Darkvoice 336i & 336SE Tuberolling PartII
Jun 17, 2019 at 11:07 PM Post #2,116 of 14,543
I swapped out my HD6XX worn pads with brand new Dekoni Sheepskin Pads and immediately noticed a drop in the mid highs that seemed to elevate the bass a bit, liked the bass boost but missed some of the crispiness.. until I remembered I'm a tube roller :D I gots a special tube that has screaming good highs! Enter the Electro-Harmonix 6SN7EH :) I am now one with earth again.. :) (and I still have the bass!)
2019-06-17 18.09.06-1.jpg 2019-02-18 11.20.49.jpg
Jun 18, 2019 at 11:16 AM Post #2,117 of 14,543
Had to share something I just stumbled on this morning..

The Western Electric 421A appears to be a juiced-up 5998 built especially for WE by TS/Chatham. One major difference is the WE has a transconductance figure of 20,000 micromohs, 1.5 times that of the 5998, at 14,000 micromohs. The amplificatino factor is also a bit higher than the 5998, 6.1 compared to 5.5.

(Western Electric 421a (left) pictured with Tung Sol 7236 (centered) and Mullard/Philips 6080 )

The 7236 has a slightly lower transconductance than the 5998, 12,5000 micromohs. And the amplification factor is a bit less than the 5998, 4.8 compared to 5.5. So maybe one could consider it to be a scaled down version of the 5998?

2019-05-17 12.05.18.jpg
Jun 20, 2019 at 5:03 PM Post #2,119 of 14,543
I have the red base one but it says 1810 and not 1803, anyway much better than the original, "S" is less knivy in your ears but still sharp, but my tube have a terrible left channel noise, was told to leave it on for 72h but it's on and off for a week now and maybe it went down by 50% :frowning2:

I also just got the Darkvoice and I have a Tung-Sol Reissue red base one (1809) which I liked running it with my Vali 2. I tried rolling it into the Darkvoice and immediately I also got that crap left channel noise. It's weird because the stock tube and the Sylvania 6SN7GTB i have in it now, it is dead silent and works great. I guess i'm lucky that I at least have another tube that works...
Jun 20, 2019 at 5:07 PM Post #2,120 of 14,543
I also just got the Darkvoice and I have a Tung-Sol Reissue red base one (1809) which I liked running it with my Vali 2. I tried rolling it into the Darkvoice and immediately I also got that crap left channel noise. It's weird because the stock tube and the Sylvania 6SN7GTB i have in it now, it is dead silent and works great. I guess i'm lucky that I at least have another tube that works...
Needs to burn in buddy.. worth the little troubles, should be gone after 48 hours, or so.
Jun 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM Post #2,121 of 14,543
Needs to burn in buddy.. worth the little troubles, should be gone after 48 hours, or so.

Yeah i know...i've read about that fix. Like what diforce said above, 72 hrs should hit the mark, and ive read some extreme burn in as much as even double that time. Lol. I'm not that attached to that tube...the burn in hours are insane for sure. I think if it was some more expensive NOS type, I would go all out on the waiting.
Jun 20, 2019 at 11:33 PM Post #2,122 of 14,543
Some Tube Porn for you guys.. copy and pasted from DROP (formally MAssdrop) Not my tubes..

A. With power tubes Tung Sol 7236 (better) or Tung Sol 6AS7G:


1. National Union (CNU 6SN7GT) Grey Glass

2. RCA VT231—Grey Glass

3. Ken Rad VT231—Black Glass Staggered plates

4. Sylvania 6SN7w

5. Sylvania 6SN7GT “Bad Boy” (1952 vintage, bottom getter)

6. Brimar 6SN7GT Black base

7. Brimar CV1988 Brown base

8. Tung Sol 6SN7GT Round plates

B. With power tubes Sylvania Gold Brand 6080 or Tung Sol 5998/2399


1. Sylvania VT231

2. Raytheon VT231

3. Raytheon 6SN7-W-GT Brown Base

4. Tung Sol 6SN7GT—Mouse Ears

5. Tung Sol 6SN7WGTA Brown Base

6. CBS 5692 Brown Base

7. Sylvania 6SN7GTA (“chrome dome”)

8. Sylvania 6SN7GT (1950’s vintage, bottom getter)
Jun 20, 2019 at 11:49 PM Post #2,123 of 14,543
Love the collection, especially the 7236. I've read that holding tubes by the glass can affect the structural integrity of the glass by coating it with oil from the skin. I always handle tubes by the metal base, not sure if it's an old wive's tale, or rumour, or what. Just my 2 cents. :D
Jun 20, 2019 at 11:54 PM Post #2,124 of 14,543
Love the collection, especially the 7236. I've read that holding tubes by the glass can affect the structural integrity of the glass by coating it with oil from the skin. I always handle tubes by the metal base, not sure if it's an old wive's tale, or rumour, or what. Just my 2 cents. :D
I was the same using gloves all the time, but it's nonsense, the worst thing for these tubes is heat! Go ahead and grab em.
Jun 21, 2019 at 12:19 AM Post #2,127 of 14,543
Best combo for me is Tung Sol 7236 and Sylvania VT231.
Jun 21, 2019 at 1:21 AM Post #2,128 of 14,543
Hi guys -

Had my DV for a while now but new to tube-rolling. Where should I begin?

I have the red base one but it says 1810 and not 1803, anyway much better than the original, "S" is less knivy in your ears but still sharp, but my tube have a terrible left channel noise, was told to leave it on for 72h but it's on and off for a week now and maybe it went down by 50% :frowning2:
I also have the one with the red base . It sounds ok...it has NO low end...I play my drums wearing my Senns and i have a difficult time hearing the drum track with this tube. In short...this tube sucks when it comes to rock and funk...I would not recommend this tube for those styles of music. I need a tube with killer low-end..help?
Jun 21, 2019 at 1:28 AM Post #2,129 of 14,543
I also have the one with the red base . It sounds ok...it has NO low end...I play my drums wearing my Senns and i have a difficult time hearing the drum track with this tube. In short...this tube sucks when it comes to rock and funk...I would not recommend this tube for those styles of music. I need a tube with killer low-end..help?
Look into getting a 6AS7 (or equivalent 7236,5998) for bass, those tubes will do the trick and Sennhieser open backs while playing the drums? Get some closed back cans!
Jun 21, 2019 at 1:40 AM Post #2,130 of 14,543
Also maybe unrelated but make sure your cell phone is not too close to the amp. Might sound strange but any EMF from like a PC or even the signal coming out of your cell phone can cause some strange issues with tubes. Some tube will be fine and some will be more sensitive. I have dealt with this in the past.
I use my iPad for access to Tidal MQA all set up behind my drum kit for easy practice and it sits 3 feet away from my DV. Would that matter?

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