Darkvoice 336i & 336SE Tuberolling PartII
Jan 20, 2017 at 2:28 AM Post #1,156 of 14,543
  Just wondering, can I use dark voice 336se as a pre-amp into http://www.kingsaudio.com.hk/m03.html?
I am not very familiar with the setup but I am guessing laptop(max)->dac (max)->pre amp (max)-> amp (volume control)
or should I control the volume at pre amp level?
thanks in advance.
circuit pictures can be found here (http://www.hdfever.fr/2015/08/14/test-kingsound-m-03/) 

I use it as a pre-amp with a Yamaha power-amp separate into speakers, but when DV's volume pot is at 11 o'clock the whole thing is already unbearably loud, and that is with the power amp adjustment pots set pretty much at the minimum. DV may have too much gain for some amps.
Jan 20, 2017 at 2:34 AM Post #1,157 of 14,543
I use it as a pre-amp with a Yamaha power-amp separate into speakers, but when DV's volume pot is at 11 o'clock the whole thing is already unbearably loud, and that is with the power amp adjustment pots set pretty much at the minimum. DV may have too much gain for some amps.

do you still get the dv sound signature while using it as a pre amp?
Jan 20, 2017 at 10:31 AM Post #1,160 of 14,543
Here you go. Would be very cool if it also worked.

did you buy it from eBay or a tube vendor? Has a return policy or stated it was good or tested?. There should be a page devoted by members of tube vendors who sell good or repeated bad tubes to Head-Fi , there names and web address and or eBay name should be added as naughty or nice . So other members blacklist the bad ones and don't fall into their trap.
Jan 20, 2017 at 11:08 AM Post #1,161 of 14,543
Only the new re-issue TungSol made in Russia is known to have a significant hum that can be removed after a long period of burn in.
I believe @Verhulk, can chime in here as he has that tube and can confirm this.
The other TungSols that I do have, if they hum, its not very loudly. I will swap in the mouse ears tomorrow and confirm this as well, but TungSol (as long as it was made in the US) will more than likely not hum for you and if it does, a bit of burn it never hurt anyone 

Indeed @nereus, the burning in time with the Russian Tung-Sol was about a week. Now its dead quiet. In 2 ways: it doesn't hum anymore, but I don't use it anymore as well. The Sylvania Chrome head is so much better. The Tung-Sol was already a big improvement compared to the standard Tube, but the Sylvania is about the same improvement. You've just started a new hobby, named tuberolling :wink:
Jan 20, 2017 at 11:29 AM Post #1,162 of 14,543
Is there a scientific explanation for the hum going away with burn-in? I can see why the sonics could improve as microscopic changes/erosion to the surface of the cathode from heat can cause better electron emission, but how does it affect hum?
Jan 20, 2017 at 11:51 AM Post #1,163 of 14,543
did you buy it from eBay or a tube vendor? Has a return policy or stated it was good or tested?. There should be a page devoted by members of tube vendors who sell good or repeated bad tubes to Head-Fi , there names and web address and or eBay name should be added as naughty or nice . So other members blacklist the bad ones and don't fall into their trap.

eBay, no specific return policy stated but I'm working with the seller to return and he's understanding. I don't want to unnecessarily flag anyone especially if the issue can be amicably resolved, s**t happens.
Jan 20, 2017 at 1:17 PM Post #1,164 of 14,543
Indeed @nereus, the burning in time with the Russian Tung-Sol was about a week. Now its dead quiet. In 2 ways: it doesn't hum anymore, but I don't use it anymore as well. The Sylvania Chrome head is so much better. The Tung-Sol was already a big improvement compared to the standard Tube, but the Sylvania is about the same improvement. You've just started a new hobby, named tuberolling :wink:

Welcome to tuberolling :)  You're not the first and you will not be the last. :)
Jan 20, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #1,165 of 14,543
  Is there a scientific explanation for the hum going away with burn-in? I can see why the sonics could improve as microscopic changes/erosion to the surface of the cathode from heat can cause better electron emission, but how does it affect hum?

No scientific explanations but I did have some initial humming tubes that no longer hum now on DV after I have used them for many hours in another amp (Elise).
Jan 20, 2017 at 1:32 PM Post #1,166 of 14,543
No scientific explanations but I did have some initial humming tubes that no longer hum now on DV after I have used them for many hours in another amp (Elise).

I've experienced it myself with the sock tubes. I guess the hum can be of electromagentic or electrostatic nature but no idea how burning the tubes in can affect either.
Jan 20, 2017 at 3:36 PM Post #1,167 of 14,543
  About USA made Tung-Sol and hum. Just received a TS 6SN7GTB, left channel hum is unbearable the worst I heard. Skeptical any amount of burn in will tame it down it is so bad but will try.
Another fail, someone just sold me bad RCA 6AS7G or so it seems, have no power to drive my 32Ohm cans, distortion at any but the lowest level, badly unbalanced between channels, lotsa blue glow, blue not purple at least, suspect that burning them in isn't going to help. Sigh.

Just give it some more time. At first I thought the same with my Russian Tung Sol. After 4 days there was still no improvement. But after 4 days it became better and better.
It's correct that a Headphone with only 32 Ohm is not the best combination. I've had the samen. Now I have the Sennheiser HD650, and it is way better! Nog only because of the better cans, but the combination is great!
Jan 21, 2017 at 9:16 PM Post #1,169 of 14,543
Hi All,
I have recently purchase a Massdrop DV336SEOTL. I would like to find out which tube should I buy to match or top what I am using now. I have a Bravo Audio V2 with Genalex Gold Lion 12AU7 Tube with MSUR N650.
Feb 4, 2017 at 1:40 AM Post #1,170 of 14,543
Hello DV fam, hope all is going well. 
After rolling with the KenRad VT-231 + Sylvania 7236, I felt it was a bit too cold almost. Too SS feeling somehow. So I reverted back to my warm Sylvania VT-231 + Sylvania 6080 combo. This seems to be my most favored tube combo. The music just feels warm even on cold days.
I am jelly of @DoctaCosmos for getting the Eikon, do tell how that pairs with the DV if you would be so kind.
I ordered the Atticus and Eikon, but don't expect to get them until March since I am way way down on the list unfortunately. 
Any new tube combos you guys been running? Any modifications?

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