Do you ever stop to think that this hobby is a joke?
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 185

leng jai

1000+ Head-Fier
Aug 3, 2005
After consistently visiting these forums for the past few months, this question has recently crossed my mind. Is all this chat about headphones and sound just an endless cycle of crap that is completely meaningless. I mean, we all know that sound is is probably one of the most subjective things on earth. This is due to our ears and the psychological effects our brain has on how we perceive sound.

However, the amount of external variables which affect how music sounds is long and extensive. Firstly, we have song recordings. Sometimes there are several different recordings and masterings of the exact same song. This is especially true for classic songs which have been around for ages. Then we have compression. Some of the stuff off the net has been compressed and recompressed ten times over. We have millions of different sources that we use which presumably all sound different. We have amps, receivers and other random headphone jacks that all sound different. Even the volume that we listen to headphones at has a huge effect on the dynamics of the sound, and is essentially "EQ-ing" the sound as you adjust the volume.

Often I find that my mood has a large effect on how my headphones sound. Sometimes I think my HD595s sound exceptional, and other times they are ordinary and bordering on boring. Add to the fact that half the time people are just regurgitating what other people have said about certains cans since they themselves have never heard it. One day they'll probably listen to the cans and think 'these sound nothing like what that guy said'. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who would never EQ at all because it "distorts" their sound and thus reduces their enjoyment of it. But isn't buying a better amp EQ-ing anyway...but on a hardware level? Why spend hundreds of dollars on a better amp just to get a bass boost when using a little EQ would yield a similar result. I think that many of us here would be satisfied with our headphones after a little EQ had it not been for the psychological barrier we have that says "EQ is death". The terms we use to describe sound is also another prolbem have. Some of the terms commonly used are so ambiguous I am often left thinking...what the hell does that actually mean? Dark? Warm? Decay?

Don't get me wrong, I love this place and it helped me discover the HD595s. The amount of variables in this hobby just makes we think that our discussions on it are some pointless at times.

Rant over.

Thank you for listening.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:14 AM Post #2 of 185
I totally agree, but at the end of the day it's all fun and games.. so what the hell. Half the fun is in the journey.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:17 AM Post #3 of 185
this hobby is not a joke, it's the people who over analyze and over talk that make it a joke. This forum has lead me to great headphones and gear and I've been very thankfull of that. My take on things is that you should just buy the headphones, put it on and keep if you like and sell it if you don't.... end of story.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:18 AM Post #4 of 185
Well.. there's much more to amping than EQ..
And because sound is subjective that it's interesting, some people like grados, others hate them, etc etc

Since you haven't heard anything better than a little dot micro for an amp, try out some if you have the chance..

If you can't tell the difference, don't get frustrated and be thankful instead

You just saved ****loads of money
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:26 AM Post #6 of 185
so you're telling me that everyone should just stick with ibuds and computer monitor speakers?

some people do things to the extreme, and in the case of headphones, you are in the club of extremes (head-fi)
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:30 AM Post #7 of 185

Originally Posted by leng jai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After consistently visiting these forums for the past few months, this question has recently crossed my mind. Is all this chat about headphones and sound just an endless cycle of crap that is completely meaningless. I mean, we all know that sound is is probably one of the most subjective things on earth. This is due to our ears and the psychological effects our brain has on how we perceive sound.

However, the amount of external variables which affect how music sounds is long and extensive. Firstly, we have song recordings. Sometimes there are several different recordings and masterings of the exact same song. This is especially true for classic songs which have been around for ages. Then we have compression. Some of the stuff off the net has been compressed and recompressed ten times over. We have millions of different sources that we use which presumably all sound different. We have amps, receivers and other random headphone jacks that all sound different. Even the volume that we listen to headphones at has a huge effect on the dynamics of the sound, and is essentially "EQ-ing" the sound as you adjust the volume.

Often I find that my mood has a large effect on how my headphones sound. Sometimes I think my HD595s sound exceptional, and other times they are ordinary and bordering on boring. Add to the fact that half the time people are just regurgitating what other people have said about certains cans since they themselves have never heard it. One day they'll probably listen to the cans and think 'these sound nothing like what that guy said'. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who would never EQ at all because it "distorts" their sound and thus reduces their enjoyment of it. But isn't buying a better amp EQ-ing anyway...but on a hardware level? Why spend hundreds of dollars on a better amp just to get a bass boost when using a little EQ would yield a similar result. I think that many of us here would be satisfied with our headphones after a little EQ had it not been for the psychological barrier we have that says "EQ is death". The terms we use to describe sound is also another prolbem have. Some of the terms commonly used are so ambiguous I am often left thinking...what the hell does that actually mean? Dark? Warm? Decay?

Don't get me wrong, I love this place and it helped me discover the HD595s. The amount of variables in this hobby just makes we think that our discussions on it are some pointless at times.

Rant over.

Thank you for listening.

Get back to the basics.. It's all about enjoying the music.. Keep it simple & fun.. You sound very frustrated.. Maybe this hobby isn't for you..
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:32 AM Post #8 of 185
I didn't make that post out of frustration or to belittle the great community we have here. It was just something I thought about and wanted to get off my chest. It is just a point of view so don't take offence to it.

PS. I know there is a lot more to amping than EQ. My point was that sometimes you might be satisfied with a little software EQ instead of spending large amount on something which is essentially an EQ in hardware form.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:35 AM Post #9 of 185
If you perceive amplification as equalization, then it's definitely time to move up the amp ladder as well as source ladder. Or maybe you are using the downloaded music from the internet you mentioned to feed your amps from your soundcard? I'd suggest a DAC, but even an outboard DAC wouldn't be much help with downloaded music. Music downloads are incredibly lossy music files. CD's aren't perfect either, but a much more sound investment. No pun intended.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:36 AM Post #10 of 185
I at times think this forum is full of really rich people, like the MV Agusta forums I'm on.

There are people like me, who are just ordinary people with a love to have great sound. Then there are those who have absolute boatloads of cash to spend money on stuff, who might love to have great sound too, but also may just like to have the latest and greatest.

Don't get me wrong, but I'm in agreeance with gorackerelite, some people just overanalyze, and sinze they have an uber system, lots of people seem to gravitate towards thier opinions and preferences....
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:38 AM Post #11 of 185
I get the feeling you guys are completely missunderstanding his post on a whole and zeroing on a small part of it.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:43 AM Post #12 of 185
The only thing that I hate about this hobby is that you're always left wanting more. You know there's better, and you want to achieve that hi-fidelity.

But am I glad I got absorbed into this hobby? Hell yes to say the least. Music didn't used to be a large part of my life. I really didn't listen at all outside of parties and concerts. Now? I listen to music everyday, whether it be an hour of 6.

This hobby definately breaks the wallet, but the sounds I hear really justify it.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:50 AM Post #13 of 185

Originally Posted by leng jai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After consistently visiting these forums for the past few months, this question has recently crossed my mind. Is all this chat about headphones and sound just an endless cycle of crap that is completely meaningless.

Sound and fury signifying nothing. Not just hobbies but all of the human condition.

Most of our experience and behavior is emotive - sounding off - useless ceremony - getting off cognitively (and physically).

Do whatever floats your boat, and don't worry be happy.

Meanwhile we learn and grow and accrue wisdom, and thereby become increasingly entangled in eternal sub-quantum (outside space/time) computation that runs causality. This is from where we have separated and to where we will rejoin (with the inevitable death of the physical universe).
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:54 AM Post #14 of 185
Arthurwells, that honestly sounded like something I'd read in a junk e-mail. As for the hobby being pointless, it's not even a hobby for me. I stumbled on here looking for a case for my Zen Micro, and found the altoid tin case instructions. Then I got a recommendation for some headphones. As far as I'm concerned, though, it's not any less of a hobby than computer tinkering or microscopes (the latter is my dad's). Everyone needs something to look forward to every day. If that's listening to some nice headphones or looking for better ones, so be it.
Nov 25, 2006 at 4:55 AM Post #15 of 185
First , I don't think it is a hobby for most of us , those who say it is are just fooling themselves ; ever been in a lobby or elevator or supermarket listening to the musac and find yourself critiquing the sound and looking at the speakers to figure out what they are and why it sounds so bad ? Hobby huh ?

Second , this is mostly a male oreinted interest , sorry it just is this way. Gadget wise I confess I love all things electronic (male that I am). I also have a passion for music and sound. Combine the two and here we are , talking about it , sound equipment.

Third , any perfectionist's out their please raise your hands
. It is a persuit of that , but never fully attained. Add in the never ending drum-beat of technology that makes us upgrade and it is a nice addiction.

Fourth , I really understand what you are saying (except for the e.q. thing eww). Most will not take the time or effort to hear the difference or are happy with the sound devices they have , then others are on an endless search to hear what others do not or what makes it enjoyable for them.

Long day sorry about the spelling and run-ons ect....

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