Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
May 28, 2016 at 7:51 PM Post #18,196 of 42,788
I've been very happy with sound quality of the Mojo and my iPhone 6s, but it wasn't very elegant, particularly when you add the cck and USB lead. Even though I bought the F19 cable it was still a bit unbalanced and I couldn't really stack it.
I've just bought an Ak100 original at £250 with a Silver Dragon Formfit Toslink and it's a very compact solution when joined with 3m Dual Lock tape.
I think the old Ak100 is great value now, given that it has two micro SD slots and sounds great, even without the Mojo! 
May 28, 2016 at 11:02 PM Post #18,197 of 42,788
Just thought I'd share a real-world experience about how good Mojo really is.  I went on a trip last week and needed to decide what gear to take.  I opted for my FiiO X5, Mojo and my Bose QC15s (gave wife the QC-25s).  A word of explanation of the choices is due.  I abandoned the iPhone 6s because I was tired of dealing with CCK and other connections which drop USB if they are jarred (I own the FioO L19 and the Lavry connectors too).  The coax connection from the X5 to the Mojo works and never has a dropout or any noise. I chose the Bose purely for noise reduction and was willing to accept a significantly lower quality headphone presentation than my 64 Audio A12s would have given.  
On the outbound flights I just listened to the system and didn't over analyze.  It was enjoyable. The Mojo makes the Bose sound like a much better headset and the Bose lets me hear the music.  The result was IMHO pretty darn good. Better than I anticipated.
On the return I decided to do an experiment.  I played the new Amber Rubarth album using just the FiiO X5.  It sounded pretty good.  Then I put the Mojo back in the audio chain and played the same album.  I thought to myself that I probably wouldn't hear a difference since I was tired (left the hotel at 4AM), the Bose aren't very analytical, and the album sounded very good the first time around.  It didn't take more than 30sec to realize what a marvel the Mojo really is.  The sound stage was obviously bigger, the instruments more precisely placed, and I heard tons of things I hadn't heard the first time. There was more of an in the room feeling.  The music came to life. I am not a big fan of the use of PRaT but this experience made me understand the term.  Mojo just plain worked miracles on the sound.  Night and day.  I like the FiiO X5.  It has served me well and brought many hours of enjoyment.  It's a great value at 1/2 the price including the screen and playback functions.  It is, however, not capable of coming close to the Mojo even if it sounds quite acceptably good.  I give FiiO high praise for the product but it's not Mojo.
Ok, I confess, the reason I tried this experiment is that my Mojo's battery was knocked flat by Mojo being accidentally turned on in my backpack.  That's one weakness of Mojo without a case.  I needed to charge it for a little while before using it. Maybe I made Mojo jealous because it came out roaring.
I should also add that I have also worn the 64Ears A12s under my Bose headset using either my iPhone or the X5 as a source for the Mojo. The outcome is spectacular.  Wearing the Bose and cIEMs creates an almost silent stage on which the Mojo and A12s can do their thing.  Best external noise suppression I have ever experienced.  
Count me in for another vote that Mojo is amazing.
May 28, 2016 at 11:19 PM Post #18,198 of 42,788
The other night my battery was low on the Mojo so I plugged my headphones directly in to the X5ii. Before I go any further let me say that as a stand alone player I really enjoyed the X5ii, before becoming accustomed to the Mojo. What I heard from the X5ii recently, in comparison, was (to me) a very flat soundstage and a very digital presentation with the same music... more so than I recall when I first received the Mojo. The overall detail was about the same, the tonality wasn't strikingly different, but there is simply an underlying subtly, a musical foundation with real depth using the Mojo that sounds more real to my ears. Over the months it simply has ruined me for most other gear as I've become accustomed to the Mojo's presentation. Even though I haven't heard the Hugo, TT, or DAVE, it seems to be that a large portion of users who hear them feel similarly.

It was actually Chord who said 'the game has changed' in their introduction marketing for the Mojo. I simply quoted them. :wink_face:

Haha I think that sometimes. I do most of my listening at work and on the commute. Mojo and Rosie's. Sometimes z7.

After my holiday in which I did zero listening for 2 weeks. I plugged my portapros into my Samsung phone and played some Damian Rice. I thought why in the world would I need better than this.

Next morning I set off to work. Plugged my iems into my mojo. Hit play and was blown away.

From time to time I like to now go back to basics. It really puts into perspective how good the mojo is. After listening for hours on end day in day out it becomes the norm.

Need to reset the clock from time to time.
May 29, 2016 at 2:41 AM Post #18,203 of 42,788
By the way, where you guys got your interconnects to Mojo from? I am planning to order 2 to connect at least, to connect from my PC to Mojo as well as iPhone 6S to Mojo. 
Thanks for your inputs in advance. Cheers.
May 29, 2016 at 8:28 AM Post #18,205 of 42,788

Portable Audio Show (P.A.S) 2016  Vietnam  / 28-29 May 2016
Look at the tattoo guys 
  , vietnam girls great I guess..   
May 29, 2016 at 12:19 PM Post #18,206 of 42,788
I am back into this thread, I just bought a used mojo.  It is dead quiet when listening.  I am very impressed with the sound.  My particular unit does make the squealing sound when charging, and stops once done charging.  It is pretty noticeable.  I know this was an issue with some of the units quite some time back.
What was the outcome?  Is it just something we live with?  Is it relatively all units, or relatively few units?  Is Chord replacing or repairing affected units?
Thanks all, I've been out a while, and the shear volume of this thread has become daunting!
May 29, 2016 at 12:32 PM Post #18,207 of 42,788

Does anyone now know much will it cost ? 
May 29, 2016 at 12:38 PM Post #18,208 of 42,788
May 29, 2016 at 12:48 PM Post #18,209 of 42,788
  I am back into this thread, I just bought a used mojo.  It is dead quiet when listening.  I am very impressed with the sound.  My particular unit does make the squealing sound when charging, and stops once done charging.  It is pretty noticeable.  I know this was an issue with some of the units quite some time back.
What was the outcome?  Is it just something we live with?  Is it relatively all units, or relatively few units?  Is Chord replacing or repairing affected units?
Thanks all, I've been out a while, and the shear volume of this thread has become daunting!

I too have been in and out of this thread. Though I read that it was more to do with the charger, not the Mojo.
Certain chargers have more noise. Cannot recall where I saw this, but it might help your search. I'm happy with the charger that came with my Nexus 7. There may be better options.
May 29, 2016 at 12:52 PM Post #18,210 of 42,788
  I am back into this thread, I just bought a used mojo.  It is dead quiet when listening.  I am very impressed with the sound.  My particular unit does make the squealing sound when charging, and stops once done charging.  It is pretty noticeable.  I know this was an issue with some of the units quite some time back.
What was the outcome?  Is it just something we live with?  Is it relatively all units, or relatively few units?  Is Chord replacing or repairing affected units?
Thanks all, I've been out a while, and the shear volume of this thread has become daunting!

Rob Watts did suggest that noise can be caused by ripple voltage from ones power line, causing some components (might have been the capacitors) to vibrate. You can always try using a different charger, to check if this cause applies to you.

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