Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Mar 24, 2023 at 5:53 PM Post #37,607 of 40,826
Mar 24, 2023 at 6:15 PM Post #37,608 of 40,826
Any thoughts on your Odyssey? I noticed it was on the classifieds.

Yes I like it! My favorite of the EE’s since LX. It sort of is “no man’s land” for me though as far as something I need to add to my collection with already owning a CIEM Mentor for a warmer U shaped BCD sound and then a CIEM MSE for a heavy sub bass sound. I actually was surprised to hear Odyssey as less bassy than I was expecting. From memory I think Evo had a heftier low end?

I thought it paired really nice with Chiron 4 W too, it gives upper mids and treble a little boost in detail while increasing stage size and perception of sub bass. Yatono Ultimate 8w didn’t seem to do much though in terms of improvement.

I’d like to see something like Odyssey without BCD and ESTs (hopefully giving a smaller shell) and offered as a CIEM 🤭
Mar 24, 2023 at 7:02 PM Post #37,611 of 40,826
I mean let’s be honest.. there’s no way EE is gonna allow a collab to be their best sounding product. 🤫
subjective assumption to a subjective perception. :)
Mar 24, 2023 at 8:09 PM Post #37,614 of 40,826
Yes of course. There’s no way I’d know anything objectively about a future EE release. It’s allllllll in the land of make believe.
well...we all know you know about future releases. Actually, everyone knows about the project Raven, as they already announced it will be on CJ SG. the subjective portion is about "letting a collab be better sounding", better is subjective. therefore a subjective assumption to a subjective perception. :wink:
Mar 24, 2023 at 8:17 PM Post #37,615 of 40,826
well...we all know you know about future releases. Actually, everyone knows about the project Raven, as they already announced it will be on CJ SG. the subjective portion is about "letting a collab be better sounding", better is subjective. therefore a subjective assumption to a subjective perception. :wink:
Or engineered to improve upon what makes Odyssey great. I guess we’ll see.

And don’t be so quick to assume these are solely my “subjective perceptions”.
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Mar 24, 2023 at 8:42 PM Post #37,616 of 40,826
ODIN has spoken, and the Ravens have been summoned


unnamed (1).jpg

See you all in a few hours at CanJam Singapore :)
Mar 24, 2023 at 9:03 PM Post #37,617 of 40,826
ODIN has spoken, and the Ravens have been summoned


unnamed (1).jpg

See you all in a few hours at CanJam Singapore :)

Don’t worry though, I’ll get you all the 411 once it’s in the atmosphere.

Side question.. Aside from my cheeky 1980’s reference… Do they still use 411 for info or did they finally say it’s for the birds and cancel it?

I tried to drop a clue in the most abstract way possible lol.
Mar 24, 2023 at 11:39 PM Post #37,618 of 40,826
Mar 25, 2023 at 6:07 AM Post #37,619 of 40,826
Had a go at the Ravens today - they sound like EEs new take for the Legend X. Legend X quantity, Odin quality bass. Lower upper mids with the same treble of the Odin. I can see how people would prefer this, but to my taste I still like Odin better (always preferred neutral or less bass pieces)

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