After receiving my SM3 v2 a few days ago, I noticed certain different characteristics it has compared to v1. The nosle of the right earpiece of my SM3 v1 had broken about two months ago; so I thought maybe in the two months without the SM3, I forgot how it sounded, but I wanted to consider other possibilities, too. So I e-mailed Franck from Earsonics about it and he gave me a short reply:
"Hi Franck,
I have just upgraded my SM3 v1 to SM3 v2. I noticed that with v2 I need to boost the bass a little more and decrease the treble a bit; this means that v2 has more treble and the warmness has decreased compared to the v1. I had read in a forum your comment that the two versions sound identical. Since I am using the same tips I had been using with my v1 and not the new tips, the tips cannot contribute to the change in the sound... I realize the change may be due to different/better seal with the v2. But I was wondering, could the new SM3 v2 need burning-in? Do you use the parts from an SM3 v1 when upgrading it to SM3 v2? I am asking this, because if you do so, then burning-in may not be needed anyway, right?"
"This deference is just that with time your V1 treble has decrease because of the dirt on green filters... (like a burning)
Franck Lopez"
So... I have questions still unanswered. I really don't think it could only be due to the dirt covering the filter that the treble on my SM3 v1 sounded less shrill/distrubing/harsh/aggressive than on the new SM3 v2. Most people found the highs to be inadequate or at least recessed on the SM3 v1, whereas I really liked the non-fatiguing/modest highs it produced. So I believe the increase in the highs on the new version is due to the need for burning-in (hopefully) other than the better seal I get with it compared to v1 - with which, to be honest, I used to get great seal, too. Because for me not only the treble is increased, but also the warmness has decreased, judging by the need I feel to boost the bass and the mid bass by a few dbs while listening to the very same albums I used to listen with generally the same EQ settings. So it's not only about the treble finally coming to its own due to acquiring better seal, but also a change in the warmness too, which can't be related to better seal, can it? Since, as far as I know, a poor seal decreases the bass perceived, not the opposite.
Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me; I need to re-adjust my mind to the SM3 sound once more...
Any thoughts?