Audio-Gd R-28 impressions thread
Jun 22, 2018 at 1:56 AM Post #93 of 1,787
If you nfb-1 is still new, it could gain some treble with time. I use a slightly bright cable with mine: audio art ic-3 in balanced version. Good choice if you need to boost the treble a bit. And cheap enough. Needs 150 hours of burning... Ms-audio (ebay) has very good, even better cables for not much more. The litz struture silver cable is excellent.
The advantage of an AIO like the R-28 is that these interconnect variables are completely removed from the equation. It’s then all about the synergy between amp and dac, and how many options you have to tweak the sound. Of course with the R-28 you’re able to expand your options with external amps and dacs (and interconnects) so you’re never really limited to using it as an AIO. As a foundation for a high-end head-fi system I can’t think of any other device anywhere near its price range that comes close in terms of power, features, flexibility and expandability. Here’s hoping the SQ measures up and I think we’re all in for a treat.
Jun 22, 2018 at 3:04 AM Post #94 of 1,787
To anyone who owns or has owned an AudioGD amp, is fine to use them for basically almost 12 hours of constant use every day?

Many users leave them on 24/7 - I leave my NFB11.32 powered up for days at a time, only really switch off when I know it won't be used for a day or two.
I have raised my amp on taller feet for additional cooling, and it never gets more than warm.

Kingwa told me it is perfectly fine to keep my amp powered on for a week at a time - it's designed to be used.
Jun 22, 2018 at 3:15 AM Post #95 of 1,787
Many users leave them on 24/7 - I leave my NFB11.32 powered up for days at a time, only really switch off when I know it won't be used for a day or two.
I have raised my amp on taller feet for additional cooling, and it never gets more than warm.

Kingwa told me it is perfectly fine to keep my amp powered on for a week at a time - it's designed to be used.
I never switch my R2R-11 off. Not sure if that’s good practice or not. And not sure what is good for the higher end gear. I do know the amps sound better when they’ve been on for a couple of hours. I read somewhere the Master series sounds best after it’s been on for a couple of days!
Jun 22, 2018 at 3:28 AM Post #96 of 1,787
Hey did anybody know what is?

Volume characteristic
  100 steps Super Exponential Volume Characteristic

I not used to this kind of wording.

Did they will affect sound quality.

Due to if we go pass 80% it will bring distortion ? due to it exponential?
Jun 22, 2018 at 3:57 AM Post #97 of 1,787
Hey did anybody know what is?

Volume characteristic
  100 steps Super Exponential Volume Characteristic

I not used to this kind of wording.

Did they will affect sound quality.

Due to if we go pass 80% it will bring distortion ? due to it exponential?
It means the volume pot is not linear, so when you’re at 50 on the dial (or at least in the display because it’s an electronic relay) you’re not at 50% power (you’re at 50% closer to 80 on the display, and it quickly ramps up - exponentially - from there).

There’s a graph on the Audio-Gd website that shows you how this works. It has nothing to do with distortion - given how powerful this amp is your headphones will distort and probably explode long before you reach full power...
Jun 22, 2018 at 4:08 AM Post #98 of 1,787
It means the volume pot is not linear, so when you’re at 50 on the dial (or at least in the display because it’s an electronic relay) you’re not at 50% power (you’re at 50% closer to 80 on the display, and it quickly ramps up - exponentially - from there).

There’s a graph on the Audio-Gd website that shows you how this works. It has nothing to do with distortion - given how powerful this amp is your headphones will distort and probably explode long before you reach full power...

So you mean it kind of too powerful for headphone amp and as a preamp too?

What my concern is in matching them with power amp

Jun 22, 2018 at 4:38 AM Post #99 of 1,787
So you mean it kind of too powerful for headphone amp and as a preamp too?

What my concern is in matching them with power amp

No, I mean it has plenty of power on tap. Also it can function as a preamp or dac direct, so you can decide how much power you’re sending to your power amp. That is, if you’re connecting it to a power amp or powered speakers, you’d likely set it to dac direct via the balanced or RCA outs and feed your amp/power speakers a fixed voltage. You would then change the volume on your power amp or speakers (the volume pot on the R-28 would be disabled in this mode).

I’m probably not explaining it as well as I could, but rest assured it’s not TOO powerful (unless you’re trying to drive very sensitive IEMs, in which case an amp like this is overkill anyway).
Jun 22, 2018 at 4:55 AM Post #100 of 1,787
Oh yes, I run my Audio-gd amps; Master 2's and Master 3 for 24h except when I'm on trips. In fact, I have reduced the use of electric heaters/radiators at home.

Many users leave them on 24/7 - I leave my NFB11.32 powered up for days at a time, only really switch off when I know it won't be used for a day or two.
I have raised my amp on taller feet for additional cooling, and it never gets more than warm.

Kingwa told me it is perfectly fine to keep my amp powered on for a week at a time - it's designed to be used.
Thank you for the reply.

Also, I got another question (anyone's welcome to answer): Its perfectly fine I hook up the line-outs of my audio interface (since I do record and what not) to the R-28 (or like an NFB-1) and use its XLR-outs to my powered monitors, right?
Jun 22, 2018 at 5:00 AM Post #101 of 1,787
No, I mean it has plenty of power on tap. Also it can function as a preamp or dac direct, so you can decide how much power you’re sending to your power amp. That is, if you’re connecting it to a power amp or powered speakers, you’d likely set it to dac direct via the balanced or RCA outs and feed your amp/power speakers a fixed voltage. You would then change the volume on your power amp or speakers (the volume pot on the R-28 would be disabled in this mode).

I’m probably not explaining it as well as I could, but rest assured it’s not TOO powerful (unless you’re trying to drive very sensitive IEMs, in which case an amp like this is overkill anyway).
Ok noted thanks
Jun 22, 2018 at 5:13 AM Post #102 of 1,787
Also, I got another question (anyone's welcome to answer): Its perfectly fine I hook up the line-outs of my audio interface (since I do record and what not) to the R-28 (or like an NFB-1) and use its XLR-outs to my powered monitors, right?

It should be fine, yes. Effectively the interface passes the line-level analog signal to the R-28 / NFB-1 as normal analog input. It thus bypasses the internal DAC and goes straight to the amp section. This can then be used to send the unfettered signal to powered monitors. The only tricky bit depends on whether the powered monitors have their own volume control or if you will be using the AGD's volume control.

There is no straight answer on which is best, and it will take some experimentation to determine what sounds better to your ears, and also what is most practical from a usability point of view. If the speakers have a volume control, I would suggest using the DAC-out (line-level / non-variable) output to the speakers.
Jun 22, 2018 at 6:10 AM Post #103 of 1,787
Many users leave them on 24/7 - I leave my NFB11.32 powered up for days at a time, only really switch off when I know it won't be used for a day or two.
I have raised my amp on taller feet for additional cooling, and it never gets more than warm.

Kingwa told me it is perfectly fine to keep my amp powered on for a week at a time - it's designed to be used.
My dac and pre and eveything is running 24/7. The oldest gear is 4 years old. No issue, Another gear i used to own has been on for the last 7-8 years and still running great.
Jun 22, 2018 at 7:33 AM Post #105 of 1,787
It should be fine, yes. Effectively the interface passes the line-level analog signal to the R-28 / NFB-1 as normal analog input. It thus bypasses the internal DAC and goes straight to the amp section. This can then be used to send the unfettered signal to powered monitors. The only tricky bit depends on whether the powered monitors have their own volume control or if you will be using the AGD's volume control.

There is no straight answer on which is best, and it will take some experimentation to determine what sounds better to your ears, and also what is most practical from a usability point of view. If the speakers have a volume control, I would suggest using the DAC-out (line-level / non-variable) output to the speakers.
Well, I was thinking of Interface>R28/NFB1>Powered monitors

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