Jun 1, 2016 at 1:42 PM Post #3,226 of 26,000
...I'm glad I decided for black. Although I must say that the silver DAVE looks good as well. But then again, I don't listen to DSD, just for testing purposes.

After a month with my black DAVE, it does sound much better than my silver Hugo.  imo.

Jun 1, 2016 at 2:11 PM Post #3,227 of 26,000
  ...I'm glad I decided for black. Although I must say that the silver DAVE looks good as well. But then again, I don't listen to DSD, just for testing purposes.

After a month with my black DAVE, it does sound much better than my silver Hugo.  imo.

Isn't that apples and oranges?

However, I'm glad you like it. Say that it sounds better than the Nagra HD DAC!

Jun 1, 2016 at 2:20 PM Post #3,228 of 26,000
Isn't that apples and oranges?

However, I'm glad you like it. Say that it sounds better than the Nagra HD DAC!

just some levity from moi
a response to silver DAVE and DSD comment made earlier.  
regarding Nagra HD DAC, no.  

The Swiss piece still shines.
Jun 1, 2016 at 2:40 PM Post #3,229 of 26,000
Yeah, the Swiss...

Jun 1, 2016 at 2:52 PM Post #3,230 of 26,000
  Yeah, the Swiss...

You guys rule!
Some of the best audio brands are Swiss.
Nagra for sure, also Thorens, Piega, Weiss, Goldmund and recently CH Precision.
Jun 1, 2016 at 3:40 PM Post #3,232 of 26,000
 Hi Sonic77, are you including the mR between computer and DAVE?

Hi TheAttoney,
I upgraded the software (Torreys)  in my PS Audio Direct stream Dac, and wanted to try it out with the HQ Player and the mR, sounds pretty good!
The HQ player with the Dave is out of this world, (listened for 2 hours straight and had to pull myself away from my computer) right now that will be my preferred way of listening to HQ player. I have not listen to the Dave with mR with HQ player yet, so I will have to do that later, still checking out the PS Audio Direct Stream Dac.
Jun 1, 2016 at 5:58 PM Post #3,234 of 26,000
I didn't know that the body color is being another color indicator LOL.
Black looks really cool and Silver will fit to my other hifi and furnitures. What a difficult decision to make...

get both!
or silver with black stand & vice-versa.
Jun 1, 2016 at 7:07 PM Post #3,236 of 26,000
Then you can also be the only person to hear something with a 705,600hz sample rate!  (are recordings like that even around?!!?)

Still cannot find any.
352k, then the DSDs
no 706k here:
Jun 2, 2016 at 12:20 AM Post #3,237 of 26,000

Loaner. Only took one minute of listening with HD800s before I started looking around and adding up how much of my gear I could sell to buy one. I think I'd have to sell my car.
Of course, now I have to find a way to describe the experience. I might have paraphrase a Clarkson Top Gear quote when was driving a Lotus track car that was too much for him: I've heard DACs with this much detail before, and I've heard DACs that sounded this natural before, and I've experienced gear with dynamics like this before, but not all of them, all at once. It feels like a kind of sensory overload.
Jun 2, 2016 at 12:32 AM Post #3,238 of 26,000
this is series piece of gear, but at this price point i rather to leave it up to people with big pockets and compromised with more common human price dac like schiit yggdrasil, however at this price bracket i wonder if its par with dac like EMM Labs DAC2X  to justify its huge price point.
Jun 2, 2016 at 1:25 AM Post #3,240 of 26,000
Could some of you using Dave in full stereo rigs (non headphone systems) comment on the treble? Is the sound forward or laid back? Thanks in advance

Its actually both at the same time....
About three quarters of the way through Dave's development, when I had solved all the THD and noise floor modulation issues, and had the depth performance with the 350 dB noise shapers, Dave was sounding very soft, warm and dark. 
Too dark and too soft.
But nobody has heard the perfect DAC (that is one that adds nothing to the sound) so I was prepared to run with it - I certainly was not going to add some noise floor modulation to spice it up a bit. But then I found what was the technical reason for why Hugo had the ability to hear the starting and stopping of notes clearly - and I then improved that ability by designing a WTA filter that ran at 256 FS (that's an FIR WTA output every 88nS). Now this improved the ability to perceive the starting and stopping of notes - and when you can perceive transients properly things sound much faster and sharper and brighter as a consequence.
This actually restored the balance (I am uncomfortable with that term as still nobody knows what the perfect DAC would sound like for sure as perceived balance or neutrality is merely an average of all DAC's) and now it was sounding fast and sharp (when the recording demands) and soft and smooth (ditto).
If you are ever fortunate enough to get a good seat at a classical (unamplified) concert you will know what I mean - real life can sound ultra smooth, and ultra fast and sharp at the same time. I want my audio to have that range of variation - that's my goal anyway.

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