BitPerfect (was: Audirvana Alternatives)
Dec 21, 2012 at 9:06 PM Post #676 of 801
I've experienced a few new little oddities since the latest iTunes update 11.0.1
Some stutters at the start of songs that I wasn't getting a week ago
The joys of being a software developer ...
Happy Holidays agentsim

I'm afraid I'm going to sound like a broken record... but get in touch, e-mail or PM, and I'll debug with you :)
Dec 21, 2012 at 10:44 PM Post #677 of 801
I never shifted the I/O Procedure Duration and Thread Priority from default due to instability. Updated to the latest version and have shifted the sliders to full hog mode. Have had to tweak other iTunes interaction settings to fix skips and delayed playback but the improvement in SQ is quite apparent. Gonna have to spend more time with this configuration but hopefully it holds up against bugs and instability.
Dec 22, 2012 at 12:02 AM Post #678 of 801
I just discovered that fixed indexing helps to eliminate the stuttering at the beginning of tracks
Thanks olor1n for reminding me to try the I/O sliders as well
Heh Tim, I'll have some fun playing with settings over the weekend.
When it all works, it sounds so much better than the basic OSX engine 

Dec 22, 2012 at 7:40 AM Post #679 of 801
Problem solved, I hadn't scanned for my library correctly - my fault! Now switching perfectly as before. Will BitPerfect continuously monitor the directory it found for iTunes (or does it even need to)? Thanks for a wonderful app as always and have a great Christmas.
Hi, sorry to hear about the problem. Can you send me your device info, either via e-mail or PM?

Dec 22, 2012 at 11:12 AM Post #680 of 801
Will BitPerfect continuously monitor the directory it found for iTunes (or does it even need to)? Thanks for a wonderful app as always and have a great Christmas.

No it won't, but it doesn't need to unless you import music in a new place. For many people, all their music is in the iTunes default folder which is:
/Users/[your user]/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music.
That means any music you add into that directory (or a subdirectory) will work just fine. It is the same for users who manage their music folder themselves, any subdirectory is ok. If you do need to move your music folder, or you need to use a new location as well as the old one, then, from the BitPerfect menu, select "Choose Music Directory" and you can run through the scan process a second time.
Dec 22, 2012 at 6:32 PM Post #681 of 801
I've sorted out a few things with my own system:
Mac Mini, OSX 10.8.2, iTunes 11.0.1, USB to W4S DAC2
1) "default to fixed indexing" seems to cure the stuttering at the beginning of tracks
2) every now and again, when switching from one high-res (88 or 96 KHz) song to the next in a playlist the DAC output goes crazy digital and I have to press stop before my dogs and wife go wild, press play then all is fine again 

Dec 22, 2012 at 7:52 PM Post #682 of 801
Bitperfect almost perfectly working...Make sure to grab 1.0.5.
Tryed every variation on these
Equipment:  MacBookPro->Schiit Modi->Schiit Lyr->Fostex t50rp "Maddogs"
Equipment:  MacMini->NI Audio 2 DJ, Schiit Lyr->Sennheiser HD25-1 ii
Equipment: MacMini->Line 6 Toneport UX->Schiit Lyr->"Maddogs"
So after much twidling and persistence, a couple of hardware changes and I am still working great.  I can summarize a couple of tips and findings
1. Basics
Scanning,  make sure to do a couple of things first.  I found this particular recipe worked.
Start iTunes:
Play a Song         (I think this loads some type of internal list)
Open Bitperfect    (Let is Scan for iTunes music)
Warning it might crash after the scan completes but you will see progress.
If this happens, start Bitperfect again and do NOT scan.
Play another song in iTunes with Bitperfect in Menubar
In Bitperfect preferences select the iTunes Music folder.
Special note once you have Bitperfect going make sure IF you have other
music that is outside of iTunes..
From Menubar->BitPerfect->Change Music Directory
and point it at whatever directory contains music inside the iTunes database but not in the
iTunes Music folder.   (Got that?)
2. Sound
The settings I am using worked stability for
NI Audio2DJ and Schiit Modi.

3. Itunes
I found that the blips between sounds from list loading generally went away with this combo

4. Advanced
I also believe these had some effect on performance and quality

Hope this helps somebody or maybe I am stupid that it took a while
to work good.  If anyone has any suggestions to improve this setup....
I do however really like an Audio Hijack setup for the Audio Unit plugin chain
advanced EQs, Spectrograms and whatnot.
Bitperfect is great though.
Dec 23, 2012 at 12:03 PM Post #683 of 801
Thanks l0rdr0ck
Nice summary
My experiences have been pretty much the same as yours
I tried to sort out the Advanced settings yesterday, after seeing what worked for you
Shortening the I/O Procedure makes the stuttering worse for me, so it's staying on the longest
So far, I'm having good results with the I/O Priority set at the highest
Seasons greetings and cheers
Dec 24, 2012 at 12:02 AM Post #684 of 801
I've sorted out a few things with my own system:
Mac Mini, OSX 10.8.2, iTunes 11.0.1, USB to W4S DAC2
1) "default to fixed indexing" seems to cure the stuttering at the beginning of tracks
2) every now and again, when switching from one high-res (88 or 96 KHz) song to the next in a playlist the DAC output goes crazy digital and I have to press stop before my dogs and wife go wild, press play then all is fine again 

I've had similar experiences.   1.0.5 is working perfectly for me, and I'm running exactly the same setup you describe.  I get a brief stutter at the beginning of a track only when I switch on the fly to a track with a different sampling rate.  For example, while a 16/44.1 track is playing, without stopping it, I might double click a 24/96 track to start it playing.  Only in that situation do I get a minor glitch for maybe 1 second.  I wonder if the fixed indexing setting would help this--I'll have to try it tomorrow.
Dec 24, 2012 at 12:39 AM Post #685 of 801
Pretty sure the glitch will happen when sample rate is changed.
it blips on  4+ different interfaces, i tried when it auto changes.  
this is why i just leave it at always one bit rate. my compromises.
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:30 PM Post #687 of 801
On a macbook pro core 2 duo 4 gigs
works fine, you should have no issues.
running slingbox app, ableton live with 4 AU synths and mastering chain, touchable, and tractor pro
at the same time with soundflower 64 channels so....
running at 90% cpu all times and bitperfect can still work.
im sure my SSD drive helps but you should be GTG
Dec 25, 2012 at 3:35 AM Post #688 of 801
On a macbook pro core 2 duo 4 gigs
works fine, you should have no issues.
running slingbox app, ableton live with 4 AU synths and mastering chain, touchable, and tractor pro
at the same time with soundflower 64 channels so....
running at 90% cpu all times and bitperfect can still work.
im sure my SSD drive helps but you should be GTG

Jan 1, 2013 at 4:30 AM Post #689 of 801
Another finding, when you do itunes cloud download it seems sometimes files are saved with
a .m4p extension.  These items do not seem to play with Bitperfect. rename them to .m4a,  i changed the extensions and nothing
really broke. and now songs that were not being played in Bitperfect play.

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