this case, my MiniDSP UMIK-1 mic capsule inside the shaft head, need some glue to make proper seal.

Carefully removed the mic head:

Apply some glue to seal the mic capsule:

Btw, I would like to get that 1/2" 711 mic-less coupler to play around with UMIK-1 and other mics. Where did you buy it? I saw one in AE but a bit expensive and not sure if this fits 1/2" mics:

The 'Type 2' on the option seems to be the 711 coupler without the mic, like yours.

Noted :)
Let me know if you got good source for the mic-less coupler for us to play around with other mics.
The two SPL meters I own don't have a separated capsule for the mic. No breaks along the metallic tube. So I don't know how to improve it.
I'd be interested to know that too. I've bought one of these before:

But I'm not sure this particular coupler is the best choice. Shipping is a bit complicated if you're not in China and don't speak Chinese. Also, this coupler exhibits a bit of a late rise around 1 kHz, where it doesn't completely match the GRAS coupler results. (This was discussed in some earlier posts in this thread.) This is awkward since 1 kHz is exactly the point you want to measure to match Etymotic data (which uses an RA0045 coupler):


I'd also like to find a good source for a less-expensive clone coupler that does a better job in the 1 kHz region. I know they exist. I just don't know a reliable source of where to buy one.

P.S. @hakuzen - I forgot to ask one crucial thing! No rush here, but when you're finished measuring, could you please ask @McMadface to give you access to our common Google drive folder so that you can upload your REW files? Thanks :)
I uploaded the temp measurements to the Google Drive folder when posted here.

Guess your both links, aliexpress and taobao, point to the same Chinese coupler. And it's the coupler I'm using to measure SPL.
It's weird to find that dip at 1kHz with this coupler. This spoils completely the use I'm giving to it. Near -2dB at 1kHz! This is serious.
But, if my "SPL" coupler was reading same level, my 94.7dB at 100mV measurement would turn into ~96.5dB, which is higher than specified sensitivity and I doubt it.
Maybe this coupler has low quality control and high tolerance. I'll do some measurements using it to check the dip, if any, in mine. If there is such dip at 1kHz, it's crap.
At last, guess that using official sensitivity (voltage) of ER2SE would be a good agreement. Will use that when I receive the preamp.
To calibrate my SPL gear, guess I need an ER4XR, as suggested by @castleofargh. Pity I can't get it from amazon here (it's sold by a third party company).

Can't find some of the other couplers I found time ago from taobao (one of them is in @castleofarg hands, showed in first pics of my last post).
I also got a cheaper one, not IEC711, which was intended for SPL measurements. It's like this: But have less confidence in it. Will test it when checking the other coupler.
From same seller: (like, your links) (similar to this?

The coupler I use for measurements is this: (way more expensive, but it's developed by a Chinese reputable brand of this kind of stuff).
And I'm very curious about this:
Mar 23, 2020 at 12:24 AM Post #147 of 283
The coupler I use for measurements is this: (way more expensive, but it's developed by a Chinese reputable brand of this kind of stuff).

Is this from AliExpress the same item with your coupler?:,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

The pictures are quite confusing, not sure they will delivery with the plinth or not.

@csglinux I would like to suggest that besides the ER2SE, we could probably include a bullet shape / cylindrical shape IEM that we can use for SPL calibration. The reason for bullet shape is to minimize insertion depth variation. With the bullet shape design such as Tin Audio T2, T3, and 1More Piston shown in pictures, we can insert it to the max till the shell of the IEM touches the lid of the coupler, thus minimizing insertion depth variation.

Then we just report the millivolt reading of the heaphone output when our setup is showing either 96 dB SPL or 94 dB SPL reading at 1 kHz.

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Mar 23, 2020 at 6:56 AM Post #148 of 283
Mar 23, 2020 at 3:28 PM Post #149 of 283
After chatting with the AliExpress Sounds Good Store, I just purchased the IEC711 coupler only without microphone, to play around with other 1/2 inch microphone:

Type: 3 on the option
All good contributions to science here @earfonia :) Would be very interested to see how this particular coupler measures on the ER2SE, especially around the 1 kHz region. Are you on our tour? If not, have you considered joining?
Mar 24, 2020 at 1:13 AM Post #150 of 283
All good contributions to science here @earfonia :) Would be very interested to see how this particular coupler measures on the ER2SE, especially around the 1 kHz region. Are you on our tour? If not, have you considered joining?

Yes I'm on the tour, but I don't know if there is a list of participants somewhere in this thread :smile:
It would be nice if we can have the list to track the tour. Thanks!

One more suggestion, for those who has voltmeter, probably can include measurement of the level of the headphone output for their coupler calibration.
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