Campfire Audio Vega (and Dorado and Lyra II) - Head-Fi TV
Mar 7, 2017 at 1:34 PM Post #3,031 of 5,394
Did you get your Elear?
The more I listen to them the more I feel like I got a full size open back Vega :D
Those don't sound like your usual open back at all... the bass and dynamics are so Vega like!
I have done back to back sessions and the Vega have the edge on imaging and clarity but the Elear have well bigger and airier soundstage and have the edge on realism (oversimplified comparison but to give the idea).

I apologize if my first response was unclear. I've had the Elear since September. I just got the Vega from ALO a couple days ago. I haven't done any A/B'ing between the two but I can definitely hear some similarities. The Vega just have more body than I've heard in an IEM before. All that said, I agree with your assessment thus far. I'll probably A/B them over the weekend.
Mar 7, 2017 at 1:47 PM Post #3,032 of 5,394
  I apologize if my first response was unclear. I've had the Elear since September. I just got the Vega from ALO a couple days ago. I haven't done any A/B'ing between the two but I can definitely hear some similarities. The Vega just have more body than I've heard in an IEM before. All that said, I agree with your assessment thus far. I'll probably A/B them over the weekend.

No worries, I might have read to quickly!
So we're basically reversed :) 
Looking forward to reading your impressions 
Mar 7, 2017 at 2:30 PM Post #3,033 of 5,394
Hi guys,
Does anyone know if the tips included in any of the campfire audio IEM are all the same?
Do they all use the same size and are they comply foam tips?
I took a pair of tips from can jam and I believe they are from campfire audio. I tried them and they fit on my IE800. Cannot figure out if they are indeed comply or not.
Trying to see if these are comply or just foam tips. I would obviously go with the foam tips from campfire since they sound amazing but also want to know if I would be wasting my money buying comply tips (if they are the same)
Would anyone know?
Thanks for the help.
Mar 7, 2017 at 3:06 PM Post #3,034 of 5,394
  Hi guys,
Does anyone know if the tips included in any of the campfire audio IEM are all the same?
Do they all use the same size and are they comply foam tips?
I took a pair of tips from can jam and I believe they are from campfire audio. I tried them and they fit on my IE800. Cannot figure out if they are indeed comply or not.
Trying to see if these are comply or just foam tips. I would obviously go with the foam tips from campfire since they sound amazing but also want to know if I would be wasting my money buying comply tips (if they are the same)
Would anyone know?
Thanks for the help.

Hmm... I'm sure someone will come along with a more definitive answer but from what I can recall, the Jupiter and Andromeda had the same tip selection. I want to say they had their own foams and Comply as well. I don't use foams so I don't pay much attention to that. I think the Vega came with different silicone tips than the Andro and Jupiter but they have the same foams? I don't remember seeing Comply tips in the box. The Vega also come with Spinfits. Not sure if that helps :/
Mar 7, 2017 at 3:13 PM Post #3,035 of 5,394
Update: I'm starting to believe in burn-in 
 I'm liking them more and more! On another note, I've plugged these into the crappiest/noisiest source I have (my work PC w/iTunes). To my surprise, I don't think they sound bad at all. Obviously not at their best but based on previous posts I assumed I wouldn't be able to use these without a solid DAC/amp. Starting to think this was a "sound" investment!  
Mar 7, 2017 at 5:19 PM Post #3,036 of 5,394
  Update: I'm starting to believe in burn-in 
 I'm liking them more and more! On another note, I've plugged these into the crappiest/noisiest source I have (my work PC w/iTunes). To my surprise, I don't think they sound bad at all. Obviously not at their best but based on previous posts I assumed I wouldn't be able to use these without a solid DAC/amp. Starting to think this was a "sound" investment!  

Yea, Im not a big believer in burn in either, but I am pretty sure brain burn in is real, and have noticed on a few iems that the more I listen, the more I like them (not all though). But if even the man who created these says to burn them in, well, maybe there is some validity to it. Though I figured just listening would be more than enough. I am probably somewhere over 100 hours with them now, and they just sound fantastic. The sound is nice and full, and just so natural and musical. And while it doesnt quite have the same clarity or edginess of my ba iems (specifically the it03), detail is not lacking at all. Doesnt feel like there is any part of the audio spectrum I am missing out on (granted I have not heard anything else considered totl) and it is a sound signature that I just really enjoy for everything I listen to. I also think endgame is silly, but as my first foray into totl territory, I can definitely say I am totally satisfied and my desire to go out and buy more iems is pretty much completely gone because of these.
Mar 7, 2017 at 5:23 PM Post #3,037 of 5,394
  Yea, Im not a big believer in burn in either, but I am pretty sure brain burn in is real, and have noticed on a few iems that the more I listen, the more I like them (not all though). But if even the man who created these says to burn them in, well, maybe there is some validity to it. Though I figured just listening would be more than enough. I am probably somewhere over 100 hours with them now, and they just sound fantastic. The sound is nice and full, and just so natural and musical. And while it doesnt quite have the same clarity or edginess of my ba iems (specifically the it03), detail is not lacking at all. Doesnt feel like there is any part of the audio spectrum I am missing out on (granted I have not heard anything else considered totl) and it is a sound signature that I just really enjoy for everything I listen to. I also think endgame is silly, but as my first foray into totl territory, I can definitely say I am totally satisfied and my desire to go out and buy more iems is pretty much completely gone because of these.

how is the fit for you with vega
and can you compare sound stage between it03 and vega
i think from what you worte above the vega is ranked way better than it03
Mar 7, 2017 at 5:44 PM Post #3,038 of 5,394
  how is the fit for you with vega
and can you compare sound stage between it03 and vega
i think from what you worte above the vega is ranked way better than it03

I really havent used the IT03 since I got the vega. Fit for me with the vega is great and was part of the reason I actually went with the vega over say the andromeda. I had major fit issues with the it03, so I was looking for something small. The only potential issues I have with fit is that with the angled nozzles, I get a nice slightly deeper fit than I am used to with some others. This isnt bad, but its made it slightly difficult to find perfect fitting tips. I know foam is recommended, but I have never been able to get a good fit with foam and dont want to have to worry about tips that fall apart and need replacing. I tried spiral dots, and they had a bit too good of a seal that caused some pressure issues, and I have settled mostly on medium spiral dots, but due to my ears being slightly different sizes, I find one of them starts to feel kind of loose after longer listening sessions. Too bad there isnt an inbetween size between medium and large. Though these are all minor issues, and the fact that they are so small has made it really easy to listen to these for 3-4 hours a day or more, just have to do a bit of adjusting sometimes.
I would say soundstage is probably similar between them, with the it03 maybe feeling slightly wider (though that might also have been due to the fact that in order to get them comfortable, I had a ridiculous tip extension which moved them pretty far from my ears). The Vega is not the widest but has pretty good depth. Though due to the tech they use in the vega they are nice and detailed so imaging is good and you really get good separation between instruments and nothing gets lost. I would have to go back and really compare though to give you a better answer. As I said, its been a while since I listened to the it03.
Way better... hmm, I dunno, the it03 is very good for the price. The vega is definitely in a different league, but its all about diminishing returns here, so I dont know any real objective way to measure how much better it is. The sound is more detailed, though maybe with a bit less clarity, and just comes across as more coherent and more natural. Beyond that, i think its really down to preference of the sound signature. Though the vega has a sound signature that I really love, it manages to emphasize bass, and mids, and treble while still feeling balanced. The bass I think is one place most people talk about, and it can feel huge at times, but its never at the expense of the rest of the sound. The IT03 doesnt really go for that emphasis, except maybe in sub bass, and while still balanced, it definitely presents as more natural, and maybe a bit brighter.
Mar 7, 2017 at 5:56 PM Post #3,039 of 5,394
  Yea, Im not a big believer in burn in either, but I am pretty sure brain burn in is real, and have noticed on a few iems that the more I listen, the more I like them (not all though). But if even the man who created these says to burn them in, well, maybe there is some validity to it. Though I figured just listening would be more than enough. I am probably somewhere over 100 hours with them now, and they just sound fantastic. The sound is nice and full, and just so natural and musical. And while it doesnt quite have the same clarity or edginess of my ba iems (specifically the it03), detail is not lacking at all. Doesnt feel like there is any part of the audio spectrum I am missing out on (granted I have not heard anything else considered totl) and it is a sound signature that I just really enjoy for everything I listen to. I also think endgame is silly, but as my first foray into totl territory, I can definitely say I am totally satisfied and my desire to go out and buy more iems is pretty much completely gone because of these.

In two days, I went from "meh" to "on the fence" to "fairly certain these are my new daily drivers." I've never changed my mind that drastically with any other headphone or IEM over any stretch of time. I don't know what to attribute it to, possibly numerous factors. I have been letting them play even when not in use but not overnight, though. That being said, I'm somewhere around the 20-hour mark for burn-in I'm guessing. I wouldn't say the sound is overly V or W shaped but the Vega is not as balanced as my Katana or Sirius. Vega is very coherent, though. Resolution, falls short of the Katana but stretches noticeably beyond the Sirius' reach. Once the shootout between the Katana and Kaiser Encore has concluded, I think I will be as close to end-game as I can be (with three TOTL IMEs) 
 However, the Dream and Celeste are on the horizon. I'm going to try my best to just play spectator for those, though 
Mar 7, 2017 at 5:59 PM Post #3,040 of 5,394
I also think endgame is silly, but as my first foray into totl territory, I can definitely say I am totally satisfied and my desire to go out and buy more iems is pretty much completely gone because of these.

It is? I'm having a weird side effect with the Andromeda. Zero complaints or a sense of something missing, but strangely,that Andro win left me so curious about the Vega that the brain has being trying to justify the unfrugalily of getting a set, just because of nonsense like "Oh, but that Andro is full BA. You should have at least one top notch dynamic, because well, it's still a 10/10 but it's a different way of writing 10/10".

Having both would be entering fanboy territory tho. Must avoid it.
Mar 7, 2017 at 6:08 PM Post #3,041 of 5,394
It is? I'm having a weird side effect with the Andromeda. Zero complaints or a sense of something missing, but strangely,that Andro win left me so curious about the Vega that the brain has being trying to justify the unfrugalily of getting a set, just because of nonsense like "Oh, but that Andro is full BA. You should have at least one top notch dynamic, because well, it's still a 10/10 but it's a different way of writing 10/10".

Having both would be entering fanboy territory tho. Must avoid it.

Yea, that thought did cross my mind briefly, except in reverse. Having heard such great things about the andromeda, and purchasing the vega without getting to listen to either has left me wondering what a totl ba might sound like. But it was difficult enough for me to justify the expense of the vega to myself, I dont think I could pull the mental gymnastics required here for me to get another one, even though I can afford it. But, I am satisfied enough that the desire to do that really hasnt been there for more than a brief moment.
Mar 7, 2017 at 6:16 PM Post #3,042 of 5,394
It is? I'm having a weird side effect with the Andromeda. Zero complaints or a sense of something missing, but strangely,that Andro win left me so curious about the Vega that the brain has being trying to justify the unfrugalily of getting a set, just because of nonsense like "Oh, but that Andro is full BA. You should have at least one top notch dynamic, because well, it's still a 10/10 but it's a different way of writing 10/10".

Having both would be entering fanboy territory tho. Must avoid it.

Yeah, I have one TOTL BA, one TOTL DD, and one TOTL hybrid. Of course, I don't need them all but they all provide something special that the others don't and I'm hoping it will keep me from getting bored and wandering even further down the rabbit hole haha.
Mar 7, 2017 at 6:24 PM Post #3,043 of 5,394
Yea, that thought did cross my mind briefly, except in reverse. Having heard such great things about the andromeda, and purchasing the vega without getting to listen to either has left me wondering what a totl ba might sound like. But it was difficult enough for me to justify the expense of the vega to myself, I dont think I could pull the mental gymnastics required here for me to get another one, even though I can afford it. But, I am satisfied enough that the desire to do that really hasnt been there for more than a brief moment.

Pretty much my case. Wouldn't be too difficult to budget it at this time, but I know I'd have trouble being happy with it due to the notion of value. For people who use IEMs a lot it might be easier, but I also use full size cans and usually prefer those, so having almost 3k in a couple of IEMs would sound insane.

At the same time tho, something makes it sound as if it is reasonable.

Yesterday before bed I had a peaceful moment with the house all silent and just enjoyed the Andromeda with a few recordings that left me amazed realizing that I was actually preferring to listen on the Andro than the Z1R. Clarity and positioning/separation is fantastic.

Gave me that curiosity about the Vega... :D

A/B'ing both would be a very interesting exercise.
Mar 7, 2017 at 7:41 PM Post #3,044 of 5,394
I have quite a few earphones pass my way via Head pie and have found a good 50-100 hours improves on the initial sound on most of them. Some require more.

Usually the bass tightens up, treble gets smoother and sometimes the mids come up a bit.

I usually listen during the day and leave them playing over night (8-10 hours) at a moderate level to burn/break them in.

Companies recommend it, some readers think burn in is true, some dont. Burning in for 100 hours keeps everyone happy.


Vega and cables.

I am still slowly working on the comparisons.
A new baby had slowed me down a bit :)

I like the Litz with the Vega on the Opus#1 dap, and like the Reference 8 with the iBasso DX200. Synergy with the source makes a difference and knowing what improvements one is after helps.

I have ALO tinsel se/bal, ALO Litz se/bal, Ref 8 se/bal.

Also other brands. But will keep this conversation within the CA/ALO camp.

I have done some notes. And i have some spare days coming up where I will finish up the ALO Audio IEM cable reviews and impressions by the end of March.

My Vega now is quite a different beast to the one fresh out of the box. More refined overall.

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