CanJam Singapore 2017 (March 11-12, 2017) Impressions thread!
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Mar 15, 2017 at 7:47 AM Post #182 of 252
Isn't it around SGD2.6k? I don't think it is more expensive than ve8 or zeus though o.o

i don't know, i remembered he said something like that, must be a wrong memory
Mar 15, 2017 at 7:49 AM Post #183 of 252

Anyone got this? i bought a pair
Mar 15, 2017 at 7:59 AM Post #185 of 252

this is what i find most interesting, it might be a step forward in headphone tech, the realizer
Mar 15, 2017 at 8:00 AM Post #186 of 252
Mar 15, 2017 at 8:34 AM Post #188 of 252
Is it safe to say that the Tia Fourte is currently the best IEM in the world in terms of musicality and technical prowess?

Are you having second thoughts?
Mar 15, 2017 at 8:47 AM Post #189 of 252
How much was it? Did they also get your impressions on site?

it's SGD 199 all in (exclude SG to client shipping) instead of 259 + 60 impression fee
they use 3D scanning, no goos needed, just a scanner and a laptop, closed mouth impression
they work with Echobox in the booth
Mar 15, 2017 at 9:02 AM Post #191 of 252
Hhmmm not bad...i missed this deal!

the whole experience was less stressful, with no needs of open mouth torture and injections at all, just a couple camera light flashes and we are all set
after that pick up to 11 letters engraving and 12 colors (includes glittery option orange and green that i picked)
Mar 15, 2017 at 9:42 AM Post #192 of 252
oh and btw, i got myself an ares 2+ for just USD 198, retail is, well, USD 220  excluding shipping, worth it!
so what i got, in summary is:
Ares 2+ ($198 instead of $220 )
Snugs (SGD 199 instead of SGD 320)
Wizard Sage as a bundle with my friend's K10 Encore, SGD 850
Great time for a shopping, much more intense than last year when I only got a RHA MA750i
come! show your shopped list, lets intensify it
Mar 15, 2017 at 9:50 AM Post #193 of 252
i don't know, i remembered he said something like that, must be a wrong memory

Lets see how the empire ears and lime ears prototypes will be first when they're released 

Mar 15, 2017 at 9:58 AM Post #194 of 252
Went on both days

Beyerdynamic xelentos described as wearable tech impressive size reduction on a Tesla driver , think the tips were important didn't fit me well given the time I had to get a seal however wearing it felt like not having any weight at all so light it was. However I'm not sure it's worth the price based on build alone, need to audition again based on right tips as it was small and slipped off my ear.

Chord Hugo 2 retained the chord design philosophy with colored rotating balls to control filters and volume, sounded really well for me but I wouldn't call it a portable Dac , was interested in rob's talk about the design architecture, definitely chock full of new features over Hugo 1

Mrspeakers aeon , backed this previously so I was interested in how it sounded, asked dan about the delivery time sometime round April. For a mrspeakers headphone this is really light, special type of protein leather with oval cups. Asked about the possible cup upgrades, short term looks like the default might be what we have. He also showed me the dummer cable, no frills light , utilitarian I think this works well for this segment of headphones. Sound wise good isolation for the closed pair, great comfort,it does remind me of ether c in a way which is good.

Hifiman re2000, to be honest wasn't that impressed knowing the price, having said that I only listened for a short while. Light nondescript overall design wise, didn't have time to test Shangri la.

RHA LDac, impressive build, like a tank actually or a brick, with really smart options and dials built at the corners, for me this is a great portable Dac with customizable options. Don't really believe in the balanced port, mini xlr as it really goes against any person who has balanced gear today with 2.5mm, it's another piece of hardware specific investment.

Campfire audio first time I heard andromeda, I understand now the good reviews on this, think it's definitely impressive and one of the top IEMS overall sound wise and pricing, relative to some of the flagship IEMs on sale.

64audio A18s was musically engaging, how so many drivers can fit is amazing but I felt it was a tour de force in miniature orchestra, that is portable, was tempted to bite on the 20% discount

Noble audio tried k10 encore, definitely one of the top IEM models I feel, plus there was a promo for sage, pricing was a bit too much for me

Empire ears checked out the Zeus series, my first introduction to toggles that can change sound signatures, has characteristics that I enjoy warm and musical

Went shopping for iem cables for UERM , decided on Han audio silver cable that to me really opened up my UERM so much that I decided against thinking about new IEM purchases, waiting for it to be ready in 3 weeks time, also spoke to the music sanctuary guys if my prize from last years canjam in Singapore, hum portable amp is ready. At least the 2.5mm balanced version is not fingers crossed next time I see them.

I said I was not looking to purchase any and last listened to vision ears, boy did I love the VE8s. Loved the highs and extension, probably my top IEM recommendations to audition for my taste. Still a bit too pricey at 3.5k I think.

Dita dream for me was a bit difficult to rate given I went from ve8 to it, the single driver definitely sounded nice but I prefer the ve8 from a price point perspective.

Top floor and focal elear, great setup and at this price would be a great addition to headphone library, only had chance to listen to utopia at the headlamp setup below and great music selection, I was amazed at how easy it was to drive in comparison with LCD 4, which I really had to turn up the volume but rock and alternative has never sounded better to me on lcd4.

Ended up buying the isine 20 which I had been eyeing for some time for a different iem choice to complement what I already have, need to save up for the ve8!
Mar 15, 2017 at 10:11 AM Post #195 of 252
Went on both days

Beyerdynamic xelentos described as wearable tech impressive size reduction on a Tesla driver , think the tips were important didn't fit me well given the time I had to get a seal however wearing it felt like not having any weight at all so light it was. However I'm not sure it's worth the price based on build alone, need to audition again based on right tips as it was small and slipped off my ear.

I agree. I had a hard time with the tips too and found them too small for my ears. I was able to get a decent idea of the sound only by holding them in place with my hands but as soon as I let go I didn't have a proper seal. It's really about time companies started adding XL tips to their bundles.
Same thing happened with the Final Audio F7200 but the people at the booth were kind enough to pull out some super sized foams for me (biggest I've ever seen and the first time I've been able to get a proper fit with foam tips).
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