Breaking News: HE1000 V2

Aug 21, 2016 at 12:17 PM Post #151 of 386
I guess I am more excited about the Edition X. Tried it as part of a tour, absolutely fell in love with the sound but was severely disappointed with quality control and build quality. If they were able to substantially improve that, and maybe even lower the price, I might end up buying it :)
I hope they have another loaner program for the edition x!
Aug 25, 2016 at 4:05 PM Post #153 of 386
We need a loaner program and more impressions..
Aug 28, 2016 at 6:54 PM Post #154 of 386
I come from the future (april 2017) to tell you the changes in the V3 version of Hifiman HE-1000:
"We replaced the cheap and poor quality wood veener with real wood, like Audeze but better"
"We included a pure silver cable, because silver is a better conductor of electricity than copper"
"New lambskin and alcantara pads, because is more expensive"
"Our profit margin is so big that, even with that big changes, we'll charge the same for the product"
"It's a bargain because, at only 3k, it looks almost like the Shangri-La"
It's OK and necessary to improve products, but with a huge Beta testers program, it's not correct to release the exact product that the Beta testers wanted 1 year later to make more profit of a second version.
Aug 29, 2016 at 3:53 PM Post #156 of 386
Sorry to break things, but it's absolutely disgusting what Hifiman is doing right now and i have no interest on supporting them.  Hifiman could learn from Sennheiser. 

They "fine tuned" the HD800 for years. 
After 5-6 years they released different variant of HD800, beats competition out of the water and ask less than HALF what competitors do.

>Be a Hifiman
>Release headphones, priced at 3K $
>At 3K$  and in terms of QC you dont get even half what Sennheiser offers

<1 year passes
>Release HE1000 V2!!!!
>Change the earpads
>retail price 3000$
>Someone asks do they release replacement pads for HE1000 V1 customers?
>Don't answer.

< 1 years passes
>BRAND NEW HE1000 V3!!!!
>earpads now the same as the HE1000 V1, because they sound better
>we added now even 1 more notch to the headpand, for improvement comfort
>earcup is now 10mm
>Retail price 4000$
<Still customers report bad QC

I don't own any Hifiman products. And what they are doing i don't plan ether in the future. I do not mind new innovations and new ideas in the headphone world. But this is just plain ridiculous
Aug 29, 2016 at 4:13 PM Post #157 of 386
It's OK...they offered free upgrades...for 3 lucky fellows per month...there are guys who are over the moon about it

Having already owned HM801, HM-901, HM-901S, balanced sound card, dock, RE-600, HE-500, HE-560 and now HE-1000, they have finally succeeded in losing the support of a loyal customer for good. Well done!
Aug 29, 2016 at 9:58 PM Post #158 of 386
I come from the future (april 2017) to tell you the changes in the V3 version of Hifiman HE-1000:
"We replaced the cheap and poor quality wood veener with real wood, like Audeze but better"
"We included a pure silver cable, because silver is a better conductor of electricity than copper"
"New lambskin and alcantara pads, because is more expensive"
"Our profit margin is so big that, even with that big changes, we'll charge the same for the product"
"It's a bargain because, at only 3k, it looks almost like the Shangri-La"
It's OK and necessary to improve products, but with a huge Beta testers program, it's not correct to release the exact product that the Beta testers wanted 1 year later to make more profit of a second version.

You forgot to mention that the new diaphragm membrane is so thin, it has to be spun by rare African spiders. This means that they can only manufacture one per night. But the treble extends to 230 kHz, meaning much more air around instruments. But since the spiders have to be paid, the cost will increase by $1246 per unit.
Aug 30, 2016 at 1:43 PM Post #161 of 386
One must be too serious to even think that he's not joking
Aug 31, 2016 at 11:05 PM Post #163 of 386
It's OK...they offered free upgrades...for 3 lucky fellows per month...there are guys who are over the moon about it :D  LoL


Were you get your info?
I like to know what's going on and if any upgrade offers or plans .
Is No news good news?
Sep 1, 2016 at 12:18 AM Post #164 of 386
Sep 1, 2016 at 8:30 PM Post #165 of 386
Could see the pun around Hifiman strategy and comparison with Sennheisers :-) Do agree on the HiFiman QC issues guys but at end of the day it comes down to the preference of HEK Vs HD800 Vs LCDs sound signatures.

Durable or not, the hobbyists will buy something they like instead of something which will last for decades..that includes me as well so i bought HEK and do admit the build quality leaving a lot to be desired  !  anyways enjoying the music ... while it lasts ..Ha Ha 

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