Feb 4, 2012 at 2:48 AM Post #31 of 63

Music quality cancelling  headphones. No, I was not trolling. I was being sarcastic. I said they are good music quality      cancelling      headphones

ahaha! when i read it first. that part...sounded weird. i knew something was going on in that part of the sentence but couldn't put my finger on it. i just didn't feel like thinking and just thougth to myself. he meant to say they are good music quality noise canceling headphone.s



For example, the Monster Beats may be the coolest-looking headphones on the market, but you’d get better noise canceling by stuffing Kleenex in your ears. There’s practically no difference at all between On and Off.

i skimmed it. this part made me go 

Feb 4, 2012 at 2:53 AM Post #36 of 63

We should start ordering pizzas to their offices until they stop accepting checks from monster.
il just leave that there.

......you do know that Monster and Beats hve officially split right? at the end of this year, beats will need to find another manufacturer.
Beats owns 80% of the headphone market..it's hard to go up against.
Feb 4, 2012 at 2:56 AM Post #38 of 63
why not contact them? I find this article to be very misleading into buying the "perfect" headphone as the title says.
Feb 4, 2012 at 2:57 AM Post #39 of 63

really!?!?! i didn't think you had teh credentials to do that...but if it works.....dude. :D you will make us all proud 

And anyone is able to get published. Free Lancing is a license-free job and anyone is able to contact and possibly get pieces of writing published
Feb 4, 2012 at 3:20 AM Post #43 of 63

Sent email. I doubt they will read it or reply

we are a minority..heck we are a mass minortity. im a PC enthusiast and if news on our things just barely make it into news and our numbers are 30 million......think the chance head fi has with 250K members...and even fewer actual head fi'ers 

Feb 4, 2012 at 3:23 AM Post #44 of 63

hey Planx this is a major derail but would you rather have ur e7 e9 combo or an e11 amp.

Correction... I would have an E17 and/or E9 over an E11. I have the E7, E9, and E11. I personally think the E11 sounds more fun compared to the E7, but the new E17 is just kick ass apparently
Feb 4, 2012 at 3:24 AM Post #45 of 63

we are a minority..heck we are a mass minortity. im a PC enthusiast and if news on our things just barely make it into news and our numbers are 30 million......think the chance head fi has with 250K members...and even fewer actual head fi'ers 

We will see... If they actually respond to my email, I will take it as an opportunity to shine

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