Audio-GD Reference 7 - the new flagship DAC
Feb 20, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #2,118 of 2,738

On a lighter note.
Anyone else around here using Tube preamps or amps with their AGD Dac?
Granted the Roc/Ref5 combo sounds great, but mating the Ref7 with tubes is to die for...highly recommended.

I use REF5 with Woo 6 SE and Senn HD800..... Sound is fantastic !!!! and the REF5 only has 20 hrs so far.... Next week, I'll receive the DI with the upgraded clock....
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:19 PM Post #2,123 of 2,738
Usb input into the cd7 so cd7 can reclock the signal, and output in coaxial/bnc spdif. Not sure if it would degrade SQ when playing cd, but would give the cd7 more appeal to people who don't like playing cd's.
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:24 PM Post #2,124 of 2,738
Usb input into the cd7 so cd7 can reclock the signal, and output in coaxial/bnc spdif. Not sure if it would degrade SQ when playing cd, but would give the cd7 more appeal to people who don't like playing cd's.

You forget he has more experience than 99% of the people hear (sic). He's probably already suggested it to Kingwa. LOL
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:27 PM Post #2,125 of 2,738

Usb input into the cd7 so cd7 can reclock the signal, and output in coaxial/bnc spdif. Not sure if it would degrade SQ when playing cd, but would give the cd7 more appeal to people who don't like playing cd's.

Ahhh, now there is an idea....hopefully it would make computer sources sound more like the CD7
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:31 PM Post #2,126 of 2,738
Who says head-fi has become a boring place? 

Feb 20, 2011 at 10:42 PM Post #2,128 of 2,738
That's a very good point: Why hasn't anyone thought of making a CD transport with USB input? Or rather, a digital interface with a CD player built-in.
Feb 21, 2011 at 5:03 AM Post #2,130 of 2,738
Now that you've realised your mistake, purchasing the Squeeze device to start with, there are a few things that you can do to enhance your listening pleasure. But be realistic! Squeeze toys are not true audiophile gear, they are toys that have been retrofitted for sudo serious audio [ie internet radio and such]. 5+ figure Dacs are made for serious audio not computers and toys from a computer peripheral company. You've also probably found out by now that the software isn't very good either. If I recall each version of SqueezeCenter sounds different and none are on par with top notch computer software like PureMusic, XXHighEnd, Cplay If you really want to get the best out of your computer software use Linux and dig into the OS to have it handle S-Center with real-time priority, and fine tune the way it uses the CPU to process the audio data. Thats my recommendation.
Unfortunately it's very likely that your Squeezebox will not sound any better than SPDIF out of knackered 20 year old CD spinner with a wonky laser! Having owned a S-box and still having it as well as using every piece of audio software available on every operating system I have more experience than 99% of the people hear to form a subjective opinion about the sound characteristics of software vs. a CD-Transport. Anyway, I digress, Back to the topic, SqueezeCenter [processes] the audio data on a computer then sends it out to a device like the Squeezebox.  If you think that this process can occur on a computer without any effects from the computer contaminating the data you are crazy. (Well, you probably are crazy. You bought the Squeezebox didn't you?) And that's not the end of the bad news. (Bet your wishing you'd never bought a Squeezebox now that I'm educating you. Right?) Networking.... Let me tell you about TCP/IP. (I thought it was a brand of Spagetti, but I just read an article on the web and think I'm getting the hang of this networking malarky now.)  Then there is all the jitter associated with running data over a network, IP network jitter is a big issue, it happens when you try to send data from one IP [the computer] to another IP [the SB], there is always a delay in the packets of data due to a host of factors like traffic, and queuing up the data as well as big time bottlenecks in the router itself. Recommend if you must use S-box then buy a separate router just for your music and configure it properly.
I hope this helps. But as my old Dad used to say, you can't polish a turd. You bought a toy, it's not really audio, let alone audiophile. Anyway, follow my recommendations to the letter and with a bit of luck you'll have your recently ripped Michael Bolton CD sounding like a 128K mp3 lost a fight with a bumblebee, but that's about the best you can hope for. Better yet, sell it all, computer and your squeezebox device and buy an iPod. It'll sound better. You know it makes sense! (Yeah, I know you need a computer to get your music onto the iPod. Worry about that later.)
Toodle-pip. I'm off to rip out my CAT5 and replace it with damp string. Just had a tip on another forum that it does wonders for all that nasty network jitter.
Yours, Dyno.

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