Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆
Oct 28, 2017 at 1:13 PM Post #2,794 of 19,125
Okay quite possibly but it could well be considered that just by engaging with people on forums in my position that I’m possibly being unprofessional, however by opening a intelligent and honest dialog with you guys, it has allowed the chord team to refine a design concept that although originated by myself. I could never conceived of all the multitude of complexities and use cases that Poly now has and if that honesty in responses when defending my team from customer that is letting his urgent over arching need for immediate advice to become just a little aggressive. What you are getting is a truthful though perhaps not carefully considered response.
Oct 28, 2017 at 2:13 PM Post #2,795 of 19,125
....and if that honesty in responses when defending my team from customer that is letting his urgent over arching need for immediate advice to become just a little aggressive.

I'm sorry but I can't accept this. What the OP posted was...

"I sent inquiry directly to Chord, as it seems my inquiry is being overlooked.... :frowning2:"

Do you really consider that "a little aggressive" towards your team?

You may have a lot of fanboys on this forum, but I consider your behaviour disgraceful! And the more you keep digging the more you seem to show your true colours.
Oct 28, 2017 at 2:22 PM Post #2,796 of 19,125
Long-time Mojo owner, new Poly owner.

I work from home, and the Mojo's been sat on my desk since launch as my headphone solution. Paired with AudioQuest NightHawks. Sounds lovely. It's Rooned up via a nearby Bluesound Node 2. I used it for portable audio a little when I first owned it, but got evil crackle / feedback. I figured it's not really worth the hassle – sitting on a train rumbling into London, general background audio means that I'm not really getting the full benefit of decent-quality audio. Plus, my go-to commuting headphones became Bose QC20s, and gawd knows what processing they're adding to the mix. So static and plugged in the Mojo stayed.

I followed the Poly with interest from first launch. I pre-ordered, cancelled, pre-ordered again, cancelled again, and eventually grabbed one just after launch. Registered it, claimed my free case, and it turned up this morning (just a couple of days later). Gotta say, the Mojopoly in the case is a nice thing. I'm not normally one for cases, but this one works. Really nice.

Obviously, the Poly at the moment is a fiddly little bugger. Switching between modes (which is happening more often right now than it will do once my use cases have settled down, given that I'm exploring the device's capabilities) is a proper ball-ache. First-world problems, I know, but I can't be the only one who's trained for things to happen NOW straight after I press a button to make something do something, right? The GoFigure app can't come soon enough!

No problem getting the Poly onto my home network, and talking to Roon. Lovely to be able to take my music around the house with me.

Got meself a 128GB SD card to pop some of my more favoured albums on to. First attempt didn't go too well, as I'd formatted it to Mac default rather than ExFat. Second attempt: better. But I'm seeing the same slow-loading as other people.

8Player is... not good. Maybe I'm spoiled by Roon's user interface (actually, I'm not; UI and UX is a market differentiator, and I value very high user-friendliness and ease-of-use – scant patience for things that don't work quickly and self-evidently), but I'm really not impressed by 8Player. I've found my way around it now, I think (but seriously? By default it loads in an album ordered alphabetically, rather than by track number? Who thought that was a good idea?!), but it's still clunky. Can get used to it if it's the most sensible option out of the things out there. But I'd much rather there were a properly-funded / properly-designed alternative. I'd happily pay twenty quid for software that's further down the continuum towards Roon's interface.

One weird quirk (with 8Player, rather than Poly): for one album that I wanted to listen to (24-bit version of Jon Hopkins' Immunity), it's only recognising four of the eight tracks as tracks. I've removed and reloaded the SD card; same problem. Metadata checked via Metadatics, and there's no difference between the tracks that work and tracks that don't. In 8Player's 'folder' view, the four recognised tracks are shown by track name; the four that aren't are shown by filename. No idea if other albums are affected – I don't have the heart or the patience right now to step through them all. Anyone got any ideas as to what might be going on?

Glad that I've got my iPhone talking to the Poly via the former's hotspot mode. I'm off up to London to audition some Nobles later in the week, and wanted this little lot all set up and working before I went. Poly is Stage Two of me building my ultimate portable rig. Step Three is replacing those Bose QC20s with a custom set of (probably) Kaiser Encores...

Anyway, liking Poly so far. It is complex, and it is fiddly, and it ain't perfect, but much of that can be sorted out with firmware updates and the can't-come-soon-enough configuration app. The stuff that they need to get right out the box – audio and build quality – is there in spades.

Well done John+team.
Oct 28, 2017 at 2:33 PM Post #2,797 of 19,125
I'm sorry but I can't accept this. What the OP posted was...

"I sent inquiry directly to Chord, as it seems my inquiry is being overlooked.... :frowning2:"

Do you really consider that "a little aggressive" towards your team?

You may have a lot of fanboys on this forum, but I consider your behaviour disgraceful! And the more you keep digging the more you seem to show your true colours.
You amaze me I was responding to the email he sent to our help desk not his posting
I have honestly only ever shown my true colours I’m sorry that your so overly sesitive to my agresive nature. However it comes with the territory and Mojo and Poly would not exist without it.
Oct 28, 2017 at 2:59 PM Post #2,798 of 19,125
Okay quite possibly but it could well be considered that just by engaging with people on forums in my position that I’m possibly being unprofessional, however by opening a intelligent and honest dialog with you guys, it has allowed the chord team to refine a design concept that although originated by myself. I could never conceived of all the multitude of complexities and use cases that Poly now has and if that honesty in responses when defending my team from customer that is letting his urgent over arching need for immediate advice to become just a little aggressive. What you are getting is a truthful though perhaps not carefully considered response.
Well at least you admitted it, that's a start.
Oct 28, 2017 at 3:17 PM Post #2,800 of 19,125
I'm no fanboy of any company however I do feel the treatment @Mojo ideas receives on here is bordering on drama queen type stuff from some users.

Ok some of his responses are not what people may like....tough that's life. I value the fact that he comes on and tries to explain things in a timely manner. I've had issues with products from other companies who also frequent the forums but their responses are often sub standard and more than likely just ignore known issues and try and blame the user when it is proven it is their product (naming no names in here).

As users of modern tech it should almost be expected that products will have teething problems, multi-national companies with income the size of small nations have issues when releasing products. I've seen posts in this thread (and others to be fair) where if the question is not answered in 10 minutes then all hell breaks loose. If you don't like his responses then don't buy the products blah, blah, blah.....I'm boring myself now.

I've got a couple of wee issues with the Poly but will happily wait for the GoApp and update to hopefully fix these as I kind of trust Chord to deliver based on the posts that @Mojo ideas has made on these issues, then again maybe I should just constantly harang him until he snaps!!

For me the Poly is an awesome product that is suffering a couple of wee issues but is still for me perfectly useable until fixed.

Oh and thanks for the lovely case that arrived this morning Chord.
Oct 28, 2017 at 5:08 PM Post #2,802 of 19,125
Well after a few nights of figuring out the set up, connecting to wifi / hot spot etc I finally got to listen for a whole evening.

Just have to say wow - whether it was listening through Bubble PNP or Roon via Airplay the sound was incredible. I have had Mojo for 2 years but the usability this has brought will transform the amount of time I use it.

Well done team.

I agree with a number of the comments above - the app can't come quick enough and the tweaks John referred to look spot on but overall top product.
Oct 28, 2017 at 5:09 PM Post #2,803 of 19,125
My case arrived today. Many thanks to the Chord team!
MojoPoly click together tightly and sit well in the case.
One thing, I hadn't realised how scuffed Mojo had become from it's travels. In comparison to Polys fresh finish, Mojo is a bit tatty. Still, it's the sound that counts.
Oct 28, 2017 at 5:56 PM Post #2,804 of 19,125
After spending hours trying to get this going I am giving up. The poly does not recognize DSD (dsf files) from sdcard. When opened from 8player I get emty DSD folder. When loading from NAS and renderer to poly app freezes. Using NePlayer I can play files on my iPad speaker but nothing is loading from Poly - empty folder.

I get only flac files working on renderer.

Sdcard formatted multiple times.

Other MDP apps wants to put in poly IP and port - I do not have that. No wasmfor direct control on iOs??

App used in Chord video MDap/MDoP is not available anymore.

Exact same problem here, The poly does not recognize DSD (dsf files) from sdcard. When opened from 8player I get empty DSD folder

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