It really depends on your music taste and pairing equipment. And we all know that graphs are not playing music. On some of the tube amp designs like EAR or even Berning amps you'll see solutions that are very very bad for the circuit but some just love those products no matter what measured parameters are. To my ears I would say W5000 is the only headphone that let me submerge in music. I've owned or auditioned most of the cans except top Stax , Qualia, T1 . I just cannot explain that but I cannot hear anything wrong with W5000 in my setup and they convey all the emotions in music. Guess I'm the fan boy
. Mind that my source is heavy modded Raysonic with NOS tubes that contributes a lot in my setup.
You can find my impressions here:
And just to remind everybody - headphone world is not the only one - I've acquired new speakers and I have to admit it's been long time since I've had my headphones on my head.