I had a chance to listen to the Utopia's at the semi-recent SF meetup.
I found the Utopias to many times be lacking "depth" to the sound. With my HEKs I can often not tell if a sound is coming from the music I'm listening to or from the room I am sitting in. The Utopia for me always felt like I was listening to music whereas the HEK felt like I was in a room of music. Granted thats not to say the HEKs are a stand-in for my towers but its damn close for certain genres. I do find that the HEKs do lack a high degree of impact to the low end for some types of music like EDM or Metal. For this reason I recently picked up the MrSpeakers Ether C Flow as a supplement to my HEKs.
You should have checked the HE1000 tape mod thread here,
which brings in more details,
But I did not do as I am awaiting V2,
And as an easier addition to that mod,
I added the foam mod there,
which brings in more slam/impact.
The HEK sounds great with the schiit Jotunheim as well.