Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!
Jun 1, 2010 at 5:15 PM Post #811 of 5,248

I have difficulty with prescription pill bottles too.  I assure you lack of concept is not the problem.  And for that matter one of the salespeople at Headroom had a hard time with the pads also.

Hmm, well the headphone is bigger than a prescription pill bottle so it should be a lot easier since you can use your whole hand.  How about holding the pad in between your hands like you're praying, clasp tightly, and twist? I've owned 3 pairs of Denons (soon to be 4) and never had a problem.  Actually I just tossed my D2000's to my 15 year old sister and she didn't have a problem taking the pads with the method described above.
I've heard a lot of mixed reports with undoing the pads.  For most it seems like it's really easy but there are a few people like yourself that find it difficult.  Maybe it's a defect on some plastic rings that hold the pad to the headphone? I can imagine having a problem taking them off if that were the case.
Jun 1, 2010 at 6:35 PM Post #812 of 5,248
I'm awaiting AKG K702s and Denon D2000s Thursday, after selling my HD580s. We'll see which one stays and which one gets sold. Just from reading this forum, I'm thinking the Denons will be kept...
Jun 1, 2010 at 9:24 PM Post #813 of 5,248

Also Ham that's a great EQ for the Denon's and I actually have mine eq'd pretty much the same exact way.  Everyone knows that Denon's have a recessed middle range but that EQ setting pretty much change that.  I used to be anti-EQ until I realized how much it helps the Denons.

I've never been anti-EQ.  But I've also been one who always played music flat with no EQ.  That was until I got the Denon.  Then it was a situation of I need to EQ these. 
The EQ with the D2000 gets addicting.  Addicting in that once I've listened to it with EQ it is hard to go back to no EQ.  If I do listen to them with no EQ I tend to get selective in what I listen to and try to keep my listening confined to music that doesn't need the EQ treatment.
The problem with hard rock and metal on the D2000 is that the guitar distortion sound is often in that 2-3K range where the D2000 is recessed.  That can cause the guitar sound to become dull or worse to drop out or get sucked out of the mix.  Also some vocal effects that get used on rock music vocals can have some important sounds going on in the 2-3K range.  It depends on the song/mixing/mastering and it happens with some bands more than others and with some it makes little to no difference at all.
I see you've got the Lawton Audio cups.  Did you get a listen or compare between the stock cups and LA cups?  Do the LA cups fill in the midrange at all?
I'm hoping that someone at CanJam will have a LA Denon and let Tyll measure them on his headphone measurement head.  I'm very curious to see what affect the LA cups have on the frequency response.  If they fill in the midrange well enough I may get them.
Jun 1, 2010 at 9:52 PM Post #814 of 5,248
If Tyll brings his measurement lab to canfest II here in NC I should have my d2ks modded with J$ pads, likely sheoak cups and fully dampened, maybe a recable.
Jun 1, 2010 at 10:48 PM Post #815 of 5,248
I'm awaiting AKG K702s and Denon D2000s Thursday, after selling my HD580s. We'll see which one stays and which one gets sold. Just from reading this forum, I'm thinking the Denons will be kept...

Two opposites in terms of sound reproduction philosophy.  :)
Jun 2, 2010 at 3:12 AM Post #817 of 5,248

Hmm, well the headphone is bigger than a prescription pill bottle so it should be a lot easier since you can use your whole hand.  How about holding the pad in between your hands like you're praying, clasp tightly, and twist? I've owned 3 pairs of Denons (soon to be 4) and never had a problem.  Actually I just tossed my D2000's to my 15 year old sister and she didn't have a problem taking the pads with the method described above.
I've heard a lot of mixed reports with undoing the pads.  For most it seems like it's really easy but there are a few people like yourself that find it difficult.  Maybe it's a defect on some plastic rings that hold the pad to the headphone? I can imagine having a problem taking them off if that were the case.

I found getting the pads off difficult, but getting them back on much harder.  I had tried the clasp and twist without success.  What works best for me is grasping the ring with thumb and forefinger, while pressing down with the other three fingers and turning.  As I may have said before I am a 61 year old woman with somewhat arthritic, not very strong, double jointed thumbs.  I think I would have found the process easier at age 15.  I also have a genetic hand disease, although the latter has not been much of a problem yet with the Denon rings.
On the plus side I can bend my thumb to touch my forearm, even if it hurts a bit to do so.
Jun 2, 2010 at 1:57 PM Post #818 of 5,248

I see you've got the Lawton Audio cups.  Did you get a listen or compare between the stock cups and LA cups?  Do the LA cups fill in the midrange at all?

Hey Ham,
When A/B'ing my current headphones I felt that a full MarkL mod brought out the mids more than the LA cups.  It could be just my brain playing tricks on me because it might have subdued the bass so much that I felt that it brought it out the mids.  Either way when I compare my fully MarkL modded D2000's to my LA cup D7000 (MarkL mod only on the cups) it becomes apparent that I hear voices better on the MD2000's.  Also I have a true LA7000 coming in on thursday so I'll be sure to compare that to my current LA cupped D7000's. 
Regardless, I would always upgrade to LA cups if given the chance.  The increase in depth and sound stage alone is worth it to me.  In my opinion I would even say the sound stage width of my LA cupped D7000's rival that of the sennheiser HD650's.  Of course the senn had more of an airy sounding sound stage due to it's open design but as far as "width" I felt the D7000's were at least on par with it. 
Jun 2, 2010 at 8:45 PM Post #819 of 5,248
D2000s came a few hours ago. Wow...absolutely loving them. Like the way they feel comfort-wise better than the Senn HD580s, and I think they're more fun, for sure. Could be a bit warmer, but maybe they'll settle down after they and my new amp settle in a bit.  AKG K702s coming tomorrow, so I'll see how I feel about them, but right now, I'm not sure how they could beat these. Not to mention, flac files out of my MBP and I don't even have a DAC yet (coming next week). Could make a big difference.
edit: Hm, is that mod I kept reading about something that would give the extra warmth I want, or is that for something else?
Jun 2, 2010 at 8:53 PM Post #820 of 5,248
after listening to the ATH-M50 for some time i am having a listening session with my beloved D5000.  yeah...they rock!   what can i say,while i think that the M50 are a little more balanced,the D5000 really takes the fun part to the extreme.
Jun 2, 2010 at 9:38 PM Post #822 of 5,248
Here's a question: would I notice a bigger improvement in sound from doing an opamp upgrade in my Cute Beyond, or by getting the JMoney earpads? I'm sure I'll do both, but which would logically come first?
Jun 2, 2010 at 10:15 PM Post #823 of 5,248
I found the frequency graph (headroom) differences between the D2000 and D5000 interesting.  by the graph,the D2000 supposed to have significantly less bass and also less treble action.
I know for sure that the D2000 should sound more livelier and a litte bit more farward than the D 5000 but the graph shows some pretty siginificant differences that i don't recall anybody discussing about this.  can someone who heard both please comment on those differences?
here is the graph:

Jun 2, 2010 at 10:49 PM Post #824 of 5,248
The HeadRoom graphs zero at 1K.  The graphs are moved up or down so they cross the 0 dB line at 1K.  Using 1K as the zero point is somewhat arbitrary.  In the case of comparing the D2000 and D5000 I think that choice of using 1K may be exaggerating their differences.  Mentally move the graphs so they cross 0 dB at 1.5K or 2K or 0.5K and the comparison of the differences between the D2000 and D5000 will be different.
Relying on the graphs to make a comparison is somewhat arbitrary depending on how they're measured and presented.  I wouldn't rely too much on the graphs.
Unfortunately I haven't heard a D5000 so can't offer a listening comparison between it and the D2000.
Jun 2, 2010 at 11:20 PM Post #825 of 5,248

The HeadRoom graphs zero at 1K.  The graphs are moved up or down so they cross the 0 dB line at 1K.  Using 1K as the zero point is somewhat arbitrary.  In the case of comparing the D2000 and D5000 I think that choice of using 1K may be exaggerating their differences.  Mentally move the graphs so they cross 0 dB at 1.5K or 2K or 0.5K and the comparison of the differences between the D2000 and D5000 will be different.
Relying on the graphs to make a comparison is somewhat arbitrary depending on how they're measured and presented.  I wouldn't rely too much on the graphs.
Unfortunately I haven't heard a D5000 so can't offer a listening comparison between it and the D2000.

thanks,I wish to know if the 2000 has maybe less sibilance and less boomy bass.

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