Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Jan 5, 2022 at 5:30 AM Post #34,756 of 40,725
finally joined the EVO bandwagon :L3000::L3000: big big big big thanks to Thomas of Headphonecompany.com :pray::pray:


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Jan 5, 2022 at 10:28 AM Post #34,759 of 40,725
Which do you prefer? This isn't a decision that can be made by anyone but you and your ears 😉
I find it hard to make the decision, so I was reaching out to more ears. I prefer Evo for Rock/Metal and Odin for Classic. My ears like both from the sound, but at the moment they like Odin more in comfort.
Jan 5, 2022 at 10:38 AM Post #34,760 of 40,725
I find it hard to make the decision, so I was reaching out to more ears. I prefer Evo for Rock/Metal and Odin for Classic. My ears like both from the sound, but at the moment they like Odin more in comfort.
Maybe it's time to explore some non-EE IEMs.. :) Someone buy this man's LXSE! It's a good price.

I think if you can, keep both.. I prefer EVO, but I don't listen to classical.
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Jan 5, 2022 at 5:26 PM Post #34,761 of 40,725
Guys - one question, endless thoughts. Keep Odin or Evo?

PS: Please don't say both
Have both, will keep both but….. Odin fits more of my listening tastes and has great bass when required.
Jan 6, 2022 at 5:53 PM Post #34,763 of 40,725
I'm late my friend but i have the same thing. Now, I'm stil happy my Zeus XIV, unluckily, i never have chance to try the signature R. I've seen many impressions and i also love this signature too. Now, this is 2022, it's really nice to know many people still using and loving the Zeus 👍.
I've been saying here for years that there is no "correct," no "perfect for everyone," no way to quantify these audio(phile) devices. Everyone has different hearing based on age, shape of ears and ear canals, how much noise said ears have been exposed to and at what volume and duration, let alone personal likes/dislikes re sound signature and emotional levels at the time of listening. How often have you listened to a device/sound chain one day and it's sublime and the next day with the same music it's just very very good? We all bring things to the party that are ephemeral and often not consciously noticed.

Then factor in what type of recordings you like, what file type/bit rate and what sound level you like or need, and it becomes clear that the only way to discuss these devices is to speak in generalities about them. Or be VERY specific and list every area I mentioned so as to be clear about what is being discussed.

I find that if I ask questions based on, firstly, the music a person listens to and, secondly, the area(s) of the sound signature they most value, that helps to narrow things down to a place of commonality where discussions can be helpful. If we like the same sorts of music and we like the same general sound signature, things become clearer. If we don't, there is value in that as well.

So if I am looking for information re, say, an IEM, and someone suggests that I will like it based on their love of deep bass, smooth treble and a propensity to listen to metal or EDM, I know that it is likely not for me, as I cherish transparency, a very specific treble presence and not a lot of bass while I listen to, say, the Beatles. We need to be much more specific when we make statements or seek information. And, again, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here or on any other thread.

To me, the "best" IEM (and I have listened to my music ONLY with it for four years) is the EE Zeus. I have posted (many times) WHY I feel that way, but I know that it is just my opinion and large numbers of folks here find it to be shrill and anemic. Just as I find the, oh, say, LX way too warm and congested. Or the Phantom, which was way too thick in the mids and rolled off in the treble for my tastes (though I loved the bass).

Once we stop looking for the best new thing that will be perfect, and learn to accept that this hobby is an addiction, we can begin to make better choices. Everyone can chart the drumbeat of the newest bestest from early postings (Jack Vang is a MASTER at this) to a stampede to buy it to the Sales thread full of them a month or two later. The Mojo was a prime example of this, but currently the Odin seems to be right up there.

I'm as guilty as everyone else here in buying buying buying new stuff, seeking that best listening experience. I spent years doing so. I'm just suggesting that we can do a better job (myself included) in being much more informative when discussing equipment with others.

Of course, that is just my opinion.


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Jan 6, 2022 at 6:54 PM Post #34,764 of 40,725
I find it hard to make the decision, so I was reaching out to more ears. I prefer Evo for Rock/Metal and Odin for Classic. My ears like both from the sound, but at the moment they like Odin more in comfort.
Odin obviously! 🤣

Odin has a slight edge in being an all rounder over the Evo for me.

I'm sure Empire would like you to keeo both and sing their praises though.
Jan 6, 2022 at 9:22 PM Post #34,765 of 40,725
I am singing the praises of the Zeus, once again. I've got my AK SP2000T at about 60 hours of burn-in (should be done Saturday morning) and wow. Those 14 drivers per ear are really getting a workout. The Zeus keeps surprising with its ability to deliver all sorts of sounds coherently. I'm mostly using the Hybrid (OP amp and Tube amp) and I'm getting all sorts of interesting sounds. Tell the truth, this is what I'd hoped the Phantom would sound like. Zeus with balls. :) Jimi Hendrix shakes the house (metaphorically speaking). Switching to the straight Tube amp is good with some of the 60's stuff that wasn't recorded all that well (Jefferson Airplane's Surrealistic Pillow sounds great with it). What fun.
Jan 7, 2022 at 12:54 AM Post #34,767 of 40,725
I'm late my friend but i have the same thing. Now, I'm stil happy my Zeus XIV, unluckily, i never have chance to try the signature R. I've seen many impressions and i also love this signature too. Now, this is 2022, it's really nice to know many people still using and loving the Zeus 👍.
The R is just a slightly less-forward signature. A bit more relaxed. I have the XR and in 4.5 years I have set it to R twice. The XlV is the one.
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Jan 7, 2022 at 5:13 PM Post #34,770 of 40,725
The Zeus predates my move over to flagship iems, somebody post a beauty shot for me and others who know nothing about the Zeus, please. 🙏

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