Do you ever stop to think that this hobby is a joke?
Nov 25, 2006 at 12:32 PM Post #46 of 185
Isn't that true to almost everything else?

Drag addict thinks why people shouldn't enjoy more by shooting somethng into their vein.
Race car driver thinks why people want to have other jobs with less money and no babes.
Hollywood star thinks why people won't believe that God used science to create this world.

We all think we know better, some how, some where.
Nov 25, 2006 at 12:44 PM Post #47 of 185
I figured you guys would just see the bit where I put EQ and hardware in the same sentence and just focus on that. To clarify, I know that an amp is more than a EQ. I know that some headphones are harder to drive and thus need more current which only higher end amps can provide. But when you get to amps that are high end and can pretty much drive anything, the difference is essentially in the sound signature they provide. I guess I'm using EQ in the broader sense rather than its literal meaning. A lot of people here seem to be going through quite a few high end amps to see how well their pair with their headphones. But isn't getting a different amp just changing the sound of the said headphones, and in essence EQ'ing in a broader sense?
Nov 25, 2006 at 12:48 PM Post #48 of 185

Originally Posted by Electric_Mofo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And I dont get this attitude towards EQ'ing either, like do you really think that music is recorded straight onto a CD and left alone? are people even aware of how much EQ has gone into recorded CD's to get it to sound correct. Everthing from snare's to hi-hats and to kicks are EQ'ed to change the sound to the artists preferance, so why get objective when people want to change the EQ on the DAP? Its already been EQ'ed to hell already so why not embrace the option? And I also agree with the thread starter about amps basically being an EQ because it is. All amps add their own sound signiture to a source either it be increasing the base, bumping up the mid-range or high-range. So how comes this is accepted but internal EQ's aren't?

Just for the record, I like EQ. It has it's problems but overall I like the good things it does more than I dislike the bad things. I do try to use EQ appropriately but it just plain helps me enjoy the music more. Whenever I give impressions though I talk about the sound without EQ, otherwise there's no reference point.

Having got that out of the way, implying that the difference between amps comes down purely to EQ is a vast over simplification. A good amp will have a mostly flat frequency response and there are many amps out there like this, the Xin Supermacro being one off the top of my head. If you really believe that you can EQ a cheap and nasty amp to sound like a good expensive one then don't waste your money on amps and just EQ to your hearts content. I think you will find that even if you EQ them to match the frequency response curves perfectly they will still sound different because there is more to sound than frequency response and not all amps are created equal. If it was just as simple as a bit of EQ then everyone would just use cheap amps built in to source and save a lot of money.

I do agree though with you and the thread starter in that suggesting amps purely based on how dark or bright they are is probably pointless if a little bit of EQ will help. This isn't true in all cases though.


Every once in a while you'll get someone mentioning something about how they cant understand why someone would use ibuds. Like there some kind of num-nut for destroying there music, but aren't they enjoying their music?

It depends. If they do enjoy it, great. If they don't enjoy it them maybe they will want to look at something better, it is up to them. Many of the people who come here are looking or asking for advice, not the other way around. We don't hunt down people on the street who are listening to ibuds and give them a "Head-fi makeover" upgrading them to UE10s with a RSA Hornet with before and after pictures. It is all their choice.


I just feel that sometimes people need to remember that there was probably a time when they were the ones with stock buds, Heck even I was happy with buds that came with my walkman. I had no desire to upgrade, all that mattered to me was my beautiful music.

I remember as a kid being happy with my tape walkman and earbuds sometimes, other times I felt that the gear I had was getting in the way of my enjoyment of the music by not reproducing the sound well enough. It was flawed and the flaws always bothered me more over time. I think this will depend on the person. I think most people who find Head-Fi and stick around for a while are people who want to enjoy their music more. I am sure there are people who come for other reasons too but to me at least everything is about enjoying the music or helping someone else enjoy the music.


Even though I have spent hundreds on headphones and equipment, I still never forget that Im taking upon myself to do this. It doesn't make me special or more entitled to appriciate music, it just means that Im an idiot for wasting money when I could hear good music through headphones that cost a quarter less.

That's true, no one is forcing others to spend lots of money on headphones, amps, dacs, etc. People do this because they want to. Maybe because it's a hobby and hobbies don't have to make economic sense. If it's not a hobby and you really can enjoy the music through less costly headphones then why spend more? On the other hand there's no point buying all the models in between though if you're only going to end up with the top of the line models anyway, that's an even bigger waste of money. I think ultimately that which way people decide to go is up to them. If enjoyment of the music is their goal and this site somehow brings them closer then all the better.
Nov 25, 2006 at 12:55 PM Post #49 of 185
I agree with the first post.
I used to be all fanatical about new headphones.
The planning was fun... in the end, I didn't have the guts to buy a new headphone from overseas, though.
That's why I kind of lost interest, even though I still frequent these forums.

After eq'ing my 50€ Sony MDR-CD480's around for almost half a year
and looking at the presets I had made (around 70), each one sounded totally different.
But at the time I was making it, it always sounded great!

Now I realize that I can enjoy music without ever finding the "perfect sound".

I still try to improve the EQ for my phones, of course, since I'm kind of a perfectionist... but I'm happy with what I have now.
I'll never sell you, CD480...
Nov 25, 2006 at 1:23 PM Post #50 of 185

Originally Posted by leng jai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I figured you guys would just see the bit where I put EQ and hardware in the same sentence and just focus on that. To clarify, I know that an amp is more than a EQ. I know that some headphones are harder to drive and thus need more current which only higher end amps can provide. But when you get to amps that are high end and can pretty much drive anything, the difference is essentially in the sound signature they provide. I guess I'm using EQ in the broader sense rather than its literal meaning. A lot of people here seem to be going through quite a few high end amps to see how well their pair with their headphones. But isn't getting a different amp just changing the sound of the said headphones, and in essence EQ'ing in a broader sense?

I think you are looking at only the frequency response of an amp and suggesting that most good amps are capable of reproducing almost exactly the same frequency response curve with a little EQ. On that I do agree with you. If you are just looking at frequency response, I think you are right, a little EQ is good enough.

The problem I see is that the frequency response is only part of the sound and if you look at everything affected by an amp, they can actually be more different than it might seem. As an example, a undetailed amp will not have good synergy with a detailed system. Even if you have a detailed source and headphones capable of reproducing detail, the amp will hide it. Even if you EQ it, you will not get that detail back and EQ can cause other problems like clipping and phase shift. Yes, these can be a small things, maybe some people will not notice, others will say the difference is "massive" or a "night and day" difference. I really don't know without hearing it myself.
Nov 25, 2006 at 1:30 PM Post #51 of 185
That is another point I forgot to mention. Proportion. Since differences in sound are not measurable like the framerate output of a videocard, or a car's 0-100 time, we have to rely on words. A lot of the time differences here are made to sound massive when in fact they are minute which 9/10 people wouldn't even notice.
Nov 25, 2006 at 1:50 PM Post #52 of 185
By FAR the most important element in my listening pleasure is the music itself. The sound is secondary.

A great song on a lousy rig will still be a great song, but a lousy song on a great rig is still a lousy song.
Nov 25, 2006 at 2:55 PM Post #54 of 185
I really enjoy this hobby.Maybe obsession is the right word.I like trying to get the possible sound.I have this sound in my head that I have been trying to get out of my headphones and amps.And Im' still not quite their yet.I think a source upgrade ( when I have the money ) will get me closer to where I want to be.But in the end it still all about the music.The phones and the amps are just a way to get that sound I hear in my head into the "real"
Nov 25, 2006 at 3:04 PM Post #55 of 185
Interconnectors & Power Cables = hardware EQ
Nov 25, 2006 at 3:21 PM Post #56 of 185

Originally Posted by noblsheep /img/forum/go_quote.gif
it is. which is strange to me. every time i meet up with people, everybody's shocked. they automatically thought i was a guy.

I hear that . . . . . a woman isn't supposed to be an engineer, but a guy can be a chef

. . . . speaking of which a guy friend of our brought us the best homemade pumpkin pie I have ever tasted! He made it completely from scratch, even grew the pumpkins!
But he can't solder, yet I can bake.
Nov 25, 2006 at 6:22 PM Post #57 of 185
I was a bit frustrated until I got two key components, an Eddie Wu modded Zhalou D2 w/ upgraded amp and a pair of Headphile K340s.

In the simplest terminology possible

[size=x-large]ME LIKEY!![/size]
Nov 25, 2006 at 6:36 PM Post #58 of 185

Originally Posted by Esidarap /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I get the feeling you guys are completely missunderstanding his post on a whole and zeroing on a small part of it.


For instance the negative talk about eq puzzles me too. Because that is exactly what different amps and phones combos do. Like the thread with people hooking their k701 up to a warmer amp. To me that is eqing the phone but going about it a different way...


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