Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Oct 20, 2021 at 7:57 PM Post #34,021 of 40,826
This is a bit of a spur off the EVO express line. Yesterday I finally had a chance to have a good listen to my Odin customs with my Hugo2. Previously most of my listening had been with my L&P W2. Yes, the Odins do sound really, really good with the W2. But...

Often people remark that a great iem will “lift a veil” or let them hear details they hadn’t heard before. With the H2, the Odins are a complete revelation!! I’ve been using Wraith and Zeus XR that I truly love. But with the Odins, every album was like I was listening to it for the very first time. Songs I’ve heard hundreds of time now sound completely new to me. (Yes, even “Like A Virgin”, you wannabe perv!)

Yeah, I know there’s no such thing as endgame. But this is so dang close…

We now go back to our regularly-scheduled programming. ALL ABOARD!!!

As mentioned recently on this thread, Dean used the Hugo 2 to tune the Odin. Which filter are you using?
Oct 21, 2021 at 2:10 AM Post #34,023 of 40,826
Just got my evos, but I am currently using a really weak player right now. Sony NW 55, I read on reddit or somewhere that using the mr walkman software will get me the wm1a sound. but I'm starting to not believe that anymore.

I got a small cheap headphone amp and could tell a pretty big difference. The bass is coming more alive now

I'm looking to get one of these: shanling m8, cayin n6ii E02 or lotoo paw 6000. If someone could recommend one of those players I'd appreciate it. I'm hoping for the most thunderous rumblings in my music. As deep and hard hitting as possible. (i dont know audiophile terms yet)

I listen to stuff like this:


G jones 😭😭 I thought I was alone here bro
Oct 21, 2021 at 2:11 AM Post #34,024 of 40,826
Just got my evos, but I am currently using a really weak player right now. Sony NW 55, I read on reddit or somewhere that using the mr walkman software will get me the wm1a sound. but I'm starting to not believe that anymore.

I got a small cheap headphone amp and could tell a pretty big difference. The bass is coming more alive now

I'm looking to get one of these: shanling m8, cayin n6ii E02 or lotoo paw 6000. If someone could recommend one of those players I'd appreciate it. I'm hoping for the most thunderous rumblings in my music. As deep and hard hitting as possible. (i dont know audiophile terms yet)

I listen to stuff like this:


Do the evos give g jones the bass his songs deserve.
Oct 21, 2021 at 5:59 AM Post #34,026 of 40,826
Just bought Legend EVO for few days. Really enjoy it with my DX300 amp12. Keeping run-in and can't wait for the 100% stable sound!
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Oct 21, 2021 at 7:12 AM Post #34,027 of 40,826
Can anyone offer any insight or anecdotes regarding the EVO's performance with extreme metal subgenres (such as melodic technical death metal)? I wrote about my desire to try the EVO for metal and also about my possible concerns (which others seemed to agree with) in this in the nearly 100 page-long thread on the best IEMs for all metal subgenres. You'll find my quote at the bottom of this post but I've also permalinked it here. The main concern with the EVO was that it wouldn't be able to keep up with well produced, modern and fast technical metal in terms of overall dynamics, resolution, clarity and instrument separation vs something like the UM MEST MKII (mainly due to possible low-end muddiness in conjunction with all the other instruments and lack of speed to match the transients of fast double bass kicks with gravity blasting). Here's four sample tracks to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

Inferi - Vile Genesis [20:02-25:46]

Demon King - Transmutation of the Artilect [Especially the 11:10-12:37 solo portion of the track]

Ophidian I - Spiral to Oblivion [4:35-8:06]

Stortregn - Nénie [37:38-44:27]

I've had the UM MEST shortly after launch and never looked back especially for extreme metal subgenres, it's virtually perfect in every aspect save for one personal preference issue: the lack of hedonistic visceral bass response that I crave so much (especially with well recorded melodic tech death like the new Inferi, Stortregn, Ophidian-I, Demon King - which are all in my top 10 releases so far this year along with Hooded Menace and Mare Cognitum). I currently have the MEST MKII and it's a small noticeable upgrade in the mid-bass area, but it's still a long ways from being fully satisfying.

I'm seriously considering trying out the new EE Legend Evo to satisfy my need for visceral bass and a generally funner sound signature, early reviews seem promising so far but I don't think anyone has tested them with extreme metal subgenres where speed, clarity and detail retrieval in the low-end are everything (otherwise it just sounds like a muddy mess akin to to the original Legend X).

I also listen to quite a bit of DnB (neurofunk, liquid, halftime) and 140bpm deep dubstep (not that brostep garbage), so my rationale is that it'll end up being a complementary IEM set at worst next to the MEST MKII. Anyone else feel this way regarding wanting to feel visceral bass on an emotional level like that guy with the Cryptic Shift avatar a few pages back talking the 64a Nio? Don't get me wrong, the UM MEST MKII are plenty enjoyable in general especially with metal (any subgenre really), definitely a long cry from the absolute snoozefest that is the 64a U12t. If only we could get a sound signature like the Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC in IEM form - that would be endgame for metal.

In the worst case scenario I'll be able to enjoy the Evo with my secondary genres of music like DnB (neurofunk, liquid, halftime) and 140bpm deep dubstep. Shoutout to the guys who mentioned G Jones earlier, he's a legend. I've got The Ineffable Truth on vinyl but still looking for a copy of Acid Disk.
Oct 21, 2021 at 7:37 AM Post #34,028 of 40,826
Can anyone offer any insight or anecdotes regarding the EVO's performance with extreme metal subgenres (such as melodic technical death metal)? I wrote about my desire to try the EVO for metal and also about my possible concerns (which others seemed to agree with) in this in the nearly 100 page-long thread on the best IEMs for all metal subgenres. You'll find my quote at the bottom of this post but I've also permalinked it here. The main concern with the EVO was that it wouldn't be able to keep up with well produced, modern and fast technical metal in terms of overall dynamics, resolution, clarity and instrument separation vs something like the UM MEST MKII (mainly due to possible low-end muddiness in conjunction with all the other instruments and lack of speed to match the transients of fast double bass kicks with gravity blasting). Here's four sample tracks to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

Inferi - Vile Genesis [20:02-25:46]

Demon King - Transmutation of the Artilect [Especially the 11:10-12:37 solo portion of the track]

Ophidian I - Spiral to Oblivion [4:35-8:06]

Stortregn - Nénie [37:38-44:27]

In the worst case scenario I'll be able to enjoy the Evo with my secondary genres of music like DnB (neurofunk, liquid, halftime) and 140bpm deep dubstep. Shoutout to the guys who mentioned G Jones earlier, he's a legend. I've got The Ineffable Truth on vinyl but still looking for a copy of Acid Disk.

Dont think its a secret that EVO will not work with some genres.
Its meant to be an Ultimate Basshead experiece with least compromise.

Mesk mkII for me was really best all-rounder i have heard to date. I am still thinking to buy it back once i have tried few other models.

Regarding above mention genre. I just have one question:
-What do they feed the drummer with before recording? It surely must be recorded in a freezer, otherwise his armpits would flame up.
Oct 21, 2021 at 7:40 AM Post #34,029 of 40,826
^^ they seem to do pretty well. I am not overly technical when it comes to too much bass. Yes, the bass is a little behind and if you're looking for punchy bass might not be for you but i enjoyed the tracks. Everything was clear just the bass was pretty dominant. I listened to parts of the last two links (yes i know also youtube audio).

Oct 21, 2021 at 8:54 AM Post #34,030 of 40,826
Can anyone offer any insight or anecdotes regarding the EVO's performance with extreme metal subgenres (such as melodic technical death metal)? I wrote about my desire to try the EVO for metal and also about my possible concerns (which others seemed to agree with) in this in the nearly 100 page-long thread on the best IEMs for all metal subgenres. You'll find my quote at the bottom of this post but I've also permalinked it here. The main concern with the EVO was that it wouldn't be able to keep up with well produced, modern and fast technical metal in terms of overall dynamics, resolution, clarity and instrument separation vs something like the UM MEST MKII (mainly due to possible low-end muddiness in conjunction with all the other instruments and lack of speed to match the transients of fast double bass kicks with gravity blasting). Here's four sample tracks to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

Inferi - Vile Genesis [20:02-25:46]

Demon King - Transmutation of the Artilect [Especially the 11:10-12:37 solo portion of the track]

Ophidian I - Spiral to Oblivion [4:35-8:06]

Stortregn - Nénie [37:38-44:27]

In the worst case scenario I'll be able to enjoy the Evo with my secondary genres of music like DnB (neurofunk, liquid, halftime) and 140bpm deep dubstep. Shoutout to the guys who mentioned G Jones earlier, he's a legend. I've got The Ineffable Truth on vinyl but still looking for a copy of Acid Disk.

No idea if you count Dimmu Borgir but I had a quick listen to their live orchestral album "Forces of the Northern Night" and it was great with the EVO. When I get the time I'll test more metal and report back.
Oct 21, 2021 at 12:04 PM Post #34,031 of 40,826
Can anyone offer any insight or anecdotes regarding the EVO's performance with extreme metal subgenres (such as melodic technical death metal)? I wrote about my desire to try the EVO for metal and also about my possible concerns (which others seemed to agree with) in this in the nearly 100 page-long thread on the best IEMs for all metal subgenres. You'll find my quote at the bottom of this post but I've also permalinked it here. The main concern with the EVO was that it wouldn't be able to keep up with well produced, modern and fast technical metal in terms of overall dynamics, resolution, clarity and instrument separation vs something like the UM MEST MKII (mainly due to possible low-end muddiness in conjunction with all the other instruments and lack of speed to match the transients of fast double bass kicks with gravity blasting). Here's four sample tracks to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:.

I’ve only just got my Evo today but I bought it solely off the back of owning the Bravado MK2 (which utilises the W9+ too) and 90% of my listening is with extreme metal (faster the better). I’m extremely particular when it comes to my gear for metal as so rarely do you find a good set of headphones or IEMs that keeps up with this genre. I used to exclusively look for pure beryllium drivers such as Utopia and A8000 and these still remain the fastest bass I’ve heard in this hobby. Problem is that I don’t love the FR of these for metal. I also don’t want BA bass for metal either despite some really good IEM options with fast bass.

Bravado MK2 was excellent and easily fast enough to satisfy me with metal. I bought EVO to basically improve on all other aspects (clarity/separation/technicalities).

On first couple of hours out of the box, I don’t think I’m going to be disappointed. I’m sure the DDs will need time to burn in but they already sound great for extreme metal.

I’ll listen to your tracks properly in the coming days and drop you a private message if you’d like. But that Demon King track sounds fantastic, the double kick drums kick with great authority and control and I don’t hear them lagging behind at all.

I’ve been trialling some grindcore bands this afternoon and on first impressions they sound great with the likes of Wormrot/Nasum/Anaal Nathrakh/Cattle Decapitation. Also, Archspire sound damn good on EVO and they sound similar to your tracks.

Happy to report back in a few days once I’ve had more time with EVO and have left them burning in overnight
Oct 21, 2021 at 12:44 PM Post #34,032 of 40,826
Haven’t heard much commentary for Hip hop/Rap in the EVO comments so far, but good lord is the EVO the magical sauce for 90s hip hop and rap.
Oct 21, 2021 at 2:54 PM Post #34,034 of 40,826
Can anyone offer any insight or anecdotes regarding the EVO's performance with extreme metal subgenres (such as melodic technical death metal)? I wrote about my desire to try the EVO for metal and also about my possible concerns (which others seemed to agree with) in this in the nearly 100 page-long thread on the best IEMs for all metal subgenres. You'll find my quote at the bottom of this post but I've also permalinked it here. The main concern with the EVO was that it wouldn't be able to keep up with well produced, modern and fast technical metal in terms of overall dynamics, resolution, clarity and instrument separation vs something like the UM MEST MKII (mainly due to possible low-end muddiness in conjunction with all the other instruments and lack of speed to match the transients of fast double bass kicks with gravity blasting). Here's four sample tracks to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

Inferi - Vile Genesis [20:02-25:46]

Demon King - Transmutation of the Artilect [Especially the 11:10-12:37 solo portion of the track]

Ophidian I - Spiral to Oblivion [4:35-8:06]

Stortregn - Nénie [37:38-44:27]

In the worst case scenario I'll be able to enjoy the Evo with my secondary genres of music like DnB (neurofunk, liquid, halftime) and 140bpm deep dubstep. Shoutout to the guys who mentioned G Jones earlier, he's a legend. I've got The Ineffable Truth on vinyl but still looking for a copy of Acid Disk.

Major props for Mare Cognitum reference. MEST mkii is what I use on all his stuff. I too feel like there is an upgrade somewhere, just not sure what that is yet. I am into similar stuff. I will be hearing the EVO somewhat soonish. I'll report back its extreme metal fortitude.
Oct 21, 2021 at 3:16 PM Post #34,035 of 40,826
Popped in to demo SP2000T today and had a good feel of super duo:

I really loved how Odin was affected by tube mode on SP2kT. If you are on the edge of upper mids tolerance. I highly recommend to try. It tamed it without sucking the character out.
Not much difference between amp modes on EVO.
It is a fantastic synergy with both iems. But sp2k is still a king in soundstage dimensions and imaging.

Edit: oh and i forgot to top it of with this joke of desperation lol:
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