Do I buy Beyerdynamic T1 or Hifiman HE500 as upgrade solution to my current HD650/K701 combo?
Sep 19, 2012 at 11:20 AM Post #16 of 24
To the OP:
If you want to go into more power hungry planar magnetic headphones, then do buy a dedicated headphones amplifier. Please do. Take my word for it, it does make a world of difference. No matter how loud that receiver can get, even if loud enough to turn your headphones into mini speakers that does NOT mean it is driving them properly. You will need a good quality DAC and a nice amplifier. I would look at Audio GD, Schiit, JDS Labs O2, Burson, etc. All will do the job, but having good synergy will be a little bit harder to find though. 
Ok now for the Beyer T1:
Before you even think about the T1, (I've owned them before) you will NEED a tube amplifier! Trust me, it makes sooooo much difference. I was using a Beyerdynamic A1 solid state amp ($899 amp) and it sounded meh....when my uncle let me hear my T1's on his Woo Audio WA22 it was a different world. You really have to invest in a good headphones amplifier before you go into Hi-fi right now you've in mid fi. A good quality DAC is important too, currently I'm using the DAC in my Burson HA160D, but while it is a highly regarded DAC I plan to upgrade it soon. 
Sep 19, 2012 at 11:33 AM Post #17 of 24
PS: If your looking at HE-6, your seriously going to need a very very VERY powerful amp. Most people on the forum use speaker/stereo amps that can push out around 100watts and even then you'll need a good quality one at that. Lastly, do NOT take DAC's lightly, you will need a decent quality DAC if you want to hear a good clean and crisp sound. 
Sep 19, 2012 at 1:33 PM Post #18 of 24
Right now, you are just wasting your time. You have two good pairs of headphones, but you refuse to admit that the amp you use with them is nowhere near as good as these phones deserve. Then, you start thinking about even better headphones, and that requires even better amps to show their true potential. Yet, you keep saying that your receiver HO has suddenly become the best headphone amp on the planet.
If you want to spend money on a really good pair of headphones, buy a proper amp, or at leat start saving for one. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time.
Or you are simply deaf/ have never heard a good DAC and amp combo.
Apr 9, 2013 at 5:01 AM Post #19 of 24
A somewhat old thread, but one I've been coming back to since I've been comparing the HE-500 and T1 myself lately.
To OP - what did you choose in the end? I noticed that your profile picture shows the HD800.
I was trying out the T1 and HD800 yesterday with a Beyerdynamic A1 amp (what the store had set up), and to my surprise found the HD800 a little bit softer in the treble. With that setup, the HD800 seemed like a good combination of the HE-500 and the T1 (although much closer to the T1), and probably surpassing both - even if each headphone has its particular strengths that the others can't beat.
Apr 11, 2013 at 8:54 AM Post #20 of 24
Hey guys,
According to Beyer's website the T1 weighs in at 530g; and according to Hifiman the HE-500 weighs in 502g. 
I have the HE-500 and they are incredibly uncomfortable for me and since many have expressed that the T1 is rather comfortable, is it a lot more comfortable (and lighter) than the HE-500? 
Also, to what extent would a NFB11.32 be adequate (or inadequate) for driving the Beyer T1s?
Apr 11, 2013 at 3:55 PM Post #21 of 24
Hey guys,
According to Beyer's website the T1 weighs in at 530g; and according to Hifiman the HE-500 weighs in 502g. 
I have the HE-500 and they are incredibly uncomfortable for me and since many have expressed that the T1 is rather comfortable, is it a lot more comfortable (and lighter) than the HE-500? 
Also, to what extent would a NFB11.32 be adequate (or inadequate) for driving the Beyer T1s?

The T1 weighs in at 350g, not 530g, making it very much lighter than the HE-500.  
Apr 11, 2013 at 6:13 PM Post #22 of 24
Hey guys,
According to Beyer's website the T1 weighs in at 530g; and according to Hifiman the HE-500 weighs in 502g. 
I have the HE-500 and they are incredibly uncomfortable for me and since many have expressed that the T1 is rather comfortable, is it a lot more comfortable (and lighter) than the HE-500? 
Also, to what extent would a NFB11.32 be adequate (or inadequate) for driving the Beyer T1s?

I've owned both. The HE500 is like wearing a brick on your head. I sold them and kept the T1's. Frankly, they sound nothing alike. The T1's are technically better in almost every department. The HE500 is warm and can be very fun headphone if you can take the weight but it is neither as extended or resolving as the T1's.
May 14, 2013 at 8:10 AM Post #23 of 24
 You really have to invest in a good headphones amplifier before you go into Hi-fi right now you've in mid fi. A good quality DAC is important too, currently I'm using the DAC in my Burson HA160D, but while it is a highly regarded DAC I plan to upgrade it soon. 

Hi everyone.
I’m also new to the headphone hifi world.. And I orderd my first high-end cans 4weeks ago.
The T5p because I wanted a closed headphone but not compromise on soundstage and overall SQ to much. I have read a lot , lot and watched hours of youtube before going with the T5p’s.
As time passes I find my self asking how does a open T1 sound..compaird to a Hifiman and so on.
My first T5p’s have yet to arrive..
Also I orderd the Fiio E10 and E12. They will arrive tomorrow ..and stil no Beyer’s :frowning2: well that’s life.
I almost invested in this combo. “Alo Rx Mk3-B “ + “cypher labs algorhythm solo dB” and “Copper 22 Balanced to Balanced” making the grand total somewhere around €1700 yah that’s $2210. Here in the EU we have to pay a lot more!
So I opted to go with the best Fiio has to offer and save my €€ for something like the Burson Conductor.
Hoping that’s a good paring with the T5p’s and something like HE-500 or HE-6.. Or maybe if the T1 trumps them both go with that but I would like to go a different way …and not limit my horizon.
Basicly a setup that is in this price range ..And gives me the feeling of being in a concert hall for classical music and a Jazz café for Jazz and same for pop,r&B and so on..
I must believe this is achievable with to great cans and a really good amp..    (I hope).. That’s why I went for the T5p’s being the best closed cans I read about…
Maybe some of you have tips for me ? clearly there is a lot of experience here I’m glad I subscribed ..
Take care ..
Oct 26, 2013 at 5:27 AM Post #24 of 24
Receive my HE500 few days ago and the first impression was SO HEAVY! and surprisingly when i put on my head it feel comfortable and the weight is not that bad. The headphone is very well balance and the mid bass is so good! love it! Put i also put the HD800 on my headphone feel lighter and wide range! When i grab the he500 on my hand every time i have a feeling of pick up a premium headphone on my hand feel so sturdy and it like pick up a desert eagle compare to a usp lol

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