dt770/80 Pro amp or no amp?
Dec 3, 2010 at 5:06 PM Post #16 of 31

Thanks, im just not sure if i want a portable amp though as i will be mostly using it at a desk so i could plug an amp such as the Fiio E9 into the mains and use that, or get the E7 and see how i go with an option to upgrade to the E9+E7 combo? Just dont know if i can justify spending over £100 on amp(s) as i dont know if SQ will drastically improve?
FWIR... the DT770 / 80 is usually preferred with additional amplification.  

Dec 3, 2010 at 5:57 PM Post #18 of 31

Fair enough if SQ will improve by a noticable difference! But for me spending loads for a minute SQ enhancement isnt necissary so its a budget amp or none at all i think. This whole situation may change once i hear the headphones through only an ipod, and really want to get the most out of them so if £50 can almost do that with the pa2v2 it would seem daft in my eyes to spend £150 on E7+E5. Would really appreciate if anyone has had experiance with a budget amp and the Fiio combo to tell me if the price can be justified, source being an ipod touch.
But here at Head-Fi, it's a little easier to justify spending more... lol... (sorry about your wallet). 

Dec 3, 2010 at 6:38 PM Post #20 of 31
Welp, first of all congratulations on graduating from Skull Candy's.
You're going to be really happy with the DT770s at first regardless of what you decide to do in terms of amplification.
A buddy of mine originally purchased these, and his source was his crappy internal computer sound card with no amp.  He also EQ'd them to death.
I was so impressed with the bass on them, even with my buddy's setup, unamped... that I decided to pick them up for myself.
At the time my setup was my Audigy 2 ZS soundcard to a PA2v2.
How much of a difference could I tell with the PA2v2 versus what my buddy's setup provided?
Well, it wasn't by much unfortunately.  Bass was a bit cleaner, but it just wasn't what I wanted.  I actually ended up returning the headphones to Guitar Center.
BUT, here's the deal.  As I've grown here on the forums, I've slowly bought into better amps and sources making a difference.
And with that being said, I will cut straight to the chase: My Audio Technia ATH-AD700s, powered by my new amp, the Matrix M-Stage (which can be had for $250 shipped), sound incredible.  The Audio Technica headphones I am speaking of, by no means necessary, are known for their bass.  However, just as an example, on Disturbed's "Down With The Sickness", I can quite literally feel the drivers working to pump out the bass, with 0 distortion.
Coming from the PA2v2 to the Matrix M-Stage, I am literally amazed by how much better the sound is.  With what you are looking for, bass, I can only imagine what this amp would do for the DT770s.  In fact, as soon as money allows, I plan on picking up a pair of DT770s again to see what it's like with my Matrix M-Stage, just as a "fun" headphone.
So, long story short:
I think that this headphone will scale very well with higher end amps, higher up than portable amps driven by batteries at least.
The Matrix M-Stage will by no means be an option with your iPod if you need to move from place to place when you are listening, as the amp itself is about 12" long.  However, if you're going to be in one stationary position, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Matrix M-Stage to pair with the DT770s. 
With all this said, when I get my DT770s, which will probably be next paycheck next week, I will update you on the sound difference between no amp, a portable amp (PA2v2), and a full-sized amp (Matrix M-Stage).
Good luck, and I'm ever so sorry about your wallet!
Dec 3, 2010 at 6:58 PM Post #21 of 31

Thanks, im just not sure if i want a portable amp though as i will be mostly using it at a desk so i could plug an amp such as the Fiio E9 into the mains and use that, or get the E7 and see how i go with an option to upgrade to the E9+E7 combo? Just dont know if i can justify spending over £100 on amp(s) as i dont know if SQ will drastically improve?
FWIR... the DT770 / 80 is usually preferred with additional amplification.  

never tried E7 + E9, but looks like many people like them, worth to try I think. Desktop set-up with budget price, sound nice :)
Dec 3, 2010 at 7:15 PM Post #22 of 31

[*] Thanks I3eyond for the detailed response however i think the Matrix amp may just be out of my price range!! I will look forward to your comparison with the pa2v2 and no amp, so do let me know when you get round to that!
Dec 3, 2010 at 7:20 PM Post #23 of 31
I have now set my sights on the Biosciencegeek Headphone Amplifier cMOY Premium Amp which is £40, and i am keen on the neutral responce as I dont really want to pair a warm amp with some warm headphones! What do you guys think the synergy would be like with this amp and the dt770/80? And how does it match up to other amps around this price point? 
Dec 3, 2010 at 7:29 PM Post #24 of 31
I don't know where you've gotten a "warm" characterization of the DT770/80 from. But that cMoy is 1 of 2 sold on eBay that I had in mind. The other is about the same price, but I don't recall what it's called. 
I have now set my sights on the Biosciencegeek Headphone Amplifier cMOY Premium Amp which is £40, and i am keen on the neutral responce as I dont really want to pair a warm amp with some warm headphones! What do you guys think the synergy would be like with this amp and the dt770/80? And how does it match up to other amps around this price point? 

Dec 3, 2010 at 7:39 PM Post #25 of 31
I just exchanged a few emails with biosciencegeek this week. He said he was planning on listing some amps this weekend so you might want to contact him real soon. I do believe he has created some amps for dt770 pro 80 users.
I actually just tried these headphones yesterday at a Guitar Center with my iPhone 4, I had the volume at 100% and it was not at all what I would even call loud. I was able to plug them into a receiver there to really get some power to them. I really enjoyed them and found them very comfortable but went with the M50s for more portability (back and forth to work) and easier to drive (not to mention less $).
Dec 3, 2010 at 7:51 PM Post #26 of 31
The original source was my desktop computer using the stock sound card that is built into the mobo. I also used them off my iPod. The 770/80's sounded ok. Not great, not like I imagined a $150 pair of headphones should sound. I bought the Little Dot 1+ and with the stock tubes the difference was cleaner, louder, and the sound opened up more. Now they sounded like they were worth the price I paid. Then I rolled the tubes and got a pair of new old stock Sylvania Gold 408A's and that really warmed the sound and I think improved the bass from being boomy to more controlled. I then added a D/A and that was yet another huge improvement. The biggest thing about the D/A was the separation in the music...there was a much better sound stage. It also cleaned up the sound even more. I LOVE my 770/80's however I do feel like they are missing something in the mids. Not a lot but enough that I am thinking about getting another pair of headphone to compliment, not replace my 770's. They are a great headphone in my opinion, especially for the money.
Ok thanks, and may i ask in what way did it improve them? Also what source was you using?

Dec 3, 2010 at 9:26 PM Post #27 of 31
FuzzyD does make a good point that I did not consider.  In terms of volume, and nothing but volume, a portable amp will obviously help.
But as you "grow" with the site, definitely keep into consideration the Matrix M-Stage amp.  For the money, it truely is a phenomenal device!
Dec 4, 2010 at 6:17 AM Post #28 of 31
Anyone out there that have had experiences with the cmoy and dt770? Do you think it would add anything but volume??
Dec 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM Post #30 of 31
True but a fiio e5 will add volume, and it's like £10

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