Campfire - Solaris
Jun 5, 2021 at 2:08 PM Post #11,161 of 12,042
I was using S, and it was too small. Using M sort of works, but it still feels like its slowly coming out. The L and LL is too big for me. I will try and look for the alternative tips, thank you for the suggestion 🙏🏼

Coming from the SE 846 and spinfit CP800, comfort and fit was amazing. I think i need to get used to this new fit.
i am also coming from the se846 (with a brief experience with the dorado) and yes, fit and comfort of the shure are difficult to match. But sound wise with the solaris we are really in a different universe
Jun 5, 2021 at 2:42 PM Post #11,162 of 12,042
I was using S, and it was too small. Using M sort of works, but it still feels like its slowly coming out. The L and LL is too big for me. I will try and look for the alternative tips, thank you for the suggestion 🙏🏼

Coming from the SE 846 and spinfit CP800, comfort and fit was amazing. I think i need to get used to this new fit.

aside from the Sony ex11(L), the Type-E (2nd fr. L) has a short dome, as opposed to the Acoustune's AET-08 (middle) Longer profiled dome.
This translates to a not so secure fit and thus the feeling of loosening during use is not uncommon.

of course when it comes to the perfect universal seal, the Xelastec will come to mind. This is an extreme dirt magnet, amongst my tips, very high maintenance, but the best seal (next would be a custom moulded tip) ever. Neutral is its sound output, better sound field on all axes...

Jun 5, 2021 at 2:56 PM Post #11,163 of 12,042
i am also coming from the se846 (with a brief experience with the dorado) and yes, fit and comfort of the shure are difficult to match. But sound wise with the solaris we are really in a different universe
Solaris is a whole other beast indeed, when compared to the SE 846. I was using the 846 for 7 years. Finally found something that i could upgrade to that built on the strengths of the 846.

aside from the Sony ex11(L), the Type-E (2nd fr. L) has a short dome, as opposed to the Acoustune's AET-08 (middle) Longer profiled dome.
This translates to a not so secure fit and thus the feeling of loosening during use is not uncommon.

of course when it comes to the perfect universal seal, the Xelastec will come to mind. This is an extreme dirt magnet, amongst my tips, very high maintenance, but the best seal (next would be a custom moulded tip) ever. Neutral is its sound output, better sound field on all axes...

Thank you so much for the detailed input regarding tips, i did not know it would contribute to the loosening of the earphone. Learnt something new today. I will be seeing a local dealer to test out some of the Xelastec tips before purchasing. I hope they'll solve my issue
Jun 5, 2021 at 3:13 PM Post #11,164 of 12,042
Solaris is a whole other beast indeed, when compared to the SE 846. I was using the 846 for 7 years. Finally found something that i could upgrade to that built on the strengths of the 846.

Thank you so much for the detailed input regarding tips, i did not know it would contribute to the loosening of the earphone. Learnt something new today. I will be seeing a local dealer to test out some of the Xelastec tips before purchasing. I hope they'll solve my issue
These conditions amongst other things, i personally experienced.
You are very welcome. happy to help and quite confident the issue will soon be solved...
Jun 7, 2021 at 3:20 AM Post #11,165 of 12,042
Hello everyone! Time for an update.

I visited my local dealer here, and we tried various tips. The two i liked most is the Xelastec ML and Audiosense Small.

It appears that i've got weird ear canal on the right, and there is a specific method i need to use to insert earphones on the right. With said technique, now the stock final audio E tips (small), Xelastec ML and Audiosense all fit nicely and stay in place. I purchased the Xelastec ML and Audiosense because i like the way they feel and fit.
Jun 7, 2021 at 4:55 AM Post #11,167 of 12,042
Hello everyone! Time for an update.

I visited my local dealer here, and we tried various tips. The two i liked most is the Xelastec ML and Audiosense Small.

It appears that i've got weird ear canal on the right, and there is a specific method i need to use to insert earphones on the right. With said technique, now the stock final audio E tips (small), Xelastec ML and Audiosense all fit nicely and stay in place. I purchased the Xelastec ML and Audiosense because i like the way they feel and fit.

Our ears are like our feet, there can be a very slight difference in size, i.e. one is very slightly larger than the other.
You may have noticed that the audiosense has elongated tips, thus a better fit is achieved...
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Jun 7, 2021 at 5:38 AM Post #11,168 of 12,042
On a side note, i realised that using the stock super litz cable with the preformed hook has a tendency to sometimes dislodge the earphones. When i switched to the stock cables for Comet, it felt more comfortable due to the absence of the preformed hook.

The hooks on the stock Solaris cable has sort of a spring-like tension to it, and it tries to reform to its original shape all the time. That spring-like feeling sometimes dislodges the earphone from my ear.
Jun 7, 2021 at 6:06 AM Post #11,169 of 12,042
On a side note, i realised that using the stock super litz cable with the preformed hook has a tendency to sometimes dislodge the earphones. When i switched to the stock cables for Comet, it felt more comfortable due to the absence of the preformed hook.

The hooks on the stock Solaris cable has sort of a spring-like tension to it, and it tries to reform to its original shape all the time. That spring-like feeling sometimes dislodges the earphone from my ear.
If the plastic that forms the preformed hooks are anything like that used by PW Audio you should be able to heat it up with a hairdryer to make it more malleable and shape it to your ear.
Jun 8, 2021 at 8:34 AM Post #11,170 of 12,042
If the plastic that forms the preformed hooks are anything like that used by PW Audio you should be able to heat it up with a hairdryer to make it more malleable and shape it to your ear.
Thank you for the suggestion, i’ve not seen a PW audio cable before, but i think they’d be similar material for the preformed earhooks. Will give that a try when i get my hands on a hairdryer.
For now, i have settled on the Symbio Mandarin tips, and for the cable issue, i used a DIY chin slider to minimise effect of the ear hooks.
Jun 8, 2021 at 9:00 AM Post #11,171 of 12,042
Thank you for the suggestion, i’ve not seen a PW audio cable before, but i think they’d be similar material for the preformed earhooks. Will give that a try when i get my hands on a hairdryer.
For now, i have settled on the Symbio Mandarin tips, and for the cable issue, i used a DIY chin slider to minimise effect of the ear hooks.
PW Cables discussion thread
Jun 24, 2021 at 3:30 PM Post #11,173 of 12,042
CA Solaris LE = LIMITED Edition ?
is this the same as the Solaris SE = Special Edition ?

IF NOT: What is the difference ?

Thanks & Regards
Jun 24, 2021 at 3:35 PM Post #11,174 of 12,042
CA Solaris LE = LIMITED Edition ?
is this the same as the Solaris SE = Special Edition ?

IF NOT: What is the difference ?

Thanks & Regards
LE = Updated drivers used in the 2020 Solaris version while using the chamber design of the original Solaris (not Single Boot).
SE = Updated mids driver from the OG Solaris but the others look to be the same, plus ceramic tuning chambers rather than the plastic ones used in the OG and LE (TAEC and the chamber used for the DD).
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Jun 24, 2021 at 8:12 PM Post #11,175 of 12,042
So I have a question for the Solaris owners; what is a good portable DAC/Amp or DAP setup to use with these? I purchased the iFi Hip DAC to try out since it was under $200. Figured it would work well since its the #1 seller on almost all sites. And so far it sounds great with them. But I was looking at possibly picking up the Sony Walkman NW-WM1A but for that price am I better off just using a really nice portable DAC and my iPhone like say the Chord Hugo 2 or Mojo/Poly? Thanks in advance.

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