Campfire - Solaris
Oct 31, 2018 at 9:51 AM Post #526 of 12,042
Yes U12 was thick, imo the perfect amount would be a little less than U12

Then but that's from memory, you won't be disappointed by the Solaris. I would say around the same thickness only Solaris has more clarity and transparency it's more articulate. U12 is darker.

Phantom are much thicker than U12 and Solaris.
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Oct 31, 2018 at 9:53 AM Post #527 of 12,042
If you've read the impressions above you know : I am blown away!
And even more so as I go through my test tracks... everything sounds great :)

The question is: Are you blown away to the point that you'll sell everything else and keep just Solaris :p
Oct 31, 2018 at 9:58 AM Post #528 of 12,042
The question is: Are you blown away to the point that you'll sell everything else and keep just Solaris :p

Why, you're buying :wink: ?

It's too early to tell and let's get out of the honeymoon phase to even think about that, but let's say I believe I could own only this one and be happy! I strongly believe it's going to be as much of a classic as Andromeda still is.

One thing is sure it's going to burn in 24/7 for two weeks and I'll probably listen 5/6 hours a day for a good while.
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:02 AM Post #529 of 12,042
So, I am curious about something, does Campfire Audio always provide Overnight shipping for their $1k+ IEMs or it's just for Solaris launch so people can get their IEMs quick ----> More Impressions on forums -----> More people buy Solaris and thus triggering a chain reaction.
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:06 AM Post #531 of 12,042
They don’t always provide free overnight. I paid for my overnight with Solaris.... should I ask for a refund? Ha.
"Your order has been refunded, the Fedex delivery has been recalled and Solaris is backordered for next 2 weeks"
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:26 AM Post #533 of 12,042
They’re here.

They’re HUGE. Mildly annoying in size alone.

The sound is very good so far. Need more time.
Mine is still on Fedex vehicle :'(
PS: Sorry guys I am just very excited.
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Oct 31, 2018 at 10:32 AM Post #534 of 12,042
Extremely natural sounding. Great bass, not even close to a basshead IEM like LX, U12, Vega/Atlas in quantity though. I wouldn't call it a warm IEM either. It's neutral. More Andromeda like than not if we're comparing.. It's a better, more natural Andro to me. Reminds me a bit of a Tia Forte without the super overtly bright treble, and without the weird mids.

Overall so far I'm impressed. I think this will be a new classic for CA fans.
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:33 AM Post #535 of 12,042
I also don't personally see any similarities to the u12, which I owed for a year and the a12 for a year after that. The u12 is much, much warmer with nearly no treble presence in comparison.
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:35 AM Post #536 of 12,042
Extremely natural sounding. Great bass, not even close to a basshead IEM like LX, U12, Vega/Atlas in quantity though. I wouldn't call it a warm IEM either. It's neutral. More Andromeda like than not if we're comparing.. It's a better, more natural Andro to me. Reminds me a bit of a Tia Forte without the super overtly bright treble, and without the weird mids.

Overall so far I'm impressed. I think this will be a new classic for CA fans.
Hey man, remember that prototype Tia Forte we talked about a while back with the extremely natural midrange and perfect Treble? Does Solaris have that level of naturalness?
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:35 AM Post #537 of 12,042
So, sound (out of the box, from WM1Z with Hansound Zen 4 wires balanced)... unburnt and just the 5mn impressions which are absolutely raw :
  • the bass is well extended, nice sub bass and lots lots of texture it's a rich bass very "tactile" it draws you in the music. There is a "presence" that is indeed speaker like. The bass quality is off the charts it's the richest textures I ever had the pleasure to listen to. And one thing struck me : how layered the bass is, oh my! On the flipside it's not very tight and I'd like a touch more control right now but I expect burn in will settle it, I remember the Vega burn in process so I'll be very cautious there. This being said I think this is bass done right, but basshead might better go the Atlas way. Again very first impressions and not even cycled through my usual test tracks.
  • the mids are very smooth with good separation, while remaining articulate. Not as thick as I would have expected from what I have read, don't misread it - it has proper body and weight - but nowhere near Phantom thickness (ok, comparing to the king of thickness there). It's more akin to the VE8 mids, only a tad warmer which I like a lot. The mids strike a very nice balance between articulation and smoothness making for a very euphonic presentation, it's highly musical. Again layering is great, there is a richness to the sound not in the sense it's detailed and articulate (which it is) but in the realism provided by hearing more layers to the sound. Hard to describe.
  • the highs are just... well sublime! I have never had the pleasure of listening to Andromeda but this sounds like what I read about their treble. There is plenty of detail and just the right amount of sparkle, it bring a lot of air to a signature that could have been on the dark side without them. It's the first IEM since the VE8 that has me wowed by treble... I'd say the VE8 has faster more feathery treble with quicker decay but the Solaris has more weight and body making it also very "tactile" (for lack of a better word). Note linger beautifully when called for and this is something I had only heard on Final Heaven VI. There is a beauty that I think I will enjoy a great deal. It's also absolutely smooth. Amazing...
Now the soundstage, it's not the widest or tallest but the depth is really great and the overall feeling is very holographic and coherent. You don't get a feeling of grand soundstage more like being there with a realism that is really drawing you into the music. I am currently testing a bit of metal listening to Enter Sandman I can vouch that the Solaris is smooth as hell, and the imaging is something to behold I am hearing things in terms of how instruments are panning somewhat diagonally I can understand why @Jackpot77 mentioned that Solaris was Moebius like in that 3D ability to render the origin of sound.

There is something reminiscent of the qualities that had me love the U12 (the first of the name, the one with ADEL) only with much better transparency and infinitely better treble.

25mn listening I know those are something very special and unique, I have a smile on my face and shivers down my spine no less!
Now of to proper listening as it's very raw impressions but consider me very impressed congrats @KB

I prefer "One" as a better test track than Enter Sandman as the speed and quality of the bass guitar, electric guitar, and drums hit hard and quick. I like to hear if the impact is hard and the decay doesn't bloom while hearing separation between those 3 instruments. Many hybrids don't do well on this track as the decay of thr DD is usually is a little too long. If you can give me impressions with this song after it's burned in that could decide if it will be the new number one Christmas IEM gift to myself.

The Sony is the last IEM that hasn't been on sale yet that some are looking forward too and I'm one of them, but I think that I'll wait as I don't trust the Sony to be comfortable to wear for more than an hour and the USA cost can drop a bit with time or there's accessory jack, but I would want to buy through Amazon if possible.

I have a feeling that the Solaris vs Z1R debate will be one of the bigger topics next year as there are lots of fanboys on both sides. If there's a price drop for the Trio, then I'd also consider picking one up next year.
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:37 AM Post #539 of 12,042
Hey man, remember that prototype Tia Forte we talked about a while back with the extremely natural midrange and perfect Treble? Does Solaris have that level of naturalness?

It's not quite as good, but it's close, yes. The prototype Forte had an unnatural amount of space and air in comparison. These are more intimate. The mids are great to me, but not lush and gooey like you may enjoy. Everything else I think you'll like a lot. Interested to hear your thoughts.
Oct 31, 2018 at 10:39 AM Post #540 of 12,042
It's not quite as good, but it's close, yes. The prototype Forte had an unnatural amount of space and air in comparison. These are more intimate. The mids are great to me, but not lush and gooey like you may enjoy. Everything else I think you'll like a lot. Interested to hear your thoughts.
I should have it within 20-30 mins. (Hopefully)

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