Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (On or Over Ear Headphones)
Aug 9, 2019 at 5:43 PM Post #5,566 of 7,166
I don’t know how they sound, but they sure look better than the previous ones IMO.

They certainly look less homemade, yet they have that cool DIY garage workshop look. Which I of all people can appreciate (case in point lol).

Except I really love the comfort of the ZX1 headband and I think the pattern looks cool. I don't find that other headband comfortable at all ... it looks similar to or the same as the one on the M1 and the M2 that my husband has.

I do like the look of the cups on the ZX2... as I do with the ZX1. It looks like they designed this one after reading some of the comments that some users made.
Aug 9, 2019 at 5:48 PM Post #5,567 of 7,166
I don’t know how they sound, but they sure look better (and more comfortable) than the previous ones IMO.

They certainly look less homemade, yet they have that cool DIY garage workshop look. Which I of all people can appreciate (case in point lol).

OK, now I have to ask: what is a Knowles damper?
Aug 9, 2019 at 6:52 PM Post #5,569 of 7,166
OK, now I have to ask: what is a Knowles damper?

It’s a small filter assembly made by Knowles to carefully tune the treble region of their BAs.

Other manufacturers, such as Shure, also use them to tune their entire earphones.

Think of it like the foam, felt, teabags, micropore, and all the other DIY stuff we tune headphones with. Except it’s very precisely manufactured plastic mesh made to various micron sizes.

They then put the fragile mesh in a ~2.0mm OD stainless steel tube, which is designed to give it strength and a predictable size, allowing it to be inserted into BA tubing and earphone nozzles.

The filters are rated in “ohms” of resistance, which in reality is nothing more than a measurement of air resistance caused by the micron size of the filter. The higher the 'ohms', the higher the air pressure resistance the driver has to overcome, and the more treble is 'dampened down'. Hence why Knowles refers to them as "dampers".

Each damper is color coded for easy identification.

Here’s an example of how it’s used by Shure in their earphone nozzles:

Now you can see why the nozzles on Shures (and others) are so small. Shure actually designed their whole earphone around the Knowles dampers! They had that much of an influence on the industry!

You can see how the tool is used to extract and insert the dampers here:
See the damper on the end of the tool in the above photo?

And here’s how Knowles actually intends them to be used, during the construction of multi-BA earphones and hearing aids.

The way Shure uses them, the entire earphone's output is filtered through 1 damper. However, when used in the above photo's way, the advantage is that individual BA drivers can have individual dampers, therefore independently shaping the tuning output of each individual driver.

Do they really make a difference? Yes absolutely (even more so than crossovers), and here’s a few graph to show you how each filter impacts FR:

Finally, here’s an excellent white paper from Knowles that does a way better job of explaining them and their application than I ever could:
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Aug 9, 2019 at 7:15 PM Post #5,570 of 7,166
It’s a small filter assembly made by Knowles to carefully tune the treble region of their BAs.

Other manufacturers, such as Shure, also use them to tune their entire earphones.

Think of it like the foam, felt, teabags, micropore, and all the other DIY stuff we tune headphones with. Except it’s very precisely manufactured plastic mesh made to various micron sizes.

They then put the fragile mesh in a ~2.0mm OD stainless steel tube, which is designed to give it strength and a predictable size, allowing it to be inserted into BA tubing and earphone nozzles.

The filters are rated in “ohms” of resistance, which in reality is nothing more than a measurement of air resistance caused by the micron size of the filter. The higher the 'ohms', the higher the air pressure resistance the driver has to overcome, and the more treble is 'dampened down'. Hence why Knowles refers to them as "dampers".

Each damper is color coded for easy identification.

Here’s an example of how it’s used by Shure in their earphone nozzles:

Now you can see why the nozzles on Shures (and others) are so small. Shure actually designed their whole earphone around the Knowles dampers! They had that much of an influence on the industry!

You can see how the tool is used to extract and insert the dampers here:

See the damper on the end of the tool in the above photo?

And here’s how Knowles actually intends them to be used, during the construction of multi-BA earphones and hearing aids.

The way Shure uses them, the entire earphone's output is filtered through 1 damper. However, when used in the above photo's way, the advantage is that individual BA drivers can have individual dampers, therefore independently shaping the tuning output of each individual driver.

Do they really make a difference? Yes absolutely (even more so than crossovers), and here’s a few graph to show you how each filter impacts FR:

Finally, here’s an excellent white paper from Knowles that does a way better job of explaining them and their application than I ever could:

I can't make sense of the white paper, but everything you say makes sense.

Thanks for this comprehensive & understandable reply.
Aug 9, 2019 at 7:54 PM Post #5,571 of 7,166
I can't make sense of the white paper, but everything you say makes sense.

Glad I could help.

As far as not making any sense of the white paper, don't worry too much about it. Most white papers are written by these types lol:
Aug 21, 2019 at 12:11 PM Post #5,574 of 7,166
ZX2 in the house: (built for big heads, I'm at the shortest they go and the pads are angled in at the bottom)

Aug 21, 2019 at 12:33 PM Post #5,575 of 7,166
Aug 21, 2019 at 4:31 PM Post #5,580 of 7,166
Great to see that you're still alive and kicking in the land of cheese and beer my friend :)
Hello, my friend! I've been on a life adventure that has taken me away from this hobby for quite some time. You and the rest of the old gang are not forgotten. I miss you all.

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