DUNU - Discussion/Impressions Master Thread
May 26, 2024 at 2:32 PM Post #2,491 of 2,571
And yet your previous stance was that Glacier was the best.
So you demonstrate the progress made by Dunu while denying the whole industry can achieve the same.
Here, simple reader would just see a bias not a constructive review.

I'm not like this …
I try to help and ensure that potential buyers make informed purchases by providing as much detail as possible, especially since the prices are high.

For example the echoes and highs - trebles on the Glacier are unbeatable to my ears , so nice and the soundstage is excellent.

The midrange on hip hop with the V14 is better but it sounds dry and gives a monitor-like sense. Additionally the mid-bass on the V14 is snappier and grippier than the Glacier and the Jupiter even if is so old but it has the typical BA timbre and lacks sub-bass.

The Jupiter's mids feel more natural but they can mess up in hollow music. The mids on the Glacier are more balanced neither too thin nor too thick.
The micro details on the Jupiter come forward more than on the Glacier.

I don't want to go into too much detail right now, but I want to show that each IEM has its strengths.
Overall the Glacier scores higher than those two. Additionally the Glacier is so coherent that it beats all the multi driver IEMs I have listened to so far.

I don't want to prove anything, show off, or overdo anything. I'm not overexcited about the Glacier but if something deserves to be recognized and not get masked by new IEMs or fake reviews then the Glacier needs to be recognized for its strengths.
Let the people decide if it is the right IEM for them.
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May 26, 2024 at 5:43 PM Post #2,492 of 2,571
Comparing IEM's solely by year of release is unnecessary. Whatever you want to compare should be technically somewhat similar, or also possible, the sound signature/tuning should be similar. It always depends what you make out of it, e.g. what emphasis or focus your review has. You absolutely can compare a 15$ KZ with a 150$ Simgot, even when one costs 10x as much, or you totally can compare a 2020 IEM featuring a set of 4 Knowles BA's with a 2024 4x Knowles IEM, e.g. just to shine some light on technical advancements in development of BA's for example.
As I said, it's what you make out of it... and since nobody can know yet how accurate your review will be and if it's well written or not, any kind of prejudgement is indeed prejudice.
So, I'd say > lets do it! ...and when your review is published, our community will read, evaluate, criticize and/or like your work.
First and foremost we are a hobbyist community, most of us are average Joes who just like music and the gear you play it with. Only a small percentage here are real professionals in this or neighboring fields, but it all comes down to learning something new... either your review has good value and allows others to learn something they didn't know before, or, your review has some content related shortcomings, then you'll get some constructive criticism for sure (maybe not from everyone, but that's social media life nowadays^^), but the vast majority here is knowledgeable and friendly, and then you yourself have learned something from that endeavor... that's how we all win the one way or the other.
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May 26, 2024 at 7:06 PM Post #2,493 of 2,571
Comparing IEM's solely by year of release is unnecessary. Whatever you want to compare should be technically somewhat similar, or also possible, the sound signature/tuning should be similar. It always depends what you make out of it, e.g. what emphasis or focus your review has. You absolutely can compare a 15$ KZ with a 150$ Simgot, even when one costs 10x as much, or you totally can compare a 2020 IEM featuring a set of 4 Knowles BA's with a 2024 4x Knowles IEM, e.g. just to shine some light on technical advancements in development of BA's for example.
As I said, it's what you make out of it... and since nobody can know yet how accurate your review will be and if it's well written or not, any kind of prejudgement is indeed prejudice.
So, I'd say > lets do it! ...and when your review is published, our community will read, evaluate, criticize and/or like your work.
First and foremost we are a hobbyist community, most of us are average Joes who just like music and the gear you play it with. Only a small percentage here are real professionals in this or neighboring fields, but it all comes down to learning something new... either your review has good value and allows others to learn something they didn't know before, or, your review has some content related shortcomings, then you'll get some constructive criticism for sure (maybe not from everyone, but that's social media life nowadays^^), but the vast majority here is knowledgeable and friendly, and then you yourself have learned something from that endeavor... that's how we all win the one way or the other.

Hi droid23 🙂

Thank you for your understanding,
agree that should judge the review until is complete. I'll do my best to make it honest and helpful. Most of the previous comments were based on early impressions. Also i was waiting the iBasso Dx260.

The difficult part of reviewing this IEM is its signature as not many IEMs have this kind of sound. One day I listen to them with the S&S tips and they present micro details forward and are three dimensional. The next day I use the Candy tips and they sound very instrument realistic and not treble forward. On another day I use the white tips and they are bright treble-forward with very apparent echoes and bass that shakes my head.

I thought Dunu created this IEM with these tips to offer different sound profiles depending on the eartips used or perhaps the iem is tip dependent. However the same eartips can sometimes produce a different sound on different days. It's very difficult to describe, as this IEM presents something new every day. I even cleaned my ears thinking they might have been damaged from listening too loudly but that wasn't the case. This IEM surprises me every day with something new.

Then I realized that the depth of insertion changes the sound. With a deep insertion it can be very bass thundering slamming really hard with contrasty dynamic ,treble forward.Without a deep insertion the sound is smoother and micro details are more apparent especially with the S&S tips.

The drivers in almost all IEMs are the same such as Sonion 28uap, 38d1x, 38aj, 2389, Knowles 3176, and Sonion ESTs and many of them do exist 10 years or more. The difference is in the tuning, tube length, materials, acoustic dampers, crossovers, etc. I can pick out the tonality of them in most IEMs But No No No, Dunu custom ones and they implement their ests and 4 of them as ultra high for giving air and more treble air.

Dunu is a very smart company and avoids any competition.
It’s different and that’s why I mentioned before in my first impressions that Dunu did well by going this kind of tuning as it is showing is not like the rest of the competition.

It's like, we are different. Check it out, you've never heard anything like this before. We are unique.

Well done Dunu.
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May 26, 2024 at 7:38 PM Post #2,494 of 2,571
Hehe, I had to lol, but in a very good way and so many times when I read your post. :beerchug:

Let me tell you why:
  • I am listening with the DX260 and DUNU SA6 MkII as I'm writing this
  • Naturally we have slightly different hearing by a day by day basis, sometimes even intra-day differences. This is rooted on many physiological factors e.g blood pressure, stress, blood circulation in the inner ear, fluid intake, and many more. So, it's not really surprising that the same setup sometimes can sound a bit different.
  • Tips can have a tremendous influence on sound signature, their design, material, how they conform to your individual anatomy, and as you said yourself, insertion depth... and when it comes to that, our outer ear canal is specifically evolutionary "designed" to enhance/intensify or to attenuate certain frequencies. So, when you have a more shallow insertion, you might see two different effects, one being that the tip sealing is sub-par and longer wavelength can escape a bit easier back out of the ear canal (reflecting from the tympanic membrane and sneaking out through micro openings and even through the thin silicone material of the e.g. S&S tips), resulting in perceiving a brighter sound signature, and second, with insertion depth you slightly change the path how travelling and standing sound waves are rendered inside the canal... and all that vice versa with deeper insertion... very roughly speaking. So what you described is absolutely normal, but rarely people know that. Nevertheless, I liked how you described so accurately what you have experienced.
Cheers & greetings to my neighbor country in the north!
May 26, 2024 at 7:50 PM Post #2,495 of 2,571
😀 Yes, that's very true!

Also Dunu has eartips that really make a difference. Omg, Dunu, please don't confuse me more, I'm already confused.

Wow 🤩 Congratulations on getting the iBasso Dx260! What an amazing device, right? Wait, because it also changes its sound as it burns in. 😅

Amazing combo, right? Omg, the 260 with the SA6 MK2. Nice, really nice!
May 26, 2024 at 8:04 PM Post #2,496 of 2,571
Indeed, my top synergy combo... but I'm on the brink of purchasing another cable for them to somewhat give them a bit more soundstage. I have listened to (frankly not many, and actually only 3) much more expensive IEMs lately, but for the music I listen most, the SA6 MkII are hard to beat... with their, what I like to call, unique "brainf**k" tuning :wink: . They are so definitely not neutrally tuned, that they "manipulate you on the psychoacoustic level... and together with the DX260, who is rather on the neutral, uncolored side, it's just perfect. Anyway this DAP, and if you use a DAP for reviewing and A/B'ing,, is therefore one of the best IMHO because it allows the tuning of an IEM, as the engineers have adjusted it, to shine in a relatively untouched way, but with state of the art technology, clarity, and precision.
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May 26, 2024 at 8:37 PM Post #2,497 of 2,571
I can see what you are experiencing and how it might sound. Unfortunately I don’t have the SA6 MK2 but I've seen many reviews praising it. Some even consider it an endgame IEM it must be really really good especially with the dx260.

Getting more soundstage with a silver cable might be difficult but it could also make the sound more transparent ?
Cables are really confusing for me.
I went from eartips to DAPs burn-in and now cables.
Omg, 😂😂😂 now I'm really confused and my brain is telling me,
„Stop confusing me anymore,
This is audiophile to extreme levels!“ 😂
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May 26, 2024 at 10:42 PM Post #2,498 of 2,571
Arrived! 🤩

May 26, 2024 at 10:57 PM Post #2,499 of 2,571
Rapidfire Notes on DaVinci after days of listening:
- Neutral w/ bass boost or warm neutral depending on how one interprets its tonal balance (+/-)
- Deep and rumbly bass that may add some coloration to the lowermids since there is quite a bit of midbass, but not enough to make it muddy; just adds some fullness to the mix (+)
- More or less natural-sounding midrange with a conservative pinna gain (peak at 3k). (+)
- Rather laid-back though extended treble, interaction between the peaks lends itself to what I perceive as a soft presentation. Prefer a crisper presentation especially with acoustic and jazz, this doesn't quite do that for me there. Your mileage may vary. (+/-)
- Details are about as expected for the price range, but I'm certain this was intended to be a chill-time/musical listen (+/-)
- Good EQ tolerance on subbass-level if one wants to slap on a Fatfreq-esque +15 dB subbass boost, making for +25dB (+)
- Nozzle bit in the chonky side, it can be a struggle to put on the eartips (especially the included ones with a softer core); I find it much easier to slap on Azlas and Coreirs for this reason (-)

vs. Pilgrim:
- Pilgrim has quality bass too, but it's not as emphasized. Would pick one or the other depending on what I'm listening to, since the warmer, bassier presentation of the DaVinci isn't my thing with some songs with female vocals.
- Pilgrim has emphasized uppermids owing to an earlier pinna gain, making me prefer it on tenor/soprano. DaVinci has quite a bit of warmth that extends to the lower mids, making me prefer on bass/alto. A particular song where I see this in full blast is The Code by Nemo (yes, the Eurovision one); I prefer the DaVinci on the first half of the song when it's more dnb/rap, then the Pilgrim on the second half of the song when it goes full on opera with falsettos and all.
- Pilgrim has quite a bit more nuance on the treble, which to me translates to a crisper presentation and more perceived detail. DaVinci smoother, but also has softer presentation. Again, ymmv.
- Conclusion: They complement each other.
May 28, 2024 at 7:11 PM Post #2,500 of 2,571
Who is tapping (closing) the ports of Dunu IEMs? Is it only me? Many times I prefer to close the port, the small hole in Dunu IEMs. This makes the soundstage a bit smaller meaning it isn't as open but it makes the bass more precise and gives me a sense of more impact. The sound is tighter and better controlled. Am I the only one trying this with Dunu or do you also do this sometimes? I personally try this on all IEMs that have a port and for some music genres it is noticeably better. But it depends on the IEM of course.

Dunu includes a ton of eartips and accessories with their IEMs. It would be very nice if they included a small silicone piece that could temporarily tape or close the port in the IEMs or if they made IEMs with the option to close the port to make the sound tighter or having this option as a sound tuning or incorporate a small switch that looks like a switch but functions to open and close the port. :)

An example of a Dunu basshead's dream IEM could feature a configuration, a setup of two dynamic drivers or a set up of planar and dynamic driver with the dynamic driver using a polyester diaphragm material (Mylar). The bass shelf would start at 250Hz peaking at 45 to 50 Hz as this sub-bass frequency range is the cleanest and most prominent this would be followed by a gentle roll-off removing frequencies below 20 Hz to avoid distortion or muddying the midrange or overshadowing other frequencies due to excessive air pressure since IEMs have only a small hole and sound waves try to find space.The transition between mid and sub bass should not be equal as it will end up being thick.Having a small switch to close and open the port would result in two bass signatures, one extended and one tight and precise. This kind of clean bass would carry through the entire frequency spectrum resulting in a thundering, ultra-clean and natural sound that can be played at insanely loud volumes. :)

I mean 2 DD is perfect, 1DD and one planar would be very interesting.
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May 29, 2024 at 3:22 PM Post #2,501 of 2,571
May 29, 2024 at 10:18 PM Post #2,502 of 2,571
DUNU It's a good time to go #PRO. Our next generation of in-ears powered by ECLIPSƎ are here! Learn more on our official website. Stay updated on DUNU at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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May 30, 2024 at 12:16 AM Post #2,503 of 2,571
Indeed, my top synergy combo... but I'm on the brink of purchasing another cable for them to somewhat give them a bit more soundstage. I have listened to (frankly not many, and actually only 3) much more expensive IEMs lately, but for the music I listen most, the SA6 MkII are hard to beat... with their, what I like to call, unique "brainf**k" tuning :моргать: . They are so definitely not neutrally tuned, that they "manipulate you on the psychoacoustic level... and together with the DX260, who is rather on the neutral, uncolored side, it's just perfect. Anyway this DAP, and if you use a DAP for reviewing and A/B'ing,, is therefore one of the best IMHO because it allows the tuning of an IEM, as the engineers have adjusted it, to shine in a relatively untouched way, but with state of the art technology, clarity, and precision.
Indeed, the iBasso DX260 paired with the Dunu Glacier offers sound quality, airiness, and naturalness that are exceptional. Quality of Dunu's drivers and the tonality of its IEMs are truly impressive. Glacier avoids sibilant 'Sh' and 'SS' sounds in the upper frequencies and delivers a sound that is full-bodied with this player. DX260 is an excellent match for most headphones. While it may not provide as rich detail as the Mojo2, the DX260 is often the preferred choice in many scenarios for me
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May 30, 2024 at 11:31 AM Post #2,504 of 2,571
Indeed, the iBasso DX260 paired with the Dunu Glacier offers sound quality, airiness, and naturalness that are exceptional. Quality of Dunu's drivers and the tonality of its IEMs are truly impressive. Glacier avoids sibilant 'Sh' and 'SS' sounds in the upper frequencies and delivers a sound that is full-bodied with this player. DX260 is an excellent match for most headphones. While it may not provide as rich detail as the Mojo2, the DX260 is often the preferred choice in many scenarios for me

Hi and congrats for your set up ,

chears my friend and welcome to Head-fi.

:beerchug: :beerchug:

The s and sh sounds are managed exceptionally well if you take into consideration that it has a peak and not a dip at 5 to 6 kHz which is the natural frequency range for these sounds , lower trebles.

Lets listen and enjoy and go to other dimensions of Naturalness!

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May 30, 2024 at 2:50 PM Post #2,505 of 2,571
Just got the davinci today. Trying to put on the candy tips, but it's the most frustrating iem/eartip combo I've ever dealt with.. I can literally feel myself going red 😅

Any advice would be appreciated.
I personally use them with the Divinus Velvet and they fit quite nicely. The candy are a pain to apply on the set, but divinus gets connected instantly. And pairs well imo. Here's my setup from today morning.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-30 at 11.15.46.jpeg

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