Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆
Aug 14, 2019 at 7:10 PM Post #14,101 of 19,435
@Matt Bartlett i had a strange thing happen on a flight today. I went to connect to Poly in hotspot mode and it asked me for the password, which should already be stored on my phone and iPad. I tried the password, which I do know, and it said it was incorrect. I tried on the iPad it’s same result. I tried to enter the “device settings” but it crashed the app on both devices every time I tried it. Fortunately there is WiFi on JetBlue and deleting and re-downloading GoFigure gave me the setup wizard and I was able to add the password, and got it all back to working. I can enter the device settings also now.

I was on the latest firmware and GoFigure versions. Is this a known bug? Hope this helps others, maybe they want to delete the app and reload, proactively.

Aug 15, 2019 at 1:17 AM Post #14,102 of 19,435
Thank you both @Daniel Johnston and @Matt Bartlett !
I will need some more time to evaluate whether the Poly would be useful to me, or friendlier than a stack with the CCK.
Any way I really do appreciate the swift answers to my questions.
Aug 15, 2019 at 2:32 AM Post #14,103 of 19,435
@Matt B

CHord... We need the BOB by 2025

See below

A/B'd the Chord TT VS CUbe today... not surprising TT wins. The "digital sheen" with the cube recedes... music thicker.

Then dropped in the Mscaler... another level.

Played some dream academy on the Cube... as I stated before I believe 90% of recording on earth suck... so DA was tinny... sounded old. 4Z + Mscaler + TT... sounded better tyhan a well produced Tidal Master...

Damn in can't wait for for 2025 when this tech MAY be portable. Mojo 3? Hugo 4?

Or lets just call it the BOB (Dave level dac, poly & mscaler in a unit the size of Mojo) - Cosmic

A/B'd the Z1R, LCD 4Z and Utopia on a Chord TT + MSCALER AND DAVE + MSCALER today for a few hours.
4Z destroys the Z1R...

4Z WAY better than Utopia... not sure how Focal can price them in same category as 4Z.

FYI MScaler is the real deal ... may get TT and MScaler with 4Z phenomenal...

Dave + Mscaler better than TT + Mscaler.

Did not get a chance to do serious A/B between those 2. Will try at a later date.

Will have TT + MSCALER for three day this weekend with my personal 4Z, IER Z1R and Z1R

If anyone wants me to test some music etc... let me know.

anybody shouting "end game" without listening to this setup is f'n nuts
Aug 15, 2019 at 4:42 AM Post #14,105 of 19,435
@Matt Bartlett i had a strange thing happen on a flight today. I went to connect to Poly in hotspot mode and it asked me for the password, which should already be stored on my phone and iPad. I tried the password, which I do know, and it said it was incorrect. I tried on the iPad it’s same result. I tried to enter the “device settings” but it crashed the app on both devices every time I tried it. Fortunately there is WiFi on JetBlue and deleting and re-downloading GoFigure gave me the setup wizard and I was able to add the password, and got it all back to working. I can enter the device settings also now.

I was on the latest firmware and GoFigure versions. Is this a known bug? Hope this helps others, maybe they want to delete the app and reload, proactively.


Thanks for letting me know. It's not a known bug that I have had reported so far but we will investigate. I keep getting something similar with the latest iOS 12 where my iPhone will drop
off my home or office WiFi and then when I try to connect again it constantly tells me the password is incorrect. Disabling WiFi for a few seconds then turning it back on seems to reset the phone so it can connect normally again.
Aug 15, 2019 at 11:46 PM Post #14,108 of 19,435
Anyone else besides me having an issue with the DLNA database on the poly frequently corrupting?

I've had to delete the DLNA and MPD databases several times now in the past 3 weeks.

I just bought a new microSD card to see if that's the culprit.
Aug 17, 2019 at 3:25 PM Post #14,109 of 19,435
Anyone else besides me having an issue with the DLNA database on the poly frequently corrupting?

I've had to delete the DLNA and MPD databases several times now in the past 3 weeks.

I just bought a new microSD card to see if that's the culprit.

No such issues here...
Aug 18, 2019 at 4:00 PM Post #14,110 of 19,435
Thank you both @Daniel Johnston and @Matt Bartlett !
I will need some more time to evaluate whether the Poly would be useful to me, or friendlier than a stack with the CCK.
Any way I really do appreciate the swift answers to my questions.

Hello. I have the same problem like you. I really love Roon. But am I willing to pay 119$? I really don‘t know.
As a great one time purchase I can recommend Audirvana. Works great, sounds awesome and can handle Qobuz easily. The only thing is, that it doesn’t show your library as nice as Roon does it.

Please let me know what you think.

Aug 18, 2019 at 9:21 PM Post #14,111 of 19,435
Hello. I have the same problem like you. I really love Roon. But am I willing to pay 119$? I really don‘t know.
As a great one time purchase I can recommend Audirvana. Works great, sounds awesome and can handle Qobuz easily. The only thing is, that it doesn’t show your library as nice as Roon does it.

Please let me know what you think.


You're paying for the convenience of Roon categorizing your personal music and integrating it with Tidal/Roon. Even if you don't use Tidal or Roon, it does a fantastic job categorizing and genre matching your music. Think of Pandora style radio with your own music. It automatically tags and assigns album art too. For many albums, it will give you a synopsis of the album and a review of said album. It will also tell you about the artist and some background info. So part of your fee goes to their intellectual property.

The problem I've always had with my music collection is I have so many albums It's hard to remember what I have. I end up listening to the same albums over and over. The Roon radio feature explores my entire library. Can you do all of the with another program cheaper? Probably. But I don't have the time or patience. I want to spend my time listening and enjoying the music.

I'm not going to get into if Roon "sounds better" than another program. I've used iTunes, Fidelio, and Audirvana. I can't say I've heard any difference playing the ALAC files ripped from my CDs. YMMV

The RAAT protocol streams bit perfect to the poly/mojo without dropouts or glitches.

I'm sure that there are more features to Roon I haven't touched or mentioned, but this is how I use it.
Aug 18, 2019 at 9:24 PM Post #14,112 of 19,435
No such issues here...

I think it was a bad microSD card. No problems so far. Maybe a tale of caution to other users. If your poly starts to act funny using MPD or DLNA, check your microSD card.

I used disk utility first aid to repair it, then reformat it, and then reload all my music. Nothing seemed to work until I replaced the card.
Aug 19, 2019 at 12:29 AM Post #14,114 of 19,435
I know it's not the main focus at the time, but...

Will the poly ever work with Spotify?

I bought the monopoly combo about a year ago, based entirely on the fact that it was advertised as working with Spotify.

Have used it for maybe a total of two hours...
It kind of feels like I wasted a lot of money based on false advertising.
Aug 19, 2019 at 2:16 AM Post #14,115 of 19,435

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