Bowers & Wilkins PX7 noise-cancelling over ear headphones
Dec 18, 2019 at 11:10 PM Post #1,156 of 2,202
I just can't get into those cloth-covered cups. Dust magnets, lint magnets, skin/hair oil magnets. P7W still superior. Now, if someone would figure out how to swap the torturous P7W headband with the PX7 (which I assume is more comfortable, because how could it not be?) I would be truly satisfied.

I read B&W replied in one of the question at Amazon that the cloth covered cups are treated to repel oil and water so it can be cleaned easily
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Dec 18, 2019 at 11:21 PM Post #1,157 of 2,202
I received a replacement pair of PX7s today through the warranty service after my first set had extensive issues with buttons rattling and the pervasive clicking/popping noise. Glad to report the new set has no such issues. It seems to be a build quality issue with the early batches. If you are in this camp, there is hope. Return, replace and enjoy!
Dec 19, 2019 at 3:11 AM Post #1,158 of 2,202
Hi everyone, my first ever post here :)

I recently got a pair of PX and I absolutely love the sound and the build quality, but there are some things that frustrate me and I want to know if they got fixed or changed in the PX7:

1. Volume control on the PX doesn't control the volume on the phone. This is my main issue, I know that some people enjoy having independent volume controls, but for me it's really inconvenient, I have to max it out on the phone every time I connect them. I don't have this issue on my laptop (Windows/Mac). I looked and looked online for this but I can't find a clear answer.Did they change this in the PX7?

2. Changing the ANC mode requires the app instead of being able to cycle through the modes using the button. I searched for this one online and it seems that you can cycle through modes on the PX7, but could someone confirm this?

3. Comfort, the PX is awful => this one is pretty clear from the other posts that it has been fixed (yey!)

If at least point 1. has been changed, I think it enough reason for me to sell the PX and get the PX7.
Thank you all and a Merry Christmas!
Dec 19, 2019 at 3:17 AM Post #1,159 of 2,202
Hi everyone, my first ever post here :)

I recently got a pair of PX and I absolutely love the sound and the build quality, but there are some things that frustrate me and I want to know if they got fixed or changed in the PX7:

1. Volume control on the PX doesn't control the volume on the phone. This is my main issue, I know that some people enjoy having independent volume controls, but for me it's really inconvenient, I have to max it out on the phone every time I connect them. I don't have this issue on my laptop (Windows/Mac). I looked and looked online for this but I can't find a clear answer.Did they change this in the PX7?

2. Changing the ANC mode requires the app instead of being able to cycle through the modes using the button. I searched for this one online and it seems that you can cycle through modes on the PX7, but could someone confirm this?

3. Comfort, the PX is awful => this one is pretty clear from the other posts that it has been fixed (yey!)

If at least point 1. has been changed, I think it enough reason for me to sell the PX and get the PX7.
Thank you all and a Merry Christmas!

ANC can be changed by the left headset button , it will cycle from low, high , auto , off, 2 seconds holding will get u into ambient transparency mode (see more in the manual link to the pdf file below). my ANC button isnt very responsive, I think its a manufacturing defect, my first unit wasn't responsive, 2nd pair is a bit bad, but I can live with that as long i press it in the center pressure. I bought another pair as a gift for my friend a silver variant actually it looks quite good on silver. that pair has perfect ANC button. I think B&W build quality is really inconsistent Manual.pdf
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Dec 19, 2019 at 3:38 AM Post #1,161 of 2,202
Hi everyone, my first ever post here :)

I recently got a pair of PX and I absolutely love the sound and the build quality, but there are some things that frustrate me and I want to know if they got fixed or changed in the PX7:

1. Volume control on the PX doesn't control the volume on the phone. This is my main issue, I know that some people enjoy having independent volume controls, but for me it's really inconvenient, I have to max it out on the phone every time I connect them. I don't have this issue on my laptop (Windows/Mac). I looked and looked online for this but I can't find a clear answer.Did they change this in the PX7?

2. Changing the ANC mode requires the app instead of being able to cycle through the modes using the button. I searched for this one online and it seems that you can cycle through modes on the PX7, but could someone confirm this?

3. Comfort, the PX is awful => this one is pretty clear from the other posts that it has been fixed (yey!)

If at least point 1. has been changed, I think it enough reason for me to sell the PX and get the PX7.
Thank you all and a Merry Christmas!
Hi everyone, my first ever post here :)

I recently got a pair of PX and I absolutely love the sound and the build quality, but there are some things that frustrate me and I want to know if they got fixed or changed in the PX7:

1. Volume control on the PX doesn't control the volume on the phone. This is my main issue, I know that some people enjoy having independent volume controls, but for me it's really inconvenient, I have to max it out on the phone every time I connect them. I don't have this issue on my laptop (Windows/Mac). I looked and looked online for this but I can't find a clear answer.Did they change this in the PX7?

2. Changing the ANC mode requires the app instead of being able to cycle through the modes using the button. I searched for this one online and it seems that you can cycle through modes on the PX7, but could someone confirm this?

3. Comfort, the PX is awful => this one is pretty clear from the other posts that it has been fixed (yey!)

If at least point 1. has been changed, I think it enough reason for me to sell the PX and get the PX7.
Thank you all and a Merry Christmas![/QUOTE
1)Volume on the PX7 control's volume on my S10+
2) ANC mode can be changed from headphone itself.
3) comfort miles better than the PX. ( My previous ANC headphone was PX).
Dec 19, 2019 at 5:53 AM Post #1,162 of 2,202
Hi everyone, my first ever post here :)

I recently got a pair of PX and I absolutely love the sound and the build quality, but there are some things that frustrate me and I want to know if they got fixed or changed in the PX7:

1. Volume control on the PX doesn't control the volume on the phone. This is my main issue, I know that some people enjoy having independent volume controls, but for me it's really inconvenient, I have to max it out on the phone every time I connect them. I don't have this issue on my laptop (Windows/Mac). I looked and looked online for this but I can't find a clear answer.Did they change this in the PX7?
That sounds like either a setting with your phone or a bug. The PX when I had it always synchronised the volume control with my phone (iOS). I know some devices do work in this slightly odd way (my car for one) - almost akin to an analogue audio connection, but the PX definitely synchronised the volume for me, as does the PX7.
Dec 19, 2019 at 5:58 AM Post #1,163 of 2,202
Thanks for the answers so far.

I'm on S8+, tested on OnePlus5 as well, same problem. I think it's how they implemented it, at least on Android, there was a similar post on the PX thread, I don't have any iOS devices to try on.

So I guess the question should have been: does the PX7 control the phone's volume on Android? (jainkjohn said it does on his S10+, so I maybe they fixed it)
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Dec 19, 2019 at 12:54 PM Post #1,164 of 2,202
Contacted Avantree again about APTX adaptive USB adapters....

"Hi xx,

Thanks for contacting us. We are planning but no exact date yet. : )"

last time I asked them they said something about no SDK from Qualcomm, maybe something is finally happening now?

Will also be interesting to see if more headsets or even True wireless launches with Aptx Adeptive in CES 2020.
Dec 19, 2019 at 1:00 PM Post #1,165 of 2,202
Hi, you need to go into bluetooth setting and enable volume sync otherwise they will operate separately. Comfort is better than the pxs less pressure and lighter. Sound is different tighter cleaner deeper bass being the biggest difference.
Dec 19, 2019 at 1:07 PM Post #1,166 of 2,202
It’s my gut feel too that the sound has changed slightly fir the better after the update, but again it could just been burn in or a placebo effect.
Whilst I agree the M3 is the more consistent performer, the PX7 never fails to engage me more emotionally with the music and I love this. I still think it’s the best all round ANC set on the market right now.

Well second post from uk. My feeling is that the treble is less course,cleaner but it could be that it's still burning in. Overall happy and generally very good sound. Sometimes spectacular but I think these are very revealing headphones so less forgiving.
Dec 19, 2019 at 2:40 PM Post #1,167 of 2,202
Hi, you need to go into bluetooth setting and enable volume sync otherwise they will operate separately. Comfort is better than the pxs less pressure and lighter. Sound is different tighter cleaner deeper bass being the biggest difference.

Yes, silly me, had no idea that setting existed. For people that have the same problem (if any), on Samsung phones it's under Bluetooth->Advanced->Media Volume Sync.
No idea how it got disabled on my phone, and right at the same time I got my headphones (the day before getting the PX's I was on ATH-SR50 and the volume worked, this and a similar post from the PX thread made me think that it's the PX's fault :grin: ).

Thanks for the input!
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Dec 20, 2019 at 5:36 AM Post #1,168 of 2,202
Did you try the PX that came in the hardcase? The headband padding is softer and the earpads seem to have a bit wider footprint. That being said, they're not comfort kings, but they are no longer intolerable for me. Plus, being on sale for $229 helps.

I’ve owned the PX for about 7 months now, and really like the SQ, and the material and build quality. Comfort is just tolerable, though. As you pointed out, the pads are a bit softer on this version 2.0 than on the 1st version that came with the soft carry case, which was downright unwearable for me.

Before reading this thread, I was planning on buying the PX7 because I was hoping that it was going to be a more comfortable version of my PX, with better features, and maybe a few tweaks to the sound signature. After reading the thread, I’m left with the impression that B&W went in a very different direction when tuning the PX7, relative to the PX.

Being that you’ve recently listened to both the PX7 and the PX, I was wondering if you’d be kind enough to share your impressions of how they compare to each other when it comes to sound quality, sound signature, build quality, and comfort. Thanks in advance!
Dec 20, 2019 at 8:41 AM Post #1,169 of 2,202
I’ve owned the PX for about 7 months now, and really like the SQ, and the material and build quality. Comfort is just tolerable, though. As you pointed out, the pads are a bit softer on this version 2.0 than on the 1st version that came with the soft carry case, which was downright unwearable for me.

Before reading this thread, I was planning on buying the PX7 because I was hoping that it was going to be a more comfortable version of my PX, with better features, and maybe a few tweaks to the sound signature. After reading the thread, I’m left with the impression that B&W went in a very different direction when tuning the PX7, relative to the PX.

Being that you’ve recently listened to both the PX7 and the PX, I was wondering if you’d be kind enough to share your impressions of how they compare to each other when it comes to sound quality, sound signature, build quality, and comfort. Thanks in advance!

I still own both.

If you get a good seal with the PX' horrible pads, you get a warm, relatively mid-centric sound signature. Bass is slightly north of neutral, mids are very lush and present, treble is sculpted but relatively linear and inoffensive. The PX7 has much more bass, which hits hard but has good speed and texture. Mids are taking the backseat, but a mild emphasis in the presence region keeps them from drowning. Lower treble is slightly muted, while mid/upper treble is emphasized to keep details and positional information. The PX7 sounds more spacious btw. and has better instruments separation.

The PX7 are a clear improvement over the PX for me. Their signature is different and very relaxed which is fine for me, because I use them for traveling and because of their noise cancelling function. The PX7's ANC is much better than the PX' and doesn't destroy the sound quality.

@hifi80sman complained about the mid/upper treble emphasis (around 10khz), which is a very personal thing. Some people are sensitive towards certain frequencies (that would be 8khz for me but 10khz for @hifi80sman ). If you cannot stand Beyerdynamic Headphones, you won't like the PX7.
Dec 20, 2019 at 10:51 AM Post #1,170 of 2,202
Mine arrived today, had some issues setting them up. They paired fine but then disconnected and froze (LED on and would not power on or off). This eventually cleared with a reset.

What struck me out of the box though is they are huge, I knew they did not fold down but they do not even fold flat I.e. when the headband is on a flat surface the ears are tilted up quite significantly. It is IMO a very odd design as you would think that the key use case for ANC headphones is on the move. It is almost as if the B&W have said to their design team ‘Make the footprint as large as possible’

Initial view on the sound and ANC is I am impressed. So need to weigh up if they are worth the carry burden or if I return them and go full circle back to the ear cooking 1000 M3s.

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