Beyerdynamic DT770 vs 880 vs 990
Jan 27, 2008 at 4:12 AM Post #46 of 103
Yes, i recommend you to do a new try with the new model, you will don't get disappointed. Today i have listen some songs in the computer that i hear years ago with my ex-speakers (that i enjoyed A LOT (i did put the volume near the max in that setup, all the day to the night but...)) to see how those to be heared in my "New" setup compared with my ex-speakers. And for me these songs sound better than my ex-5.1 speakers, above all in the image and position of the instruments and voices, and thanks to my XMOD, the voices does heared lifelike as never before. i was very impressed.
I only use the eq to raise in some frecuencies (500hz to 2khz) with some very low bitrate (less than 128kb/s) and low quality songs and the sound (thanks again to my XMOD) is astonishing. With TV too is astonishing, the voices are lifelike with some stereo channels, the voices are in the center (some feets away (in TV)) and the efects are around. My Xmod create a very open and collosal soundstage (and not artificial) in the medium setting of CMSS3D and with the Crystalizer at %75 compared without these. I feel pity for that these that sold this marvelous gem and doesn't get his maximum potential...


Originally Posted by manaox2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The DT990 were my favorite phone ever for movies and anime...

As for those who said earlier that the 250 ohm DT990 pro require better amplification for the bass texture, you may be right. I sold them before upgrading to a better amp. Fairly certain that I would have to give them another try now.

Jan 27, 2008 at 4:23 AM Post #47 of 103
I agree, i don't get no problems that you mentioned. The bass is perfect and doesn't overpower the other frecuencies. That depend of the song/recording quality/type that you are listening that add sibilance. if the song has much treble and sibilance, the music sound with much sibilance even wirh an "balanced" headphone in the high frecuencies. if the bass in the recording is bloated or bad quality and with a lot of volume.... is the same.

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i really am confused why people say the dt990s have strong/overpowering bass. without eq'ing i found their bass to be neutral to lacking. and this was from several sources and several ears (a few of my audiophile friends). unless someone's an airhead, i really can't see the bass being fatiguing. in fact, how the heck do you not get fatigued by the sibilant treble before the bass?

Jan 27, 2008 at 4:56 AM Post #48 of 103
...Yes it depend of your source (well not alot as an amp but in my case it matter/depend (my source can be bright and punchy in the bass or can be neutral/boring if i doesn't use nothing...; and can give a small soundtstage/headstage or an ginormous soundstage/headstage or can give a natural soundstage or an artificial soundstage)) and amplification to give it what is is capable. Between more voltage it deliver (and quality in general), the better and more open it will sound (the bass, mids, treble, soundstage, headstage, image, detail, etc). I feel that the bottleneck in my setup is the amp (specially in the soundstage/headstage), but it is very good indeed (it impulse my headphones near (%75) of his maximum potential).
I never will get rid of this headphone. or anyone of you can tell me of another Open/closed headphone that can give me the gigant headstage and spacious and airy soundstage at the same time, with a VERY strong and extended bass and of excelent quality, very good mids; and very good and extended highs with lifelike quality, and obviously that doesn't sound boring or sterile or polite haha, umm?
Ah, and without making surgeries (recables) to them to sound GOOD and without invert a TON in a very expensive amp to sound decent (this headphones sound excelent with my PA2V2 but with distortion (sometimes in the bass and treble) because the voltage to drive them better isn't enough), and that doesn't cost so much (doesn't break the bank or cost you an arm or an eye), you listen, senneiser HD650... sorry.
You owners, should be more proud of, and not leave to impress for others negatives comments/impressions.

Originally Posted by audiorapture /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have the Dt990pro, as well as the SennHD650, AKG701, Grado sr60, and a few others in the past. Drawing on a small variety of headphones with very different sound signatures may I try to summarize just a few points, as I am looking to purchase either the 880 or 990. The 990 has better dynamic bass and very high highs while the 880 has a better detail and defined soundstage. Where I think I may have it backwards, (or not), is if I use a baseball field as a backdrop: the 880 can be measured from the pitchers mound and has its soundstage from 1st to 3d base. The 990 comes from standing near the bag at 2nd base and the soundstage comes from the shortstop position and the 2nd base players position. I hope this is correct. Both have good mid-range properties. Both improve with amplification.
I looked at the "" rating for both of these phones and while the 990 seemed to be stable at an "8" rating, the 880 seemed to change each time I clicked back, (rather odd)......
So, depending on your amp, source, interconnects, the music selection you have chosen, the state of your hearing, and the mood you are in regardless of who you are with; the winner is .........your choice.

Jan 27, 2008 at 5:28 AM Post #49 of 103
Well, I can't speak for the 770 or 990's, but my first pair of decent headphones was a pair of Grado SR-125. My second was my DT-880.2005's. I got them for under $200, and I can honestly say I was floored by their quality.
The SR-125's are definately bright and fun, but they can't stand up to the build quality of the Beyerdynamics. The headphones seem invincible, and they appear to be easily dissasmebled. The sound is incredible, too. It is certainly more analytical than the Grados, but it is awesome (and better, IMO) in its own way. It's true that the 880's are best enjoyed with amplification, but I've been using them for a while directly out of my portable players and PC and I can honestly say that they still sound superior to the Grados. While they are a bit big to carry around, once they're on your head they seem to dissapear. I wear them around a lot, and the only downside is you get some pretty strange looks from passerbys. But what do they know, right?
For under $200, the DT-880 2005 edition is an incredible deal. Check on eBay, there's still a few sellers offering them at that price. I have never heard the 990's, but the 880's are at a great price point and I *HIGHLY* recommend them.
Jan 27, 2008 at 1:25 PM Post #50 of 103

Originally Posted by wilashort /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, i am a little confused with your interpretation about that the soundstage of dt990 is more shallow than dt880, but it's further away?; please explain what you mean; or you refer to the soundstage width...?. The soundstage of dt880 is deeper than dt990 but closer. Well, here you mean that the soundstage in the dt880 is deeper but it sound closed in, or it not?
And it: and dt990 is like 6th row but with a 2m deep stage. If the DT990 is in the 6th row how is that it's 2m deep? and not 6m deep? (well unless the space in the six rows were narrower, that it did measure 2m deep...). well i understand it in another perspective, but i want that you clarify it better.
In other hand, yes, i can't sacrifice the airyness and spaciousness of my DT990 (with my Xmod with CMSS3D enabled in the middle, it sound more open) and the bass, and more when i want an headphone that sound with the stage of a loudspeaker, and it is the best (clear it depend of the kind of music/recording/etc quality that you hear) for that....
Was for all it, that i buy in the past year this headphone instead of the DT880
Yeah, i'd like a little bit more depth in the soundstage.

I will try to explain more.

With dt880, the instruments separates over a longer depth (Z-axis), like they are spread out over a 5 meter stage, but you are closer to the stage then with dt990.

With dt990, you are sitting further away from the stage, but the different depths of the instruments are smaller. There is less separation of the instruments in the depth of the stage, like if the instruments would have been spread out over a 2 meter deep stage. It's harder to tell which instrument is furthest away. With dt990, there is more like the instruments are placed along a line in the X-axis.

The instruments of dt990 are spread out over larger Y-axis (up/down) than dt880. DT990 also have a wider soundstage (X-axis, left/right) than dt880. This make the dt880 sound more closed in than dt990.

DT880 do have instruments very far away, and dt990 have instruments very close also, but in general, dt880 have the majority closer and dt990 have the majority further away.
Jan 27, 2008 at 2:26 PM Post #51 of 103
With regard to bass: there seem to be two types of people here on head-fi. The first are people who seem to not like much bass in their headphones. These folks like headphones like the AT woodies and the Sony SA3k/5K, among others, which have very light bass. These folks feel that sort of bass response sounds the most natural, and they feel that more bass sounds bloated and unnatural.

Then there are those of us who prefer much more bass, and we also feel that this is the proper way to reproduce bass, not finding it excessive at all, and that headphones that don't produce robust bass quantity (like the ones above) sound weak, anemic, and thin.

Neither group is "right", this is just preference. But it does mean that some people will tell you the DT990 has excessive bass, and some, like me
, will tell you that it has just enough bass.

The DT990's bass quality is EXCELLENT. This cannot be debated, IMO. It may, however, be too much bass for some people.
Jan 27, 2008 at 2:54 PM Post #52 of 103

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
With regard to bass: there seem to be two types of people here on head-fi. The first are people who seem to not like much bass in their headphones. These folks like headphones like the AT woodies and the Sony SA3k/5K, among others, which have very light bass. These folks feel that sort of bass response sounds the most natural, and they feel that more bass sounds bloated and unnatural.

Then there are those of us who prefer much more bass, and we also feel that this is the proper way to reproduce bass, not finding it excessive at all, and that headphones that don't produce robust bass quantity (like the ones above) sound weak, anemic, and thin.

Neither group is "right", this is just preference. But it does mean that some people will tell you the DT990 has excessive bass, and some, like me
, will tell you that it has just enough bass.

The DT990's bass quality is EXCELLENT. This cannot be debated, IMO. It may, however, be too much bass for some people.

I have not heard the expensive "king of bass" headphones like ED9, L3000, Darthbeyer etc. but I have heard speakers, and I want the speaker kind of bass, which hits in the entire body. Since no headphone which I've heard can produce this kind of bass, I've given up on getting that bass and instead focuses on the other qualities in headphones, namely midrange and clarity.

This might change however if I hear the "king of bass" headphones and find them to be what I seek, but I doubt that they will.

EDIT: I would probably take anyone of the "king of bass" headphones over what I have now though, since I belive that they will be excellent in the other areas as well. I don't think I would turn away from a headphone because of a great amount of bass.
Jan 27, 2008 at 5:33 PM Post #53 of 103
Very good explained this time, and to the point; very good job guy!. You are right about the soundstages depth, width and up/down. Yes the weakness in the soundstage about the DT990 is the depth; it is not very deep and the maximum that i have can appreciate is also of 2 m deep (for now) with a dolby digital trailer. I need to listen more material...

Originally Posted by Henmyr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I will try to explain more.

With dt880, the instruments separates over a longer depth (Z-axis), like they are spread out over a 5 meter stage, but you are closer to the stage then with dt990.

With dt990, you are sitting further away from the stage, but the different depths of the instruments are smaller. There is less separation of the instruments in the depth of the stage, like if the instruments would have been spread out over a 2 meter deep stage. It's harder to tell which instrument is furthest away. With dt990, there is more like the instruments are placed along a line in the X-axis.

The instruments of dt990 are spread out over larger Y-axis (up/down) than dt880. DT990 also have a wider soundstage (X-axis, left/right) than dt880. This make the dt880 sound more closed in than dt990.

DT880 do have instruments very far away, and dt990 have instruments very close also, but in general, dt880 have the majority closer and dt990 have the majority further away.

Haha, ...fell that more bass sound bloated and unnatural. What wrong are them!
It's the way as sound the things in reality. or is perhaps when a lightning fall to the ground in a thunder, sound thin (un pasito tun tun... hahaha)? haha, would be very unrealistic; and that is called balance in the music, ha!,,,.
Or a drum when is hitted sound as paper, tis tis tis, hahaha... i don't believe/understand the way of think of these people (there are very rare people in this world....)

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
These folks feel that sort of bass response sounds the most natural, and they feel that more bass sounds bloated and unnatural.

Then there are those of us who prefer much more bass, and we also feel that this is the proper way to reproduce bass, not finding it excessive at all, and that headphones that don't produce robust bass quantity (like the ones above) sound weak, anemic, and thin.

Neither group is "right", this is just preference. But it does mean that some people will tell you the DT990 has excessive bass, and some, like me
, will tell you that it has just enough bass.

The DT990's bass quality is EXCELLENT. This cannot be debated, IMO. It may, however, be too much bass for some people.

Jan 27, 2008 at 11:06 PM Post #54 of 103
mmmmm big tasty bass.....

I find my 880s can pump out some pretty serious bass!!!! I can only imagine what the 990s would do!!!
Jan 27, 2008 at 11:51 PM Post #56 of 103
Hey all, new to the forum.. consulted the site a bunch, but never joined.

Anyways, I just ordered the DT880s partly because of this thread and partly because of others' reviews.

My question/comment: from what I gather from this thread is that the treble can be too much in the 990s. Basically, would an amp be able to kinda monitor that? If you get a nice-matching amp, then could it be a little more leveled out? Which amp would be a good match for the 880s while staying below $175 shipped? What about the 990s?

Jan 27, 2008 at 11:54 PM Post #57 of 103
meier arietta, goes for $180-200 USD. best amp in your price range i would think for the dt880/dt990.

meier amps have been known to be synergistic with beyer headphones. also the crossfeed function in their amps reduce the sibilant treble.
Jan 28, 2008 at 5:00 AM Post #58 of 103

Originally Posted by captainbrendo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
mmmmm big tasty bass.....

I find my 880s can pump out some pretty serious bass!!!! I can only imagine what the 990s would do!!!

Theres more thump & extention & thats about it..880's bass is better..
Jan 28, 2008 at 10:29 AM Post #60 of 103
The DT990's bass has been discussed in deep in another thread, and it's briefly like k_b_i said, the DT880 is simply better - fuller, more realistic, not so inflated like in the DT990's.
And the ED9's bass... oh, boy!
Real or not, it's incredibly good sounding.

Regarding DT990's sibilance - there were tons of it on the Graham Slee Solo.

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