
  1. hauntingtheholy

    DarkVoice 336e vs. Little Bear P8 - Near identical Chinese amps?

    Minus the exrta small tube on the Little Bear, are these amps super-close in quality? I've heard reviews of DarkVoice, but not litlte Bear p8, so if anyone has heard that one, I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Here are some links to the two for sale, Mass Drop not active yet for DarkVoice, but...
  2. echo1

    Darkvoice 336 arrived in 110 voltage.

    My darkvoice 336 arrived today. I bought it from a factory autherized dealer in Nanchang. China. I said I would post the information once I recieved the amp so people would have a source for this amp.His info is as follows: Name: Jian Liu email: ljra2@hotmail.com Phone from usa...
  3. kramer5150

    Running two amps in a dual mono configuration?

    Something I have always wondered....   Can I use two separate stereo amps to power one headphone?   Using a Darkvoice 336 as an example, because I am familiar with its bigger brother 337 having owned it for a couple years.  The 337 I think is just two 336 circuits running dual mono in the...
  4. NaziAudioSnob

    Advice on BeyerDynamics DT 990.

    Would you recommend them and are they good for $300 new with tax from a authorized reseller?   I plan to buy them at the end of this month. I want headphones that durable but also that have very good sound quality for $300 bucks.   I just ordered the v-moda m-100 and they lack in one...
  5. cws5

    Darkvoice 336 - one channel dead and buzzing and low plate voltage

    I received a DV336 from a fellow head-fier last week, FedEx dropped the box (which broke a 6AS7), and the right channel is now dead except for buzzing.   I took voltage readings. I'm hoping that one of you tube amp DIYers with more experience than me can give me a few ideas as to the source...
  6. mrAdrian

    Darkvoice 336 Mod - need help

    Hi, after reading posts on this forum as well as rogrotto, I have decided to swap the output caps, and am wondering which should I order?   http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/120951594174?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_500wt_1052  ...
  7. Rayce185

    Damaged HD600's... time to switch, or fix?

    Hey guys! This is my first post here, so take it easy on me please ;-) Alright, so I inherited the Sennheiser HD600's from my dad. They're really nice... but I don't have much to compare them to, as I'm quite literally a "noob" when it comes to audio stuff. I bought myself a "La Figaro" 336...
  8. littlewhite

    problem with cd player and cable

    hi all, i plan to buy a K701 and DARKVOICE336i , i just dont know how much that i need spent on the cd player, and how much that i need spent on the cable :(, so can anyone help me with that ? and do i need DAC for the cd player ?
  9. kenwood1

    Help: Would the Darkvoice 336 be a good fit with the AKG Q701? (would the Matrix M-stage be a better fit?)

    Hi all,   Would the Darkvoice 336 be a good fit with the AKG Q701? (would the Matrix M-stage be a better fit?) My dac is a Rega (on the dark, analog side of sound) with Kimber PBJ cables.   Thanks.
  10. kenwood1

    AKG Q701 with the Darkvoice 336 be a good fit?

    Hi all, Would the Darkvoice 336 be a good fit with the AKG Q701? (would the Matrix M-stage be a better fit?) My dac is a Rega (on the dark, analog side) with Kimber PBJ cables. Thanks.
  11. avilamillar

    Portable amp for Grado SR80i

    Hi, i just bought a Grado SR80i and im using it on my ipod, would it sound better if i use an amp? i dont want to spend too much money. something like this: Amazon.com: FiiO E5 Headphone Amplifier: Electronics Thanks
  12. BlackWaterPark

    Buying Advice: MacBook Pro + USB DAC+ DarkVoice 336C => HD 650

    I need some expert advice, in getting a good home use (or portable) DAC; Something that would compliment DarkVoice 336 and HD 650. My setup is going to be MacBook Pro + USB DAC + DarkVoice 336C (not purchased yet).   I am looking to drive my HD 650 and Denon D2000. I must add that I do have...
  13. keph

    Darkvoice/La Figaro 336c or the 332c, 332s

    hi guys im planning to buy a new headamp for my sennheiser hd650 which one will be better for my hd650..?ive seen a lot of people using these amps the 336c, 332c and the 332s..it gets me messed up and confuse and i need a conclusion which one to choose for the HD650..   which one do u guys...
  14. Skylab

    REVIEW: Four 6AS7G-based home tube headphone amps reviewed and compared

    Introduction After getting a fourth tube headphone amp which uses the 6AS7G power triode, I decided it was time to sit down and do some comparisons. A little background: ever since getting a Darkvoice 336i (not part of this review), I have been enthralled with the sound of this tube. I prefer...
  15. acameron56

    Finding headphones for my brother.

    Hey,   So my brother - without having any idea what he was getting into - approached me about getting some headphones. Now, normally I'm the one trying to get other people to put down their mainstream, sub-par audio equipment, so naturally I jumped at this chance. Before anyone gets the...
  16. Cloud9Blue

    New guy here, suggest me some upgrades!

    Hey all, been lurking on this forum for almost a year now, but finally decided to join the community.  So here are some of the gear I have right now.   Desktop Setup Source:  HTR Music Streamer II+ USB DAC Amp:  Little Dot MkIII with M8100/CV4010 upgraded driver tubes, a pair of Voshod...
  17. Penchum

    Review of Little-Dot MKIVse

    I posted this review over on the LD site a few weeks ago and several folks have asked me to post it here as well. This review takes you from ordering through burn-in and tube rolling. You will see time breaks, these are from additional postings that updated the review as I went along. I freely...
  18. B

    Little Dot Mk II vs. DV 336 as first Amp

    I'm trying to figure out what to buy as a first amp.  It'll be paired with DT880/600s and will be used for music, gaming, and movies.  I really have no point of reference, since this is the first headphone amp I'll have used.  Pricewise, I prefer the Mk II, but have noticed a few comments about...
  19. gurnisht

    Musical Fidelity X-Can V2 vs other tube amps

    Hi. I recently got in a trade a Musical Fidelity X-Can V2 amp (traded for E9). I use it with HD600 and Beyer dt880/600 cans. The amp sounds ok, but not significantly better than the inbuilt amp of my external sound card. I am trying to decide between selling it and buying Darkvoice 336i or...
  20. rontruong

    200-250$$ AMP for DT880 250ohm 2005?

    Hi Guys,   So I've been looking for a tube amp around this price range.  The source is a DIY amb gamma 1.   I've read that little dot mk3 is a good overall amp but I've read around that some people don't think it pairs well with a dt880.   Are there any other suggestions in this...
  21. rontruong

    where to buy darkvoice figaro 336?

    Are there any other darkvoice/figaro 336 sources besides ebay?
  22. hasanyuceer

    Another FiiO E9 Amplifier Review

    General info and First impression:   First I want to thank Fiio company for sending me a Fiio E9 for this review.   As you know, Fiio is known for its portable amps E3/E5/E7 and their cost effectiveness. Fiio E9 is Fiio's first desktop headphone amplifier. I think Fiio E9 will fill the...
  23. jshnks


    I started my venture into headphones not to long ago, with a Alessandro MS-1 after a few months of listening to the MS-1, i read up on the forums about the MS-1000 and modded them accordingly. The soundstage definatly opened up alot, maybe its just my ears but i get alot of right/left...
  24. Nemesis186

    Advice on AKG K702 + amp

    Hi everyone this is my first post. I have been crawling this forum looking for a good pair of cans that's within my price range and I have decided to go with the AKG 702's. They cost around $260 over here in Canada so first off what are all your opinions on these and would you have other...
  25. xthakila

    My Diverse Gear Review: Headphones, DAC and AMPS

    DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE   Currently I have made a list of all the gear I own... As I don't have much time I will be writing the reviews slowly. I hope to have them done by the end of October.   More Gear will be added as I get it.   Note: This review is dependent on how I hear...