DX90. 2X Sabre,1st page: Downloads, info&inst. . ! Lurker0 FW Mod link 1st page !!. .NEW FW! 2.3.0 . . . . .
Dec 5, 2014 at 12:23 AM Post #9,527 of 14,089
Just tried 2.1.5 L3 which is supposed to be same as 2.1.5 L2 (which i dun like previously) because many many prefer 2.1.5 L2... After listening to 2 tracks (which i am super super familiar with)  revert back to 2.10 Int fast by lurker.. still cant stand the 3D and tight congested sound.... 2.1.5 dun seen to pair well with TG334.. LOL..  
Dec 5, 2014 at 12:25 AM Post #9,528 of 14,089
I have 5 medium large boxes of CD's to transfer to lossless, over 3,000 cd's. I found some gold cd's and many SACD hybrids, that have been in storage for some time. So would 2 help me transfer faster? :^)
Listening to Janis Joplin, Pearl, right now from the gold SBM cd. Found some Dylan stuff on gold. .  . gah. . not enough time! 

i would loves to help u but i am in singapore LOL
Dec 5, 2014 at 12:28 AM Post #9,529 of 14,089
Dec 5, 2014 at 12:56 AM Post #9,530 of 14,089
It worked for about two hours after i installed rockbox, And then Mango was causing a BSOD (Which caused my Foobar theme to be deleted btw). I am booting with 2.1.5 L1. There is not supposed to be a problem. It's a 350$ device that's supposed to work as a USB DAC too as iBasso say-And they don't deliver it. That is a joke. Do i need to pray to god everytime i turm on my PC that it will work?!
Dec 5, 2014 at 1:06 AM Post #9,531 of 14,089
  It worked for about two hours after i installed rockbox, And then Mango was causing a BSOD (Which caused my Foobar theme to be deleted btw). I am booting with 2.1.5 L1. There is not supposed to be a problem. It's a 350$ device that's supposed to work as a USB DAC too as iBasso say-And they don't deliver it. That is a joke. Do i need to pray to god everytime i turm on my PC that it will work?!

You installed rock box. iBasso does not support rock box or recommend its use. So why would you blame them? You put it on there not them. 
Dec 5, 2014 at 1:45 AM Post #9,533 of 14,089
^ lol, it took me exactly 1 min to get the usb dac working, Actually I hadn't used the usb dac function till now, I just wanted to see if your complaints had foundation, but to no avail. It was easier than eating pie to set it up, and may I say that it sounds fantastic vs foobar + wasapi alone.
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:02 AM Post #9,535 of 14,089
^ I'm using win 8.1 also, I just plugged in the DX90 in dac mode and went to Device Manager then clicked on DX90, then selected install drivers and directed it to the ibasso ver 1.0 dac driver folder, and was ready to go in 30 sec :/
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:23 AM Post #9,537 of 14,089
It still doesnt work. I uninstalled rockbox and the USB driver, reinstalled the USB driver from parent folder and then from device manager-And nothing
EDIT: I repeat the steps i did before with the same firmware when i succeeded but nothing!! It is really driving me crazy..
! Now it shows a yellow triangle next to Mango USB Interface in device manager. When i update this it tells me i have the newest driver. Still no luck.. ANy ideas please?
I notic in device manager that mango USB device doesnt show under sound, video and game controllers

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