Bowers & Wilkins PX7 noise-cancelling over ear headphones
Dec 17, 2019 at 2:57 AM Post #1,126 of 2,202
What exactly is the soundscapes addition? I returned mine, so I obviously can't update them.

Did they add an EQ? The 10k spike just bothered me, so I decided to go back to the original PX, which now comes with a nice hard case similar to the PX7. They also seem to be a bit more comfortable than I originally remember.

what do you mean by 10k spike?
Dec 17, 2019 at 4:20 AM Post #1,128 of 2,202
It might sound odd but it’s difficult to describe because it’s so varied depending on the genre and source material.
In general though compared to the M3 (I’ve had these twice now), the PX7 has the bigger soundstage, more low-mid bass, but less sub bass than the M3. The M3 is also more forward vocally than the PX7.
Despite its flaws and sometimes appearing quite veiled, there is something foot-tappingly good about the PX7.
Make no mistake, the M3 is superb, but I think the PX7 is the better overall package and with some genres sounds more exciting than the M3.

Thanks, are you describing the PX7 as 'veiled' because it has recessed treble? Also, do you remember whether the M3 or PX7 had more treble quantity? Thanks
Dec 17, 2019 at 7:41 AM Post #1,129 of 2,202
Thanks, are you describing the PX7 as 'veiled' because it has recessed treble? Also, do you remember whether the M3 or PX7 had more treble quantity? Thanks
This is the thing, sometimes the low treble and high mids do feel slightly recessed but at other times they really sparkle.

If there was one thing I’d change about the PX7 it would be slightly less mid bass and a touch more sub bass (like the B&O H9). I think this would help with the fatigue I sometimes feel with them - they’re punchy but almost too punchy!

Apart from that I do really rate them - get the right source material and they’re incredible.

Edit: should point out I’m an exclusive Apple user so AAC is the only codec I’m using.
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Dec 17, 2019 at 8:01 AM Post #1,130 of 2,202
Just did my second ever transatlantic with these yesterday and I have to say I’ve never been able to actually enjoy music on a plane (so much as use music to drown out noise and pass time) before owning the PX7. Still of the opinion that the PX7 is a real winner in the ANC over ear category.
Dec 17, 2019 at 12:48 PM Post #1,131 of 2,202
Thanks, are you describing the PX7 as 'veiled' because it has recessed treble? Also, do you remember whether the M3 or PX7 had more treble quantity? Thanks
The M3 has an overall better treble response. It's far more consistent and even-handed from low to high treble. There may be a slight uptick around 8 kHz to 10 kHz, but not too much. Treble sounds far more natural on the M3. The PX7 sounds veiled in the high mids to low treble, roughly from 1 kHz to 6 kHz (I have to play with EQ in this range). There seems to be a huge spike at around 10 kHz or so, which some may like because it brings out cymbals and snares, but it's boosted probably around 8+ dB.

A lot of manufacturers will boost their headphones/IEMs in the 8 kHz to 10 kHz frequency range to give sound that "high definition" flavor, but for me, it comes off as harsh and piercing (like the Sennheiser Momentum IEMs). If you're treble sensitive, the PX7 will start to get fatiguing after a while, especially if you listen to a lot of rock (cymbals and snares).

I actually ended up going back to the original PX, which seems to have been "revised" with a hard case and better padding (headband and ear pads). 3rd time's a charm, I guess.
Dec 17, 2019 at 1:13 PM Post #1,132 of 2,202
I actually ended up going back to the original PX, which seems to have been "revised" with a hard case and better padding (headband and ear pads). 3rd time's a charm, I guess.

Thanks for the comparison. Sounds like PX7 might be a good (brighter, more dynamic) compliment to the (smoother) M3.

I could never go back to the PX even though I quite liked the sound because the fit was so finicky. Couldn't wear glasses, and couldn't tilt my head even slightly downwards because doing that caused a tiny break in the seal and dramatic loss of bass. Basically had to sit completely still - which kind of defeats the purpose of having a wireless headphone.
Dec 17, 2019 at 1:30 PM Post #1,133 of 2,202
Thanks for the comparison. Sounds like PX7 might be a good (brighter, more dynamic) compliment to the (smoother) M3.

I could never go back to the PX even though I quite liked the sound because the fit was so finicky. Couldn't wear glasses, and couldn't tilt my head even slightly downwards because doing that caused a tiny break in the seal and dramatic loss of bass. Basically had to sit completely still - which kind of defeats the purpose of having a wireless headphone.
I wouldn't describe the PX7 as "brighter" than the M3, it's actually a fairly warm, slightly dark headphone, with a outlying peak at around 10 kHz, which is why it works with some genres better than others. The M3 works well with all genres. I don't think rock sounds very good on the PX7, but some over-processed newer pop music may sound better due to the normalizing effect of the PX7's sound signature on that type of music.

Glasses may be challenging, but they seemed to have improved the footprint of the ear pads, so the seal does not break when I chew (which was an issue with my first 2 pairs circa 2018). Leaning downwards at an office desk is fine, but bending over doing chores, etc. still causes movement, but it's still improved from prior iterations. For me, the primary use is at my desk, for which they are perfect. Gym, no.
Dec 17, 2019 at 2:53 PM Post #1,134 of 2,202
I have been struggling with the same problem as talked about here. I really like the PX7s except for the audio quality. I listen to hard rock and some metal and it just doesn't sound very good on the PX7s. To me they seem very dark and muddy, but I am certainly no audiophile. I have the PX7s, the Dali IO 6s and the M3s and to me the best sound quality for the music I listen to is with the M3s. Someone said it here so I dont want to steal your line, but it's like the PX7s and Dalis had a baby it would be the M3s IMHO.
Dec 17, 2019 at 6:39 PM Post #1,138 of 2,202
I have been struggling with the same problem as talked about here. I really like the PX7s except for the audio quality. I listen to hard rock and some metal and it just doesn't sound very good on the PX7s. To me they seem very dark and muddy, but I am certainly no audiophile. I have the PX7s, the Dali IO 6s and the M3s and to me the best sound quality for the music I listen to is with the M3s. Someone said it here so I dont want to steal your line, but it's like the PX7s and Dalis had a baby it would be the M3s IMHO.
Yep, my findings precisely. I listen to a lot of rock music & related genres/sub-genres (metal, AOR, classic rock, 80s) and the PX7 are underwhelming. The latest Drake album? The PX7 got you covered.
Dec 18, 2019 at 11:27 AM Post #1,140 of 2,202
I'll add some more positive recent reviews of the PX7.

I will say, most of the reviews I've read outside of Ratings measurements, have been extremely positive. The below quote was taken directly from Home Cinema Magazine, a Dutch review site.

"The most important thing about headphones is of course the sound quality. Being able to enjoy your favorite music in a comfortable way, in the highest possible quality. And in this area the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 certainly does not disappoint. Moreover; now that we have experienced this model, we are happy to ignore the original PX."

This is not a shot at those who's preference is NOT the PX7. There's no right or wrong with headphone opinions as we all have different needs, hearing, head shapes, and listening tastes. This is simply to show the PX7s in a positive light since we've had quite a few negative opinions on them from many on here, including myself as I went back and forth between the PX7, Dali io-6, Momentum 3, etc.

In the end, my original first early impression was the correct one. I prefer the PX7 to the Momentum 3. I should've just stuck with that. After reading opinions on here, I started getting curious, second guessing, and swapping back and forth. I just enjoy using the PX7s more. I find their sound more exciting although slightly inconsistent in some cases. I still say the Momentum 3 is the slightly cleaner, closer to neutral headphone, but I just enjoy the PX7 more. That's in sound quality and every other feature about it. I even like how they feel around my neck better because I can rotate the ear cups LOL. To those who've stuck with the PX7 from the beginning and never wavered, I salute you :smile_phones:. My Momentum 3s are officially on their way back to Amazon and there's no turning back. I think I will pick up the Dali io-6 again as a more neutral headphone for at home use when I'm in the mood for that.

One more thing, the firmware update on the PX7s is awesome. To those who were frustrated with the fact that you couldn't control the volume while in Transparency Mode, that has been fixed. Also, although B&W doesn't list it, and I doubt they would, I feel the sound has been cleaned up ever so slightly. Maybe it's just placebo or burn in LOL. I don't know, but that's what my ears and mind is telling me.
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