Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Dec 10, 2015 at 9:22 AM Post #6,603 of 42,836
has anyone bought from ghentaudio?
just taking a look at some usb to micro b cables as 1.) mojo provides one cable and 2.) i'd like to see if improved cables provide some degree of fidelity beyond what substantial clarity mojo already provides.
it is a cheaper option compared to what qed and audioquest put out, but i haven't heard ghent mentioned around here at all.
50 for 2x 3.3ft cables
versus upwards of 80-100 for the one from either qed or audioquest.
also, wouldn't i only need the one cable for the mojo as the other micro port is meant for recharging the battery?
Dec 10, 2015 at 9:31 AM Post #6,605 of 42,836
With the mini speaker thing, and thermal shut off when listening and charging, plus the previous hiss issues, I think I'll wait a while until Chord sorts these out. Kinda want one though.

Is the mini speaker thing common? 
Dec 10, 2015 at 9:32 AM Post #6,606 of 42,836

Preparing for a head to head match 

it's very tiring to A/B good sound....

Dec 10, 2015 at 9:34 AM Post #6,607 of 42,836
With the mini speaker thing, and thermal shut off when listening and charging, plus the previous hiss issues, I think I'll wait a while until Chord sorts these out. Kinda want one though.

Is the mini speaker thing common? 

No, it is not at all common (I'm not just saying that - feel free to search the thread and you'll find I am being truthful in anything I've said about Mojo, including this)
Sorry to hear you're experiencing this peculiar issue, but if you take it back to your dealer, I am confident they will do the right thing. If they don't, just contact Chord directly and discuss it with them.
Dec 10, 2015 at 9:41 AM Post #6,608 of 42,836
Is the mini speaker thing common? 

Not for me. I've taken my Mojo and cranked it to the full line-out volume with very recognizable music with lots of strong notes and haven't heard a peep out of it - it's dead quiet when not plugged into any HP's. Sounds like that one unit is either defective or possessed. 

Dec 10, 2015 at 9:47 AM Post #6,609 of 42,836
  Sounds like that one unit is either defective or possessed. 

I think all of us with rational, logical, minds, know that it is much more likely to be possessed than defective

On the small off-chance that it might be defective, it should be taken back to the dealer, but might be worth stopping by the local church, en route to the dealer, just to be sure...
Dec 10, 2015 at 10:33 AM Post #6,611 of 42,836
The warranty is 5 years, I only need to register my Mojo I which bought from a official Chord dealer to Chord and I have now 5 years. Battery is if I'm not wrong only 1 year, but I would guess for some money the will replace them for you if needed.
Dec 10, 2015 at 10:35 AM Post #6,612 of 42,836
  Can you replace battery in 2 years if it goes bad after warranty?

Although Chord did recently issue the following warning, in relation to potential attempts by intrepid Mojo owners to swap the battery themselves:
We had the battery developed for only our mojo application. Done for us especially, It took Chord 3 years and many attempts to get the sheer ear thumping power density we have achieved in mojo. So I'd rather people didnt underestimate our design skills and I'd ask please don't think you can better it with a quick battery substitution as this can be risky or even dangerous.

you can take heart from this:
batteries have a life expectancy of three-years (I'm being conservative) and can be replaced by your Dealer or by Chord.

I can't quote you any cost as there's never been a replacement, the odd battery that has been replaced has been done under warranty (Mojo 1year - Hugo & TT 3year)... ask me again in a year or so and I'll be able to give you a quote, hth...

No the batteries are expected to last far longer than three years. The batteries in our designs are not subject to damaging deep discharge cycles or anything more than very light current demand .... Batteries used for power tools are quite a different matter, but in our units expect a life of greater than ten years. Mojo has a plug on it so it's just an easy replacement for a shop technician Hugo batteries will need soldering in place though but this is also a low skilled job which would be require rarely if ever.
John Franks.

The 10 years life has been contested by someone, but even at half that, it's going to provide excellent performance, excellent value for money, and the battery absolutely can be replaced, but only with exactly the same specially-developed battery, from Chord (which they will be happy to do, if it should ever prove necessary).
Dec 10, 2015 at 10:45 AM Post #6,613 of 42,836
All you guys pairing your monos w/zx2's can just switch to phones since it's the same thing and I'll trade you my mojo for your zx2 so now you have 2 and don't have to worry about battery issues. Plus mine is completely silent and hiss free. : P
Dec 10, 2015 at 10:51 AM Post #6,614 of 42,836
  Can you replace battery in 2 years if it goes bad after warranty?

I asked them direct before buying mine and my question was about Mojo & Hugo:
Hi Andrew
We will provide future battery replacements for all of our products that have them in. We are expecting at least 10 years of decent life out of Hugo (this is 10000 charge cycles, which is down to 20% and back up to 100%). If you keep the unit topped up it will last even longer. 
  Kind Regards
Tom Vaughan
Pro-Audio & Manufacturing 

Dec 10, 2015 at 10:58 AM Post #6,615 of 42,836
All you guys pairing your monos w/zx2's can just switch to phones since it's the same thing and I'll trade you my mojo for your zx2 so now you have 2 and don't have to worry about battery issues. Plus mine is completely silent and hiss free. : P

I had ZX2 and sent back Because it doesn't sound as good as a Mojo (plus other reasons including possible issues with Battery replacement in a ZX2 and stuck ay Android 4.2).

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