CustomArt FIBAE Impressions Thread
Sep 23, 2017 at 5:18 AM Post #136 of 2,468
I have been listening to my universal's for the last few days and I agree these are superb fun, once you have found the correct tips and cable that match your own tastes. I still really like these with the ARES II cable, as it just gives everything that much needed lift in all areas and still leaves that slight v-shaped/fun signature overall - they are really smooth/effortless sounding. As you mention, the fit/footprint of these universal's when inserted is very small and comfortable for long listening sessions.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I did initially put Comply tips on these as I really don't like silicon tips - they always seem to collapse in my ear canal and I never (rarely) get a good seal - but I did a significant amount of tip rolling and whilst I still do like the Comply's (for my own tastes) these do leave a slight veil over the overall sound signature (although I do still get the best seal with these). After trying probably about 10 different types of silicon tips (this made me remember I really hate SpinFits BTW) I tried the medium sized MandarinE Wide Bore tips, that had previously really hurt my ear canals and I hadn't been using. To begin with these still hurt my ears, even though I was getting a good seal, so I decided to pull the silicon back and remove the orange foam from underneath. Voila - these now give me almost the same seal that I was getting with the Comply tips but I no longer get the slight veil over the music and everything now has better clarity, with the same fantastic sub base. YMMV, but I think I found a winner with these tips now - not sure what it is but they seem to have a slightly thicker silicon that other tips and is probably why they are not collapsing (as much) in my ears.

Hopefully these will keep getting better and better with a few more hours on them - happy listening! :ksc75smile:
Very nice! I really love Ares II as well, such a great cable!

I have tried a lot of different tips (Ei.3 in my case) and found that the double flange tips sound closest to the custom fit, but recently got sent some Final Audio tips to try out and they are really good as well. Quite firm and can sit deep, but still comfortable, and I am very sensitive to physical pressure in my ear canals. I haven't used them much yet, but I expect these will stay permanently.

Going to the Indulgence Show next week and will be trying out some IEMs at Gisele's booth, hopefully that will include the FIBAE models! :D
Sep 23, 2017 at 7:49 AM Post #137 of 2,468
Last night I connected my 2.5mm balanced Ares II to the F2 and utilized the Opus #2 for some quality listening time. It further established what an excellent IEM it is. The stage opened up and it was large, wide and had some impressive depth as well. I could easily place the instruments on the stage. This was an impressive pairing. I am surprised that these haven't gotten more attention.
Oct 1, 2017 at 7:16 AM Post #138 of 2,468
So after a lot of waiting I finally got my ear impressions done at the Indulgence show on Friday by the wonderful Gisele.

She will be sending them off to custom art with some orders she has and I shall have FIBAE 1 at some point in the next couple of months :D
Oct 1, 2017 at 8:35 AM Post #139 of 2,468
So after a lot of waiting I finally got my ear impressions done at the Indulgence show on Friday by the wonderful Gisele.

She will be sending them off to custom art with some orders she has and I shall have FIBAE 1 at some point in the next couple of months :D

Good luck with the fit! Did you get a chance to demo them first?

If I had known they were doing impressions at the show I might have got myself organized to get up there. Oh well.

Piotr and I have identified what we think is the main culprit in me not getting a good fit and think its to do with where it sits at the top of the ear (cymba?) rather than the canal size.

Need to get them in the post so they can be adjusted at some point in the near future.
Oct 1, 2017 at 9:59 AM Post #140 of 2,468
Good luck with the fit! Did you get a chance to demo them first?

If I had known they were doing impressions at the show I might have got myself organized to get up there. Oh well.

Piotr and I have identified what we think is the main culprit in me not getting a good fit and think its to do with where it sits at the top of the ear (cymba?) rather than the canal size.

Need to get them in the post so they can be adjusted at some point in the near future.

I have similar problems with my right ear, the Cymba is deep and I have had fit issues in the past due to it. I also have narrow canals.

I didn't have time to grab a listen unfortunately, but look forward to getting them :)

As Piotr said they have a more neutral signature than the FIBAE 2 they should suit me fine, and I have various cables I can pair with them.
Oct 2, 2017 at 6:14 PM Post #141 of 2,468
I have had my FIBAE 2 for a little while now and they are truly amazing. Fit and finish is perfect. These are my first CIEMs, but I can certainly tell the quality in the sound. With that being said, I just, today, paired them with the Effect Audio Eros II cable, and I am blown away with how much better they are! I recommend upgrading the cable first thing to get the true sound out of the FIBAE.
Oct 3, 2017 at 1:35 AM Post #142 of 2,468
I have had my FIBAE 2 for a little while now and they are truly amazing. Fit and finish is perfect. These are my first CIEMs, but I can certainly tell the quality in the sound. With that being said, I just, today, paired them with the Effect Audio Eros II cable, and I am blown away with how much better they are! I recommend upgrading the cable first thing to get the true sound out of the FIBAE.
I had a brief demo with FIBAE-2 last week and they are indeed excellent performers, Piotr did a great job with them!

I did not pair them with a different cable, although I did have Ares II and Eros II with me, but both of those cables are indeed great and I can imagine FIBAE-2 will perform very well with Eros II without adding any colour to the sound.
Oct 3, 2017 at 7:41 AM Post #145 of 2,468
Oct 4, 2017 at 2:20 AM Post #146 of 2,468
This is the design I settled on, was difficult to choose between black icewood and bubinga faceplates

Oct 4, 2017 at 4:26 AM Post #147 of 2,468
So. CA claims that FIbae going to sound the same from any sources. DId anyone check it already? Is that mean that i will get same SQ from my MOJO as well as from my Moto Z?? Not sure is it good, or bad)
Oct 4, 2017 at 4:51 AM Post #150 of 2,468
What I found with my FIBAE 2 was that same general sound signature remained with all the sources I tried. However either all or elements of the sound quality improved with those sources. For example the bass impact/quality was considerably better with the Mojo as opposed to my LG G5 Hi Fi Plus phone. However the differences seem smaller than with other IEMS that I have.

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